hi 小朋友,你哋識唔識寶可夢嘅名呀 如果唔識嘅話,唔緊要 嚟啦,跟住我就得架喇 一齊唱啦 123 go
寶可夢 問你識 幾多個 聽這歌 唱這歌 數到幾多個 啦啦啦 寶可夢像星般多 不要漏 手牽手 一起唱歌
小拳石 火恐龍 海星星 尼多王 隆隆石 毛球 寶石海星 凱羅斯 貓老大 鴨嘴火獸 暴鯉龍 鐮刀盔 引夢貘人 化石翼龍 皮可西 化石盔 雙彈瓦斯 哈克龍 皮卡丘 波波 妙蛙種子 尼多力諾 小拉達 墨海馬 妙蛙花 三合一磁怪 海刺龍
小火龍 噴火龍 大針蜂 綠毛蟲 鐵甲蛹 鬼斯通 獨角蟲 迷你龍 鐵殼蛹 小火馬 烈焰馬 霸王花 水箭龜 耿鬼 喇叭芽 穿山王 金魚王 鯉魚王 飛天螳螂
寶可夢 問你識 幾多個 聽這歌 唱這歌 數到幾多個 啦啦啦 寶可夢像星般多 不要漏 手牽手 一起唱歌
蚊香蝌蚪 快拳郎 霹靂電球 胡地 三地鼠 尼多朗 頑皮雷彈 胖丁 蚊香泳士 胖可丁 飛腿郎 魔牆人偶 迷唇姐 多刺菊石獸 走路草 傑尼龜 妙蛙草 雷丘 瑪瑙水母 阿柏蛇 毒刺水母 催眠貘 卡咪龜 腕力 尼多蘭 急凍鳥 臭臭泥 白海獅
小海獅 鬼斯 小磁怪 穿山鼠 地鼠 阿柏怪 怪力 大蔥鴨 火爆猴 大岩蛇 大鉗蟹 大舌頭 比比鳥 大比鳥 電擊獸 大食花 菊石獸 袋獸 卡比獸
寶可夢 問你識 幾多個 聽這歌 唱這歌 數到幾多個 啦啦啦,寶可夢 像星般多 不要漏 手牽手 一起唱歌
寶可夢 問你識 幾多個 聽這歌 唱這歌 數到幾多個 啦啦啦 寶可夢像星般多 不要漏 手牽手 一起唱歌
派拉斯 拉達 豪力 快龍 超夢 派拉斯特 呆殼獸 蛋蛋 尼多后 哥達鴨 椰蛋樹 六尾 卡蒂狗 肯泰羅 嘟嘟 可達鴨 拉普拉斯 凱西 瓦斯彈 蚊香君 九尾 尼多娜 臭臭花 巴大蝶 口呆花 風速狗 伊布 呆呆獸 喵喵 大嘴雀 超音蝠 猴怪
卡拉卡拉 嘎啦嘎啦
1 2 3 GO
寶可夢 問你識 幾多個 (水伊布 勇基拉 閃電鳥 鑽角犀獸) 聽這歌 唱這歌 數到幾多個 (嘟嘟利 臭泥 角金魚 獨角犀牛) 啦啦啦 寶可夢像星般多 (雷伊布 火焰鳥 大舌貝 摩魯蛾) 不要漏 手牽手 一起唱歌 (巨鉗蟹 百變怪 皮皮 多邊獸)
寶可夢 問你識 幾多個 (刺甲貝 隆隆岩 大嘴蝠 烈雀) 聽這歌 唱這歌 數到幾多個 (蔓藤怪 火伊布 吉利蛋) 啦啦啦,寶可夢未知故事 與你去探知 (夢幻)
Hey kids, can you name these Pokémon? If you can't, that's alright. Come on, just follow me and you'll get them. Let's all sing in 1-2-3... Go!
How many Pokémon can you name? Hear this song, sing this song, count as many as you can La la la, they're as many as the stars Don't miss any of them, so let's hold hands and sing
Geodude, Charmeleon, Staryu, Nidoking, Graveler, Venonat, Starmie Pinsir, Persian, Magmar, Gyarados, Kabutops, Hypno, Aerodactyl Clefable, Kabuto, Weezing, Dragonair, Pikachu, Pidgey, Bulbasaur Nidorino, Rattata, Horsea, Venusaur, Magneton, Seadra
Charmander, Charizard, Beedrill Caterpie, Metapod, Haunter Weedle, Dratini, Kakuna Ponyta, Rapidash, Vileplume Blastoise, Gengar, Bellsprout Sandslash, Seaking, Magikarp, Scyther
How many Pokémon can you name? Hear this song, sing this song, count as many as you can La la la, they're as many as the stars Don't miss any of them, so let's hold hands and sing
Poliwag, Hitmonchan, Voltorb, Alakazam, Dugtrio, Nidoran♂, Electrode Jigglypuff, Poliwrath, Wigglytuff, Hitmonlee, Mr. Mime, Jynx, Omastar Oddish, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Raichu, Tentacool, Ekans, Tentacruel Drowzee, Wartortle, Machop, Nidoran♀, Articuno, Muk, Dewgong
Seel, Gastly, Magnemite Sandshrew, Diglett, Arbok Machamp, Farfetch'd, Primeape Onix, Krabby, Lickitung Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Electabuzz Victreebel, Omanyte, Kangaskhan, Snorlax
How many Pokémon can you name? Hear this song, sing this song, count as many as you can La la la, they're as many as the stars Don't miss any of them, so let's hold hands and sing
How many Pokémon can you name? Hear this song, sing this song, count as many as you can La la la, they're as many as the stars Don't miss any of them, so let's hold hands and sing
Paras, Raticate, Machoke, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Parasect Slowbro, Exeggcute, Nidoqueen, Golduck, Exeggutor, Vulpix Growlithe, Tauros, Doduo, Psyduck, Lapras Abra, Koffing, Poliwhirl, Ninetales, Nidorina, Gloom Butterfree, Weepinbell, Arcanine, Eevee, Slowpoke, Meowth Fearow, Zubat, Mankey
Cubone, Marowak
1-2-3... Go!
How many Pokémon can you name? (Vaporeon, Kadabra, Zapdos, Rhydon) Hear this song, sing this song, count as many as you can (Dodrio, Grimer, Goldeen, Rhyhorn) La la la, they're as many as the stars (Jolteon, Moltres, Shellder, Venomoth) Don't miss any of them, so let's hold hands and sing (Kingler, Ditto, Clefairy, Porygon)
How many Pokémon can you name? (Cloyster, Golem, Golbat, Spearow) Hear this song, sing this song, count as many as you can (Tangela, Flareon, Chansey) La la la, the unknown story of Pokémon Let's go search (Mew)