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A booster pack of Rainbow Lamincards series 1
Pokémon Lamincards are officially licensed Pokémon cards manufactured in 2005 by Italian Publishing Company Edibas. These Pokemon cards had all Pokémon from Generation I with 150 in total. The full list of different Pokémon in the different Generations can be found in List of Pokémon by National Pokédex number.
Collecting summary
No. of cards
Packs needed to finish
150 cards
38 packs
150 cards
38 packs
150 cards
30 packs
150 cards
30 packs
A comparison between the Series and Rainbow versions
These cards can easily be distinguished from other Lamincards sets due to the striking Horizontal background used in the cards. The Pokémon artworks are unique for this set. An other easy way to distinguish the difference is the Rainbow versus the blue backside of the cards.
Cards in Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Series 1
Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Series 1 consists of all 1 to 150 Pokémon from Generation I. A complete list can be found in List of Pokémon by National Pokédex number.
Sealed items of Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Series 1
Booster boxes have 24 packs inside with the number of cards inside packs differing based on language.
The Italian & Spanish booster packs contain 4 lamincards and the German & French have 5 lamincards in each pack.
How to distinguish the booster box of this set is yet unknown, the photo here is from an other set.
Promotional items of Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Series 1
For this set there was made a promotional Album to collect all the 386 cards.
This was made for the Italian market with 9 cards on each page.
Pokémon Vertical Lamincards Advanced Album front
Pokémon Vertical Lamincards Advanced Album first page
Pokémon Vertical Lamincards Advanced Album last page
Pokémon Vertical Lamincards Advanced Album backside