Rianti Hidayat

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Rianti's Twitter and Instagram icon as of 2024

Rianti Hidayat, also known as Rianti Hidayat Wong, is an illustrator for the Pokémon Trading Card Game from Bandung, Indonesia. She graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology in 2007, and received a scholarship to Japan in 2011.[1] Before illustrating for the TCG in an official capacity, her submitted artwork of Crowned Sword Zacian won the Judge's Award in the 2nd Pokémon Card Game Illustration Grand Prix. The first card illustrated by her was Impidimp from the Brilliant Stars expansion.

Outside of Pokémon, she was involved in character illustrations for Ninjala, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and the Korean version of Shironeko Project.[2]


This is a collection of official Pokémon artwork drawn by Rianti Hidayat.

There are 6 cards illustrated by Rianti Hidayat. For a list of cards she has illustrated, go here.

Other artwork

This is a collection of other promotional Pokémon artwork that Hidayat has contributed to.

Pokémon TCG Illustration Exhibition

From February 1 to 14, 2024, a Pokémon TCG Illustration Exhibition was held at the Pokémon TCG Academia event in Central Market Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), Jakarta, Indonesia. The exhibition features opening remarks by Rianti Hidayat and primarily focuses on Pokémon card artworks by the artist, alongside other select illustrations. The Rianti Hidayat artwork exhibits feature commentaries from the artist herself. The exhibit is also held as part of Pikachu's Indonesia Journey events held in select Indonesian cities.

The following table showcases the opening remarks and commentaries.

Exhibit Indonesian original commentary English translation

PTCG Illustration Exhibition PIK Opening Remarks.jpg

Opening remarks

Pokémon TCG Illustration Exhibition
Sambutan dari
Rianti Hidayat
Ilustrator Pokémon Game Koleksi asal Indonesia

Hallo semuanya! Ada yang seru nih! "Pokémon TCG Academia" sekarang hadir di Indonesia! Boleh sedikit cerita ya; sebagai pecinta berat Pokémon, salah satu impian saya sejak dulu adalah untuk bisa melihat gambar buatan saya menjadi bagian dari Pokémon Card Game. Dan kesempatan itu hadir saat saya menemukan lomba 2nd Pokémon Card Game Illustration Grand Prix contest; dimana saat itu saya mengikutsertakan dua ilustrasi; satu bergambar Wishiwashi dan yang satunya lagi adalah Zacian. Ilustrasi Zacian berhasil memenangkan kategori Judge award, dan akhirnya membuka jalan menuju kesempatan yang lebih besar!

Saat mendengar kabar mengenai event ini akan diadakan di tanah air saya, rasanya luar biasa! Dan harapan saya kedepannya; semoga lebih banyak lagi orang Indonesia yang mengenal Pokémon Trading Card Game; dan tergerak untuk menjadi salah satu dari ilustrator kartu Pokémon di masa depan! 🌟 Selamat menikmati acaranya, dan mari kita bersama-sama mengembangkan komunitas Pokémon Trading Card Game di Indonesia!

Profil Rianti Hidayat

Rianti adalah seorang concept artist dan illustrator yang berasal dari Bandung. Lulus dari DKV ITB pada tahun 2007 dan menjadi penerima beasiswa Jepang pada tahun 2011. Sepanjang 12 tahun berkarir, Rianti sudah menjajal berbagai macam proyek di lini industri kreatif Jepang, tidak hanya seputar ilustrasi, tapi juga merambah ke industri animasi dan video game untuk berbagai klien di seluruh dunia.

Jika ditanya Pokémon mana yang menjadi kesukaannnya, Rianti akan dengan segera menjawab Psyduck dan Zigzagoon. Dan Piers adalah Pokémon Trainer favorit Rianti hingga saat ini.

Pokémon TCG Illustration Exhibition
Opening remarks by
Rianti Hidayat
Pokémon Trading Card Game Illustrator from Indonesia

Hello everyone! Something fun is happening here! "Pokémon TCG Academia" is now being held in Indonesia! If I may talk about my story; as a huge Pokémon fan, one of my dreams has always been to see my drawings become part of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The chance presented itself when I discovered the 2nd Pokémon Card Game Illustration Grand Prix contest; there, I submitted two illustrations, one is for Wishiwashi and the other is for Zacian. The Zacian illustration managed to win the Judge's Award category, and finally opened the way to greater opportunities!

When I heard that this event will be held in my homeland, I felt amazing! In the future, I hope that more Indonesians know about Pokémon Trading Card Game and are moved to become one of the Pokémon card illustrators! 🌟 Enjoy the event, and together let's grow the Pokémon Trading Card Game community in Indonesia!

Profile of Rianti Hidayat

Rianti is a concept artist and illustrator from Bandung. She graduated from the Visual Communication Design program of the Bandung Institute of Technology[note 1] in 2007, and received a scholarship to Japan in 2011. Over her 12-year career, Rianti has dabbled in a variety of projects in the Japanese creative industry, not only in illustration, but also in the animation and video game industries for clients around the world.

If asked which Pokémon is her favorite, Rianti will immediately answer Psyduck and Zigzagoon. And Piers is currently her favorite Pokémon Trainer.

PTCG Illustration Exhibition PIK Galarian Zapdos.jpg

Galarian Zapdos

Expansion: S12a - VSTAR Universe

Ini karya pertama saya yang dijadikan desain untuk satu kartu selembar penuh! Saya menikmati semua proses pengerjaannya; ada lebih banyak ruang untuk melakukan eksplorasi, dan saya bisa bermain lebih banyak dengan kedalaman dimensinya.

Prosesnya tak hanya sampai di situ; setelahnya saya harus memastikan kualitasnya sesuai dengan standar yang sudah ditetapkan secara seksama; untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik dan konsisten. Yang paling membekas di benak saya adalah saat mengetahui bahwa bahkan untuk cakar di setiap Pokémon ada aturan warna Pantone-nya sendiri yang harus diikuti. Seru!

This is my first design work for a Full Art card! I enjoyed every aspect of the production; there is more room for exploration, and I could play more with the depth in the dimensions.

The process doesn't stop there; afterwards I have to thoroughly ensure the work's quality is up to the determined standards, to get the best and consistent results. One thing that's stuck in my mind is learning that even the claws on each Pokémon have their own Pantone color rules. Fun!

PTCG Academia Exhibition PIK Magearna.jpg


Expansion: S10P - Space Juggler

Ini pertama kali saya menggambar Pokémon dengan latar di dalam ruangan, dan asyik sekali bisa bermain dengan sudut pencahayaan. Dan karena Pokémon ini memiliki bentuk dasar berlekuk, ini jadi tantangan baru tersendiri untuk membaurkan bentuk dimensi bulat dengan gaya gambar saya, dengan tetap menangkap esensi desain dari Magearna itu sendiri.

This is the first time I drew Pokémon with an indoor setting, and it was really fun to play around with the lighting angles. Since this Pokémon has a curved basic shape, it presents a new personal challenge to blend rounded shapes with my art style, while still capturing the essence of Magearna's design itself.

PTCG Illustration Exhibition PIK Beartic.jpg


Expansion: S9 - Star Birth

Salah satu dari beberapa karya pertama yang saya buat sejak mendapat kehormatan untuk membuat ilustrasi kartu Pokémon. Beruangnya memiliki bentuk menyerupai serpihan tajam es, sangat cocok dipadankan dengan gaya ilustrasi saya yang didominasi garis tegas dan sudut bersiku, menghasilkan ilustrasi bergaya dinamis dengan sentuhan elemen bersiluet segitiga di beberapa sisi area.

One of my first works since I received the honor to illustrate Pokémon cards. The bear's shapes resembling sharp ice shards fits perfectly with my illustration style which heavily uses straight lines and sharp angles, producing a dynamic illustration with a touch of triangular silhouettes in some areas.

PTCG Illustration Exhibition PIK Impidimp.jpg


Expansion: SCE - Awakening V Starter Deck
(Indonesia-exclusive product)

Kartu dengan komposisi ilustrasi yang paling saya sukai sejauh ini, dibanding dengan beberapa kartu yang lain. Untuk dapat menangkap esensi 'jahil' dari Impidimp tentunya tantangan berbeda, tapi menyenangkan! Segera setelah saya menyelesaikan ilustrasi ini, berikutnya tiba-tiba saya berakhir mengoleksi beberapa boneka plushie Impidimp, karena saya jadi benar-benar jatuh cinta dengan Pokémon yang satu ini.

This card's illustration has my favorite composition thus far, compared to the others. Capturing the "mischievous" essence of Impidimp is surely a unique but fun challenge! Soon after I finished this illustration, I ended up collecting a few Impidimp plushies because I truly became in love with this Pokémon.


This list is sourced from individual game credits and Rianti Hidayat's LinkedIn.

Title Platform Release date Position
Shinigami Messiah iOS, Android 2014-03-03 Concept Artist
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms Microsoft Windows 2014-04-10 Prototype Artist
Shironeko Project (Korean version) iOS, Android 2014-10-16 Character Design, Character Art Director
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U, Nintendo Switch 2017-03-03 Production Art
Ninjala Nintendo Switch 2020-06-24 Concept Art and Character Designer


  1. Visual Communication Design (Indonesian: Desain Komunikasi Visual; DKV) is one of the programs offered by the Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesian: Institut Teknologi Bandung; ITB).


  1. Profile of Rianti Hidayat on the Pokémon TCG Illustration Exhibition (Jakarta, February 1-14, 2024).
  2. Rianti Hidayat's LinkedIn

External links

Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.