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Spinda (Japanese: パッチール Patcheel) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available in version 1.0.0.
Data Disk
Version 7.0.0
Breakneck Blitz ウルトラダッシュアタック
96 pt.
Pokémon knocked out by this Attack's damage are temporarily excluded from the duel, returning to the bench 7 turns later.
Feint Attack だましうち
16 pt.
Teeter Dance フラフラダンス
32 pt.
Version 1.0.0-6.2.11
Feint Attack だましうち
16 pt.
Teeter Dance フラフラダンス
32 pt.
Release information
This figure was available as a Random Reward for clearing Challenge 6 in Olivia Palace, Challenge 13 in The Volcano, and Challenge 8 in Elysium.
Own Tempo is an Ability in the Pokémon games that Spinda can have. Feint Attack, Teeter Dance, and Tackle are moves in the games that Spinda can learn. Breakneck Blitz is a Z-Move in the games that Spinda can use by equipping Normalium Z.