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This template generates an infobox, which contains a skill name and description from Pokémon Masters EX



Template Fields

  • name - The English name of the skill.
  • jpname - The Japanese name of the skill.
  • jptrans - An English translation of the Japanese name.
  • jptranslit - The literal sound of the word, if it is actually an English word, just sounded out with Japanese characters.
  • skilltype - The category of the skill. For example: Passive, Master Passive, Arc Suit Passive.
  • master - (optional) - Set to yes if the skill is a master passive skill.
  • arc - (optional) - Set to yes if the skill is an arc suit passive skill.
  • desc - The skill's in-game description.
  • nocat (optional) - Set to 1 to negate categories.


Standard use

Critical Strike 急所時威力上昇
Power Up During Critical Hit
Flavor text
Passive Skill
Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits.
|name=Critical Strike
|jptrans=Power Up During Critical Hit
|jptranslit=Kyūsho-ji Iryoku Jōshō
|desc=Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits.