User:A President Named C-Dawg

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A President Named C-Dawg
Spr DP Psychic M.png
Eye Color
Hair Color
Trainer, Pokemon Fanboy,
TV watcher

Alright, before I get into anything, I'd like to say thank you to Pokelova for the character template [even this is sort of like stealing].

My General Life

Well, I guess you can say I'm a 16-year-old duchebug [I like to spell it that way] living in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, PA, U.S.A., the Earth. I like to play games [especially Pokemon and Sonic The Hedgehog], watch movies [Back to the Future 1 & 2...], and television programs that don't suck [Family Guy all day].

I am currently NOT in a relationship, not so much like I plan to. Not like it's supposed to be a bad thing or anything, in fact, I'd almost give anything for a sweet, and cute girl. But, see, the thing is, I personally find relationships to be a tad bit overrated, unless you have somethings in common. Also, I believe in gay rights, and the right for gay marriages [I'm also Christian, so that's WEEEIRD for you]. However, I'm straight and I plan on keeping it that way for as long as I can say.

What else to say about me... well, gaming is one thing to say. See, gaming has remained a standingpoint for me, ever since I started playing that NES with Super Mario Bros. 2... ah, good times, good times. However, these days I seem to get into Sonic The Hedgehog, and fighting games. I also play Pokemon, of course, but, I'll get into that for the next sub-header. So far, I have all retro Nintendo consoles and handhelds, a PS3, PSP, and a Dreamcast, as well as a Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, and a severly damaged Gameboy [the years have not been good to him... or that... or... screw it, let's move on].

Also, before I head on into how I've gotten to like Pokemon, I'd like to say I do contribute to this 'pedia, but only small edits, of course.