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Зима Zima
Russia, Zima's "lover."
Age 17
Gender Female
Eye color Dark Brown
Hair color Brown-Grey
Hometown Kansas City
Region United States of America

Pikapika95 (Russian: Зима Zima) is a Bulbagarden regular who spends most of her time posting in Out of the Box, The War Room, and Fun and Games. She loves Hetalia and is notorious for keeping a Russia avatar on at all times and has admitted to being obsessed with him. She has a good number of personality disorders and claims to have moderated a gaming forum in the past. It is unknown if people believe her when she says this.

Her Bulbagarden username means 'winter' in Russian and came from her favorite Hetalia character song with the same title. She says that it means "new life" to her and the change she (and others) want to undergo.

Pikapika95 is the username that she used for everything before she fell in love with Russia and changed her lifestyle to "become one" with him. Since she was introduced to Hetalia and came up with the username 'Zima,' she has been using that name for everything instead.


-Work in progress-