User talk:Seadra
Hi, welcome to Bulbapedia. Thanks for contributing!
I gotta ask you to use the Link templates, though, and capitalize properly, as well as using the accented-e (é) in Pokémon. All the time. No exceptions. Ever.
Also, try to not edit a page eighty times. Use the preview button. And spell wandering right. Wandering and wondering are different words. VERY different. To wonder is to think about or imagine. To wander is to walk about or roam. Different. Very. Very. Different.
And... try to use proper punctuation, too. And don't subdivide the page into eight million sections either. Yes, we're being comprehensive on Pokémon here, but... sheesh, what you did in Lavender Town... let the people play the game themselves! Not every piece of dialog needs to be put down. And all-caps is a bad idea as well.
But yeah. Detail like yours is appreciated... just... don't overdo it, man. Tom Temprotran 05:39, 22 February 2007 (UTC)