Vigoroth (TCG)

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#0287: Slakoth
#0289: Slaking

Vigoroth has been featured on 12 different cards since it debuted in the EX Ruby & Sapphire expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Vigoroth cards are normally Colorless-type Stage 1 Pokémon.

List of Pokémon cards featuring Vigoroth

Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type Mark English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Vigoroth Colorless EX Ruby & Sapphire SetSymbolRuby and Sapphire.png Rarity Uncommon.png 47/109 ADV Expansion Pack SetSymbolRuby and Sapphire.png Rarity Rare.png 042/055
Vigoroth Colorless EX Sandstorm SetSymbolSandstorm.png Rarity Uncommon.png 52/100 Latias ex Half Deck SetSymbolLatias ex Half Deck.png   010/018
Vigoroth Colorless EX Deoxys SetSymbolDeoxys.png Rarity Uncommon.png 50/107 Clash of the Blue Sky SetSymbolDeoxys.png Rarity Rare.png 058/082
Vigoroth Colorless EX Power Keepers SetSymbolPower Keepers.png Rarity Uncommon.png 41/108 World Champions Pack SetSymbolPower Keepers.png Rarity Uncommon.png 070/108
Vigoroth Colorless Mysterious Treasures SetSymbolMysterious Treasures.png Rarity Uncommon.png 68/123 Secret of the Lakes SetSymbolSecret of the Lakes.png Rarity Uncommon.png  
Vigoroth Colorless Platinum SetSymbolPlatinum.png Rarity Uncommon.png 64/127 Galactic's Conquest SetSymbolGalactic Conquest.png Rarity Uncommon.png 073/096
Vigoroth Colorless Dragons Exalted SetSymbolDragons Exalted.png Rarity Uncommon.png 102/124 Dragon Blade SetSymbolDragon Blade.png Rarity C.png 042/050
Vigoroth Colorless Furious Fists SetSymbolFurious Fists.png Rarity Uncommon.png 82/111 Rising Fist SetSymbolRising Fist.png Rarity C.png 077/096
Bisharp Half Deck SetSymbolBisharp Half Deck.png   4/30        
Bisharp Half Deck SetSymbolBisharp Half Deck.png   28/30        
Vigoroth Colorless B Celestial Storm SetSymbolCelestial Storm.png Rarity Uncommon.png 114/168 Champion Road SetSymbolChampion Road.png Rarity U.png 050/066
Vigoroth Colorless C Unified Minds SetSymbolUnified Minds.png Rarity Uncommon.png 169/236 Miracle Twin SetSymbolMiracle Twin.png Rarity C.png 075/094
Vigoroth Colorless E Evolving Skies SetSymbolEvolving Skies.png Rarity Uncommon.png 130/203 Skyscraping Perfection SetSymbolSkyscraping Perfection.png Rarity C.png 051/067
        Start Deck 100 SetSymbolStart Deck 100.png   345/414
Vigoroth Colorless G Paldea Evolved SetSymbolPaldea Evolved.png Rarity Uncommon.png 161/193 Snow Hazard SetSymbolSnow Hazard.png Rarity C.png 061/071

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