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* The original motto was used in a commercial for {{2v2|FireRed|LeafGreen}} in the United States, although without Jessie and James's names or the line "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."
* The original motto was used in a commercial for {{2v2|FireRed|LeafGreen}} in the United States, although without Jessie and James's names or the line "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."
* In the Unova motto Jessie likens herself to {{p|Reshiram}} with the words "white" and "fiery", while James likens himself to {{p|Zekrom}} with "black" and "thunderous".
* In the Unova motto Jessie likens herself to {{p|Reshiram}} with the words "white" and "fiery", while James likens himself to {{p|Zekrom}} with "black" and "thunderous".
* In the [[Pokémon in Portugal|European Portuguese dub]] the expression "Preparar para azar!", the Portuguese equivalent to "Prepare for trouble!" (which literally translated is "Prepare for bad luck!") is still used in recent episodes as a Team Rocket's catchphrase.
**However, aside from the motto from ''[[A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine!]]'', it was only used once in a motto, in ''[[Mastering Current Events!]]''.
***Strangely, it was James who used the expression, not Jessie.

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Revision as of 17:27, 28 October 2011

File:Rocket motto.png
At the end of a motto

The Team Rocket motto (Japanese: ロケット名乗 Rocket Gang's self-introduction) is a motto that Team Rocket members often recite and/or live by.

In the anime

Jessie, James, and Meowth have several mottos, saying one of them in nearly every episode when they reveal themselves to Ash and his friends. Early on, they had an irresistible urge to say it whenever hearing the word "trouble", but this seemingly has been left to the past. This motto would usually be said by all members of the trio, but when one of them is not present, another member takes their line.

Original motto

Japanese Translation English
ムサシ: なんだかんだと聞かれたら Musashi: If you ask us something or other... Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
コジロウ: 答えてあげるのが世の情け Kojirō: The answer we give will be the compassion of the world! James: Make it double!
ムサシ: 世界の破壊を防ぐため Musashi: To prevent the destruction of the world! Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
コジロウ: 世界の平和を守るため Kojirō: To protect the peace of the world! James: To unite all peoples within our nation!
ムサシ: 愛と真実の悪をつらぬく Musashi: To carry out the evils of truth and love! Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
コジロウ: ラブリー・チャーミーな敵役 Kojirō: The lovely, charmy villains! James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
ムサシ: ムサシ Musashi: Musashi! Jessie: Jessie!
コジロウ: コジロウ Kojirō: Kojirō! James: James!
ムサシ: 銀河をかけるロケット団の二人には…… Musashi: The pair from Team Rocket soars through the galaxy! Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
コジロウ: ホワイトホール、白い明日が待ってるぜ Kojirō: A white hole, a white tomorrow awaits us! James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
ニャース: にゃんてにゃ Nyarth: Something like that! Meowth: Meowth! That's right!

Since the episode Team Rocket was introduced in, the duo has rhyming "prepare for trouble" and "make it double" phrases. An example from ZigZag Zangoose!, where Jessie was training Seviper and Meowth filled in for her, is:

Meowth: Prepare for trouble, here in the wood...
James: ... and make it double, like you know that you should!

Also, in almost all episodes after the Orange League, they tend to alter the first two sentences to match the current situation where they recite it.

Also, the lines "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" and "To extend our reach to the stars above!" were often said by both Jessie and James in the first season.

There were many occasions in which they would use a radio or something else to play the background music. Also, in many later episodes, James said "fight, fight, fight" at the end of his last line. Wobbuffet also began saying its name at the end of the motto in Tunnel Vision, and has done so in most episodes since.

It should also be noted that this version of the motto was used in commercials for Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen with each line being said by different children, omitting the parts where Jessie, James and Meowth say their own names and the line "Team Rocket, blasting off at the speed of light."

Team Rocket returned to this motto in A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine, as a return to their "hip and cool" ways, done by only Jessie, James, and Meowth, without the usual ending additions of Wobbuffet and Mime Jr.

Variations in the original series

Variations in the Advanced Generation series

Song version

Main article: Team Rocket Forever

Battle Frontier

During the Battle Frontier saga, Jessie, James, and Meowth changed their motto, likely to reflect the fact that the motto changed in the Japanese version at the start of the Advanced Generation series:

Japanese Translation English
ムサシ: なんだかんだと声がする Musashi: There is a voice saying something. Jessie: Prepare for trouble from the skies!
コジロウ: 地平線の彼方から Kojirō: From beyond the horizon... James: From beyond the stars, a nasty surprise!
ムサシ: ビッグバンの彼方から Musashi: From beyond the Big Bang... Jessie: An evil as old as the galaxy...
コジロウ: 我らを呼んでる声がする Kojirō: A voice is calling us! James: ...sent here to fulfill our destiny!
ニャース: お待たせにゃ Nyarth: Sorry to keep you waiting! Meowth: Plus, there's me!
ムサシ: 健気に咲いた悪の花 Musashi:Evil flowers who have courageously bloomed! Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
コジロウ: ハードでスイートな敵役 Kojirō: In the role of the villains who are hard and sweet! James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
ムサシ: ムサシ Musashi: Musashi! Jessie: Jessie!
コジロウ: コジロウ Kojirō: Kojirō! James: And James!
ニャース: ニャースでニャース Nyarth: And Nyarth! Meowth: And Meowth are the names!
ムサシ: ロケット団のあるところ Musashi: The place where Team Rocket is Jessie: Anywhere there's peace in the universe...
コジロウ: 世界は Kojirō: The world- James: ...Team Rocket...
ニャース: 宇宙は Nyarth: The universe- Meowth: ...Will be there...
All: 君を待っている All: Awaits you! All: To make everything worse!
ソーナンス: ソーナンス! Sonans: Sōnansu! Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

Since the first episode, they have adapted their traditional rhyming phrases "Prepare for trouble" and "Make it double" into the motto, thereby restoring the first two lines of the original motto. James's Chimecho and Mime Jr. also contribute their names at the end of the motto in most episodes they appear in.

The Ole' Berate and Switch mottos

In this episode the main antagonists temporarily split up, only to get reunited in the end of the episode. During the time they were split, Jessie teamed with Butch, and James joined Cassidy and Butch (even though Butch never was with them). During the experience, both teams tried to recite a motto, which really didn't work because neither could remember the correct version.

Cassidy's and James's motto
Cassidy: Prepare for trouble, it's a brand new day!
James: We're making it double anyway!
Mime Jr.: Mime mime, mime mime mime!
Cassidy: Let's see if I can remember my lines! An evil as old as the galaxy!
James: Sent here to fulfill our destiny!
Cassidy: To denounce the goodness of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Cassidy: Whenever there's a piece of pie in the universe!
James: Of pie!?
Cassidy (stopping the motto): Aaah... I goofed it, so what!?
James (despairing): Forget it...
Jessie's and Butch's motto
Jessie: Prepare for trouble, we've shuffled the deck!
Butch: It's not my thing, but what the heck!?
Jessie: An evil as old as the galaxy!
Butch: I'm doing this all from memory!
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
Butch: To extend my arm with a big white glove!
Jessie (angrily looking at him): Jessie!
Butch (realizing that his previous line was somewhat idiotic): Aaah, Butch...
Jessie (kicking him in the face): Cut! Do it right or don't do it at all!


In Sinnoh, the trio changed to a new motto yet again.

Japanese Translation English
ムサシ: なんだかんだの声を聞き Musashi: We hear voices saying this and that... Jessie: Listen, is that a voice I hear?
コジロウ: 光の速さでやってきた Kojirō: We come along in a swift current of light... James: It's speaking to me loud and clear.
ムサシ: 風よ Musashi: The wind! Jessie: On the wind!
コジロウ: 大地よ Kojirō: The land! James: Past the stars!
ニャース: 大空よ Nyarth: The sky! Meowth: In your ear!
ムサシ: 世界に届けよう デンジャラス Musashi: The danger we will deliver to the world! Jessie: Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace.
コジロウ: 宇宙に伝えよう クライシス Kojirō: The crisis we will convey to the universe! James: Dashing hope, putting fear in its place.
ムサシ: 天使か悪魔か その名を呼べば Musashi: Whether angels or demons, if you call the name, Jessie: A rose by any other name is just as sweet.
コジロウ: 誰もが震える魅惑の響き Kojirō: The captivating echo that shakes everyone... James: When everything's worse, our work is complete.
ムサシ: ムサシ Musashi: Musashi! Jessie: Jessie!
コジロウ: コジロウ Kojirō: Kojirō James: And it's James!
ニャース: ニャースでニャース Nyarth: And Nyarth! Meowth: And Meowth, now dat's a name!
ムサシ: 時代の主役はあたしたち Musashi: The stars of the era are us! Jessie: Putting the do-gooders in their place...
コジロウ: 我らは無敵の Kojirō: We are the invincible... James: ...we're Team Rocket...
All: ロケット団 All: Team Rocket! All: your face!
ソーナンス: ソーナンス Sonans: Sōnansu! Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

In the dub, they often replace the first two lines with

Jessie: Listen, is that a twerpish voice I hear?
James: It's shrieking to me loud and clear.
Jessie: Listen, is that a pitiful head of a Pokécenter I hear?
James: It whines to me loud and clear.

or something similar. As in Battle Frontier, Mime Jr. contributes its name after Wobbuffet.

It is notable that the Sinnoh motto is modified more often even in the Japanese version.

Variations in the Diamond & Pearl series


In Unova, the trio changed to a new motto yet again.

Japanese Translation English
ムサシ: 」と聞かれたら Musashi: If we were asked "*" Jessie: "*" is the question, so twerpish indeed!
コジロウ: 答えてあげよう明日のため Kojirō: We will answer for the sake of tomorrow! James: The answer to come as we feel the need!
ムサシ: フューチャー 白い未来は悪の色 Musashi: Future! A white future reflects the color of evil! Jessie: Bringing the blinding white light of evil into the future!
コジロウ: ユニバース 黒い世界に正義の鉄槌 Kojirō: Universe! The hammer of justice in a black world! James: Thrusting the hammer of justice down onto the black darkness of the universe!
ニャース: 我らこの地にその名を記す Nyarth: Our names will be remembered in this place! Meowth: And carving our names in the Rock of Eternity!
ムサシ: 情熱の破壊者 ムサシ! Musashi: Destroyer of passion, Musashi! Jessie: The fiery destroyer, Jessie!
コジロウ: 暗黒の純情 コジロウ! Kojirō: Pure heart of darkness, Kojirō! James: And with thunderous emotion, I am James!
ニャース: 無限の知性 ニャース! Nyarth: Infinite intelligence, Nyarth! Meowth: Wisest of the wise, Meowth!
All: さあ集え! ロケット団の名のもとに! All: Come gather! Under the name of Team Rocket! All: Now gather, under the name of Team Rocket!

"" denotes the phrase Jessie copies when they are about to announce their motto.

Copied phrases

Only the line Jessie copies from and the line she begins the motto with are shown. The rest of the motto follows.

Meowth filling in for Jessie or James

In many occasions, because Jessie or James weren't around, Meowth would fill the missing member lines. This first happened in The Stun Spore Detour, in which Meowth and James were following Misty to get some Salveyo Weed to heal Jessie from an attack by a wild Vileplume's Stun Spore. It happened again in ZigZag Zangoose! where Jessie was training Seviper, and James, Meowth and Wobbuffet tried to steal Ash's Pikachu. Later, in That's Just Swellow, Jessie and Meowth tried to steal the losing flying Pokémon almost at the end of the contest, and because James was still participating on it, Meowth and Jessie said the motto all by themselves. In The Saffron Con, meanwhile Jessie was at an operation room, Meowth and James tried to steal some Pokémon. When Ash and his friend saw them, they said a special motto. Also, in Off the Unbeaten Path, while James was participating in the Pokémon Orienteering Contest, Jessie and Meowth tried to steal the prize and some Pokémon. When they were spotted by the twerps, they said their motto. Meanwhile they were saying that, Ash and his friends saved the Pokémon and the prize, leaving Jessie and Meowth really angry.

Butch and Cassidy

Butch and Cassidy also have a set of mottos, which are similar to and have been implied to be based on Jessie and James's mottos. During Pokémon Chronicles, they add "(now) here's our mission, so ya better listen!" after Butch's first line of their version of the "original" motto. Like Meowth and Wobbuffet, Cassidy's Raticate appears at the end. Apparently, they have switched to a new motto, which is itself similar to Jessie and James's Sinnoh motto, with Butch's Shuckle appearing instead of Cassidy's Raticate.

Original Motto

Japanese Translation English
Cassidy: Prepare for trouble...
Butch: ...and make it double!
Cassidy: To infect the world with devastation!
Butch: To blight all people in every nation!
Cassidy: To denounce the goodness of truth and love!
Butch: To extend our wrath to the stars above!
Cassidy: Cassidy!
Butch: And Butch, of course!
Cassidy: We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and all night!
Butch: Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!

Sinnoh motto

This is the version used in Sleight of Sand. Because of some of the lines included, it was probably composed especially for whenever the two Team Rocket groups crossed paths.

Cassidy: A shrieking whine! A blast from the past!
Butch: Spinning like a Gyro Ball and moving fast!
Cassidy: To the moon...
Butch: ...And beyond...
Both: ...What a blast!
Cassidy: Administering justice with lightning speed!
Butch: Bashing the bad guys, should we feel the need.
Cassidy: So here's a newsflash from across the wire...
Butch: The real Team Rocket is now on fire!
Cassidy: Cassidy!
Butch: And it's Butch!
Shuckle: Shuck-uckle!
Cassidy: Teaching the losers a thing or two...
Butch: ...The true Team Rocket...
Both: Us! Not you!


...Ditto these two.

The motto has been ripped off repeatedly by Ash and his friends during the series. The first time it was done was in Bye Bye Butterfree, where Ash, Misty and Brock entered the house where Team Rocket was by breaking the windows and by saying the first lines of the motto. In Ditto's Mysterious Mansion, Ash, Misty, and Brock, along with Duplica, put on Team Rocket uniforms and mocked the original motto, with Duplica severely angering the two by saying "ignite" instead of "unite". James's parents revealed that they weren't dead by saying the lines "Prepare for trouble!" and "Yes dear, and make it double!".

The director Cleavon Schpielbunk used a motto to introduce himself -- "Prepare for trouble! No stunt double!" -- with Jessie saying, "Um, excuse me, sir, but aren't those our lines?" after the first two lines.

In It's Mr. Mime Time when Ash revealed that he was the one in the Mr. Mime costume the Team Rocket background music was playing. The motto was mockingly mimicked again in The Chikorita Rescue!. In The Mother Of All Battles!, the Pokémon Poacher Brothers introduced themselves to Ash and the gang in a Team Rocket-style motto. However, there was no background music like in the Rocket's introduction, they only said their names with a big "B" behind them, but even though it was different, Jessie stated that they were just imitating them. Much later, the DP motto was mocked in Mass Hip-Po-Sis and The Keystone Pops!. Like the many times before, the trio was angered.

Bye Bye Butterfree

Ash: Prepare for trouble!
Misty: And you can make that triple!
Brock: To protect the world from devastation!
Ash and Misty: To unite all peoples within our nation!
Jessie (stunned): This was just...
James (stunned): Too good...
Meowth (stunned): To last.
Ash: You got that right.
Pikachu: Pika!
Misty: We're defending the beauty of truth and love!
Brock: Let's do it!
Meowth (interrupting them): We gotta stop that!

Ditto's Mysterious Mansion

So far, this is the only episode of the series to show Ash and his friends actually completely doing the whole original motto.

Ash: Prepare for trouble!
Brock: And make it Double, Double!
James (angrily): Uhh, quit imitating us!
Misty: To protect the world from devastation!
Duplica: To ignite all people within our nation!
Jessie (angrily): Err! This is insulting!
Ash: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
Misty: To extend our reach of the stars above!
Ash: Ash!
Misty: Misty!
Brock: And Brock!
Duplica: Duplica, that's right!
Brock: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!
Duplica: Surrender now, or prepare to fight all of us!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Schpielbunk's motto

In the episode Lights, Camera, Quacktion! the director Cleavon Schpielbunk introduces himself with a motto which is very similar to that of Team Rocket.

Prepare for trouble! No stunt double!
To protect the movies from devastation!
To restore spectacle and imagination!
To make great epics of hate and love!
To direct the best films you ever heard of!
Cleavon Schpielbunk, winner of the Golden Growlithe for best director at the Flea Collar Film Festival!
Lights! Camera!
Hit your mark when I call "Action!" or prepare to fight!
That's right!

The Chikorita Rescue

In this episode Ash Ketchum breaks into a Team Rocket hideout to save a Chikorita, captured by Jessie and James. He recites a motto and Team Rocket instinctively says their phrases.

Ash: Team Rocket, prepare for trouble! On second thought, make that double!
Jessie (surprised): To protect the world from devastation?
James (surprised): To unite all peoples within our nation?
Ash: Maybe you think I'm a little too brash. But the master is here and my name is Ash!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Ash: My Pokémon team is faster than light! Surrender now or you're in for a fight!
Meowth: Meowth! That's right!

Mass Hip-Po-Sis

Dawn (really angry): Get ready for trouble!
Pikachu (really angry): Pika!
Brock (really angry): Make it double!
James (shocked): Hey, no fair!

The Keystone Pops!

Ash: Listen, is that bad guy talk I hear?
Dawn: It speaks to me loud and clear!
Ash: On the wind!
Dawn: Past the stars!
Brock: In your ear!
Jessie (interrupting them): It's that kind of imitation they invented lawsuits for!
Dawn: Chill out! We couldn't care less about you.
Ash: We're looking for Spiritomb!

Blasting off

Blasting off

When defeated, and sent flying off due to a Pokémon's attack (usually Pikachu's Thunderbolt) or a malfunction in their mech, Jessie, James, and Meowth usually cry, 「やな感じ!」 ("What a bad feeling!") in the original, which became "Team Rocket's blasting off again!" (4Kids dub) or "We're blasting off again!" (TPCi dub) before disappearing into the distance with a star. This usually happens only once each episode, but there have been many occasions in which it has happened multiple times, especially in Malice In Wonderland!, where they are shown blasting off four times on screen, and heard to blast off many more times offscreen. Another occurrence when they blasted off more than once was in Noodles! Roamin' Off!, but this could be because they blasted off once very early in the episode, followed by another blast off later, and a final blast off. Another reason could be because the episode focused on Team Rocket. In A Faux Oak Finish!, James blasted off by himself. Butch and Cassidy have also "blasted off"; however, James noted once that he, Jessie, and Meowth had copyrighted it in Off The Unbeaten Path. Team Rocket didn't blast off after Memories are Made of Bliss! until Cottonee in Love!, but from then onwards, they have blasted off every episode. However, there hasn't been yet a blast off in Unova which wasn't against their will and involved pain, as they have always blasted off with jetpacks.

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga, the "Rocket" in Team Rocket is apparently their motto, which is an acronym for:

Knock out
