Bianca (Adventures)

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ベル Bel

Gender Female
Eye color Green
Hair color Blonde
Hometown Nuvema Town
Region Unova
Relatives Father
Trainer class Trainer

Bianca (Japanese: ベル Bel) is the seventeenth main character of the manga series Pokémon Adventures and one of the female main characters for the Black & White arc.


Bianca is a newly starting out Pokémon Trainer along with her two friends, Black and Cheren. She and Cheren are well acquainted with Professor Juniper and were the ones who recommended him to be the third Unova Pokédex holder despite her having never met the boy before. She is described as a girl who goes about in her own pace and is prone to impulsive actions that can get her and those around her in trouble.



Bianca, Black, and Cheren as children

Bianca and Cheren have been friends with Black since they were small children despite the fact that Black lived in a different town from them. As they played together, Black gained interest in beating the Pokémon League and subsequently dragged Bianca and Cheren into doing it as well.


Bianca, along with Cheren, first appears in front of Black's house where they witness the aftermath of the fight involving Professor Juniper's Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott. While Professor Juniper shows her anger over the fight between the starters and the Pokédexes that Black had dropped into a puddle, Bianca gives Cheren the Snivy, stating that it resembled him, and takes Oshawott for herself.

Black, Bianca, and Cheren in their first Gym battle

They all chase after the missing Tepig and find Black trying to rescue it from a tree. When Black is attacked by an unknown Pokémon, Bianca and Professor Juniper listen to Cheren's explanation about Black's abilities with his Musha and they witness him defeat the Pokémon, a Sewaddle, and fly off. They are all shocked to find out that the Pokédexes that Black had accidentally dropped into the water no longer work.

Next, Bianca and Cheren have a brief sparring match with their new Pokémon which ends with Bianca getting hit by her Oshawott and attacking Cheren in anger. Cheren explains his and Bianca's history with Black to Professor Juniper and they decide to go tell him about his Pokédex being the only working one. Just as they leave, Bianca's father tries to stop her from leaving but Bianca refuses to listen to him.

Sometime later, after losing a battle to a wild Audino, Bianca and Cheren reach Striaton City to find Black. They manage to find him in a restaurant where Bianca mistakes him being on a date with a girl. After the girl leaves, Bianca and Cheren meet up with Black who explains his situation to them. Soon after, they are introduced to the Gym Leaders of the restaurant/Gym, Cilan, Cress, and Chili.

When Black's Gym battle starts, Bianca interferes with the challenge when she attempts to solve the Gyms puzzle, only to get it wrong by saying that Template:Type2 is strong against Template:Type2. When Black tries to get her to stay out of his challenge, Bianca retaliates by sending her Oshawott to attack his Tep which causes Cheren's Snivy to attack them in order to stop their fighting. After Cheren defends Bianca, Chili tells them that because of Bianca's interference, Black is disqualified from challenging the Gym.

Luckily for Black, it turned out that Chili was only kidding and he lets Bianca and Cheren take on the Gym as well due to it being a good learning experience for Bianca. After this, Black decides to teach Bianca about Pokémon type compatibility by using her Oshawott as an example of which types are super effective and not very effective to Template:Type2 Pokémon. As they go through the Gym, Bianca learns about type compatibilities, the starters start to get along, and they finally reach the Gym leaders.

At first, the Gym leaders have the advantage in the battle but by using strategy, Bianca, Black, and Cheren manage to rack up some damage against the Gym leaders' Pokémon. Eventually, Bianca has her Oshawott block an attack from Cilan's Pansage and then has it attack Chili's Pansear with its scalchop, defeating it in the process. Immediately after, Oshawott is defeated by Pansage, leaving Tep as the only Pokémon left to fight Cilan and Cress's Pansage and Panpour. Despite nearly being defeated by Panpour, Tep manages to feed Oshawott and Snivy some of Pansage's leaves, rejuvenating them and allowing their Trainers to win the match 3-2 when the Gyms time limit runs out.

Bianca, Cheren, and Black then receive their badges from the Striaton Gym leaders. Afterwards, Bianca and Cheren are given a Xtransceiver from Black in order to keep in touch with him. After this, White comes back and introduces herself to Bianca and Cheren while advertising her BW Agency. After the two groups go their separate ways, Bianca and Cheren realize they didn't get Black's Xtransceiver number and run off to find him.

Bianca is later seen walking through the streets of Castelia City with her new Pokémon, Litwick, while looking for Black so she can obtain his Xtransceiver number. She is knocked unconscious by a Amoonguss while its Trainer, a Team Plasma Grunt, kidnaps her Litwick.


Bianca's Oshawott
Main article: Bianca's Oshawott

Oshawott was first seen in Professor Juniper's lab where it tried to stop a fight between Tepig and Snivy, only to be hit by the latter and making it join the fight as well, leaving the lab in a complete mess. Later, it was delivered to Black along with Tepig and Snivy and once again stopped its partners from a fight. Later Bianca took Oshawott after Black chose Tepig, and gave Snivy to Cheren before he could even protest.

Bianca's Litwick

Litwick was first seen on top of Bianca's head as she walked through the streets of Castelia City alone. It was taken from Bianca after she was knocked unconscious by a Team Plasma Grunt.

None of Litwick's moves are known.

Formerly Owned

Bianca's Petilil

Petilil was seen being held by a young Bianca while her father was seen yelling at her to release it.


  • She and Cheren break the pattern that the games set, as in, instead of her having the starter that would be weaker to the player character (in this case, Black), she instead has the starter that is stronger to his.

Related articles

Template:Bianca's Pokémon Adv

Pokémon Adventures main characters
RGBY/FRLG: RedBlueGreenYellow
GSC/HGSS: GoldSilverCrystal
RSE/ORAS: RubySapphireEmerald
DPPt: DiamondPearlPlatinum
BWB2W2: BlackWhiteBlakeWhitley
SWSH: HenryCasey
SV: VioletScarlet

This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.