Obstruct (move)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 06:05, 9 June 2020 by Force Fire (talk | contribs) (I think the Sword entry is a better example as it explicitly refers to the move)
ブロッキング Blocking
Type  Dark
Category  Status
PP  10 (max. 16)
Power  —
Accuracy  100%
Priority  +4
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Self: Affects the user
Introduced  Generation VIII
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Obstruct (Japanese: ブロッキング Blocking) is a non-damaging Dark-type move introduced in Generation VIII. It is the signature move of Obstagoon.


Obstruct protects the user from any moves except status moves for that turn. Additionally, if Obstruct blocks an attack that would make contact with the user, the attacker's Defense stat drops by 2 stages. If Sucker Punch is used on a Pokémon that has used Obstruct, the move fails and the Pokémon's Defense does not drop. Obstruct causes the Defense stat to drop even if the user of Obstruct was immune to that contact move.

Using Protect, Detect, Endure, Spiky Shield, King's Shield, Baneful Bunker, Wide Guard, or Quick Guard consecutively divides the chance of success of Protect, Detect, Endure, Spiky Shield, King's Shield, Baneful Bunker and Obstruct by 3 for each consecutive use, with a minimum (1/3)^6 (1/729 or ~0.1%) chance.


Games Description
SwSh This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. Direct contact harshly lowers the attacker's Defense stat.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0862 Obstagoon
Field Field 1, Evo.
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga


  • Despite being described in Obstagoon's Pokémon Sword Pokédex entry as Obstagoon taking on a threatening posture and "shouting", Obstruct is not a sound-based move.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 攔堵 Làahndóu
Mandarin 攔堵 / 拦堵 Lándǔ
French Blocage
German Abblocker
Italian Sbarramento
Korean 블로킹 Beulloking
Brazilian Portuguese Obstruir
Russian Препятствие Prepyatstviye
Spanish Obstrucción

Variations of the move Protect
ProtectDetectKing's ShieldSpiky ShieldBaneful BunkerObstructSilk TrapBurning Bulwark

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.