Team Rocket (TCG)

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← Base Set 2
TCG expansions
Gym Heroes →
Team Rocket
Cards in set English: 83
Japanese: 65
Set number English: 5
Japanese: 4
Release date English: April 24, 2000
Japanese: November 21, 1997
Theme Decks

Devastation (GrassWater)
Trouble (PsychicGrass)

Mystery of the Fossils
Rocket Gang
Leaders' Stadium

Team Rocket (Japanese: ロケット団 Rocket Gang) is the name given to the fifth main expansion of cards of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is the fourth main expansion of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan. The set continues to feature Generation I Pokémon in the card game.


Team Rocket's on the Loose!

The number of criminal incidents involving Pokémon has been on the rise. Some suggest it may have something to do with the rash of Pokémon kidnappings that have been occurring recently.

Pokémon breeders believe that to properly raise and evolve a Pokémon, you have to treat it with love and attention. But what happens if a Pokémon isn't treated properly? Will it evolve differently? What's the secret behind this new threat to Pokémon and their trainers?


Team Rocket is the name given to the fifth main expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Rocket Gang, the fourth expansion in the Pokémon Card Game. It is based on Pokémon Red, Blue, and Green, featuring Generation I Pokémon and Team Rocket. The English expansion was released on April 24, 2000, while the Japanese expansion was released on November 21, 1997.

Team Rocket introduced Dark Pokémon, a type of Pokémon. Dark Pokémon cards have a brown and black artwork window, Evolution box and Pokédex box. Dark Pokémon have higher attack damage and lower HPs compared to those of normal Pokémon, likely due to the highly offensive nature of the Trainer. Some Evolution Pokémon feature Ken Sugimori's Red and Blue artwork of their previous Stage, instead of the usual Red and Green artwork. It also introduced Secret cards, a card whose collection number is greater than the listed number of cards in the expansion. In the Japanese release, Secret cards have the "Super Rare" rarity. Lastly, it also introduced Holofoil Trainer and Energy cards.

Team Rocket was also the first set not to be packaged cardboard backed blister packs. Note however, that this was not the case for the Italian release.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
8/82 Dark Gyarados Water Pokémon League Prerelease promo
19/82 Dark Arbok Grass Hong Kong Pokémon League W Promo
32/82 Dark Charmeleon Fire Kraft Giveaway W Promo (Australia)

Corrected error cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
5/82 Dark Dragonite Colorless Missing Holofoil

Set lists

Team Rocket
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/82 Dark Alakazam Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
2/82 Dark Arbok Grass Rare Holo Promotion
3/82 Dark Blastoise Water Rare Holo Promotion
4/82 Dark Charizard Fire Rare Holo Promotion
5/82 Dark Dragonite Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
6/82 Dark Dugtrio Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
7/82 Dark Golbat Grass Rare Holo Promotion
8/82 Dark Gyarados Water Rare Holo Promotion
9/82 Dark Hypno Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
10/82 Dark Machamp Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
11/82 Dark Magneton Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
12/82 Dark Slowbro Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
13/82 Dark Vileplume Grass Rare Holo Promotion
14/82 Dark Weezing Grass Rare Holo Promotion
15/82 Here Comes Team Rocket! T Rare Holo Promotion
16/82 Rocket's Sneak Attack T Rare Holo Promotion
17/82 Rainbow Energy Rainbow E Rare Holo Promotion
18/82 Dark Alakazam Psychic Rare Promotion}}
19/82 Dark Arbok Grass Rare Promotion}}
20/82 Dark Blastoise Water Rare Promotion
21/82 Dark Charizard Fire Rare Promotion
22/82 Dark Dragonite Colorless Rare Promotion
23/82 Dark Dugtrio Fighting Rare Promotion
24/82 Dark Golbat Grass Rare Promotion
25/82 Dark Gyarados Water Rare Promotion
26/82 Dark Hypno Psychic Rare Promotion
27/82 Dark Machamp Fighting Rare Promotion
28/82 Dark Magneton Lightning Rare Promotion
29/82 Dark Slowbro Psychic Rare Promotion}}
30/82 Dark Vileplume Grass Rare Promotion
31/82 Dark Weezing Grass Rare Promotion
32/82 Dark Charmeleon Fire Uncommon Promotion
33/82 Dark Dragonair Colorless Uncommon Promotion
34/82 Dark Electrode Lightning Uncommon Promotion
35/82 Dark Flareon Fire Uncommon Promotion
36/82 Dark Gloom Grass Uncommon Promotion
37/82 Dark Golduck Water Uncommon Promotion
38/82 Dark Jolteon Lightning Uncommon Promotion
39/82 Dark Kadabra Psychic Uncommon Promotion
40/82 Dark Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
41/82 Dark Muk Grass Uncommon Promotion
42/82 Dark Persian Colorless Uncommon Promotion}}
43/82 Dark Primeape Fighting Uncommon Promotion
44/82 Dark Rapidash Fire Uncommon Promotion
45/82 Dark Vaporeon Water Uncommon Promotion
46/82 Dark Wartortle Water Uncommon Promotion
47/82 Magikarp Water Uncommon Promotion
48/82 Porygon Colorless Uncommon Promotion
49/82 Abra Psychic Common Promotion
50/82 Charmander Fire Common Promotion
51/82 Dark Raticate Colorless Common Promotion
52/82 Diglett Fighting Common Promotion
53/82 Dratini Colorless Common Promotion
54/82 Drowzee Psychic Common Promotion
55/82 Eevee Colorless Common Promotion
56/82 Ekans Grass Common Promotion
57/82 Grimer Grass Common Promotion
58/82 Koffing Grass Common Promotion
59/82 Machop Fighting Common Promotion
60/82 Magnemite Lightning Common Promotion
61/82 Mankey Fighting Common Promotion
62/82 Meowth Colorless Common Promotion
63/82 Oddish Grass Common Promotion
64/82 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
65/82 Psyduck Water Common Promotion
66/82 Rattata Colorless Common Promotion
67/82 Slowpoke Psychic Common Promotion
68/82 Squirtle Water Common Promotion
69/82 Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
70/82 Zubat Grass Common Promotion
71/82 Here Comes Team Rocket! T Rare Promotion
72/82 Rocket's Sneak Attack T Rare Promotion}}
73/82 The Boss's Way T Uncommon Promotion
74/82 Challenge! T Uncommon Promotion
75/82 Digger T [R] Uncommon Promotion
76/82 Imposter Oak's Revenge T Uncommon Promotion
77/82 Nightly Garbage Run T [R] Uncommon Promotion
78/82 Goop Gas Attack T Common Promotion
79/82 Sleep! T [R] Common Promotion
80/82 Rainbow Energy Rainbow E Rare Promotion
81/82 Full Heal Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
82/82 Potion Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
83/82 Dark Raichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion

Rocket Gang
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
Ekans Grass Common Promotion
Zubat Grass Common Promotion
Oddish Grass Common Promotion
Grimer Grass Common Promotion
Koffing Grass Common Promotion
Dark Gloom Grass Uncommon Promotion
Dark Muk Grass Uncommon Promotion
Dark Arbok Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Dark Golbat Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Dark Vileplume Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Dark Weezing Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Charmander Fire Common Promotion
Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
Dark Rapidash Fire Common Promotion
Dark Charmeleon Fire Uncommon Promotion
Dark Flareon Fire Uncommon Promotion
Dark Charizard Fire Rare Holo Promotion
Squirtle Water Common Promotion
Psyduck Water Common Promotion
Magikarp Water Common Promotion
Dark Wartortle Water Uncommon Promotion
Dark Golduck Water Uncommon Promotion
Dark Vaporeon Water Uncommon Promotion
Dark Blastoise Water Rare Holo Promotion
Dark Gyarados Water Rare Holo Promotion
Magnemite Lightning Common Promotion
Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
Dark Electrode Lightning Uncommon Promotion
Dark Jolteon Lightning Uncommon Promotion
Dark Magneton Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
Abra Psychic Common Promotion
Slowpoke Psychic Common Promotion
Drowzee Psychic Common Promotion
Dark Kadabra Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Dark Alakazam Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
Dark Slowbro Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
Dark Hypno Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
Diglett Fighting Common Promotion
Mankey Fighting Common Promotion
Machop Fighting Common Promotion
Dark Primeape Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Dark Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Dark Dugtrio Fighting Rare Holo Promotion}
Dark Machamp Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
Rattata Colorless Common Promotion
Dark Raticate Colorless Common Promotion
Meowth Colorless Common Promotion
Dark Persian Colorless Common Promotion
Eevee Colorless Common Promotion
Porygon Colorless Common Promotion
Dratini Colorless Common Promotion
Dark Dragonair Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Dark Dragonite Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
Sleep! T [R] Common Promotion
Digger T [R] Common Promotion
Goop Gas Attack T Common Promotion
Nightly Garbage Run T [R] Common Promotion
Challenge! T Uncommon Promotion
Imposter Oak's Revenge T Uncommon Promotion
The Boss's Way T Uncommon Promotion
Rocket's Sneak Attack T Rare Holo Promotion
Here Comes Team Rocket! T SuperRare Holo Promotion
Potion Energy Colorless E Common Promotion
Full Heal Energy Colorless E Common Promotion
Rainbow Energy Rainbow E Rare Holo Promotion


English Gyarados pack
English Jessie and James pack
English Giovanni pack
English pack with all three
Japanese Rocket Gang
booster pack
English Team Rocket
booster box
Japanese Rocket Gang
booster box
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Rocket Gang set is released in Japanese, all with rarity symbols. The Team Rocket set is released in German, French, and Italian, in both 1st and unlimited edition.

In other languages

Language Title
French Team Rocket
German Team Rocket
Italian Team Rocket

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Original Series
Wizards Black Star Promos
Demo GameTrainer Deck ATrainer Deck B
Base Set: 2-Player Starter SetOvergrowthZap!BrushfireBlackout
Jungle: Power ReserveWater Blast
Fossil: BodyGuardLockDown
Base Set 2: 2-Player CD-ROM Starter SetGrass ChopperHot WaterLightning BugPsych Out
Team Rocket: DevastationTrouble
Gym Heroes: BrockMistyLt. SurgeErika
Pikachu World Collection
Gym Challenge: SabrinaKogaBlaineGiovanni
Original Era
Unnumbered Promotional cards
Expansion Pack: Starter Deck
Pokémon Jungle
Mystery of the Fossils
Rocket Gang
Expansion Sheet 1Nivi City GymHanada City GymExpansion Sheet 2Kuchiba City GymTamamushi City Gym
Leaders' Stadium
Expansion Sheet 3Quick Starter Gift SetYamabuki City GymGuren Town Gym
Challenge from the Darkness
Southern IslandsIntro Pack