Once you have defeated GroudonR/KyogreS the city will have clear skies now and you can enter peoples houses. After exiting the cave, head to nearest house from the cave entrance and talk to the man there to receive TM31 (Brick Break). The woman living in the house next to the Pokémon Center will give you a Wailmer Doll. The house above it has two brothers where they wish to compare the size of Shroomish and Barboach that will give you prizes if you bring them in. Once you are ready head to the Gym in the middle of the lake. Steven Stone will be there and thanks you for restoring the skies and gives the message the Wallace will challenge you now before leaving.
"Artist and lover of WATER"
Once in the final gym you will find a giant ice block puzzle. To solve this puzzle you must step on every ice tile once to open a staircase, and you can only proceed by making sure the last tile you stand on is right next to the staircase. If you step on a ice tile twice it causes it to crumble and sent you to the basement where the gym's trainers are located. There are three puzzles in all, with the next puzzle being more difficult and with more trainers located below that section. It is possible to beat the Gym leader without facing the trainers, though you could still challenge them if you wish.
The first puzzle is easy with starting from the staircase (Up, Right, Left (2), Up, and Right). The second puzzle requires a little more skill (Up, Left (3), Up (2), Right (2), Down, Right (3), Down, Right, Up (2), and Left (3)). The last puzzle is really hard and requires a lot of work to do (Up, Right (2), Up, Right (2), Down, Right, Up (3), Left (2), Down, Left, Up, Left, Down (2), Left (2), Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up (2), Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, and Right).
After going through the third tedious ice tile puzzle you should be right at Wallace, his most powerful Pokémon is Milotic. The only danger to watch out for is that Milotic knows how to use Ice Beam, so avoid using a Template:Type2 against it and instead use an Template:Type2.
After the battle Wallace will give you the Rain Badge that will allow for Pokémon of any level to obey you without question and allow for Waterfall to now be used outside of battle. He will also give you TM03 (Water Pulse).
Now that all the badges have been collected, you can enter Ever Grande City east of Route 128 and compete against the Elite Four, but first we'll look at some sidequests. First you should explore the remaining sea routes to unlock the Legendary golems. The next destination is Route 129, which is south of Route 128.