Battle Buffet

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Battle Buffet バトルバイキング
Battle Buffet
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Hau'oli City
Region: Alola
Generations: VII

Location of Battle Buffet in Alola.
Pokémon world locations
Inside of the Battle Buffet

The Battle Buffet (Japanese: バトルバイキング Battle Buffet) is an all-you-can eat buffet in the Hau'oli City mall frequented by many Trainers. Dining costs $1,200. Customers can browse the buffet and take their choice of the offerings, but if another person wants the same dish, they must settle it with a battle.

After the player pays the fee to dine, they can approach the buffet line and browse the dishes on offer. Every dish is also being watched by a Trainer who will challenge the player to battle if they attempt to take that dish. If the player wins, they can take that dish and then move on to others to repeat the process. As the player takes dishes, they will be replaced with others, and untouched dishes will gradually deplete and also be replaced. The player's time at the buffet is limited by the number of turns they take in battles, with 10 turns allotted for the player to choose as many dishes as they can. When their time is up, the player will return to their table to eat.

After the player has eaten, the waitress will assess the player's satisfaction. This depends on the number of servings the player acquired for each dish and the quality of the dishes. After her assessment, she will give the player an item depending on how satisfied the player was.

After clearing the game and dining five times at the Battle Buffet, a woman known as the buffet queen will appear when the player next enters the restaurant. She will challenge the player to a competition to see who can get more satisfaction from the buffet. If the player wins, she will confer the title of buffet queen/king on the player. The player must obtain the highest satisfaction level (a score of 50 or more) to beat her. If the player does not beat her, she will challenge the player again on their next visit. When the buffet queen is present, eating at the buffet is free, but the player cannot eat at the buffet without accepting her challenge and will not receive an item after completing their meal.

The player has full access to the menu between battles. The player may choose to leave the restaurant at any time, but they will not be given a refund. If the player leaves before finishing dining, they can return and start over again. Otherwise, in Sun and Moon, the player can only dine at the buffet once a day. Although the once-per-day limitation was lifted in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the player can still only acquire one item per day.


There are nine dishes that can appear at the buffet, each having a different inherent quality as reflected in the colors of each dish's cover. Better dishes satisfy the player better, but they also deplete more quickly if they are left alone.

Dish Cover color Depletion rate Satisfaction multiplier
Chansey omelette Gold -2 servings every turn ×3
Take Down steak
Miltank cheese pizza
Hoenn ramen Silver -1 serving every turn ×2
Whirlpool sushi
Vanillite parfait
Tamato pasta Bronze -1 serving every second turn ×1
Eggant in chili sauce
Rindo salad

When the player examines a dish at the buffet, they will also be able to tell how much remains of it. This corresponds to the number of servings the player will receive if they choose that dish.

Remainder Servings
There's still a mountain of food! 5
There's still tons of food! 4
There's still plenty of food! 3
There's not so much food left now! 2
There's hardly any food left now! 1

Initially, the buffet has four random dishes with random amounts of servings remaining. Whenever the player takes a dish, that place becomes empty and is only replaced by a new dish after the player takes their next dish. If a dish runs out of servings without the player taking it, then it will immediately be replaced by a new dish. New dishes always start with the maximum amount of servings.

When the player finishes a battle, all dishes in the buffet line lose a number of servings depending on the dish and how long the battle took. If the player took enough turns for a dish to be depleted of all its servings, it is replaced by a new dish, which can also lose servings (and be replaced again) if the number of turns the battle took exceeded the number of turns required to deplete the previous dish. The game always performs this process fully for the leftmost dish before moving to the next dish. The queue of new dishes that can appear at the buffet is also set when the player pays to dine (meaning it will always be the same if they save and reset in the middle). As a consequence, where it may seem intuitive for the dish with the least servings remaining to be depleted and replaced first, if a battle takes long enough that a dish to the left is also depleted, that one will instead receive the first new dish in the queue and the dish that started with less will be replaced by the dish after that (or potentially later depending on the dish and the length of the battle).

If the player speaks to the man in a pink shirt standing away from the buffet, he will inform the player if the next dish in the buffet's queue is a popular dish (with a gold cover).


The player's satisfaction at the end of the buffet is scored by the number of servings they acquired for each dish, each multiplied by the dish's satisfaction multiplier. For example, 5 Chansey omelettes and 5 plates of Tamato pasta would have a total score of 20 (5×3 + 5×1). The waitress will give the player an item depending on this score. While the buffet queen is present, however, no item will be rewarded at the end of the player's meal.

Score Satisfaction Item
≥50 You have the look of someone whose belly is full of delicious goodies!
Buffet queen: You look like someone who's totally satisfied by your belly full of delicious goodies!
Max Revive Max Revive
35-49 You look pleasantly full to me!
Buffet queen: You look pretty full! You must be satisfied!
25-34 Hmmm... From the look on your face, I bet you could still eat some more.
Buffet queen: What a stern look! Looks like you didn't get enough to eat!
Big Mushroom Big Mushroom
<25 You look totally unsatisfied, like your body and mind are both still hungry.
Buffet queen: You look terribly disappointed! Looks like your body and mind are still hungry!
Honey Honey


The Trainers who watch each dish are selected randomly when the dish appears.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Before becoming Champion After becoming Champion
Trainer Pokémon
Sightseer Amy
Sightseer Amy
ヤンチ Yanchi
Reward: $780
Diglett Diglett Lv.13
No item
Beauty Carolyn
Beauty Carolyn
ネーブル Navel
Reward: $416
Cutiefly Cutiefly Lv.13
No item
Cook Carver
Cook Carver
チョーリ Chōri
Reward: $520
Psyduck Psyduck Lv.13
No item
Office Worker Cody
Office Worker Cody
コクドノ Kokudono
Reward: $520
Magnemite Magnemite Lv.13
No item
Preschooler Hannah
Preschooler Hannah
ハナナ Hanana
Reward: $156
Drifloon Drifloon Lv.13
No item
Sightseer George
Sightseer George
アグラ Agura
Reward: $780
Grimer Grimer Lv.13
No item
Youngster Kai
Youngster Kai
カイト Kaito
Reward: $260
Charjabug Charjabug Lv.13
No item
Rising Star Kainoa
Rising Star Kainoa
キタイシ Kitaishi
Reward: $624
Bagon Bagon Lv.13
No item
Madame Kathleen
Madame Kathleen
カレイド Kaleid
Reward: $2,600
Delibird Delibird Lv.13
No item
Office Worker Kristen
Office Worker Kristen
ケイリ Keiri
Reward: $520
Carbink Carbink Lv.13
No item
Gentleman Ronald
Gentleman Ronald
ムシジマ Mushijima
Reward: $2,600
Pikipek Pikipek Lv.13
No item
Lass Salla
Lass Salla
ソクラ Socra
Reward: $312
Petilil Petilil Lv.13
No item
Pokémon Breeder Savannah
Pokémon Breeder Savannah
シクイ Shikui
Reward: $520
Pikachu Pikachu Lv.13
No item
Ace Trainer Tori
Ace Trainer Tori
トーリエ Torrie
Reward: $884
Growlithe Growlithe Lv.13
No item
Black Belt Walter
Black Belt Walter
ワザリ Wazari
Reward: $416
Makuhita Makuhita Lv.13
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Sightseer Amy
Sightseer Amy
ヤンチ Yanchi
Reward: $3,300
Dugtrio Dugtrio Lv.55
No item
Beauty Carolyn
Beauty Carolyn
ネーブル Navel
Reward: $1,760
Ribombee Ribombee Lv.55
No item
Cook Carver
Cook Carver
チョーリ Chōri
Reward: $2,200
Golduck Golduck Lv.55
No item
Office Worker Cody
Office Worker Cody
コクドノ Kokudono
Reward: $2,200
Magnezone Magnezone Lv.55
No item
Preschooler Hannah
Preschooler Hannah
ハナナ Hanana
Reward: $660
Drifblim Drifblim Lv.55
No item
Sightseer George
Sightseer George
アグラ Agura
Reward: $3,300
Muk Muk Lv.55
No item
Youngster Kai
Youngster Kai
カイト Kaito
Reward: $1,100
Vikavolt Vikavolt Lv.55
No item
Rising Star Kainoa
Rising Star Kainoa
キタイシ Kitaishi
Reward: $2,640
Salamence Salamence Lv.55
No item
Madame Kathleen
Madame Kathleen
カレイド Kaleid
Reward: $11,000
Delibird Delibird Lv.55
No item
Office Worker Kristen
Office Worker Kristen
ケイリ Keiri
Reward: $2,200
Carbink Carbink Lv.55
No item
Gentleman Ronald
Gentleman Ronald
ムシジマ Mushijima
Reward: $11,000
Toucannon Toucannon Lv.55
No item
Lass Salla
Lass Salla
ソクラ Socra
Reward: $1,320
Lilligant Lilligant Lv.55
No item
Pokémon Breeder Savannah
Pokémon Breeder Savannah
シクイ Shikui
Reward: $2,200
Raichu Raichu
Alolan form
No item
Ace Trainer Tori
Ace Trainer Tori
トーリエ Torrie
Reward: $3,740
Arcanine Arcanine Lv.55
No item
Black Belt Walter
Black Belt Walter
ワザリ Wazari
Reward: $1,760
Hariyama Hariyama Lv.55
No item

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Before becoming Champion After becoming Champion
Trainer Pokémon
Sightseer Amy
Sightseer Amy
ヤンチ Yanchi
Reward: $840
Diglett Diglett Lv.14
No item
Beauty Carolyn
Beauty Carolyn
ネーブル Navel
Reward: $448
Meowth Meowth
Alolan form
No item
Cook Carver
Cook Carver
チョーリ Chōri
Reward: $560
Magikarp Magikarp Lv.14
Office Worker Cody
Office Worker Cody
コクドノ Kokudono
Reward: $560
Magnemite Magnemite Lv.14
No item
Sightseer George
Sightseer George
アグラ Agura
Reward: $840
Grimer Grimer Lv.14
No item
Preschooler Hannah
Preschooler Hannah
ハナナ Hanana
Reward: $156
Drifloon Drifloon Lv.13
No item
Youngster Kai
Youngster Kai
カイト Kaito
Reward: $260
Ledyba Ledyba Lv.13
No item
Rising Star Kainoa
Rising Star Kainoa
キタイシ Kitaishi
Reward: $672
Noibat Noibat Lv.14
No item
Madame Kathleen
Madame Kathleen
カレイド Kaleid
Reward: $2,800
Seel Seel Lv.14
No item
Office Worker Kristen
Office Worker Kristen
ケイリ Keiri
Reward: $560
Roggenrola Roggenrola Lv.14
No item
Gentleman Ronald
Gentleman Ronald
ムシジマ Mushijima
Reward: $2,800
Spearow Spearow Lv.14
No item
Lass Salla
Lass Salla
ソクラ Socra
Reward: $312
Petilil Petilil Lv.13
No item
Pokémon Breeder Savannah
Pokémon Breeder Savannah
シクイ Shikui
Reward: $560
Pichu Pichu Lv.14
No item
Ace Trainer Tori
Ace Trainer Tori
トーリエ Torrie
Reward: $1,020
Growlithe Growlithe Lv.15
No item
Black Belt Walter
Black Belt Walter
ワザリ Wazari
Reward: $480
Machop Machop Lv.14
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Sightseer Amy
Sightseer Amy
ヤンチ Yanchi
Reward: $3,300
Dugtrio Dugtrio Lv.55
No item
Beauty Carolyn
Beauty Carolyn
ネーブル Navel
Reward: $1,760
Florges Florges
Yellow Flower
No item
Cook Carver
Cook Carver
チョーリ Chōri
Reward: $2,200
Gyarados Gyarados Lv.55
Office Worker Cody
Office Worker Cody
コクドノ Kokudono
Reward: $2,200
Magnezone Magnezone Lv.55
No item
Sightseer George
Sightseer George
アグラ Agura
Reward: $3,300
Muk Muk Lv.55
No item
Preschooler Hannah
Preschooler Hannah
ハナナ Hanana
Reward: $660
Drifblim Drifblim Lv.55
No item
Youngster Kai
Youngster Kai
カイト Kaito
Reward: $1,100
Ledian Ledian Lv.55
No item
Rising Star Kainoa
Rising Star Kainoa
キタイシ Kitaishi
Reward: $2,640
Noivern Noivern Lv.55
No item
Madame Kathleen
Madame Kathleen
カレイド Kaleid
Reward: $11,000
Dewgong Dewgong Lv.55
No item
Office Worker Kristen
Office Worker Kristen
ケイリ Keiri
Reward: $2,200
Gigalith Gigalith Lv.55
No item
Gentleman Ronald
Gentleman Ronald
ムシジマ Mushijima
Reward: $11,000
Fearow Fearow Lv.55
No item
Lass Salla
Lass Salla
ソクラ Socra
Reward: $1,320
Lilligant Lilligant Lv.55
No item
Pokémon Breeder Savannah
Pokémon Breeder Savannah
シクイ Shikui
Reward: $2,200
Raichu Raichu
Alolan form
No item
Ace Trainer Tori
Ace Trainer Tori
トーリエ Torrie
Reward: $3,740
Arcanine Arcanine Lv.55
No item
Black Belt Walter
Black Belt Walter
ワザリ Wazari
Reward: $1,760
Machamp Machamp Lv.55
No item

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 對戰自助餐廳 Deuijin Jihjoh Chāantēng
Mandarin 對戰自助餐廳 / 对战自助餐厅 Duìzhàn Zìzhù Cāntīng
French Buffet Baston
German Kampfbuffet
Italian Buffet Lotta
Korean 배틀뷔페 Battle Buffet
Spanish Buffet de Combate

See also

Melemele IslandAkala IslandUla'ula IslandPoni IslandAether Paradise
Iki TownHau'oli City (Outskirts)Heahea CityPaniola TownKonikoni CityRoyal AvenueMalie City
Tapu VillagePo TownSeafolk VillagePokémon League
Trial sites
Verdant CavernBrooklet HillWela Volcano ParkLush JungleHokulani Observatory
Thrifty Megamart (Abandoned Site)Exeggutor IslandVast Poni CanyonSeafolk Village
Mahalo TrailTrainers' SchoolHau'oli CemeteryBerry fieldsMelemele MeadowSeaward CaveKala'e BayTen Carat Hill
Tide Song HotelPaniola RanchMelemele SeaDiglett's TunnelBattle Royal DomeMemorial HillAkala OutskirtsRuins of Life
Hano Grand ResortHano BeachMalie GardenMount HokulaniBlush MountainUla'ula BeachAether HouseHaina Desert
Ruins of AbundanceUla'ula MeadowLake of the MooneLake of the SunneShady HousePoni WildsAncient Poni Path
Poni Breaker CoastRuins of HopeAltar of the SunneAltar of the MooneMount LanakilaRuins of Conflict
Poni GrovePoni PlainsPoni MeadowResolution CavePoni CoastPoni GauntletBattle Tree
Festival PlazaPoké PelagoBig Wave BeachSandy CaveHeahea BeachPikachu ValleyDividing Peak Tunnel
Kantonian GymPoni BeachPlains GrottoTeam Rocket's Castle
Ultra Space
Ultra Deep SeaUltra MegalopolisMegalo TowerUltra JungleUltra DesertUltra Plant
Ultra ForestUltra CraterUltra RuinUltra Space Wilds

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.