From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 19:40, 20 March 2024 by MAGNEDETH (talk | contribs) (I only intended to fix a bunch of old stuff and broken links, but whatever.)


This user is one of Bulbapedia's Webmasters.
This user identifies as male.


I am a former Editor-in-Chief of Bulbapedia. I joined on December 9, 2007, worked hard enough to get nominated for a staff position, and clawed my way up from there. That's right, you too can be EiC. All it takes is hard work, dedication, and all those other inspirational things you hear about getting ahead in life. After being EiC for a while, I decided that I wanted to focus on the user experience. My main goal as EiC was to make everything easier to understand and help my fellow user find the page they want as efficiently as possible, and when they get there, I want it to be full of all the juicy info you need organized around some fancy and colorful templates.

I've been a fan since Generation I, but near the end of Generation II, I lost interest. After seeing Beautifly, I figured Game Freak had run out of original ideas, so I skipped Ruby and Sapphire, but the remakes of Gen I brought me back. Thanks to FireRed and LeafGreen, I also invested a little time checking out Generation III Pokémon and came to the realization that some of them were actually pretty original. As for Generation IV, I wasn't going to jump in, but after a friend of mine did first, I decided to check it out. I had to investigate the all new Magnemite evolution and get in on that Wi-Fi action. While looking for info to educate myself on what I missed during my Poké-hiatus, I found Bulbapedia. The rest is history.

On December 9, 2012, exactly 5 years after joining Bulbapedia, I decided to step down from my position as Editor-in-Chief. You can read about my decision in this message from the editor. Thanks to all the staff and fans for helping out during my tenure. I'm not leaving though, so don't worry, I'll still be around.

On March 9, 2015, I published my first proper Bulbanews article regarding a retrospective of Ruby and Sapphire as well as Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I put a lot of effort into it and got a lot of positive feedback from people. You can check it out right here.


E-mail - | Bulbagarden Forums - MAGNEDETH | Twitter - @MAGNEDETH

Interesting Stuff

We suck! Why are we so ugly??


My teams follow a simple pattern.

  1. Starter
  2. Flyer
  3. Magnemite
  4. Surfer
  5. Earthquake-er
  6. HM slave/Powerhouse

Certain Pokémon get placed in the same position. However, Flygon on my Sapphire team is a good example of how this isn't always the case. I don't know why or how I started doing things this way, but, it's nice to be organized. It should be noted though that this doesn't mean I'm going to send the same Pokémon out first every time if you battle me online.

Gen I

Gen II


Gen IV

Gen V

Gen VI



Gen IV

Favorite Pokémon

All Pokémon listed below are in order of Pokédex, not the order I like them.

Gen I

I like a lot of Gen I Pokémon, but I fully admit that it's based heavily on nostalgia. I grew up with these Pokémon, so there's very few I actively dislike. Some will argue that Gen I had some boring designs, but I argue that it was their first outing. It was a simpler time. Besides, there's nothing wrong with a simple design. Moreover, there are plenty of completely original designs as well. I swear some people just look for reasons to hate on Gen I.

Gen II

Similar to Gen I, I like a lot of Gen II Pokémon based on nostalgia, but you can tell that some of the Pokémon inclusions were starting to walk the line between originality and gimmicky. You can also see some of the designs get a little more complex. But still, some great Pokémon, albeit, not a very powerful generation...


Here we have the first Generation that I had no nostalgia goggles on. While I like far fewer in general, I still like a solid amount overall. You can clearly see the increase in design complexity overall, but some of that is what helped define Hoenn's overall motif.

Gen IV

A weird generation that gave us a mix of all new and refreshed classics. There's not as many here that I like in terms of the completely original additions, but the new evolutions gave some much needed help to classics while also complimenting a fair number of the new Pokémon. Designs of this generation I'd say are arguable the best with a nice mix of complex and clean designs all around.

Gen V

The first Generation since...the first to include enough new Pokémon that they didn't need outside additions. This was a huge thing and with it a lot of cool new Pokémon. Some people take issue with the originality of some revealed in this generation, and I understand that, but look past them and at the real gems of this generation.

Gen VI

The infamous Gen VI. A pitiful, and frankly embarrassing amount of Pokémon introduced in this generation. But to be fair, it's a case of quality over quantity because there are some awesome Pokémon in here. Just not a lot of them. There's even fewer because we never got an additional game, so it's the only generation I've only played once. If I replay it at some point, some opinions may change.

Gen VI

Gen VII...oh dear... I mean, there's technically more Pokémon to pick from, and having played through the region twice, I have a better understanding of Pokémon I do and don't like. But still, the disappointment is strong... Worth noting that if I really liked any Alolan variants, they'd be here.


Active Bulbapedia staff
Executive Staff: ArchaicEnzapevklKogoroMAGNEDETH
Editor-in-Chief: Maverick Nate
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: SnorlaxMonster

Leadership Board:
abcboyBoblersFrozen FennecLandfish7
Pokemaster97SpriteitStorm AuroraTiddlywinks


Junior Administrators:
ApopheniacBigDocFanC.Ezra.MDaniel CarreroFolksCallMeHilbert
HandiumHikaru WazanaMeeper12346Thespeon196VendrediWelkamo