Base Set (TCG)

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TCG expansions
Jungle →
Base Set
Please upload the logo for this expansion.[[File:{{{setlogo}}}|180px]]
Cards in set English: 102
Japanese: 102
Set number English: 1
Japanese: 1
Release date English: January 9, 1999
Japanese: October 20, 1996
Theme Decks

2 Player Starter Set (FightingFire)
Blackout (FightingWater)
Brushfire (GrassFire)
Overgrowth (GrassWater)
Zap! (PsychicLightning)

[[{{{japrevset}}} (TCG)|{{{japrevsetname}}}]]
Booster Pack
Pokémon Jungle

Base Set (Japanese: 拡張パック Booster Pack) is the name given to the original core release of cards and Theme Decks for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It was released in Japan on October 20, 1996, and in the United States on January 9, 1999.

Theme Decks

English Theme Decks

English Starter Deck

Japanese Theme Deck


  • While the expansion began the TCG in the United States officially in January of 1999, many stores were initially reluctant to sell the game. As a result, it did not see a widespread release until March or April of that year.
  • The 1st Edition print run sold extremely quickly, making first edition Base Set cards some of the most sought-after of all of the early TCG expansions.
  • All cards in the first few print runs (both first edition and unlimited) were printed with thinner HP and attack text and without drop shadows for the illustration window. These are commonly known as "shadowless cards" and are more valuable than later runs.
  • This expansion was replaced by Base Set 2 on its release, as by that point Base Set had been out of print for some time.
  • Several final form Pokémon were left out of this set despite their pre-evolved forms appearing, such as Dragonite, Dodrio, Gengar, Pidgeot, Butterfree and Hypno. These cards were later released in Jungle and Fossil.

Changes between the Japanese and international release

  • In TCG expansions up until Pokémon VS, the Japanese cards did not have a numbering system, and so the only number featured on the Japanese cards is the Pokémon's National Pokédex number.
  • The English cards adopted a system based on ordering the cards alphabetically and by descending rarity (rare-holo, rare, uncommon, common) and class of card (Pokémon, Trainer, Energy). This ordering has remained in place to this day. The Japanese set is ordered by type (Grass, Fire, Water, Lightning, Psychic, Fighting, Colorless), National Pokédex number, and ascending rarity (rare and rare-holo counting the same). This ordering remained in place until e-Card 2.

Card lists

English expansion

No. Card name Type Level Rarity
1 Alakazam Psychic 42 Rare Holo
2 Blastoise Water 52 Rare Holo
3 Chansey Colorless 55 Rare Holo
4 Charizard Fire 76 Rare Holo
5 Clefairy Colorless 14 Rare Holo
6 Gyarados Water 41 Rare Holo
7 Hitmonchan Fighting 33 Rare Holo
8 Machamp Fighting 67 Rare Holo
9 Magneton Lightning 28 Rare Holo
10 Mewtwo Psychic 53 Rare Holo
11 Nidoking Grass 48 Rare Holo
12 Ninetales Fire 32 Rare Holo
13 Poliwrath Water 48 Rare Holo
14 Raichu Lightning 40 Rare Holo
15 Venusaur Grass 67 Rare Holo
16 Zapdos Lightning 64 Rare Holo
17 Beedrill Grass 32 Rare
18 Dragonair Colorless 33 Rare
19 Dugtrio Fighting 36 Rare
20 Electabuzz Lightning 35 Rare
21 Electrode Lightning 40 Rare
22 Pidgeotto Colorless 36 Rare
23 Arcanine Fire 45 Uncommon
24 Charmeleon Fire 32 Uncommon
25 Dewgong Water 42 Uncommon
26 Dratini Colorless 10 Uncommon
27 Farfetch'd Colorless 20 Uncommon
28 Growlithe Fire 18 Uncommon
29 Haunter Psychic 22 Uncommon
30 Ivysaur Grass 20 Uncommon
31 Jynx Psychic 23 Uncommon
32 Kadabra Psychic 38 Uncommon
33 Kakuna Grass 23 Uncommon
34 Machoke Fighting 40 Uncommon
35 Magikarp Water 8 Uncommon
36 Magmar Fire 24 Uncommon
37 Nidorino Grass 25 Uncommon
38 Poliwhirl Water 28 Uncommon
39 Porygon Colorless 12 Uncommon
40 Raticate Colorless 41 Uncommon
41 Seel Water 12 Uncommon
42 Wartortle Water 22 Uncommon
43 Abra Psychic 10 Common
44 Bulbasaur Grass 13 Common
45 Caterpie Grass 13 Common
46 Charmander Fire 10 Common
47 Diglett Fighting 8 Common
48 Doduo Colorless 10 Common
49 Drowzee Psychic 12 Common
50 Gastly Psychic 8 Common
51 Koffing Grass 13 Common
52 Machop Fighting 20 Common
53 Magnemite Lightning 13 Common
54 Metapod Grass 21 Common
55 Nidoran♂ Grass 20 Common
56 Onix Fighting 12 Common
57 Pidgey Colorless 8 Common
58 Pikachu Lightning 12 Common
59 Poliwag Water 13 Common
60 Ponyta Fire 10 Common
61 Rattata Colorless 9 Common
62 Sandshrew Fighting 12 Common
63 Squirtle Water 8 Common
64 Starmie Water 28 Common
65 Staryu Water 15 Common
66 Tangela Grass 8 Common
67 Voltorb Lightning 10 Common
68 Vulpix Fire 11 Common
69 Weedle Grass 12 Common
70 Clefairy Doll T Rare
71 Computer Search T Rare
72 Devolution Spray T Rare
73 Impostor Professor Oak T Rare
74 Item Finder T Rare
75 Lass T Rare
76 Pokémon Breeder T Rare
77 Pokémon Trader T Rare
78 Scoop Up T Rare
79 Super Energy Removal T Rare
80 Defender T Uncommon
81 Energy Retrieval T Uncommon
82 Full Heal T Uncommon
83 Maintenance T Uncommon
84 PlusPower T Uncommon
85 Pokémon Center T Uncommon
86 Pokémon Flute T Uncommon
87 Pokédex T Uncommon
88 Professor Oak T Uncommon
89 Revive T Uncommon
90 Super Potion T Uncommon
91 Bill T Common
92 Energy Removal T Common
93 Gust of Wind T Common
94 Potion T Common
95 Switch T Common
96 Double Colorless Energy E Uncommon
97 Fighting Energy E
98 Fire Energy E
99 Grass Energy E
100 Lightning Energy E
101 Psychic Energy E
102 Water Energy E

Japanese expansion

Card name Type Level Rarity
Bulbasaur Grass 13 Common
Caterpie Grass 13 Common
Metapod Grass 21 Common
Weedle Grass 12 Common
Nidoran♂ Grass 20 Common
Koffing Grass 13 Common
Tangela Grass 8 Common
Ivysaur Grass 20 Uncommon
Kakuna Grass 23 Uncommon
Nidorino Grass 25 Uncommon
Venusaur Grass 67 Rare Holo
Beedrill Grass 32 Rare
Nidoking Grass 48 Rare Holo
Charmander Fire 10 Common
Vulpix Fire 11 Common
Ponyta Fire 10 Common
Charmeleon Fire 32 Uncommon
Growlithe Fire 18 Uncommon
Arcanine Fire 45 Uncommon
Magmar Fire 24 Uncommon
Charizard Fire 76 Rare Holo
Ninetales Fire 32 Rare Holo
Squirtle Water 8 Common
Poliwag Water 13 Common
Staryu Water 15 Common
Starmie Water 28 Common
Wartortle Water 22 Uncommon
Poliwhirl Water 28 Uncommon
Seel Water 12 Uncommon
Dewgong Water 42 Uncommon
Magikarp Water 8 Uncommon
Blastoise Water 52 Rare Holo
Poliwrath Water 48 Rare Holo
Gyarados Water 41 Rare Holo
Pikachu Lightning 12 Common
Magnemite Lightning 13 Common
Voltorb Lightning 10 Common
Raichu Lightning 40 Rare Holo
Magneton Lightning 28 Rare Holo
Electrode Lightning 40 Rare
Electabuzz Lightning 35 Rare
Zapdos Lightning 64 Rare Holo
Abra Psychic 10 Common
Gastly Psychic 8 Common
Drowzee Psychic 12 Common
Kadabra Psychic 38 Uncommon
Haunter Psychic 22 Uncommon
Jynx Psychic 23 Uncommon
Alakazam Psychic 42 Rare Holo
Mewtwo Psychic 53 Rare Holo
Sandshrew Fighting 12 Common
Diglett Fighting 8 Common
Machop Fighting 20 Common
Onix Fighting 12 Common
Machoke Fighting 40 Uncommon
Dugtrio Fighting 36 Rare
Machamp Fighting 67 Rare Holo
Hitmonchan Fighting 33 Rare Holo
Pidgey Colorless 8 Common
Rattata Colorless 9 Common
Doduo Colorless 10 Common
Raticate Colorless 41 Uncommon
Farfetch'd Colorless 20 Uncommon
Porygon Colorless 12 Uncommon
Dratini Colorless 10 Uncommon
Pidgeotto Colorless 36 Rare
Clefairy Colorless 14 Rare Holo
Chansey Colorless 55 Rare Holo
Dragonair Colorless 33 Rare
Energy Removal T Common
Potion T Common
Gust of Wind T Common
Switch T Common
Bill T Common
Super Potion T Uncommon
Energy Retrieval T Uncommon
Professor Oak T Uncommon
Revive T Uncommon
Defender T Uncommon
Full Heal T Uncommon
PlusPower T Uncommon
Pokédex T Uncommon
Pokémon Center T Uncommon
Pokémon Flute T Uncommon
Maintenance T Uncommon
Devolution Spray T Rare
Item Finder T Rare
Super Energy Removal T Rare
Impostor Professor Oak T Rare
Computer Search T Rare
Clefairy Doll T Rare
Scoop Up T Rare
Pokémon Trader T Rare
Pokémon Breeder T Rare
Lass T Rare
Double Colorless Energy E Uncommon
Grass Energy E
Fire Energy E
Water Energy E
Lightning Energy E
Psychic Energy E
Fighting Energy E


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