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Revision as of 08:23, 7 January 2011 by Zesty Cactus (talk | contribs)

Walnut (Japanese: ウォール Wal) is a ninja-in-training in the manga series Magical Pokémon Journey. His teacher is a talking Ditto, and his sparring partners are Apricot and her Marill, Marimaru. Walnut looks up to Koga. He claimed that he wanted to be a ninja, among other reasons, because he wanted to wear cool outfits.

When in ninja garb, Walnut wears contact lenses; the rest of the time, he wears glasses. When he's not training, he works in his parents' bakery, Walnut Tree.

Main characters
Main Pokémon
PikachuClefairyChikoBulbasaurArbokEkans BrothersCharmander
JigglypuffEeveeMaster DittoLuMarimaruSquirtleTogepiWigglytuff
JynxMandyPlumTamarindVaporeonMachampMadam AzumarillGramps
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