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Greevil (Japanese: デスゴルド Deathgold) is a character in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. He is the only character in the game to have the trainer class Grand Master.
Although it seemed that Evice was the head of Cipher, that was apparently not the case. It is assumed that Evice was either simply following the orders of the true head of the organization, Master Greevil, or he was actually replaced by Greevil. Greevil then proceeded to go under the guise of a man named Mr. Verich, and won the favor of Gateon Port by providing free food and drink. From his HQ on Citadark Isle, Greevil created XD001, the Shadow Lugia. However, he was defeated by Michael, the hero of Pokémon XD.
Greevil has two sons who are also his bodyguards, Ardos and Eldes.
Note: This battle will only be repeated until Lugia is snagged.
Before being snagged
After being snagged
- Greevil is the only Trainer to use seven Pokémon to battle.
- Greevil is also the only Trainer to have a team consisting completely of Shadow Pokemon when fought for the first time.
- Greevil's name is a combination of greedy and evil.
- Grand Masters also exist in the Pokémon Trading Card Game game for the Game Boy, although their role in that game was completely different from Greevil's in XD.
Template:Gen III trainers