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プラム Plum

Plum and Chansey
Gender Female
Birthday March 14
Hometown Unnamed
Region Kanto

Plum (Japanese: プラム Plum) is an exorcist-in-training from the manga series Magical Pokémon Journey. She only appears in the chapter The Exorcist Nurse!!, where she banishes characters' dark Aura with her holy cross. She travels with her senior, Chansey, to build her exorcism skills.

She has a crush on Peanut, and moves in next-door to him after uncovering and failing to banish his overbearing dark Aura.

Main characters
Main Pokémon
PikachuClefairyChikoBulbasaurArbokEkans BrothersCharmander
JigglypuffEeveeMaster DittoLuMarimaruSquirtleTogepiWigglytuff
JynxMandyPlumTamarindVaporeonMachampMadam AzumarillGramps

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