The Battle Between Legendary Pokémon でんせつのポケモンどうしのたたかいThe Battle Between Legendary Pokémon
Battle Rules:
Single Battle
ポケモン3ひき シングルバトル。 LV.50に ほせい。 おなじ どうぐ ポケモン きんし。
かくちほうの でんせつのポケモンが つどい きそいあう トーナメント!
(Japanese: でんせつのポケモンどうしのたたかいThe Battle Between Legendary Pokémon) is a downloadable tournament for the Pokémon World Tournament which removes the restriction on standard banned Pokémon, such as Mew and Arceus. This tournament features Sabrina, Falkner, Winona, and Fantina, each with one legendary Pokémon as their first Pokémon. It is conducted under Single Battle rules. In Japan, its distribution began September 15, 2012.