Doc Brock! (Japanese: パチリスお熱です!2人でお留守番!?Pachirisu Has a Fever! Two People Taking Care!?) is the 94th episode of the Diamond & Pearl series, and the 560th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on September 25, 2008, with Battling the Generation Gap! and in the United States on February 14, 2009.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
On the way to Celestic Town, Ash and his friends are camped at a mountain cabin. While Dawn trains and Ash snoozes, Brock goes down the mountain to visit a pharmacy. That leaves Ash and Dawn in charge of the Pokémon, and their first task is to give the Pokémon a shower. Ash accidentally blasts Pachirisu with cold water, but everything seems to go smoothly. After that, it's lunchtime and a siesta! But naptime is cut short when Pachirisu comes down with a bad fever and there's no Pokémon Center in the area.
While Staravia goes out to find Brock, Ash has Buneary use Ice Beam to make an ice pack for Pachirisu's fever. The little Pokémon is still unwell, and Dawn and Ash argue over whose fault it was before they realize they need to find the berries that Brock uses for sick Pokémon. Meanwhile, Team Rocket sees a Zapdos fly by and try to hit it with a cannon full of sticky goo, but they hit Staravia instead. It manages to evade them, but now it can't fly. When Staravia fails to return, Ash sends Gliscor out to get Brock instead.
Alerted by Gliscor, Brock runs back to the cabin and realizes that Pachirisu may have a build-up of excess electricity. Once he drains the extra charge and treats Pachirisu with medicine and Oran Berries, it's on its way to a speedy recovery—just in time to be stolen by Team Rocket, who spotted the cabin! But Staravia found some friendly Wooper to clean the gunk off its wing, and it returns in time to free Pachirisu from Team Rocket's net. Then Buneary and a healthy Pachirisu team up to blast Team Rocket back where they came from. It looks like a happy ending all around, except that they forgot about one Pokémon: poor Gliscor, still struggling up the long road back to the cabin!
The scene opens to Dawn practicing Contest moves, while Ash is wondering how to counter Fantina's Drifblim's Hypnosis. But he ends up falling asleep himself, so Pikachu wakes him up, slightly annoyed. Brock emerges, and he and Dawn remind Ash he’s going to get Pokémon medicine. He gives them a list of things to do and his Pokémon, and heads off.
Ash reads the list, and calls out his Pokémon for showers. When it’s Pachirisu’s turn, Ash accidentally sprays it with cool water. Dawn scolds him, and he turns on the warm water. Everyone has showered, and they cheer that their finished. Team Rocket then flies in on a desperate hunt for the twerps and Pikachu. Jessie calls out for them, but gets furious when James and Meowth point out the twerps wouldn’t answer.
Ash says it’s lunchtime, so Dawn and Pikachu cook pancakes. The group is delighted by how great they taste, and Pachirisu even asks for more! Team Rocket is also eating, though they have a large bag of chips. After showing their skilled potato chip eating techniques, they happily lay on their backs, their larger stomachs showing.
While all the Pokémon are taking a nap, Ash is still trying to figure out how to keep his Pokémon awake, but falls asleep once more. Dawn scolds him, and Pikachu burst through the door, showing something is terribly wrong. Ash and Dawn rush out to see Pachirisu has a high fever. They rush inside to find a Pokémon Center, but there’s not one close by. Ash suggests they get Brock back, and he sends Staravia off, much to Gliscor’s disappointment. Dawn is still worrying, and Ash takes Buneary and Happiny to make ice to bring Pachirisu’s fever down. Dawn puts the ice on Pachirisu’s head, then yells at Ash for spraying it with cold water. Ash counters by saying it probably has an upset stomach because of those pancakes she fed it. The two argue until Dawn hears her sick Pokémon’s voice, and they agree it’s no time to fight. Team Rocket then spots a Zapdos, and they want it. James fires a Bazooka Gun, but Zapdos flies up. The wad hit’s Staravia, and Jessie tells them they can change their sights to that one instead.
Dawn comments how the fever just won’t go down, then Ash reminds her about Oran Berries. They go to find some, but have no luck. Team Rocket isn’t getting too lucky with Staravia either. Ash is concerned about Staravia, so Gliscor offers to go get Brock instead. Ash sends it off, shouting for it to go to the right and calm down. Brock is now seen shopping, commenting on how much stuff the pharmacy has. The scene changes, and Dawn comments on how they need more blankets, so Ash’s Pokémon get him a few. Brock is then seen walking home, talking about the stalks. He sees Gliscor, and frantically tries to run. Gliscor lands on him, telling him something’s wrong. Brock starts running, then notices Gliscor needs wind to fly. He offers to carry him, but ends up going on ahead after the failed attempt.
Dawn and Ash know they need to get Pachirisu to eat, and Dawn recalls when she was sick, her mom fed her mashed fruit. Ash says they still have the fruit Pikachu found, and try feeding it. It refuses. Brock barges in, running over Pachirisu. He thinks it has an electric cold, similar to Pikachu’s. He gets the electricity out, feeds it a pill, then tells them they need to be calm at times like this. Dawn thinks she’s a terrible Trainer, but Ash tells her not to cry. They tell Brock about the mashed fruit, but he says that doesn’t come until later. They go to try find Oran Berries to feed Pachirisu, then they find a few Oran Berry bushed. Pachirisu accepts them. Everyone is thrilled. At the same time, Staravia gets help from some Wooper to get the gunk off it’s wings. Pachirisu shows everyone it’s better by running around, only to be grabbed by a net! Everyone runs outside, demanding an explanation. Team Rocket recites their motto. They say they wanted Pikachu, but they’ll take Pachirisu instead. This infuriates Dawn. Staravia flies in and cuts the net, releasing Pachirisu right after sending the Bazooka Wad back at Team Rocket. Buneary freezes them with Ice Beam and pounding them with Dizzy Punch. Pachirisu sends them blasting off with Discharge.
Brock suggests he teaches them first aid, incase something happens and they can’t find a Pokémon Center. They agree. Brock offers to make food, and Pachirisu confirms it’s better by being hungry. As the narrator says the farewell, Ash breaks in, realizing he forgot Gliscor. Brock and Dawn also show worry. Gliscor is seen yelling.
Team Rocket seeing a Zapdos from their balloon in this episode may be a reference to Pokémon Platinum, in which all three legendary birds can be found roamingSinnoh. This was also the first episode to air after the game's Japanese release.
Dawn says that Swinub does not like to take showers, but in Fighting Fear With Fear, it was depicted swimming with all of the other Pokémon.
The dub version of the credits showed the former 4Kids logo at the end. The reason for this is unknown, although it may have been an unintentional result of switching the show's credits to the system used for other Cartoon Network shows.
This became a running error that later recurred in most of the following season. Only the televised versions are affected; Cartoon Network Video presentations continue to use the original style of credits and are not affected by this.
This episode features some similarities with the beginning of Giratina and the Sky Warrior. In this episode, Ash and his friends' Pokémon take baths and eat pancakes. This also happens to Shaymin in the movie. Shaymin also gets a mild fever, similar to Pachirisu. Coincidentally, both of these premiered during the same weekend in America.
Many TV descriptions for this episode claim Pachirisu gets struck by lightning, possibly referring to the Zapdos seen in the episode.
The sparks colored blue instead of yellow
While Croagunk is looking at himself in the mirror, his Japanese voice can be heard.
During the flashback, the sparks coming off Pikachu's cheeks are colored blue instead of yellow.
After Dawn stops crying, her white top extends to the bottom of her shirt.