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Electrode's Big Shock!
VS. Marumine
Location Cerise Island

Electrode's Big Shock! (Japanese: VSマルマイン VS. Marumine) is the 75th round of the Pokémon Adventures manga.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Bruno's Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan charge forward, as do Lt. Surge's Electabuzz and Bill's Vulpix. Vulpix and Electabuzz shove Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, who land on their feet on the Onix bridge. Hitmonchan unleashes a barrage of Comet Punch, and Hitmonlee attacks with a powerful Rolling Kick. Yellow and Blaine, seeing how bad the situation is for Bill and Lt. Surge, have Pika and Rapidash use ThunderShock and Fire Spin, but not even a dent appears in the wall. Bruno tells them to leave, but Yellow and Blaine keep trying to break the wall. For punishment, an Onix wraps around them. On the other side of the wall, Lt. Surge and Bill come up with a battle strategy to face Bruno's Machamp. When Machamp comes to Bill and Lt. Surge, they run away.

Next to Machamp, two hidden Poké Balls open, and Bill's Exeggcute and Lt. Surge's Electrode come out. Exeggcute uses Egg Bomb and Barrage to shoot out floating groups of eggs. Electrode uses Selfdestruct to make the groups of eggs explode, which causes the Onix to thrash in pain, sending Bruno, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Bill, Exeggcute, Vulpix, Lt. Surge, and Electrode down. Four Magneton appear and stop Lt. Surge, Bill, and their Pokémon from falling by creating a magnetic pyramid around them (other than Lt. Surge, who is climbing up on a Magneton). Bill looks down at the acid below and knows that if Bruno did fall in, he couldn't have survived...

Major events

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This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.