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DP056 : The Keystone Pops!
Diamond & Pearl series
DP058 : Nosing 'Round the Mountain!
Bibarel Gnaws Best!
DP057   EP523
Beadaru Knew!
First broadcast
Japan November 29, 2007
United States May 17, 2008
English themes
Opening We Will Be Heroes
Japanese themes
Opening Together
Ending 君のそばで 〜ヒカリのテーマ〜(Winter Version)
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 武上純希 Junki Takegami
Storyboard 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Assistant director 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Animation director 岩根雅明 Masaaki Iwane
Additional credits

Bibarel Gnaws Best! (Japanese: ビーダルは知っていた! Beadaru Knew!) is the 57th episode of the Diamond & Pearl series, and the 523rd episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on November 29, 2007 as part of a one-hour special alongside The Keystone Pops!, and in the United States on May 17, 2008.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


On the way to Solaceon Town, our heroes reach a river with an unfinished bridge. Brock immediately falls for Isis, the stonecutter working on the bridge, and learns that construction has halted because Isis's Bibarel refuses to cut any more stone. With only days until the project deadline, Isis's job is in trouble, and Brock gallantly offers to help get Bibarel back to work. But to his surprise, even the lure of delicious Pokémon food can't convince Bibarel to resume cutting.

Isis doesn't know what's wrong—Bibarel was trained by a master stonecutter and always used to obey her commands. But once the stonecutter left, Bibarel stopped working. Brock and his friends try to make up for the slack by having their own Pokémon cut stone instead, but without Bibarel, they don't have the know-how to cut stone to the right specifications. To make things worse, Team Rocket descends on the scene and steals the construction team's Machamp and Machoke!

Bibarel beats Team Rocket and frees the kidnapped Pokémon, but the bridge's head engineer shows up at the quarry and tries to force Bibarel out of the way so work can resume. With help from our heroes, Bibarel defeats the head engineer and his Pokémon. Then Bibarel's original master returns, and reveals that the head engineer's blueprints were flawed. That's why Bibarel refused to cut any stone! Using the corrected blueprint, Bibarel gets back to work and the bridge is finished on schedule.


Ash and his friends are on their way to Solaceon Town, when they come across an incomplete bridge which has a group of people standing on it. Brock falls in love with one of them, assumes that she is being threatened and races towards the bridge. When he gets there he doesn't stop soon enough and Croagunk has to save him. He is then told that the Mayor and the head engineer are simply telling Isis that the bridge must be completed soon, causing Brock to apologize. The Mayor and head engineer then leave, with the head engineer commenting that they have to think about his reputation. Ash and Dawn remark that he is very selfish, and then everyone introduces themselves.

Isis then tells them what is going on. Originally, an expert stonecutter was hired, but he hurt his back. Then the head engineer took charge and put Isis in charge of stonecutting, but work has ground to a halt. Before she can continue, Brock tells her to leave it all to him and gives some of his special Pokémon food to the Machoke and Machamp. Isis is amazed at the eagerness at which they eat the food, but then says that they aren't the problem, it is the Pokémon which cuts the stone which is. At Brock's request Isis leads them to the quarry.

Team Rocket contemplate taking the Pokémon, fantasizing about building a giant castle for the boss.

When they get to the quarry Isis points out the stonecutter: a sleeping Bibarel, which Ash scans on his Pokédex. Brock then pulls a table and ingredients from his bag, before making a large bowl of food for Bibarel, which eats the lot before going back to sleep, surprising Brock. Isis then reveals the them that she is a professional Pokémon Breeder, causing Brock to apologize, and that she was the one who taught Bibarel to cut stone, before showing it to the expert stonecutter. The expert stonecutter took it under his wing and under him Bibarel mastered stonecutting. She then says that since the expert stonecutter hurt himself, Bibarel has refused to cut stone. Brock decides to help, saying that he was the leader of the Rock-type Pewter Gym in Kanto. He borrows Chimchar, Buizel and Turtwig and sends out Sudowoodo.

Chimchar heats up the rock with Flamethrower, Buizel cools it with Water Gun, causing it to crack, and Turtwig uses Razor Leaf, which Sudowoodo copies with Mimic, to break it off and cut it into smooth blocks. Isis measures it and tells them that the blocks are the wrong size. They are about to try again when Bibarel stands on the blocks they cut and looks at them angrily.

Suddenly the Machoke's and Machamp's cries break the deadlock, and Team Rocket's balloon appears over the trees with the Pokémon in a cage beneath it. They perform their motto and then Meowth pushes a button, causing an arm to shoot out of the side of the balloon. The others try to free Bibarel the same way they cut the Stone, but the arm isn't even scratched. They then throw Bibarel into the cage. It angrily tightens its headband and begins gnawing on the bars. Jessie and James are initially worried, but Meowth says that the bars are made of the same material as the arm, so it won't break. However Bibarel quickly breaks through the bars and all the Pokémon jump out. Pikachu then goes for its final turn, shooting down Team Rocket's Balloon with Thunderbolt.

Bibarel still refuses to cut stone, and then the head engineer shows up in a giant digger and sends out his Rhydon to cut the stone with Horn Drill, ignoring Isis's and Brock's reminder that he will need Bibarel's help to cut the stone into the right shape. Bibarel angrily tackles Rhydon, which then hits it with its tail. Rhydon is about to stomp on Bibarel when Bibarel bites Rhydon's foot. The head engineer then sens out his Aggron, Magmar and Metang, telling them to use Iron Head, Flamethrower and Metal Claw, respectively. Bibarel dodges the Iron Head and Metal Claw, but is hit by the Flamethrower. The head engineer's Pokémon all charge at Bibarel, while Isis realizes that Bibarel is trying to protect the quarry.

Ash tells Pikachu to use Iron Tail, which hits Rhydon. Then Chimchar uses Flamethrower, Buizel uses Water Gun, Turtwig uses Razor Leaf, which Sudowoodo copies with Mimic, and Piplup uses BubbleBeam. The combined attacks stop the head engineer's Pokémon, so he jumps into his digger and drives it towards the quarry wall, but a large rock comes out of nowhere and knocks it over. When he asks who did that, the expert stonecutter reveals himself and a third Machamp at the top of the wall. Machamp brigs them down, and then the expert stonecutter reveals that he never hurt his back, the only thing that needed healing was the blueprints. The head engineer denies this, but the expert stonecutter reveals a model of the bridge he had built to the blueprint. When the removes the support structure the bridge immediately collapses. The head engineer says he was doing it so the project would be finished on time, and his reputation would be saved.

Isis and the expert stonecutter tell him that he won't work as an engineer alongside stonecutters again, and that he must leave the construction site immediately "or else". At that point Bibarel steps forwards, and then all the other Pokémon stand beside it. The head engineer runs off, followed by his Pokémon. All the Pokémon cheer, but then Isis realizes that they will never get the project finished on time without a blueprint. The expert stonecutter then reveals that he had already made a new blueprint for the bridge. Everyone then starts working together. Chimchar uses Flamethrower, Buizel uses Water Gun, Croagunk uses Brick Break, and then Turtwig and Sudowoodo use Razor Leaf (the latter through Mimic). The block then lands, and Bibarel cuts it to the right size and shape. The other Pokémon then start carrying the blocks to the bridge, with the Machamp carrying three at a time, Pikachu and Piplup carrying one between them and Happiny carrying five above her head. Everyone then helps to build the bridge using the stone.

At the opening they are watching from an overlook and the expert stonecutter gives the group headbands like his and Bibarel's. Brock immediately puts his on and starts swooning over Isis, before he is stopped cold by Croagunk, causing Isis to comment that Brock doesn't look so good as he collapses. After waiting a few moments for Brock to recover the group continue on their way to Solaceon Town as the episode ends.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.






  • Professor Oak's Pokémon lecture: Hippopotas
    • Pokémon senryū: みえるかな すなにかくれた ヒポポタス Mieru ka na, suna ni kakureta, Hipopotasu "Can I see it? Hidden in the sand; Hippopotas"
  • The headband that Bibarel wears during this episode (and is given to the main characters at the end) has a similar design to the Focus Band.
  • The ending credits are for this episode and the previous one.
  • Instead of the ending credits shown before Professor Oak's Pokémon Lecture, they were shown after it.
  • Most of the English dub's opening is based on this episode.
  • The dub title of this episode can either come from the name of an American TV and radio show called Father Knows Best (from late '50), from the similarly named American TV show Hogan Knows Best.


  • When Buizel, Chimchar, Sudowoodo, Turtwig, and Piplup are attacking the head engineer's Pokémon, Chimchar's Japanese voice can be heard.
  • Brock knew Isis's name even though it was not previously mentioned.
  • When the Machoke and Machamp were eating Brock's food, they suddenly switch colors.

Dub edits

In other languages

DP056 : The Keystone Pops!
Diamond & Pearl series
DP058 : Nosing 'Round the Mountain!
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