Jynx (MPJ)

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Revision as of 14:16, 2 December 2015 by Franky7 (talk | contribs)
ルージュラ Rougela

Jynx in her fortune-telling tent
Debuts in Even an Arbok Falls in Love!
Gender Female
Ability Unknown
Current location At her fortune-telling tent
This Pokémon is fully evolved.

Jynx (Japanese: ルージュラ Rougela) is a character from the Magical Pokémon Journey manga.


Arbok goes to Jynx to find out if he has a chance with his crush, Wigglytuff. Later, when teaching Apricot about being more feminine, Hazel and Coconut take her to get their fortunes told.

Personality and characteristics

Jynx is a fortune-teller. She can read the minds of both humans and Pokémon with her magic ball. Jynx can also determine fortunes based on how her hair falls into place, calling this technique "Hair-O-Mancy". She is a three-time champion of the Fortune-Telling Competition.

She has a younger sister, Smoochum, who is not able to tell fortunes yet.


  • Jynx appears to be black in the manga and not her current color of purple. As this manga has not been reissued in North America since Jynx's recoloring, she has not been edited to appear purple, unlike Jynx appearing in reissued volumes of Pokémon Adventures.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Jynx.

Main characters
Main Pokémon
PikachuClefairyChikoBulbasaurArbokEkans BrothersCharmander
JigglypuffEeveeMaster DittoLuMarimaruSquirtleTogepiWigglytuff
JynxMandyPlumTamarindVaporeonMachampMadam AzumarillGramps

This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.