Four Island

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If you were looking for the town of the same name, see Four Island (town).

Four Island 4のしま
Island 4
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: West of Five Island
Region: Sevii Islands
Generations: III

Location of Four Island in Sevii Islands.
Pokémon world locations

Four Island (Japanese: 4のしま Island 4), commonly referred to by fans as Floe Island (Japanese: こおりしま Ice Island), is the fourth and smallest island in the Sevii Islands archipelago. It is south of One Island, and west of Five Island.

When the player first arrives at the island and walks outside of the dock building the rival comes up to them and explains to them that they can't fill up their Pokédex without the use of breeding and hatching Eggs, referring to baby Pokémon because they can't be found in the wild.

The town of Four Island is the hometown of Lorelei of the Elite Four. It is here that she was first taught about Pokémon when she was just a young girl. Lorelei still resides in the town. Her house has a large collection of Pokémon dolls she has collected.

Four Island is also host to a very large Pokémon Day Care run by an elderly couple. For a small fee, they will watch after a Trainer's Pokémon and raise their levels. Unlike the Day Care on Route 5, two Pokémon can be dropped off. Leaving compatible Pokémon at this Day Care will result in a Pokémon Egg being laid.

Next to the Poké Mart, there is a house owned by a man who will put stickers on the Trainer's Cards of Trainers who have accomplished a difficult task, such as defeating the Elite Four, hatching Pokémon Eggs, or completing the Pokédex.

While the Sevii Islands are mostly tropical, there is one exception - a cave on Four Island. The cave is on the northeast section of the island past a small lake. It is freezing inside the cave, due to the high population of Ice-type Pokémon that live there. For this reason, it is known as Icefall Cave. During Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, Team Rocket arrives here; however, with the help of the player, Lorelei and her Lapras, whom she met in the cave during her youth, are able to drive out the villains to their home base on Five Island.

To reach this island, a person has to have a Rainbow Pass, instead of the ordinary Tri-Pass.

Locations on Four Island

In other languages

Floe Island

Language Title
French La chaleureuse île glacée
German Warmes, blaues Eisschollen-Eiland
Italian La calda isola blu!
Spanish La isla cálida, azul y rara.

Sevii Islands
One IslandTwo IslandThree IslandFour IslandFive IslandSix IslandSeven Island
Treasure BeachKindle RoadCape BrinkBond BridgeThree Isle PortThree Isle PathResort GorgeousWater Labyrinth
Five Isle MeadowMemorial PillarOutcast IslandGreen PathWater PathRuin ValleyTrainer TowerCanyon Entrance
Sevault CanyonTanoby Ruins
Mt. EmberBerry ForestIcefall CaveRocket WarehouseLost CaveAltering CavePattern Bush
Dotted HoleTanoby KeyTanoby ChambersNavel RockBirth Island
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This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.