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DP049 : Dawn's Early Night!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP051 : Glory Blaze!
Tag! We're It...!
DP050   EP516
All Members Participate! Tag Battle!!
First broadcast
Japan October 4, 2007
United States February 1, 2008
English themes
Opening Diamond and Pearl
Japanese themes
Opening Together
Ending 君のそばで 〜ヒカリのテーマ〜(PopUp.Version)
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 山田浩之 Hiroyuki Yamada
Assistant director 山田浩之 Hiroyuki Yamada
Animation directors 夏目久仁彦 Kunihiko Natsume
新城真 Makoto Shinjō
Additional credits

Tag! We're It...! (Japanese: 全員参加!タッグバトル!! All Members Participate! Tag Battle!!) is the 50th episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 516th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on October 4, 2007 as part of a two-hour special alongside DP049, and in the United States on February 1, 2008.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Dawn is still feeling a little blue after her early exit from the Hearthome Pokémon Contest, so her friends convince her to compete in a tag battle tournament along with Ash and Brock. Our heroes head to the opening ceremonies to learn who their randomly chosen tag partners are. Dawn's new partner is Conway, a calculating Trainer with a Slowking. Brock's lovely partner is Holly, who will compete using her Wingull. And Ash's partner is—Paul? Even Paul's Elekid doesn't get along with Pikachu! Ash and Pauls chances of winning the Soothe Bell prize arent looking too great.

Dawn and Conway are up first, battling a team using Koffing and Scyther. Dawn isn't so sure about Conway, but the two of them turn out to be a good pair! Conway has Slowking use defensive moves to cover for Dawn's Piplup, letting Piplup concentrate on offensive moves, and they win their match. Then Brock and Holly have their Sudowoodo and Wingull work together to defeat a Yanma and Bagon whose Trainers are too busy arguing to battle effectively. That doesn't bode well for Ash and Paul, who still aren't getting along.

Ash and Paul are up against opponents using Magmar and Rhydon—not a great type match-up for Pikachu and Paul's Chimchar. When Rhydon uses Surf, Paul orders Chimchar to use Flame Wheel directly into the waves! Its incredibly risky, so Ash tells Pikachu to disrupt the Surf attack instead. That protects Chimchar and knocks out Rhydon, but Paul doesn't appreciate the interference. They manage to win this round, but at the rate they're arguing, they might not last through the next!


Ash and Brock hand Dawn an entry card for the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition. Zoey suggested it to give Dawn a confidence boost after not making it into the Battle Stage of the Hearthome Contest. At the stadium, the announcer, Enta, explains the rules and shows the competitors the prize for winning, a Soothe Bell that Team Rocket wants to steal. The contestants are shuffled and put into pairs for the competition. The three set off to find their partners. Dawn is the first to find her partner, an odd boy named Conway and his Slowking. Next Brock finds his partner, a girl named Holly with a Wingull. Of course, she is a beautiful girl who Brock falls for, but she tells him that she is not interested in younger men. Ash is still searching for his partner when a voice calls out "of course you had to be number 15." He turns around to find his partner is none other than Paul standing there with his Elekid and Chimchar.

Dawn and Conway are first to battle with their Piplup and Slowking against a Koffing and Scyther. Scyther starts things off with a Razor Wind and Koffing attacks with a Sludge Bomb. Piplup blocks the Razor Wind with a Bubble Beam and Slowking blocks the Sludge Bomb with a Safeguard. Koffing comes back with a Thunderbolt that Slowking blocks with Protect. Scyther attacks with an X-Scissor but Piplup comes from above with a Peck attack that knocks out Scyther. Koffing uses Gyro Ball, but it is stopped by Slowking's Psychic. Slowking then slams Koffing into the ground knocking it out. The two win with a combination of Conway's defense and Dawn's attack.

Brock and Holly are up next. It's Sudowoodo and Wingull against a Yanma and Bagon. Wingull uses a Blizzard attack but is hit by a Steel Wing from Yanma first. While Wingull is falling, Bagon comes in with a Zen Headbutt, which is stopped by a Double-Edge from Sudowoodo. The other side is arguing about getting in each other's way. Wingull uses an icy Blizzard. Bagon tries to counter with Dragon Breath but is hit by Sudowoodo's Flail first. Wingull hits Yanma with an Aerial Ace and both Bagon and Yanma faint. They win and advance to the next round. Brock starts to flirt with Holly, then catches himself and stops... only for Holly to start flirting with him. Brock is surprised, while Croagunk is left bemused.

Ash and Paul are the last battle of the first round. Ash sends out Pikachu and Paul sends out Chimchar, and the opposition sends out a Rhydon and Magmar. Ash decides to battle his way and starts things off with a Thunderbolt towards Magmar however the attack is redirected to Rhydon thanks to its Lightning Rod Ability. Rhydon, who is naturally unharmed, then smashes Pikachu with a Megahorn attack. Magmar attacks with a Lava Plume, an extremely powerful Fire-type move that affects everyone on the field. Rhydon is left barely affected thanks to its type-advantage, but the blaze of fire quickly heads toward Pikachu and Chimchar. Ash tells Pikachu to dodge but Paul sends Chimchar straight into the fire. The flame on Chimchar's tail becomes bigger and Chimchar gives a powerful blast of Flamethrower, which has very little effect on Rhydon. Rhydon counters with a direct hit from a Hammer Arm. Pikachu comes down from its dodge with an Iron Tail. Now the two opponents are aware that even without electric attacks, Pikachu shouldn't be taken lightly and have Rhydon strike back with a surprise Surf attack while Magmar uses Protect. Paul decides to take it head on with a Flame Wheel. Ash tries to convince him that Chimchar could really get hurt but he does not care. As Pikachu panics, Ash suddenly remembers how Zoey used Glameow's Iron Tail to cut through Shellos's Water Pulse during her Double Performance and has Pikachu break through the Surf, which slams into Rhydon. Pikachu then scores a direct-hit with Iron Tail knocking Rhydon out and leaving Magmar alone. Now free to use electric attacks, Pikachu goes straight for Magmar with a Volt Tackle but Magmar deflects it with a Fire Punch. While Pikachu and Magmar are fighting, Chimchar comes from beneath with a Dig that knocks out Magmar. Brock tells Dawn that Ash and Paul can't get much further unless they start working as a team.

Major events

Teams that advanced to Round 2
For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.



Pokémon debuts






Dub edits

In other languages

DP049 : Dawn's Early Night
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP051 : Glory Blaze!
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