Prior to the start of the manga, Kiki was given to Ruby as a Skitty as a gift from his father, Norman. One day, when Ruby was playing with Sapphire, a Salamence attacked them and Ruby sent out Kiki, Nana, and Rara to fend it off. The three managed to scare it away, but Ruby got injured in the process, which scared Sapphire. Because of this incident, Ruby decided to never battle in front of people again. Before moving to Hoenn, Kiki was used by Ruby to win multiple contests in Johto.
Kiki first appeared as a Skitty in Creeping Past Cacnea, where she was seen with Ruby on his trip to Hoenn. After running away from home, Ruby was almost caught by his father while he was helping Wally catch a Pokémon, but was saved by Kiki's Safeguard.
In Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt II, Kiki was sent out when a wildCrawdaunt attacked Mr. Briney. His Peeko was unable to battle after her beak was shattered due to Crawdaunt's Shell ArmorAbility. After Mr. Briney passed out, Kiki was able to defeat the Crawdaunt by spinning around to avoid damage and increase the chance of activating her Cute Charm Ability. After Crawdaunt was infatuated, Kiki slammed into it with a Double-Edge.
In Hanging Around With Slaking I, Kiki fought alongside Nana against Norman and his Slaking and Vigoroth. Nana fired a Hyper Beam while Kiki attacked with Iron Tail. Despite their strength, Kiki and Nana were easily swept away due to the fact that Norman knew all of Ruby's strategies, as he was the one to teach them to him.
In I More Than Like You, Luvdisc I, Kiki advanced Ruby through the Super Rank of the Cuteness Contest. After the contest, Kiki is used in Ruby's battle against Wallace alongside the rest of his team, bar Feefee, and loses.
In It All Ends Now VIII, Kiki battled alongside the rest of Ruby and Sapphire's Pokémon against Maxie and Archie. Later that day, Kiki is shown to have won the Master Rank of the Cuteness Contest, wearing a Pink Scarf.
In Omega Alpha Adventure 7, Kiki appeared alongside the rest of Ruby's team when he was checking to make sure they all survived the crash caused by the Draconid people.
Personality and characteristics
Kiki has shown to have a naive and innocent personality, and as a Skitty was a little ditsy. Much like Ruby she is flashy, loves to show off her looks, and hates getting dirty. Despite Ruby's distaste towards battling Kiki is a very powerful battler. She has also been shown to get seasick and has a habit of chasing her tail.
A † shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.
Of all of the Pokémon Norman gave to Ruby, she is the only one to be of Norman's specialty type.
Kiki's Contest call is, "Regardless of the effects of time, the cuteness that this body encompasses never changes. Oozing Cute Charm from her body, this is the Pokémon Delcatty—Kiki!"