BREAKthrough (TCG)

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If you were looking for the EX Delta Species Theme Deck, see Breakthrough (TCG).
← Ancient Origins
TCG expansions
BREAKpoint →
青い衝撃 · 赤い閃光
Cards in set English: 164
Japanese: 118
Set number English: 66
Japanese: 60
Release date English: November 4, 2015
Japanese: September 26, 2015
Theme Decks

Burning Spark (FireLightning)
Night Striker (PsychicDarkness)

Bandit Ring
Blue Shock · Red Flash
Rage of the Broken Heavens

Pokémon TCG: XY—BREAKthrough (Japanese: 青い衝撃 · 赤い閃光 Blue Shock · Red Flash) is the name given to the first main expansion of cards from the International XY BREAK Series and the Japanese XY BREAK Era of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The set features Mega Evolution, BREAK Evolution, and the Genetic Pokémon, Mewtwo.


File:XY8 Blue Shock-Red Flash Logo.png
Japanese logos

Parallel Worlds: Two Worlds Collide!

An amazing discovery! Pokémon BREAK Evolution opens a new path to power that builds on a Pokémon’s existing strengths and creates all-new battling options! These new Pokémon BREAK come from twin worlds, home to Zoroark BREAK, Mega Mewtwo X, and Mega Mewtwo Y. One world of technology, one world of nature, and all the wonders of BREAK Evolution are yours to explore in the Pokémon TCG: XY—BREAKthrough expansion!


BREAKthrough and the Japanese equivalent Blue Shock ・Red Flash are the eighth expansions of the English XY Series and the Japanese XY Era, respectively, and are the first of XY BREAK. The set continues to feature Mega Evolution as powerful Pokémon-EX and centers around the Genetic Pokémon Mewtwo. It was released in Japan on September 26, 2015, and on November 4, 2015 in English. BREAKthrough contains 164 cards, while Blue Shock・Red Flash have 65 cards per set. The Korean release is formatted similar to the Japanese set, with the same name (albeit with Korean-translated titles), set size, and set icon, and was released on September 28, 2015.

The expansion is the first expansion to feature a new variant of cards: Pokémon BREAK. Pokémon BREAK is an additional type of evolution. When in play, the Pokémon BREAK card are placed sideways over the artwork of the existing Pokémon (of the same type of Pokémon) to give them an HP boost and new Abilities or attacks while still retaining the Abilities, attacks, Weaknesses, Resistances, and Retreat Costs of the original Pokémon.

BREAKthrough features 8 new Pokémon-EX, including 4 Mega Pokémon-EX, and introduces 6 Pokémon BREAK cards.

The prerelease card for this set is Chesnaught.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
15/162 Vivillon Grass Cosmos Holo Sun & Moon Knock Out Collection exclusive
20/162 Typhlosion Fire Cosmos Holo Sun & Moon Two Pack Blister exclusive
33/162 Octillery Water Non Holo Battle Arena Decks: Rayquaza vs Keldeo exclusive
38/162 Empoleon Water Non Holo
49/162 Raichu Lightning Cracked Ice Holo Burning Spark Theme Deck exclusive
54/162 Magnezone Lightning Non Holo Burning Spark Theme Deck/Battle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs White Kyurem exclusive
55/162 Raikou Lightning Cosmos Holo Sun & Moon Guardians Rising Blisters exclusive
60/162 Gengar Psychic Non Holo Night Striker Theme Deck exclusive
60/162 Gengar Psychic Cosmos Holo Pokémon Champions Tins exclusive
78/162 Marowak Fighting 1st Place Reverse Holo Pokémon League League Challenge promo
78/162 Marowak Fighting 2nd Place Reverse Holo Pokémon League League Challenge promo
78/162 Marowak Fighting 3rd Place Reverse Holo Pokémon League League Challenge promo
78/162 Marowak Fighting 4th Place Reverse Holo Pokémon League League Challenge promo
84/162 Gallade Fighting Cosmos Holo 3-Pack Blister Promo
91/162 Zoroark Darkness Non Holo Night Striker Theme Deck exclusive
91/162 Zoroark Darkness Cosmos Holo Sun & Moon Knock Out Collection exclusive
94/162 Yveltal Darkness Cosmos Holo 3-Pack Blister Promo
101/162 Flabébé Fairy Reverse Holo Pokémon League Promo
102/162 Floette Fairy Reverse Holo Pokémon League Promo
103/162 Florges Fairy Reverse Holo Pokémon League Promo
107/162 Xerneas Fairy Cosmos Holo 3-Pack Blister Promo
107/162 Xerneas Fairy Non Holo Ho-Oh Legendary Battle Deck exclusive
112/162 Noivern Dragon Cracked Ice Holo Night Striker Theme Deck exclusive
138/162 Giovanni's Scheme Su Reverse Holo Regional Championships 2016 promo
138/162 Giovanni's Scheme Su Staff Reverse Holo Regional Championships 2016 promo
145/162 Parallel City St Reverse Holo City Championships 2016 promo
145/162 Parallel City St Staff Reverse Holo City Championships 2016 promo
146a/162 Professor's Letter I Sheen Holo Yellow A Alternate art
146a/162 Professor's Letter I Holo Yellow A Alternate art

Set lists

No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/162 Paras Grass Common
2/162 Parasect Grass Rare
3/162 Pinsir Grass Uncommon
4/162 Cacnea Grass Common
5/162 Pansage Grass Common
6/162 Simisage Grass Rare
7/162 Chespin Grass Common
8/162 Chespin Grass Common
9/162 Chespin Grass Common
10/162 Quilladin Grass Uncommon
11/162 Chesnaught Grass Rare Holo
12/162 ChesnaughtBREAK Grass Rare BREAK
13/162 Scatterbug Grass Common
14/162 Spewpa Grass Uncommon
15/162 Vivillon Grass Rare Holo
16/162 Skiddo Grass Common
17/162 Gogoat Grass Uncommon
18/162 Cyndaquil Fire Common
19/162 Quilava Fire Uncommon
20/162 Typhlosion Fire Rare Holo
21/162 HoundoomEX Fire Rare Holo ex
22/162 MegaHoundoomEX Fire Rare Holo ex
23/162 Pansear Fire Common
24/162 Simisear Fire Rare
25/162 Fennekin Fire Common
26/162 Braixen Fire Uncommon
27/162 Goldeen Water Common
28/162 Seaking Water Uncommon
29/162 Staryu Water Common
30/162 Starmie Water Uncommon
31/162 Remoraid Water Common
32/162 Remoraid Water Common
33/162 Octillery Water Rare Holo
34/162 GlalieEX Water Rare Holo ex
35/162 MegaGlalieEX Water Rare Holo ex
36/162 Piplup Water Common
37/162 Prinplup Water Uncommon
38/162 Empoleon Water Rare Holo
39/162 Snover Water Common
40/162 Abomasnow Water Rare
41/162 Panpour Water Common
42/162 Simipour Water Rare
43/162 Vanillite Water Common
44/162 Vanillish Water Uncommon
45/162 Vanilluxe Water Rare
46/162 Froakie Water Common
47/162 Frogadier Water Uncommon
48/162 Pikachu Lightning Common
49/162 Raichu Lightning Rare
50/162 RaichuBREAK Lightning Rare BREAK
51/162 Magnemite Lightning Common
52/162 Magnemite Lightning Common
53/162 Magneton Lightning Uncommon
54/162 Magnezone Lightning Rare Holo
55/162 Raikou Lightning Rare Holo
56/162 Stunfisk Lightning Uncommon
57/162 Dedenne Lightning Uncommon
58/162 Gastly Psychic Common
59/162 Haunter Psychic Uncommon
60/162 Gengar Psychic Rare Holo
61/162 MewtwoEX Psychic Rare Holo ex
62/162 MewtwoEX Psychic Rare Holo ex
63/162 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic Rare Holo ex
64/162 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic Rare Holo ex
65/162 Misdreavus Psychic Common
66/162 Mismagius Psychic Rare Holo
67/162 Wobbuffet Psychic Uncommon
68/162 Ralts Psychic Common
69/162 Kirlia Psychic Uncommon
70/162 Cresselia Psychic Rare
71/162 Woobat Psychic Common
72/162 Swoobat Psychic Uncommon
73/162 Elgyem Psychic Common
74/162 Beheeyem Psychic Uncommon
75/162 Sandshrew Fighting Common
76/162 Sandslash Fighting Uncommon
77/162 Cubone Fighting Common
78/162 Marowak Fighting Rare
79/162 MarowakBREAK Fighting Rare BREAK
80/162 Swinub Fighting Common
81/162 Piloswine Fighting Uncommon
82/162 Mamoswine Fighting Rare Holo
83/162 Hippopotas Fighting Common
84/162 Gallade Fighting Rare Holo
85/162 Meloetta Fighting Rare Holo
86/162 Pancham Fighting Common
87/162 Hawlucha Fighting Rare
88/162 Cacturne Darkness Uncommon
89/162 Zorua Darkness Common
90/162 Zorua Darkness Common
91/162 Zoroark Darkness Rare Holo
92/162 ZoroarkBREAK Darkness Rare BREAK
93/162 Inkay Darkness Common
94/162 Yveltal Darkness Rare Holo
95/162 Bronzor Metal Common
96/162 Bronzong Metal Rare
97/162 Mr. Mime Fairy Rare
98/162 Snubbull Fairy Common
99/162 Granbull Fairy Uncommon
100/162 Ralts Fairy Common
101/162 Flabébé Fairy Common
102/162 Floette Fairy Uncommon
103/162 Florges Fairy Rare
104/162 FlorgesBREAK Fairy Rare BREAK
105/162 Spritzee Fairy Common
106/162 Aromatisse Fairy Rare
107/162 Xerneas Fairy Rare Holo
108/162 Axew Dragon Common
109/162 Axew Dragon Common
110/162 Fraxure Dragon Uncommon
111/162 Haxorus Dragon Rare Holo
112/162 Noivern Dragon Rare
113/162 NoivernBREAK Dragon Rare BREAK
114/162 Meowth Colorless Common
115/162 Doduo Colorless Common
116/162 Doduo Colorless Common
117/162 Dodrio Colorless Rare
118/162 Snorlax Colorless Uncommon
119/162 Hoothoot Colorless Common
120/162 Noctowl Colorless Rare
121/162 Teddiursa Colorless Common
122/162 Ursaring Colorless Uncommon
123/162 Smeargle Colorless Rare
124/162 Swablu Colorless Common
125/162 Starly Colorless Common
126/162 Staravia Colorless Uncommon
127/162 Staraptor Colorless Rare
128/162 Chatot Colorless Rare
129/162 Rufflet Colorless Common
130/162 Braviary Colorless Rare
131/162 Noibat Colorless Common
132/162 Noibat Colorless Common
133/162 Assault Vest I Uncommon
134/162 Brigette Su Uncommon
135/162 Buddy-Buddy Rescue I Uncommon
136/162 Fisherman Su Uncommon
137/162 Float Stone I Uncommon
138/162 Giovanni's Scheme Su Uncommon
139/162 Glalie Spirit Link I Uncommon
140/162 Heavy Ball I Uncommon
141/162 Heavy Boots I Uncommon
142/162 Houndoom Spirit Link I Uncommon
143/162 Judge Su Uncommon
144/162 Mewtwo Spirit Link I Uncommon
145/162 Parallel City St Uncommon
146/162 Professor's Letter I Uncommon
147/162 Reserved Ticket I Uncommon
148/162 Skyla Su Uncommon
149/162 Super Rod I Uncommon
150/162 Town Map I Uncommon
151/162 Burning Energy Fire E Uncommon
152/162 Rainbow Energy Colorless E Uncommon
153/162 HoundoomEX Fire Rare Ultra
154/162 MegaHoundoomEX Fire Rare Ultra
155/162 GlalieEX Water Rare Ultra
156/162 MegaGlalieEX Water Rare Ultra
157/162 MewtwoEX Psychic Rare Ultra
158/162 MewtwoEX Psychic Rare Ultra
159/162 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic Rare Ultra
160/162 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic Rare Ultra
161/162 Brigette Su Rare Ultra
162/162 Giovanni's Scheme Su Rare Ultra
163/162 MewtwoEX Psychic Rare Secret
164/162 MewtwoEX Psychic Rare Secret

Blue Shock
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/059 Pinsir Grass U
002/059 Cacnea Grass C
003/059 Pansage Grass C
004/059 Simisage Grass C
005/059 Chespin Grass C
006/059 Scatterbug Grass C
007/059 Spewpa Grass C
008/059 Vivillon Grass R
009/059 Cyndaquil Fire C
010/059 Quilava Fire C
011/059 Typhlosion Fire R
012/059 Remoraid Water C
013/059 Octillery Water R
014/059 GlalieEX Water RR Promotion
015/059 MegaGlalieEX Water RR Promotion
016/059 Panpour Water C
017/059 Simipour Water C
018/059 Vanillite Water C
019/059 Vanillish Water C
020/059 Vanilluxe Water U
021/059 Magnemite Lightning C
022/059 Gastly Psychic C
023/059 Haunter Psychic U
024/059 Gengar Psychic R
025/059 MewtwoEX Psychic RR Promotion
026/059 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic RR Promotion
027/059 Woobat Psychic C
028/059 Swoobat Psychic C
029/059 Elgyem Psychic C
030/059 Beheeyem Psychic U
031/059 Sandshrew Fighting C
032/059 Sandslash Fighting U
033/059 Meloetta Fighting R
034/059 Cacturne Darkness U
035/059 Zorua Darkness C
036/059 Zoroark Darkness R
037/059 ZoroarkBREAK Darkness RR
038/059 Snubbull Fairy C
039/059 Granbull Fairy U
040/059 Flabébé Fairy C
041/059 Floette Fairy C
042/059 Florges Fairy U
043/059 FlorgesBREAK Fairy RR
044/059 Xerneas Fairy R
045/059 Axew Dragon C
046/059 Fraxure Dragon U
047/059 Haxorus Dragon R
048/059 Doduo Colorless C
049/059 Hoothoot Colorless C
050/059 Noctowl Colorless U
051/059 Teddiursa Colorless C
052/059 Ursaring Colorless U
053/059 Smeargle Colorless U
054/059 Float Stone I U
055/059 Glalie Spirit Link I U
056/059 Mewtwo Spirit Link I U
057/059 Brigette Su U
058/059 Parallel City St U
059/059 Rainbow Energy Colorless E U
060/059 GlalieEX Water SR Promotion
061/059 MegaGlalieEX Water SR Promotion
062/059 MewtwoEX Psychic SR Promotion
063/059 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic SR Promotion
064/059 Brigette Su SR
065/059 MewtwoEX Psychic UR Promotion

Red Flash
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/059 Paras Grass C
002/059 Parasect Grass U
003/059 Chespin Grass C
004/059 Quilladin Grass C
005/059 Chesnaught Grass R
006/059 ChesnaughtBREAK Grass RR
007/059 Skiddo Grass C
008/059 Gogoat Grass U
009/059 HoundoomEX Fire RR Promotion
010/059 MegaHoundoomEX Fire RR Promotion
011/059 Pansear Fire C
012/059 Simisear Fire C
013/059 Goldeen Water C
014/059 Seaking Water C
015/059 Staryu Water C
016/059 Starmie Water U
017/059 Remoraid Water C
018/059 Piplup Water C
019/059 Prinplup Water U
020/059 Empoleon Water R
021/059 Snover Water C
022/059 Abomasnow Water U
023/059 Magnemite Lightning C
024/059 Magneton Lightning C
025/059 Magnezone Lightning R
026/059 Raikou Lightning R
027/059 MewtwoEX Psychic RR Promotion
028/059 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic RR
029/059 Misdreavus Psychic C
030/059 Mismagius Psychic R
031/059 Ralts Psychic C
032/059 Kirlia Psychic U
033/059 Cresselia Psychic C
034/059 Cubone Fighting C
035/059 Marowak Fighting U
036/059 MarowakBREAK Fighting RR
037/059 Swinub Fighting C
038/059 Piloswine Fighting U
039/059 Mamoswine Fighting R
040/059 Gallade Fighting R
041/059 Zorua Darkness C
042/059 Yveltal Darkness R
043/059 Bronzor Metal C
044/059 Bronzong Metal U
045/059 Mr. Mime Fairy C
046/059 Spritzee Fairy C
047/059 Aromatisse Fairy U
048/059 Axew Dragon C
049/059 Doduo Colorless C
050/059 Dodrio Colorless U
051/059 Starly Colorless C
052/059 Staravia Colorless C
053/059 Staraptor Colorless U
054/059 Heavy Ball I U
055/059 Assault Vest I U
056/059 Houndoom Spirit Link I U
057/059 Mewtwo Spirit Link I U
058/059 Giovanni's Scheme Su U
059/059 Burning Energy Fire E U
060/059 HoundoomEX Fire SR Promotion
061/059 MegaHoundoomEX Fire SR Promotion
062/059 MewtwoEX Psychic SR Promotion
063/059 MegaMewtwoEX Psychic SR
064/059 Giovanni's Scheme Su SR
065/059 MewtwoEX Psychic UR Promotion

Pack artwork

File:XY8 Mega Mewtwo X pack.png
Japanese Blue Shock Pack
File:XY8 Mega Mewtwo Y pack.png
Japanese Red Flash Pack
File:XY8 Korean Packs.jpg
Korean Blue Shock and Red Flash Pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Blue Shock and Red Flash sets are released in Japanese and Korean. The Japanese sets are only available in 1st edition, and the Korean sets are only available in unlimited edition. The BREAKthrough set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian. Cards in the English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian sets were also available as Reverse Holos. The Portuguese version of this set lacked any Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
French Impulsion Turbo
German Turbo Start
Italian Turbo Blitz
Korean 푸른 충격 Pureun Chung'gyeok
붉은 섬광 Bulgeun Seomgwang
Brazilian Portuguese Turbo Revolução
Russian Турбо Импульс Turbo Impul's
Spanish Turbo Impulso

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.