Kyogre (Japanese: カイオーガ Kaiorga) is a legendaryWater-type Pokémon. Possessing the ability to expand the oceans, in ancient times it came in conflict with Groudon, a Pokémon with the ability to expand continents.
In Pokémon Sapphire and Pokémon Emerald, Kyogre is sought after by Team Aqua as part of their plot to create more habitats for aquatic Pokémon by raising the sea level.
Kyogre does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon.
Kyogre is the version mascot of Pokémon Sapphire, appearing on the boxart.
Kyogre has the abilityDrizzle, which causes constant rain similar to the effects of Rain Dance whenever the Pokémon is in battle. The rain continues for 5 turns after Kyogre leaves the battle.
Kyogre's first appearance was in Gaining Groudon. Team Magma had captured the Sea Basin Pokémon, but didn't have the correct orb to control it. Team Magma planned to make a trade with Team Aqua, who have captured Groudon. The trade was about to be made when Archie decided to use Kyogre to destroy everyone, including his fellow henchmen!
The battle between Kyogre and Groudon occurred during the following episode, The Scuffle of Legends.
Kyogre's first appearance was in VS. Kyogre & Groudon. It was awakened by Team Aqua so the waters will be expanded. Wattson, Flannery and Winona tried to stop it but failed due to Team Aqua's interference.
After being released from a Poké Ball, Kyogre opens its mouth and squirts out a stream of water.
Kyogre also appears as a trophy.
Game data
NPC appearances
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire: Kyogre is the focus of the second Bonus Field on the Sapphire Field. Kyogre will first use Sheer Cold to freeze the ball in place. It will then create whirlpools to trap the ball further. Finally, it will dive into the water to evade being hit completely. However, air bubbles will appear where it is about to rise out of the water. Kyogre must be hit 15 times in three minutes to win. After beating the round twice, Kyogre will be captured.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Kyogre has the power to create massive rain clouds that cover the entire sky and bring about torrential downpours. This Pokémon saved people who were suffering from droughts.
Kyogre is named in mythology as the Pokémon that expanded the sea by covering the land with torrential rains and towering tidal waves. It took to sleep after a cataclysmic battle with Groudon.
Kyogre and its counterpart, Groudon, are the only Pokémon to date with a catch rate of 5.
Kyogre is most likely based on the Hebrew legends of the leviathan, the gigantic primeval master of all sea creatures. While early myths about the leviathan make it out to be crocodile- or serpent-like, later depictions have changed to show it as a whale in many cases. Its counterpart was the behemoth. Kyogre's appearance is, as it's name implies, largely inspired by the orca, commonly called killer whale.
Name origin
Kyogre's name can be broken up into 海 kai, ocean, and orca, a species of dolphin. Its name is not likely to have been derived directly from ogre, which are mythological land beasts. It is worth noting that without the last syllable, Kyogre spells out 海王 kaiō, which are the first two characters in 海王星 Kaiōsei, Neptune.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.