User:BigDocFan/Pokémon Voice Actor List English Dub

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Based on emails provided by voice directors, I will list who voices which Pokémon. I hope to update these often when I receive more information

National Dex Number Pokémon Name Picture Voice Actor(s)/Actress(es) Notable Pokémon
001 Bulbasaur Michele Knotz Ash's Bulbasaur
Marina's Bulbasaur
002 Ivysaur Justin Anselmi
Billy Bob Thompson
Shauna's Ivysaur
003 Venusaur Justin Anselmi Nihei's Venusaur
Corey's Venusaur
004 Charmander Billy Bob Thompson Ash's Charmander
Tierno's Charmander
005 Charmeleon Billy Bob Thompson Ash's Charmeleon
007 Squirtle Michele Knotz Gary's Squirtle
009 Blastoise Billy Bob Thompson Tierno's Blastoise
Sailor's Blastoise
Neesha's Blastoise
011 Metapod Sam Black Ash's Metapod
019 Rattata James Carter Cathcart Ally Rattata
020 Raticate James Carter Cathcart Totem Raticate
Ally Raticate
021 Spearow Justin Anselmi Recurring Spearow
Spearow Flock
023 Ekans Rob Mungle Ash's Ekans
027 Sandshrew Pete Zarustica
Marc Thompson
Sandshrew (SM080)
028 Sandslash Abe Goldfarb Sandslash (SM080)
035 Clefairy Kate Bristol Lusamine's Clefairy
036 Clefable Kate Bristol
Sarah Natochenny
Lusamine's Clefable
037 Vulpix Suzy Myers
Emily Jenness
Samson Oak's Vulpix
Cerah's Vulpix
038 Ninetales Lisa Ortiz Cerah's Ninetales
039 Jigglypuff Michele Knotz Recurring Jigglypuff
040 Wigglytuff Michele Knotz Nurse Joy's Wigglytuff
043 Oddish Michele Knotz N/A
044 Gloom Lisa Ortiz N/A
045 Vileplume Lisa Ortiz Toren's Vileplume
046 Paras Billy Bob Thompson N/A
048 Venonat Lisa Ortiz N/A
049 Venomoth Sam Black N/A
050 Diglett Sarah Natochenny DJ Leo's Diglett
051 Dugtrio Marc Thompson
Erica Schroeder
DJ Leo's Dugtrio
052 Meowth Pete Zarustica Matori's Meowth
Nanu's Meowth
053 Persian Kate Bristol
Laurie Hymes
Madame's Persian
Giovanni's Persian
Nanu's Persian
054 Psyduck Michele Knotz Misty's Psyduck
055 Golduck H.D. Quinn Callahan's Golduck
056 Mankey Marc Thompson N/A
057 Primeape Marc Thompson N/A
058 Growlithe Marc Thompson N/A
061 Poliwhirl Roger Callagy N/A
062 Poliwrath Roger Callagy Revengers' Poliwrath
065 Alakazam Bill Rogers Levi's Alakazam
Faba's Alakazam
066 Machop H.D. Quinn N/A
067 Machoke Marc Thompson
Ryan Nicolls
068 Machamp Ben Phillips Police Officer's Machamp
Battle Royal Trainers's Machamp
Harriet's Machamp
069 Bellsprout Kayzie Rogers
Melissa Hope
Keanan's Bellsprout
073 Tentacruel Marc Thompson N/A
074 Geodude Marc Thompson Brock's Geodude
079 Slowpoke James Carter Cathcart N/A
080 Slowbro James Carter Cathcart N/A
081 Magnemite Bill Rogers Clemont's Magnemite
082 Magneton Bill Rogers Clemont's Magneton
Molayne's Magneton
083 Farfetch'd Marc Thompson Nini's Farfetch'd
086 Seel Brian Kim N/A
087 Dewgong James Carter Cathcart N/A
089 Muk James Carter Cathcart Ash's Muk
Revengers' Muk
090 Shellder File:Shellder SM015.png James Carter Cathcart N/A
091 Cloyster James Carter Cathcart N/A
092 Gastly Marc Thompson N/A
093 Haunter Marc Thompson N/A
094 Gengar Marc Thompson Alva's Gengar
Corey's Gengar
Acerola's Gengar
097 Hypno Jake Paque Faba's Hypno
100 Voltorb Abe Goldfarb N/A
103 Exeggutor Marc Thompson Recurring Exeggutor
104 Cubone Marc Thompson Alvin's Cubone
105 Marowak Sam Black Kiawe's Marowak
108 Lickitung Pete Zarustica Ulu's Lickitung
110 Weezing Mike Liscio N/A
113 Chansey Sarah Natochenny Nurse Joy's Chansey
Toren's Chansey
116 Horsea Zoe Martin N/A
119 Seaking James Carter Cathcart N/A
122 Mr. Mime Michele Knotz Mimey
123 Scyther Sam Black N/A
126 Magmar H.D. Quinn N/A
129 Magikarp Mike Liscio N/A
132 Ditto Erica Schroeder N/A
133 Eevee Suzy Myers
Erica Schroeder
Gladion's Eevee
Ilima's Eevee
Kagetora's Eevee
Risa's Eevee
134 Vaporeon Lisa Ortiz N/A
135 Jolteon File:Honoka Curry.png Suzy Myers N/A
136 Flareon File:Billy Lime.png Kayzie Rogers
Suzy Myers
Erica Schroeder
142 Aerodactyl Justin Anselmi Scientist's Aerodactyl
Trevor's Aerodactyl
143 Snorlax James Carter Cathcart Oluolu's Snorlax
146 Moltres Marc Thompson N/A
158 Totodile Lisa Ortiz Ash's Totodile
Harriet's Totodile
161 Sentret Erica Schroeder N/A
167 Spinarak Kate Bristol N/A
170 Chinchou Sarah Natochenny N/A
173 Cleffa File:Kirara Cleffa.png Kate Bristol Lusamine's Cleffa
175 Togepi Michele Knotz Harriet's Togepi
178 Xatu Ryan Nicolls Harriet's Xatu
179 Mareep Lisa Ortiz N/A
180 Flaaffy Michele Knotz N/A
182 Bellossom Erica Schroeder N/A
183 Marill Kayzie Rogers
Michele Knotz
Harriet's Marill
185 Sudowoodo Bill Rogers Callahan's Sudowoodo
186 Politoed Roger Callagy N/A
187 Hoppip Kayzie Rogers N/A
188 Skiploom Kayzie Rogers N/A
194 Wooper Billy Bob Thompson N/A
195 Quagsire James Carter Cathcart Wetland's Quagsire
196 Espeon Erica Schroeder Amelia's Espeon
197 Umbreon Lori Phillips Gladion's Umbreon
198 Murkrow Marc Thompson N/A
202 Wobbuffet Kayzie Rogers
Erica Schroeder
Jessie's Wobbuffet
209 Snubbull James Carter Cathcart N/A
211 Qwilfish Ryan Nicolls N/A
212 Scizor Justin Anselmi
Marc Thompson
213 Shuckle Mike Pollock N/A
215 Sneasel Michele Knotz Team Flare Grunt's Sneasel
Pokémon hunters' Sneasel
216 Teddiursa Erica Schroeder N/A
222 Corsola Michele Knotz N/A
227 Skarmory Jake Paque N/A
229 Houndoom H.D. Quinn Pokémon hunters' Houndoom
231 Phanpy Haven Paschall Hoyt's Phanpy
234 Stantler Marc Thompson N/A
235 Smeargle Ryan William Downey
Marc Thompson
Laki's Smeargle
Ilima's Smeargle
Toren's Smeargle
236 Tyrogue Billy Bob Thompson Harriet's Tyrogue
238 Smoochum Kayzie Rogers Nini's Smoochum
242 Blissey Sarah Natochenny Nurse Joy's Blissey
248 Tyranitar H.D. Quinn N/A
249 Lugia H.D. Quinn N/A
253 Grovyle Bill Rogers Sawyer's Grovyle
254 Sceptile Bill Rogers Sawyer's Sceptile
257 Blaziken James Carter Cathcart Meyer's Blaziken
260 Swampert James Carter Cathcart Levi and Cherie's Swampert
263 Zigzagoon Bill Rogers N/A
264 Linoone Bill Rogers N/A
270 Lotad Bill Rogers Wetland's Lotad
272 Ludicolo Bill Rogers Tierno's Ludicolo
278 Wingull Sarah Natochenny N/A
279 Pelipper Laurie Hymes N/A
282 Gardevoir Michele Knotz Diantha's Gardevoir
Kimia's Gardevoir
283 Surskit Sarah Natochenny N/A
284 Masquerain Michele Knotz N/A
286 Breloom Alex Haynes N/A
289 Slaking Bill Rogers Sawyer's Slaking
296 Makuhita Bill Rogers N/A
297 Hariyama Bill Rogers Hala's Hariyama
298 Azurill Kayzie Rogers N/A
300 Skitty Kate Bristol N/A
301 Delcatty Kayzie Rogers N/A
302 Sableye Bill Rogers Carrie's Sableye
Nanu's Sableye
304 Aron James Carter Cathcart N/A
305 Lairon James Carter Cathcart N/A
306 Aggron James Carter Cathcart Levi and Cherie's Aggron
Gozu's Aggron
310 Manectric Jake Paque Officer Jenny's Manectric
Cherie's Manectric
Celosia's Manectric
318 Carvanha Bill Rogers N/A
319 Sharpedo Bill Rogers Levi and Cherie's Sharpedo
320 Wailmer H.D. Quinn N/A
323 Camerupt Daniel J. Edwards Levi and Cherie's Camerupt
327 Spinda Suzy Myers N/A
334 Altaria Rebecca Soler Titus' Altaria
Lillie's Altaria
341 Corphish Bill Rogers Ash's Corphish
351 Castform Marisa Kennedy Ally Castform
354 Banette File:Banette SM094.png James Carter Cathcart Levi and Cherie's Banette
359 Absol Bill Rogers Astrid's Absol
Lusamine's Absol
361 Snorunt Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld N/A
362 Glalie Sean Reyes Levi and Cherie's Glalie
367 Huntail Marc Thompson N/A
368 Gorebyss Michele Knotz N/A
370 Luvdisc Kate Bristol
Lisa Ortiz
Professor Kukui's Luvdisc
372 Shelgon Justin Anselmi Sawyer's Shelgon
380 Latias Michele Knotz N/A
381 Latios Michele Knotz N/A
393 Piplup Michele Knotz Verity's Piplup
396 Starly Sarah Natochenny N/A
397 Staravia Sarah Natochenny N/A
399 Bidoof Michele Knotz N/A
405 Luxray Billy Bob Thompson Clemont's Luxray
Sorrel's Luxray
406 Budew Sarah Natochenny N/A
407 Roserade Sarah Natochenny Elma's Roserade
412 Burmy Sarah Natochenny N/A
413 Wormadam Kate Bristol N/A
415 Combee Michele Knotz N/A
427 Buneary Sarah Natochenny Lilia's Buneary
428 Lopunny Sarah Natochenny N/A
429 Mismagius Sarah Natochenny Lusamine's Mismagius
438 Bonsly Bill Rogers N/A
446 Munchlax James Carter Cathcart Professor Burnet's Munchlax
448 Lucario Bill Rogers Korrina's Lucario
Sorrel's Lucario
449 Hippopotas Billy Bob Thompson N/A
450 Hippowdon Billy Bob Thompson N/A
454 Toxicroak Bill Rogers N/A
457 Lumineon Zoe Martin N/A
460 Abomasnow Marc Thompson Wulfric's Abomasnow
461 Weavile Bill Rogers Alain's Weavile
Mable's Weavile
Kagetomo's Weavile
462 Magnezone Bill Rogers Anna's Magnezone
464 Rhyperior Marc Thompson Remo's Rhyperior
466 Electivire Bill Rogers Viren's Electivire
Mr. Electric's Electivire
467 Magmortar H.D. Quinn Mad Magmar's Magmortar
476 Probopass James Carter Cathcart Olivia's Probopass
493 Arceus Marc Thompson N/A
504 Patrat Justin Anselmi N/A
505 Watchog Daniel J. Edwards N/A
507 Herdier Marc Thompson Sima's Herdier
Lusamine's Herdier
508 Stoutland Marc Thompson Recurring Stoutland
510 Liepard Erica Schroeder Bryony's Liepard
Shinobu's Liepard
512 Simisage Robby Duncan Sharpe N/A
513 Pansear Marc Thompson N/A
515 Panpour Marc Thompson N/A
516 Simipour Marc Thompson N/A
521 Unfezant Erica Schroeder Alain's Unfezant
524 Roggenrola Billy Bob Thompson Viren's henchmen's Roggenrola
525 Boldore Abe Goldfarb Viren's henchmen's Boldore
529 Drilbur Daniel J. Edwards N/A
531 Audino Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Nurse Joy's Audino
545 Scolipede Marc Thompson N/A
547 Whimsicott Michele Knotz N/A
548 Petilil Michele Knotz N/A
549 Lilligant Michele Knotz Kazalie's Lilligant
Lusamine's Lilligant
553 Krookodile Marc Thompson Nanu's Krookodile
555 Darmanitan James Carter Cathcart N/A
559 Scraggy Jason Griffith Concetta's Scraggy
Team Skull Grunt's Scraggy
560 Scrafty Jason Griffith N/A
561 Sigilyph Marc Thompson Carrie's Sigilyph
568 Trubbish Jonathan Todd Ross N/A
569 Garbodor Erica Schroeder Zipp's Garbodor
572 Minccino Michele Knotz N/A
574 Gothita Erica Schroeder Nini's Gothita
592 Frillish Laurie Hymes N/A
594 Alomomola Lisa Ortiz Ally Alomomola
607 Litwick Kate Bristol N/A
617 Accelgor Billy Bob Thompson Shulin's Accelgor
620 Mienshao Kate Bristol Ikari's Mienshao
621 Druddigon Billy Bob Thompson Aliana's Druddigon
625 Bisharp Justin Anselmi Alain's Bisharp
Bryony's Bisharp
Heidayu's Bisharp
627 Rufflet Mike Liscio N/A
628 Braviary Jake Paque
Ryan Nicolls
Baraz's Braviary
Professor Kukui's Braviary
629 Vullaby File:Clawmark Hill Vullaby Rockruff.png Erica Schroeder N/A
631 Heatmor Billy Bob Thompson N/A
650 Chespin Suzy Myers Clemont's Chespin
651 Quilladin Justin Anselmi N/A
652 Chesnaught Suzy Myers (M19)
H.D. Quinn (XY108)
Chapman's Chesnaught
653 Fennekin Eileen Stevens N/A
654 Braixen Eileen Stevens Serena's Braixen
655 Delphox Eileen Stevens Aria's Delphox
656 Froakie Billy Bob Thompson Ash's Froakie
657 Frogadier Billy Bob Thompson Ash's Frogadier
658 Greninja Billy Bob Thompson Ash's Greninja
Sanpei's Greninja
Ippei's Greninja
659 Bunnelby Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Clemont's Bunnelby
660 Diggersby Marc Thompson N/A
661 Fletchling Lisa Ortiz Clarice's Fletchling
663 Talonflame Alex Haynes Ash's Talonflame
Jan's Talonflame
664 Scatterbug Erica Schroeder N/A
665 Spewpa Erica Schroeder N/A
666 Vivillon Eileen Stevens Viola's Vivillon
Alvin's Vivillon
667 Litleo Mike Liscio N/A
668 Pyroar H.D. Quinn Lysandre's Pyroar
Alvin's Pyroar
671 Florges Aurora Bea Trevor's Florges
Recurring Florges
674 Pancham Erica Schroeder Serena's Pancham
675 Pangoro Marc Thompson Viren's Pangoro
676 Furfrou Billy Bob Thompson Everett's Furfrou
677 Espurr Sarah Natochenny N/A
678 Meowstic Sarah Natochenny Olympia's Meowstic
679 Honedge Justin Anselmi Sawyer's Honedge
680 Doublade Justin Anselmi Sawyer's Doublade
681 Aegislash Marc Swint Sawyer's Aegislash
682 Spritzee Lisa Ortiz Valerie's Spritzee
683 Aromatisse Lisa Ortiz Aria's Aromatisse
685 Slurpuff Haven Paschall Miette's Slurpuff
Sawyer's Slurpuff
Raleigh's Slurpuff
686 Inkay Mike Liscio James's Inkay
687 Malamar Marc Thompson Xerosic's Malamar
688 Binacle Billy Bob Thompson Locke's Binacle
Ed's Binacle
689 Barbaracle Billy Bob Thompson Saizo's Barbaracle
693 Clawitzer Billy Bob Thompson Sawyer's Clawitzer
694 Helioptile Eileen Stevens Alexa's Helioptile
695 Heliolisk Ryan William Downey Clemont's Heliolisk
696 Tyrunt H.D. Quinn Scientist's Tyrunt
Grant's Tyrunt
697 Tyrantrum H.D. Quinn Scientist's Tyrantrum
698 Amaura Erica Schroeder N/A
700 Sylveon Erica Schroeder Serena's Sylveon
701 Hawlucha H.D. Quinn Ash's Hawlucha
703 Carbink Kate Bristol
Daniel J. Edwards
Bill Rogers
Wetland's Carbink
706 Goodra Jason Griffith Ash's Goodra
707 Klefki Suzy Myers Monsieur Pierre's Klefki
708 Phantump Lisa Ortiz N/A
711 Gourgeist Haven Paschall Jessie's Gourgeist
712 Bergmite Robby Duncan Sharpe Wulfric's Bergmite
713 Avalugg Robby Duncan Sharpe Wulfric's Avalugg
714 Noibat Marc Thompson Ash's Noibat
715 Noivern Marc Thompson Ash's Noivern
Gladion's Noivern
718 Zygarde Billy Bob Thompson Squishy
722 Rowlet Roger Callagy Ash's Rowlet
724 Decidueye Roger Callagy Battle Royal Trainers's Decidueye
725 Litten Lisa Ortiz Ash's Litten
726 Torracat‎ Lisa Ortiz Ash's Torracat‎
727 Incineroar H.D. Quinn Professor Kukui's Incineroar
Cross's Incineroar
728 Popplio Eileen Stevens
Laurie Hymes
Lana's Popplio
729 Brionne Eileen Stevens Ida's Brionne
730 Primarina Laurie Hymes Battle Royal Trainers's Primarina
731 Pikipek Kate Bristol
Michele Knotz
Recurring Pikipek
732 Trumbeak Mike Liscio Recurring Trumbeak
733 Toucannon Marc Swint Recurring Toucannon
734 Yungoos Billy Bob Thompson Team Skull Grunt's Yungoos
Ally Yungoos
735 Gumshoos Billy Bob Thompson Officer Jenny's Gumshoos
Totem Gumshoos
736 Grubbin Abe Goldfarb N/A
737 Charjabug Simona Berman
Abe Goldfarb
Sophocles's Charjabug
Horacio's Charjabug
Team Electric Princess's Charjabug
Team Twin Starmie's Charjabug
Team Science Speed's Charjabug
739 Crabrawler Jake Paque Hala's Crabrawler
740 Crabominable Jake Paque Hala's Crabominable
741 Oricorio Erica Schroeder Hobbes's Oricorio
Officer Jenny's Oricorio
Anela's Oricorio
742 Cutiefly Emily Jenness N/A
743 Ribombee Suzy Myers
Eileen Stevens
Kate Bristol
Emily Jenness
Mina's Ribombee
744 Rockruff Haven Paschall Ash's Rockruff
745 Lycanroc Mike Liscio Ash's Lycanroc
Gladion's Lycanroc
Olivia's Lycanroc
Cross's Lycanroc
746 Wishiwashi Lisa Ortiz
H.D. Quinn
Totem Wishiwashi
747 Mareanie Melissa Hope
James Carter Cathcart
James's Mareanie
Mentor Mareanie
748 Toxapex James Carter Cathcart Shiny Toxapex
749 Mudbray Michele Knotz Sima's Mudbray
Hiroki's Mudbray
750 Mudsdale H.D. Quinn N/A
751 Dewpider Martha Harms
Michele Knotz
Zoe Martin
Lisa Ortiz
752 Araquanid File:Araquanid SM071.png Martha Harms N/A
753 Fomantis Simona Berman N/A
754 Lurantis Samara Naeymi Totem Lurantis
755 Morelull Michele Knotz N/A
756 Shiinotic Michele Knotz N/A
757 Salandit Haven Paschall Tupp's Salandit
758 Salazzle Haven Paschall Lusamine's Salazzle
759 Stufful Michele Knotz Recurring Stufful
760 Bewear Michele Knotz Recurring Bewear
761 Bounsweet Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Mallow's Bounsweet
762 Steenee Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Mallow's Steenee
763 Tsareena Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Mallow's Tsareena
764 Comfey Suzy Myers Nurse Joy's Comfey
765 Oranguru Scottie Ray Recurring Oranguru
767 Wimpod Ryan William Downey N/A
769 Sandygast Laurie Hymes N/A
770 Palossand Ryan Nicolls N/A
771 Pyukumuku Kate Bristol N/A
772 Type: Null Abe Goldfarb Gladion's Type: Null
773 Silvally Abe Goldfarb Gladion's Silvally
774 Minior Emily Cramer N/A
775 Komala Mike Liscio Samson Oak's Komala
776 Turtonator Marc Thompson Kiawe's Turtonator
777 Togedemaru Kate Bristol
Emily Cramer
Sophocles's Togedemaru
778 Mimikyu Billy Bob Thompson
Sarah Natochenny
Jessie's Mimikyu
Acerola's Mimikyu
779 Bruxish Jake Paque N/A
780 Drampa Jason Griffith Grandpa Forest
781 Dhelmise Billy Bob Thompson N/A
782 Jangmo-o Erica Schroeder Ally Jangmo-o
783 Hakamo-o Eddy Lee Ally Hakamo-o
784 Kommo-o Ryan Andes Totem Kommo-o
785 Tapu Koko Erica Schroeder Recurring Tapu Koko
786 Tapu Lele Suzy Myers Recurring Tapu Lele
787 Tapu Bulu Sam Black Recurring Tapu Bulu
788 Tapu Fini Lisa Ortiz Recurring Tapu Fini
789 Cosmog Haven Paschall Nebby
793 Nihilego Haven Paschall Recurring Nihilego
794 Buzzwole Billy Bob Thompson Ultra Guardians Buzzwole
802 Marshadow Simona Berman Marshadow (M20)
803 Poipole Lisa Ortiz Ash's Poipole
Recurring Poipole
804 Naganadel Lisa Ortiz Recurring Naganadel
805 Stakataka Daniel J. Edwards Ultra Guardians Stakataka
807 Zeraora Pete Zarustica Zeraora (M21)