Topo Berry

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 00:54, 26 December 2022 by Wowy (talk | contribs)
The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.
Topo Berry
Topo Fruit
File:Bag Topo Berry Sprite.png
Topo Berry
Berry Tag sprite
Introduced in Generation III
Generation III Berries
Generation III
0 0 30 0 30 85

(Japanese: トポのみ Topo Fruit) is a Berry introduced in Generation III. It could only be acquired by scanning in the correct Japan-exclusive e-Reader card in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, and if transferred forward to Generation IV, becomes an Enigma Berry.

In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, the Trainer will not be permitted to enter the Pokémon Cable Club Trade Center if a Pokémon in their party is holding this Berry. A Pokémon holding this Berry cannot be traded to Pokémon Colosseum or Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, nor can it be stored in Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire.

In the core series games


Topo Berries cannot be used directly and only have a use as an ingredient for Pokéblocks.


Berry Blending
RS When blending with NPCs, Topo Berries will produce the following Pokéblocks:
NPC NPCs' Berries Flavors (100 RPM) Feel
1 NPC Cheri Berry Sourness 49, Sweetness 36 53
2 NPCs Cheri BerryPecha Berry Sourness 48, Sweetness 35 42
3 NPCs Cheri BerryPecha BerryRawst Berry Sourness 48, Sweetness 48 36


Games Description
RS ポロックの ざいりょう つちのなかに うめると なぞな みが そだつ

Tag information

  • No. 43
  • Size: 3.5" (8.8 cm)
  • Firmness: Very hard
Games Description
RS そだちは おそいが たくさんの みが つく。 なかみは あまずっぱい しるで いっぱい。


Generation III

0 hours

24 hours

48 hours

72 hours

96 hours
A Topo plant will yield 4-12 Berries.


e-Reader card


  • Along with the Strib Berry, the Topo Berry has the highest possible yield of any Berry in Generation III.


The Topo Berry's design and name may be based on a ポテト (Potato).


Language Name Origin
Japanese トポのみ Topo no Mi From ポテト potato

Pokémon e-Reader applications
Expedition Base Set: Diving CorsolaFlower PowerFlying JourneyGO, Poliwrath!Gotcha!Here Comes GloomHold Down Hoppip
Kingler's DayLifesaverMachop At WorkMagby and MagmarMake A Dash!MetronomeSweet Scent
Aquapolis: Dream EaterHarvest TimeJumping DoduoMighty TyranitarPunching BagsRolling VoltorbSneak and Snatch
Skyridge: Berry TreeDitto LeapfrogFollow HoothootLeek GameNight FlightPika PopRide the TuftWatch Out!
Promotional: Exciting Hide and SeekTime TravelFire HoopsImakuni?'s BallWooper's Juggling GameBig Fruit Strategy!Tokotoko Truck
Construction: Construction: ActionConstruction: Melody Box
Pokémon Battle e series: Pokémon Battle e: Series 1Pokémon Battle e: Series 2Pokémon Colosseum Double Battle e
Pokémon Battle e FireRed & LeafGreenPokémon Battle e EmeraldPokémon Battle e Promotional cards
Berries: Pumkin BerryDrash BerryChilan BerryStrib BerryEggant BerryNutpea Berry
Ginema BerryKuo BerryYago BerryTouga BerryNiniku BerryTopo Berry
Others: Eon TicketPokémon Pinball: Ruby & SapphireSmeargle PaintList of TCG cards by e-Reader card ID
List of TCG cards with hidden attacksList of miscellaneous Pokémon e-Reader applications

This Pokémon article is part of Project BerryDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Berry in the Pokémon series.