Topo Berry

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 20:11, 14 June 2023 by Abcboy (talk | contribs) (Effect)
The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.
Topo Berry
Topo Fruit
Topo Berry
Berry Tag sprite
Introduced in Generation III
Generation III Berries
Generation III
0 0 30 0 30 85

A (Japanese: トポのみ Topo Fruit) is a type of Berry exclusive to the Generation III games. It can only be acquired by scanning in the corresponding Japan-exclusive e-Reader card in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
RS N/A $10


Topo Berries cannot be used directly and only have a use as an ingredient for Pokéblocks.

The player will not be permitted to enter the Pokémon Cable Club Trade Center if a Pokémon in their party is holding this Berry. A Pokémon holding this Berry cannot be traded to Pokémon Colosseum or Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, nor can it be stored in the Western versions of Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire.

If held by a Pokémon transferred through Pal Park to the Generation IV games, it will become an Enigma Berry.


Berry Blending
RS When blending with NPCs, Topo Berries will produce the following Pokéblocks:
NPC NPCs' Berries Flavors (100 RPM) Feel
1 NPC Cheri Berry Sweetness 36, Sourness 23, Spiciness 10 53
2 NPCs Cheri BerryPecha Berry Sweetness 49, Sourness 23, Spiciness 10 42
3 NPCs Cheri BerryPecha BerryRawst Berry Sweetness 36, Sourness 23, Spiciness 10 36


Games Description
RS ポロックの ざいりょう つちのなかに うめると なぞな みが そだつ

Tag information

  • No. 43
  • Size: 3.5" (8.8 cm)
  • Firmness: Very hard
Games Description
RS そだちは おそいが たくさんの みが つく。 なかみは あまずっぱい しるで いっぱい。


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
RS Petalburg Gym (from Norman after scanning the Topo Berry e-Reader card; repeatable if the card is scanned again and the player has no e-Reader Berries in the Bag or PC when talking to him)
Transformation from a different e-Reader Berry after scanning the Topo Berry e-Reader card


Generation III

0 hours

24 hours

48 hours

72 hours

96 hours
A Topo plant will yield 4-12 Berries.


e-Reader card


  • Along with the Strib Berry, the Topo Berry has the highest possible yield of any Berry in Generation III.


The Topo Berry's design and name may be based on a ポテト (Potato).


Language Name Origin
Japanese トポのみ Topo no Mi From ポテト potato

Pokémon e-Reader applications
Expedition Base Set: Diving CorsolaFlower PowerFlying JourneyGO, Poliwrath!Gotcha!Here Comes GloomHold Down Hoppip
Kingler's DayLifesaverMachop At WorkMagby and MagmarMake A Dash!MetronomeSweet Scent
Aquapolis: Dream EaterHarvest TimeJumping DoduoMighty TyranitarPunching BagsRolling VoltorbSneak and Snatch
Skyridge: Berry TreeDitto LeapfrogFollow HoothootLeek GameNight FlightPika PopRide the TuftWatch Out!
Promotional: Exciting Hide and SeekTime TravelFire HoopsImakuni?'s BallWooper's Juggling GameBig Fruit Strategy!Tokotoko Truck
Construction: Construction: ActionConstruction: Melody Box
Pokémon Battle e series: Pokémon Battle e: Series 1Pokémon Battle e: Series 2Pokémon Colosseum Double Battle e
Pokémon Battle e FireRed & LeafGreenPokémon Battle e EmeraldPokémon Battle e Promotional cards
Berries: Pumkin BerryDrash BerryChilan BerryStrib BerryEggant BerryNutpea Berry
Ginema BerryKuo BerryYago BerryTouga BerryNiniku BerryTopo Berry
Others: Eon TicketPokémon Pinball: Ruby & SapphireSmeargle PaintList of TCG cards by e-Reader card ID
List of TCG cards with hidden attacksList of miscellaneous Pokémon e-Reader applications

This Pokémon article is part of Project BerryDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Berry in the Pokémon series.