Diamond Clan

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Diamond Clan
コンゴウ団 Kongō-dan

Artwork of Adaman and the Diamond Clan Wardens from Legends: Arceus
Leader Adaman
Region Hisui
Admins Arezu, Iscan, Mai, Melli, Sabi
Base locations Diamond Settlement

The Diamond Clan (Japanese: コンゴウ Kongō-dan, literally Diamond Gang), is an organization based in the Hisui region. They worship a deity they call "almighty Sinnoh", who created time. This has led to fighting with the Pearl Clan, who claim almighty Sinnoh created space.

In the core series games

The Diamond Clan first appeared in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

In spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

The Diamond Clan appeared in the form of it's leader, Adaman brough to the present by a rift in the sky with Irida, in the Story event; Travelers from a Distant Past.


  • The Diamond Clan, along with the Pearl Clan, are not native to Hisui as said by verse 5 of the Old Verse.
  • In the Diamond Clan houses there are portraits of two unknown men resembling Alder and Maxie.
  • None of the members of the Diamond Clan keep their Pokémon in Poké Balls.


Language Name Origin
Japanese コンゴウ団 Kongō-dan From 金剛石 kongōseki (diamond)
English Diamond Clan From diamond
French Clan Diamant From diamant (diamond)
German Diamant-Clan From Diamant (diamond)
Italian Team Diamante From diamante (diamond)
Spanish Clan Diamante From diamante (diamond)
Korean 금강단 Geumgang-dan From 금강석 (金剛石) geumgangseok (diamond)
Chinese (Mandarin) 金剛隊 / 金刚队 Jīngāng Duì From 金剛石 / 金刚石 jīngāngshí / gāmgōngsehk (diamond)
Chinese (Cantonese) 金剛隊 Gāmgōng Déui
Russian Клан Алмаза Klan Almaza From алмаз almaz (diamond)

Related articles

Leader: Adaman (Masters)
Wardens: MaiArezuIscanMelliSabi
Former members: Clover
Locations: Diamond Settlement
See also: Pearl ClanGalaxy Team

This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.