List of battle glitches in Generation VI

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For other glitches in this generation, see List of glitches (Generation VI)

This is the list of Pokémon battle glitches in Generation VI games.

Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire (all versions)

Baton Pass Own Tempo glitch

If a Pokémon with Own Tempo is confused due to obtaining it from Baton Pass, it will not be cured of confusion until after a Pokémon takes its turn (uses a move, switches out, etc.).

This glitch is present in the core series Generation V, VI, VII, and VIII games.

Charge Beam additional effect chance glitch

Main article: Charge Beam additional effect chance glitch

If the user has Serene Grace and uses Charge Beam while its side is under the effect of the rainbow from the combination of Fire Pledge and Water Pledge, the additional effect chance for Charge Beam will overflow and become 24%.[1]

This glitch is present in the core series Generation V, VI, VII, and VIII games.

By パデック
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Choice item lock glitch

Main article: Choice item lock glitch

If a Pokémon is already locked into a move due to a Choice item (the Choice Band, Choice Specs, or Choice Scarf), if the held Choice item is removed while the effect of the Pokémon's held item is negated (by Klutz, Embargo, or Magic Room), the Pokémon will remain locked into the move.

When the Pokémon's held item regains its effect (e.g. Magic Room wears off), as long as the Pokémon has a held item—regardless of what the held item is—the Pokémon cannot select moves other than the one it is locked into; if it attempts to select another move, the message "The <HELD ITEM> only allows the use of <MOVE>!" will be displayed.

Confusion item activation glitch

If a Pokémon hurts itself in confusion, items that activate when its HP drops below a specific threshold will not activate. These items instead activate after the next time it loses HP (other than by hurting itself in confusion). Affected items include the Sitrus Berry, Figy Berry, Liechi Berry, and Berry Juice.

For example, if a Pokémon holding a Berry Juice hurts itself in confusion so that its HP drops below 50% of its maximum HP, its held Berry Juice will not be activated.

This glitch is present in the core series Generation V, VI, and VII games.

By DaWoblefet
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Pokémon X and Y (all versions)

This section contains old or outdated information, or has not been updated in a while.
Please check the content of this section and update it as required.
Reason: Updates on any bugs fixed in patches 1.3 & 1.4.

Flabébé cry glitch

In the Battle Chateau, Baroness Francine's Flabébé has the cry of a Floette.

By nin10doadict
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Move animation camera clipping glitches

When using Aura Sphere against some of Drasna's Pokémon, when the camera pans backward it will clip through some of the chamber's decorations, causing a thick black horizontal line with vertical black bars below it to briefly cover part of the upper screen once the normal background is restored. Against Drasna's Dragalge it will appear towards the bottom of the screen; against her Druddigon it will appear in the center of the screen.

By GlitchyGarchomp
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

When using Fire Blast with a Pokémon with a large hitbox (such as Rayquaza) in a battle in one of the back alleys of Lumiose City, when the camera pans backward it will clip through the building to the right side of the Pokémon, causing it to completely disappear momentarily.

Pokémon X and Y (Version 1.0 to 1.2)

Poké Ball animation oversight

If the player started battle with a Pokémon that is not in a standard Poké Ball, the game would not use the effects corresponding to those of the ball used, and instead would default to the Poké Ball's effect. This did not occur when switching or attempting to capture or failing to capture a wild Pokémon.

The Version 1.3 patch fixes this glitch by properly displaying the animation for each Poké Ball.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (all versions)

Hoopa Unbound horde crash

This glitch is in need of research.
Reason: Is the sandstorm optional?
You can discuss this on the talk page.

Although only possible by cheating, if the player sends out a Hoopa Unbound against a horde of wild Hoopa Unbound during a sandstorm, the game will crash.

By PokeTips
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(glitch starts at 8:03)

Primal Reversion Zoroark glitch

In a Double Battle, if a Zoroark is sent out as one of the first two Pokémon, its Illusion will transform it into the Pokémon in the party's final slot, and if this Pokémon is Groudon or Kyogre, the Zoroark will transform into the standard form Groudon or Kyogre as normal. However, if the Zoroark's Illusion is still active when the real Groudon or Kyogre comes out, and the Groudon or Kyogre undergoes Primal Reversion upon appearing, both players' targeting menus will display the Primal Reversion's menu sprite for both the actual Groudon or Kyogre and the disguised Zoroark, which will still be in the guise of the ordinary Groudon or Kyogre.

By pokemontutorialTV
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Fainting Status glitch

If a Pokémon uses a damaging move that has a chance to inflict a status condition and the move faints the opposing Pokémon, if a status was to be inflicted, the animation for that status will appear for several frames before disappearing.

Level display glitch

By a move with a semi-invulnerable turn

If the player's Pokémon gains a level during the semi-invulnerable turn of a move with a semi-invulnerable turn (Fly, Dig, Dive, Bounce, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop), the level on the screen will not update until its HP bar is hidden.

By DaWoblefet
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By Volt Switch/U-turn

The level shown wrong in the main screen

This glitch happens when the player's Pokémon defeats an opposing Pokémon by using Volt Switch or U-turn but does not end the battle (a Trainer battle or a Horde Encounter where the Pokémon defeated is not the last Pokémon), and then levels up. When the user of Volt Switch or U-turn is called back, the level shown in the main screen will not be updated to the new level and HP, while the lower screen will display the correct level and HP.

By Keyacom
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

Sky Drop invisible Pokémon glitch

If Battle Effects are turned off, if a Pokémon using Sky Drop faints or is switched out upon inflicting damage, the target of Sky Drop will become invisible. This can be caused by the user's held Life Orb, the target's held Rocky Helmet or Red Card, or the target's Rough Skin or Iron Barbs Ability.

This effect lasts until the Pokémon which is affected faints or is switched out. Even if a Pokémon changes form or transforms, it remains invisible. This glitch cannot occur during link battles, which automatically enable the Battle Effects.

Symbiosis Eject Button glitch

Main article: Symbiosis Eject Button glitch

If an Eject Button is consumed and Symbiosis activates and transfers an item to the Pokémon that held the Eject Button, when that Pokémon is switched in again, its item's effect may be applied twice until it is switched out again.

Toxic sure-hit glitch

Main article: Toxic sure-hit glitch

If a Poison-type Pokémon uses Toxic, any subsequent moves that Pokémon uses in the same turn (possible by using Toxic via Magic Bounce) will always hit including when the target is in a semi-invulnerable turn. This glitch also exists in Generation VII and VIII.

Trick Room oversight

If a Pokémon has an effective speed greater than 1809, it will ignore the effects of Trick Room, and act before slower Pokémon. This glitch also exists in Generation V, VII and VIII.

Type-changing Curse glitch

In a Double Battle, if the user is not already Ghost-type and becomes Ghost-type before executing Curse (due to Color Change or Trick-or-Treat), Curse will now target the user's ally if the user is on the right side (from its Trainer's perspective), or a random opponent if the user is on the left side (from its Trainer's perspective).

In a Triple Battle, if the user is not already Ghost-type and becomes Ghost-type before executing Curse (due to Color Change or Trick-or-Treat), Curse will now target a random adjacent opponent.

If the user is not already Ghost-type and becomes Ghost-type due to Protean upon executing Curse, the user will use the Ghost-type Curse on itself (regardless of Follow Me or Rage Powder); this cannot be blocked by Crafty Shield.

By Sleepy Jirachi
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

White Herb Contrary O-Power oversight

If a Pokémon with Contrary holding a White Herb has one of its stats lowered due to an O-Power, it will not consume its held White Herb and restore its stats until after a Pokémon takes its turn (uses a move, etc.).


Transform glitchesGlitch TrainersCloning glitchesError messagesArbitrary code execution
Generation I GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
--0 ERRORBroken hidden itemsCable Club escape glitchDual-type damage misinformation
Experience underflow glitchFight Safari Zone Pokémon trickGlitch CityItem duplication glitchItem underflow
Mew glitchOld man glitchPewter Gym skip glitchPokémon merge glitchRhydon glitchRival twins glitch
Select glitches (dokokashira door glitch, second type glitch) • Super Glitch
Time Capsule exploitWalking through wallsZZAZZ glitch
Generation II GlitchesBattle glitches
Bug-Catching Contest glitchCelebi Egg glitchCoin Case glitchesExperience underflow glitch
Glitch dimensionGlitch EggTeru-samaTime Capsule exploitTrainer House glitchesGS Ball mail glitch
Generation III GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Berry glitchDive glitchPomeg glitchGlitzer Popping
Generation IV GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Acid rainGTS glitchesPomeg glitchRage glitch
Surf glitchTweakingPal Park Retire glitch
Generation V GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Frozen Zoroark glitchSky Drop glitch
Generation VI GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Lumiose City save glitchSymbiosis Eject Button glitchToxic sure-hit glitch
Generation VII GlitchesBattle glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Toxic sure-hit glitchRollout storage glitch
Generation VIII Glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Toxic sure-hit glitchRollout storage glitchParty item offset glitch
Generation IX Glitches
Glitch effects Game freezeGlitch battleGlitch song
Gen I only: Glitch screenTMTRAINER effectInverted sprite
Gen II only: Glitch dimension
Lists Glitches (GOMystery DungeonTCG GBSpin-off)
Glitch Pokémon (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII)
Glitch moves (Gen I) • Glitch types (Gen IGen II)

This glitch Pokémon article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.