Bidoof are small brown rodent-like creatures with large front teeth which they use for gnawing on wood. They have tufts of fur on their tails and a ring of them on their faces. They also have slightly webbed paws.
Gender differences
The tail of a male Bidoof consists of five tufts of fur, while the tail of a female only has three.
Special abilities
Bidoof need to constantly gnaw on hard substances to keep their teeth ground down, since they grow constantly. Without something to gnaw on, they become violent because of the pain and inconvenience the unwieldy growing teeth cause.
Bidoof build their nests along the side of bodies of water.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2: Bidoof is a member of Wigglytuff's guild, the second newest recruit next to the player's team. He updates his "Yup Yup" journal over the course of the game.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Bidoof is a frequent topic of ridicule of Pokémon forums because its appearance, the frequency of encountering it in-game, and the fact that its name is derived from the word "doofus". Players joke about using a team of all Bidoof or claim that it is the most powerful Pokémon in existence.
Its name is derived from beaver and doofus or tooth. Bidoof's Japanese name is derived from the English word beaver and 出っ歯 deppa, protruding tooth. Its German name, Bidiza, comes from Biber. Its French name, Keunottor, comes from quenotte and castor.