Porygon is the first artificial Pokémon that was ever created. It was created by Pokémon Lab according to a Pokémon Report found in Silph Co.. Porygon has a pink polygonal body with a blue stomach, blue triangular prism feet and a blue rectangular prism tail. Porygon has a pink, polygonal head that ends in a blue beak and has hexagon eyes. It does not breathe. Porygon is made completely out of programming code. Built into this code is a Silph copyright protection preventing duplication through electronic means.
Porygon is capable of using various Ice and Electrical attacks, along with a few Psychic abilities, the rare ability to wield Tri Attack and the one-of-a-kind ability to use Sharpen.
Even though Porygon is an unevolved, basic form, non-legendary Pokémon, it can still learn Hyper Beam and Giga Impact.
Porygon, because they're man-made, are generally found in computers or in labs and other buildings working with people, which makes it almost uncatchable. However, Porygon are found wild in Sinnoh's Trophy Garden.
Porygon has only appeared in the banned episode, Electric Soldier Porygon. This episode caused seizures to almost 700 children in Japan due to a flashing strobe effect, and was therefore never aired again anywhere in the world. Since then, Porygon and its evolutions have never played a main role in another episode.
A Porygon made a brief apperance during a graphic display in A Chansey Operation.
A Porygon made a cameo during the "World of Pokémon" opening narration of the first five movies.
In the manga
Pokémon Special
Green obtains a Porygon during his time in Celadon City, and it has since then become a core member of his team. Prior to Template:PSV, it has evolved into Porygon2.
Porygon pops out of a door on top of the Silph Co. building in the Saffron City stage. It damages players that come into contact with it.
Porygon's only appearance in Melee is that of a Poké Float. When the fighting is on Slowpoke's tail, three will travel across the top of the screen. However, they move too quickly to land on and so are little more than decoration in practice.
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation I.
Porygon is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data and entering cyberspace. This Pokémon is copy-protected so it cannot be duplicated by copying.
Porygon is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data and entering cyberspace. This Pokémon is copy-protected so it cannot be duplicated by copying.
Porygon will not appear in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team until a rescue mission involving it has been completed, using the following Wonder Mail code:
|- style="background:#9DC1B7"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Porygon is the only Pokémon that evolves by trade twice: Once holding the Up-Grade into Porygon2, and a second time (as Porygon2) into Porygon-Z when holding a Dubious Disc.
Electric Soldier Porygon, which featured Porygon, caused seizures and irritated eyes. It was not Porygon itself, but Pikachu's Thunderbolt which caused the problematic blue and red flash - even so, neither Porygon nor its evolutions have been seen in the anime since, except for the intro to one of the movies and re-runs using the Poké Rap.
Porygon is the only Pokémon who evolves into a smaller Pokémon, then evolves into a larger Pokémon
Despite being "copy protected" by Silph Co., Porygon can be cloned.
Porygon's evolutionary line is the only three-stage evolutionary line whose members can all learn bothGiga Impact and Hyper Beam. This means that these Pokémon are also the only ones which can have both Giga Impact and Hyper Beam at level 1.
Porygon is one of five Pokémon that initially did not evolve into or from another Pokémon, but is now part of a three-stage evolutionary line (the other four being Chansey, Magmar, Electabuzz, and Roselia). However, unlike the others, Porygon got two evolutions, while the others got a pre-evolution and a new evolution.
Porygon and its evolutions are the only Pokémon that do not have some relation to the number three (besides the number of members in their evolutionary family) to learn Tri Attack.
There is evidence lending to the idea that Porygon may have been created by Team Rocket. In Generation I, Porygon is only obtainable through a Team Rocket-run establishment. Not to mention, Porygon was developed in Pokémon Lab, which presumably has some connection to the Pokémon Mansion, where Mewtwo was supposedly created in the games. And in the anime, Team Rocket was responsible for the creation of Mewtwo. Also, the only in-game trainers that use Porygon are in league with Team Rocket (Scientist Gideon in FR/LG and Scientist Rich in the Radio Tower in GSC).
Only in Generation II, it is possible for Porygon to have both effects of the move Curse. One is by simply using it to the non-Ghost effect of Curse. The other is by using either Conversion or Conversion 2 to change its type to Ghost and have the Ghost effect of Curse. The other Pokémon that can do this is Porygon2. The only way to do this in later generations is to somehow get a Pokémon with Color Change, Conversion, or Conversion 2, Curse, and have it be hit by a Ghost-type move.
Despite being an unevolved, three-stage Pokémon, Porygon has a higher base stat total than Butterfree, Beedrill, Beautifly and Dustox, all of which are fully evolved, three-stage Pokémon. The reason for this apparent unbalance is that Porygon was introduced as a single-stage Pokémon with no evolutionary relatives.
It appears to be based on the concept of an origami crane made with primitive 3D graphics software.
Name origin
Porygon's name is a mix between polygon and origami. It may also reflect the stereotype that Japanese people pronounce their 'L' sounds as 'R' sounds, Porygon being a mispronunciation of polygon.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.