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These are Bianca's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Black and White

Nuvema Town
  • Before choosing a first partner Pokémon
"Am I a little late again? So-oooo-orry!"
"I know. Sorry, <player>. Sorry, Cheren."
"So, where are the Pokémon? They were delivered to <player>'s house, so <player> gets first pick."
  • If talked to before choosing a first partner Pokémon
"Ooh! What kind of Pokémon could they be?"
  • After choosing a first partner Pokémon
"OK, I'll take this Pokémon! Cheren, that one's yours!"
"Everyone has chosen a Pokémon! ...So that's that! Hey, I know! Let's have a Pokémon battle!"
  • Before battle
"Don't be a worrywart! These little ones are weak, like you said. We have to let them battle so they'll get stronger. It's settled, <player>! Get ready for a Pokémon battle!"
  • During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
"Eek! Ouch! I won't let you get away with that!"
  • When defeated
"The Pokémon on both sides did their best!"
  • If the player is defeated
"Wha... I got so absorbed in having my Pokémon use moves, I won before even realizing..."
  • After being defeated
"Wow... <player>, you're gonna be an awesome Trainer someday, I can tell! No doubt!"
"Wh-whoa! What happened?!"
"Wow! Pokémon are amaaaaazing!! So little, but so strong! I'm so glad that I get to have a Pokémon! ...Oh. Um, sorry about your room, <player>."
"Hey, Cheren! How about you battle, too? With all you know, I'm sure you can battle without turning the room into a disaster area like I did!"
"Oh! I'd better come, too!"
"Well, um... We can clean up..."
"Oh! Wait! I've gotta go home first."
"Thanks for having us over!"
  • Bianca's house
"But, I'm... I'm a good Trainer who got a Pokémon and everything! I can totally go on an adventure!"
"Oh... It's OK. ...It's fine! I'll be waiting for you in front of the lab, OK?"
  • If talked to near Juniper's lab
"...That's a secret, OK?"
  • Juniper Pokémon Lab
"OK! I mean... Yes, professor!"
"S-since the professor asked us, it's OK to go on an adventure, right? I can explore and maybe find out what I want to do in life. I think I'd like that."
"For some reason, my heart is pounding, <player>. What are you and <first partner> going to do?"*
  • Outside
"Heeey! <Player>, wait up!"
"Th-thank you so much!"
"Let's go, let's go! <Player>, hurry and come too, OK?"
"<Player>... It's this way!"
"Hey, <player>! Let's all take our first step on Route 1 together!"
"One, two!"
Route 1
"Oh! I wonder what will happen! Isn't this so exciting?!"
"I think I'll go, too. I'm looking forward to the next town so I can go shopping for Poké Balls!"
"Wait a minute! Hey, listen! <Player>, Cheren, I thought of something fun!"
"Would you just listen a sec? Seriously! Why don't we see who can catch the most Pokémon? The person carrying the most Pokémon, including the one received from Professor Juniper, is the winner!"
"Me and <Bianca's first partner> will do the best for sure!"
"How about it, <player>? Do you want to compare which one of us has the most Pokémon with them?"
Yes, if the player has two or more Pokémon: "Wow, [number]?! That's awesome! Are you excited to have that many Pokémon with you?"
Yes, if the player has only one Pokémon: "What? What? What? You only have <first partner>?! If you don't catch any Pokémon, won't <first partner> get lonely?"
No: "Hmm... Guess I'll be waiting here, then."
  • On Xtransceiver
"Oh! Professor!"
"OK! The Pokémon Center, right!"
Accumula Town
"Ooh, wait for me!"
"All you need to do is give her your Pokémon, <player>"
  • After healing Pokémon
"Professor... It says "Someone's PC" on the screen. Who is Someone?"
"Ooh! What should I buy? Potions and Poké Balls are definitely important. Ummm...thinking..."
Route 2
  • Before battle
"Ohhhhh! Hi, <player>!"
"Hey, listen! Let's have a Pokémon battle! Pleeeease? The Pokémon I caught have become a little stronger! Ready or not, here I come!"
  • During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
"B-both my Pokémon and I are going to give it our all!"
  • After sending out last Pokémon
"OK! This little one is up next!"
  • Last Pokémon low on health
"Uh-oh... Am I in trouble?!"
  • When defeated
"Aww... I couldn't win..."
  • After being defeated
"Woo-hoo! You are a tough cookie, <player>. I'm gonna work hard on training my Pokémon so we won't lose anymore! OK, bye-bye!"
"Hi, <player>! Are you looking for the mysterious Pokémon, too?"
"I'm just really, really wondering how showing dreams works..."
"Hey! Did you hear a sound coming from the other side of that wall? Come on! Let's go see!"
"Oh! Wait!"
"Huh? Who are you?! What are you doing?"
"You're kicking a Pokémon to make it give off Dream Mist? That's mean! Why? You're Trainers too, right?"
"Whaaat! Don't hurt <player>!"
"Knock it off!"
"...What was that just now? That person called Ghetsis appeared all over the place, and it wasn't real, right?! ...Could it have been a dream?"
"And that Pokémon..."
"Oh, Fennel. Well, you see, Munna was here... But Team Plasma and Munna... And Musharna came... And it showed us something like a dream? And then, Team Plasma..."
"Phew. How random was that? <Player>, why don't you go to Fennel's house? Me? Well, I'm going to go look for the Pokémon we saw just now."
Route 3
"Hey! Where were those people headed?"
"Oh, seriously! They run so fast!"
"It'll be OK. It'll be OK. Don't cry."
"You have to hear this! Those people stole this girl's Pokémon!"
  • If spoken to
"Please <player>. Team Plasma took that Pokémon. Get it back!"
  • After retrieving the girl's Pokémon
"<player>, thank you so much! The two of you got her Pokémon back! I'm lucky to have friends like you two!"
"Ooh! Those are Heal Balls! They completely heal the captured Pokémon on the spot! How sweet of you! I'm going to see this girl on her way, so see you later, <player>. Bye-bye!"
Nacrene City
"Oh, hi, <player>! What's everybody doing here?"
"Oh! Oh, <player>! Take this with you! Fennel gave me this Dowsing Machine to give you. Now what did she tell me? Um... You can use the Dowsing Machine to find places where items are hidden. So you can find stuff you can't even see!"
"Hey, wait for me!"
  • Inside the museum
"I won't forgive those thieves!"
Castelia City
  • At dock
"<player>, is there anything we can do? My Munna... Team Plasma took it..."
"Oh, Munna, I can't believe it. Here I am, a Trainer, and I can't even protect my own Pokémon... I'm sorry..."
  • Outside Team Plasma's hideout
"W-wait! <player>! You come, too!"
  • Inside Team Plasma's hideout
"T-thank you! Munny, I'm so glad to see you again!"
"It's just... I'm... I'm so happy that my Munna is safe."
"It's OK. Thank you, Iris! No one was hurt. More than anything, I got my darling Pokémon back again!"
"Oh, it would be sensational to look around Castelia City, but..."
"Whaa... Waait!"
  • On Xtransceiver
"Hey there! Where are you now? Could you do me a favor? Let's have a Pokémon battle! Iris has trained me, and I've become a little stronger. I should be angle to protect my own Pokémon now. Let's meet at the gate to Route 4! OK, see you later!"
  • Castelia Gate
"Hello, <player>! You remember the promise you made on the Xtransceiver, right?"
"So let's get right to our Pokémon battle! But, before that..."
"They say we can have a Pokémon battle in the gate as long as we're careful not to break the electric bulletin board."
"I'm the new and improved version of me! It's gonna go great this time!"
"Let's start our Pokémon battle again!"
  • During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
"My Pokémon and me! We trained and got tough!"
  • Last Pokémon low on health
"Ooohhh... Am I in trouble?"
  • Being defeated
"I trained with Iris... But I still couldn't win..."
  • After being defeated
"I'll never be a strong Trainer like you or Cheren or Iris, but... You know since we left Nuvema Town, I've met a lot of people and I've been thinking about what I want to do in life! When you look at it that way, Pokémon have given me a lot of new experiences. Having my Pokémon stolen was just really hard, and I felt unsure... Still, I gotta say I'm really glad I went! I've learned so much on this journey. And I also learned that being with Pokémon is really, really important! OK, well, I hope to see you again soon! Bye-bye, <player>!"
Nimbasa City
"<player>! Know what? The professor told me Nimbasa City has a lot of things to see and do--the amusement park, big stadium, small court, and the battle subway! I'm going to go see the Pokémon Musical! See you later!"
"Ooh, <player>! Are you interested in musicals? Then, let's go in together!"
  • Inside Pokémon Musical
"A. Mazing. Isn't it?"
"Oh, I don't know what to do! Doing the musical stuff would be totally cool, but there's other stuff I wanna do. OK, that's it! I made up my mind! I'm going to see the sights in Nimbasa! See ya, <player>!"
  • After running into her dad
"Daddy?! What are you doing here?"
"No way! I'm going to keep traveling with <player> and my Pokémon!"
"Is that so? Then, how about you do things your way, and I'll do things mine!"
"Please! I know there's gonna be painful stuff like you're worrying about! I know! Really, I get it! But, like, listen... There'll be tons of nice people, too. Know what else? Since I've been traveling with Pokémon, I've already gotten tougher, I can totally tell. So... please?"
"Papa, I'll come home after I find out what I really want to do!"
"She's so cool! Hah! I want to be a totally cool woman like Elesa! Mm. I wonder how I'll get there. Well, before that, I guess I need to discover what I really want to do! See you later, <player>!"
Route 6
  • Before battle
"<Player>!! Guess what, guess what?"
"Hey, were you at the Gym just now? Oh, hey! That's Driftveil's Gym Badge! Oh, that's totally cool. That's amazing. No, no, no! I can't get distracted being all impressed with your shiny new Badge! I'm also a Trainer! At times like this you battle, right?"
  • During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
"My Pokémon can take that! I'm sure! Well, probably..."
  • Last Pokémon low on health
"Ummm... This is kinda bad, right?"
  • Being defeated
"Aww. I lost."
  • After being defeated
"I haven't had a Pokémon battle with you in a while, <player>. You've become totally strong, huh? I'm not that strong so I don't know how to say it, but I think you're way tuned in to how your Pokémon feel! Oh, you know what! I want to share this HM with you, <player>!"
"My papa gave it to me after he tried to take me home that time. I'm sure it's so I can come home anytime he wants, though... Oh, hey, I have to share this with Cheren, too... See you, <player>! Bye-bye!"
Chargestone Cave
  • Near the entrance
"Guess what!"
"<Player>, did you know this? The floating stones move when you touch them! Right, Professor?"
  • Midway through
"Know what, <player>? Pokémon are mysterious! I wonder why these amazing little guys stay by our sides."
  • Near the exit
"<Player>! Just a little farther to Mistralton City!"
"Umm, <player>! I'm gonna go with Professor Juniper now 'cause I'm her bodyguard!"
Icirrus City
"Hey, hey. Cheer up, Cheren... Isn't it nice to see everyone?! <Player>! Know what? This time, I'll go to the Pokémon Fan Club. I'm really searching... for what I want to do and what I can do!"
"Who? Us? I'm Bianca, and this is Cheren..."
"Whoooooa! Whoa. Wh-what should I do? F-for now, I have to go to Dragonspiral Tower... OK! I'm heading north!"
Dragonspiral Tower
  • After Team Plasma invades the tower
"Hey, <player>!"
"Nice to meet you, Professor! Thanks to Professor Juniper, I got to go on a journey and start figuring out possibilities for my life. I'm very, very grateful to her!"
"Professor, what's the Dragonspiral Tower?"
"Don't worry! <player> and Cheren are both really, really strong, and they've beaten Team Plasma before. But... I'm not all that strong, actually. I admit it. I'm not very strong, so I was thinking... It would be nice if, maybe, I could... Stay here and be your bodyguard?"
  • After Team Plasma leaves
"Huh? There are two legendary Dragon-type Pokémon?"
"H-huh?! Isn't it dangerous to bring back a Pokémon that powerful?"
"<Player>, this has turned into a big deal. So confusing... I dunno what to do... Are you gonna go to the Relic Castle, <player>? Past Route 4, in the Desert Resort... I hear that's where the Relic Castle is..."
Nacrene City
"Whoa. Isn't that the... stone... found in the Desert Resort?"
"But, you know, we're lucky... 'Cause what if Team Plasma, like, noticed that old stone that time..."
"Ooh. Sounds real serious... Um, that's about all I got out of it. <player>, do you know Opelucid City? When you leave from Icirrus City and, like, cross the Tubeline Bridge, it's on the other side. Umm... I'm not that great with directions, so if you need more, check your Town Map, OK?"
Route 8
  • Before battle
"<Player>! As I've been traveling lately, I've been thinking about things. Things like what I can do with my life, and what I want to do, but... I'm thinking how cool it would be to be a model like Elesa. And then, how cool it would be to research on Pokémon like Professor Juniper... If that's what I want to do, I'm gonna have to know a lot about Pokémon. Sooooo...would you please battle me?"
  • During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
"Oh! So, you chose that move!"
  • Last Pokémon low on health
"Every time I watch my Pokémon battle, it ends like this..."
  • Being defeated
"The Pokémon on both sides tried sooo hard, didn't they?"
  • After being defeated
"Yep! <Player>, you're amazing! I'm really, really, really impressed, and that makes me want to give this to you!"
"In Castelia City, my precious Pokémon was stolen by Team Plasma. So I really, really understand! If Team Plasma forces everyone to liberate their Pokémon, there will be nothing but sad people! <player>! Stop Team Plasma! Don't allow Pokémon to be stolen from trainers who love them! I think that's the truth—or ideal—that you've been pursuing, <player>..."
"Oh dear, here I've come all this way, and I'm afraid I'm bothering you when you're going through so much. All I wanted was to help you relax, <player>. Knowing you, you'll be fine! Definitely! You'll totally be fine! I guarantee it! Anyway, you know what I mean... Yeah... So, Bye-bye!"
Route 10
"<Player>... There's not much I can do to help you, but I want you to have these!"
"Still, it's kind of funny. Everyone's so different."
"Come on, Cheren. Could you smile just for once? Taking everything so seriously all the time isn't going to change anything. You know... Since we've met our Pokémon and walked the same roads together, a lot has happened... We've all changed a lot! We found out that the things we want to do and the things we can do are different for each of us, right? That's what's made our journey so worth it. Somehow, all this just makes me happy."
"He's gone."
"<Player>! Me, too! I'll do my best to help if I can! So... Umm... I wish I could say something, like, totally inspiring, you know? Umm... OK... Best foot forward!"
Nuvema Town (post-game)
  • After defeating Ghetsis
"...I'm sorry. By the time I went to get the Striaton City Gym Leaders, everything was over..."
"...Ghetsis? The Shadow Triad?"
"You know what? You know what! I'm gonna go to Black CityB/White ForestW!"
"Wow, the National Pokédex... It looks like there are tons of Pokémon I don't know yet! Oh! Ooh! I want to show Mom and Dad my Pokédex! I gotta go! Let's meet again somewhere. OK?!"
  • After defeating Alder
"Professor Juniper is letting me help out. When I was looking at my Pokédex, I realized something. I met so many Pokémon during my journey. I just want to learn more about the little darlings!"
"Oh yeah! That's right. <Player>, do you know about massive outbreaks of Pokémon?"
Yes:"I knew you'd know, <player>! I'm sure you also know that lots of a certain Pokémon appear in the grass all over, and that if you look at the electric signs in the Route gates, you can see where the mass outbreaks are happening in the Unova region!"
No: "Tee-hee! OK, then, I'll tell you about it. First of all, lots of certain Pokémon appear in the grass all over. If you look at the electric signs in the Route gates, you can see where the mass outbreaks are happening in the Unova region! Isn't that amazing!"
"I have to study lots of Pokémon research, but I don't mind. This is the answer I found during my adventure! It's actually a lot of fun! And I have an idea! Every now and then, come have a Pokémon battle with me, OK? 'Cause by doing that, I'll learn a lot more about Pokémon!"
  • Before battle (weekends only)
"Oh, <player>! Would you have a Pokémon battle with me today?"
"Oh, so you will have a Pokémon battle with me, then?"
Yes:"Great! <Player>! We're battling indoors, so don't get too worked up!"
No: "Whaaaaat! Wait... No, I'm pretty disappointed..."
  • During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
"I see... You choose that move?!"
  • Sending out last Pokémon
"S-s-still... That's fine. We're just fine!"
  • Last Pokémon low on health
" a time like this, I am supposed to do...what?"
  • Upon defeat
"Thank you for having a battle with me! I definitely learned something!"
  • After being defeated
"Phew! I'm totally sure, <player>. You're really a strong Trainer. I love your style of Pokémon battling, <player>. Somehow your Pokémon look like they're having so much fun!"
  • After a rematch (one quote at certain day of the week)
Monday:"<Player>, did you know this? If you give a Pokémon called Feebas a Prism Scale and trade it with someone, apparently it evolves. Isn't that amazing? Pokémon sure are mysterious beings, aren't they?"
Tuesday:"<Player>, did you know this? In Pinwheel Forest, there is a rock that's covered in moss. It might be related to the rock, I dunno, but there is a Pokémon that evolves when it levels up in Pinwheel Forest! Pokémon sure are mysterious beings, aren't they?"
Wednesday:"<Player>, did you know this? Deep in Twist Mountain, there's an ice-covered rock. There is a Pokémon that evolves when it levels up near that rock. Pokémon sure are mysterious beings, aren't they?"
Thursday:"<Player>, did you know this? There are Pokémon that evolve when they level up knowing a certain move! Pokémon sure are mysterious beings, aren't they?"
Friday:"<Player>, did you know this? There are Pokémon that evolve when you give them a certain item and they level up at night! Pokémon sure are mysterious beings, aren't they?"

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Aspertia City
  • Upon meeting the player
"It's sooo pretty! Hey there! Don't you agree? Oh! My name is Bianca! I'm the assistant of the Pokémon Professor--Professor Juniper. By the way, I'm looking for someone. Do you know a person named <player>?" (Regardless of the answer:) "Oh, wait! You're <player>! Wooow! You're ex-act-ly like what I heard! Nice to meet you! I have a really important request to ask you! Will you help us complete the Pokédex?"
No: "N-no way... I-I must have misheard you. Right? This is a very important request. Will you please help us complete the Pokédex?"
Yes: "Oh, wow, thanks! Your support will help Professor Juniper's research move forward! Anyway, filling up the Pokédex is totally fun!"
"OK, then! Ta-daaa! In here is the Pokémon that will be your partner!"
  • After the player has chosen their first partner Pokémon
"Oh, wow! You and Snivy/Tepig/Oshawott are a perfect match! By the way, would you like to give a nickname to the Pokémon you chose?"
No: "Oh, OK, gotcha. You're not going to give it a nickname."
Yes: (After a nickname is input:) "<First partner's nickname>! Is that the nickname you want?"
No: (Repeats the name input and confirmation.)
Yes: "<First partner's nickname>! That is such a great name!"
"Now you've got your Pokémon, so I'll give you this, too--a Pokédex! You want to know what it does? The Pokédex is a high-tech device that automatically records the Pokémon you encounter! So Professor Juniper wants you to carry this Pokédex, visit a lot of places, and meet all the Pokémon in the Unova region!"
  • If the player speaks to Bianca again before battling Hugh
"Still, that Professor Juniper! The normal thing to do is to get an OK before sending someone clear out here, right?"
"It's a Pokédex!"
"Um...who are you again?"
"Well, OK! I don't really get it, but going on a journey is always good! Anyway, I just happen to have another Pokédex on me! It looks like Pokémon distribution has really changed compared to two years ago, so the more, the merrier!"
  • If the player speaks to Bianca before battling Hugh
"Ooh, I just thought of something cool! You both have Pokémon, right? Why don't you have a Pokémon battle?"
  • After the battle between the player and Hugh
"The Pokémon on both sides did their best! But this little one is still weak, so battle with it and make it stronger! All righty, let's go make your Pokémon better at the Pokémon Center! It's like the best place ever for Pokémon who battle and get hurt!"
"The Pokémon Center is the same no matter where you are! Let's go inside!"
"OK! I'll show you around the Pokémon Center!"
"The Pokémon Center heals Pokémon for free! You should bring your Pokémon here anytime they are weak."
"Next, I'll explain the PC!"
"This square thing is a PC! Any Trainer is free to use it! You can deposit Pokémon in it. Also, you can withdraw Pokémon from it! The next thing is over here!"
"This is the Poké Mart! Here you can buy and sell many different items! The Poké Balls you use to capture Pokémon can also be bought at the Poké Mart! Here, <player>, I'll give you some Poké Balls!"
"Next up! I'll show you how to use those Poké Balls! Follow me!"
"Why are there two Town Maps?"
"Aww, you guys! Just watching this makes me happy! C'mon, we're headed for Route 19! I'll teach you how to catch a Pokémon!"
  • At the player's house, after she gives the tutorial on Route 19:
"I was just talking to your mom! She told me an amazing story about Professor Juniper!"
"Heeey!/Yoo-hoo! How was it? How did your Pokémon battle with the Gym Leader go? Oh! If it isn't the Basic Badge! Wow! Amazing! And you just set off on your journey with your Pokémon! You definitely have potential as a Trainer! I'm sure of it! This is from me! It's the TM for the move Return."
"When a Pokémon knows Return, the more it gets along with the Trainer, the more powerful the move is!"
"Still, that Cheren..."
"Oh wow!"
"Wh-What's up?"
"M-me, too!"
"I registered Professor Juniper for you, too!"
"The Cave of Being... I wonder where those three Pokémon — Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf — flew off to? Uxie is a Pokémon that symbolizes knowledge... If you mention a place in Unova where knowledge is gathered, the first thing that comes to mind is Nacrene City's museum... Mesprit is a Pokémon that presides over emotion, right? Celestial Tower's bell stirs emotions... And Azelf is willpower... The desire to see something through... What place could represent that?"
"Route 23's mysterious Pokémon... Just by being near it you can feel some kind of willpower... It's best to go have a look for yourself!"
"Your mom's amazing! It's sweet how she met your dad while working reception at the Pokémon Center. Hee hee! She's taught me a lot!"
"Sometimes, there are mass outbreaks of Pokémon, right? A lot of the exact same Pokémon show up at the same time, and it's such a surprise! Like where were all of you before? If you look at the electronic bulletin boards, you can learn about them!"
"Professor Juniper — I'm talking about Aurea Juniper, mind you... She's researching the origins of Pokémon! It's interesting! Among the Pokémon that exist now, there were some that have been around from the past and some that were discovered recently. By the way, her dad is researching Pokémon distribution and biology!"
Route 19
  • Before the tutorial
"Heeey!/Come on! This way! This kinda reminds me of that day on Route 1. OK, here's how it works. The Pokédex's pages fill up automatically when you meet Pokémon! And when you catch a Pokémon, more detailed information on it is added to the Pokédex! Here, I'll show you how to catch a Pokémon! Starting...NOW!"
  • During the tutorial
"You just have to use a Poké Ball after lowering its HP!"
  • After the tutorial
"What a relief! I caught a Pokémon! Oh! Um... Right. I'll go over the important stuff. First, go find a healthy Pokémon to catch! You need to remember this next bit! It's best to lower the Pokémon's HP before you try to catch it. Use your Pokémon's moves to lower the HP of the Pokémon you want to catch. Making it fall asleep or paralyzing it will make it even easier to catch! You're going to go deliver the Town Map to your friend, right? Continue straight this way to get to Floccesy Town! Bye now! Meet lots of Pokémon and catch a lot of them, OK?"
"Hi, Professor Juniper! It's really interesting over here! There are sooo many Pokémon we couldn't prove were here two years ago!"
"It'll be fine! Cheren's a new Gym Leader, I'm an Assistant Pokémon Professor, and <player> is a new Trainer, but we always have Pokémon by our sides!"
  • After the conversation
"Hey, <player>! Isn't Professor Juniper cool? If you talk to her on the Xtransceiver, she'll evaluate the completeness of your Pokédex or tell you a lot about how Pokémon evolve! And you can call us, too, of course! I'll tell you how well you and your Pokémon are getting along, OK?!"
"Being a Gym Leader is even harder than I imagined."
"The next thing is to make it so you can use the C-Gear. The C-Gear is a cool device for communications, such as Infrared Connection or Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection."
  • Activating the C-Gear
"Check this! The C-Gear was activated, and that screen showed up! If you touch the "?" icon in the bottom-right corner of the C-Gear screen, you can read about the C-Gear. Like, what are you going to do now? You know, there's another Pokémon Gym in Virbank City, which is just past Floccesy Town."
Floccesy Town
  • If the player attempts to go to Route 20
"Heeey!/Hey there!"
"I'm sorry! I forgot to upgrade the Pokédex that I gave you! I'm going to add the Habitat List! It's an amazing feature! I'm just going to borrow your Pokédex for a second!"
"With the Habitat List, you can check which Pokémon are in the area! It's a mode in the Pokédex! To use it, open up the Pokédex and tap the Habitat List button on the lower left of the Touch Screen! Next, pick the area you want to see! You can see all the Pokémon that live in that area. It even tells you which ones you've already caught! Would you like to hear my explanation again?"
No: "I have a tip for you! When you're walking down a path, you'll sometimes see rustling grass! If you go to that spot... Well, I'll let the rest be a surprise! Filling up the Pokédex will make your world bigger! So go to many different places and meet many different Pokémon, OK? See you!"
Castelia Gate
"Heeey! When I saw you in the city, I just had to catch up with you! Here, take this! This is a Dowsing Machine!"
"You can use the Dowsing Machine to find places where items are hidden. It's exciting to find an item while you're looking for a Pokémon. Ooh, good luck!"
"Oh! If you often use the Dowsing Machine, the Habitat List, and so on, why don't you register them? Er... I think it's written in this book. I found it! OK, I'll read it. “You can use the registered item just by pressing the Y button!” See? OK. Bye!"
Route 5
"Heeey! Nice timing! I was wanting to give you this!"
"Ta-da! It's a Hidden Machine, Fly! When you use this move outside of battle, you can go to places you want to go, like a Pokémon Center."
"By the way, <player>, do you know about Hidden Grottoes?"
Yes: "Great! You might find one soon!"
No: "OK! Then I'll explain! Sometimes you can find a grotto among trees, where Pokémon like to hide. That place is called a Hidden Grotto. Makes sense, right?"
"Wait! ... Over there! I heard something from that direction! I have good ears. Hey! Come with me!"
"The sound is coming from somewhere around here. Wow! Here it is! There's a gap, and it looks like we can fit through! C'mon! Let's go have a look!
No: "This is too good to pass up! Let's go in!"
"Hey, a Pokémon! A Pokémon that hides in a place like this might be pretty amazing! Amazing! This is a huge discovery! An incredible find! I'll go check a lot of other trees to see if there are more Hidden Grottoes!
Chargestone Cave
  • Upon the player's arrival
"Heeey!/Hi there! Did you know this? If you push the floating stones, they move! As always, this place is charged with lots of electricity that Pokémon like! The electric charges react from one stone to another, so that's why there are floating stones! You can't push all of them, though. Oh, that's right! I came here to research something! Be seeing you!"
  • Before the player defeats Team Plasma on the Plasma Frigate at Pokémon World Tournament
"The bridge fell apart, but it's being fixed right now!"
  • After defeating Team Plasma on the Plasma Frigate at Pokémon World Tournament
"Know what? I'm here at Professor Juniper's request! I'm researching a Pokémon called Tynamo! But there aren't very many, and they don't seem very strong..."
Mistralton City
"Waaaaaaaaaaait! You guys! Wait, wait, wait, wait! Hff...pff...I want to fly, too! I want to do some research in Reversal Mountain...hff...pff..."
Lentimas Town
"That's true... What could they be planning?"
"I'll be in the volcano just beyond here... I'm going to investigate the rumors I've been hearing about a rare Fire-type Pokémon in Reversal Mountain."
Reversal Mountain
  • Upon meeting up with the player
"Heeey!/Hi there, <player>! Um, you know what? There's something I want to investigate here in Reversal Mountain. But the wild Pokémon here are really tough, and I'm having trouble with them! Could you come with me? Please?"
"Oh! Don't worry! I'll take care of healing your Pokémon, OK? Ready? Let's go!"
  • If the player tries to return to Lentimas Town's side
"Oh! I want to do a little more looking around. Want to split up for now?
No: "OK! Then let's do a little more looking around!"
Yes: "Oh, OK! I want to do a little more investigating about Heatran! Heatran is a very rarely seen Pokémon, so if I find out more about it, Professor Juniper will be really happy! Thanks for helping me! Be careful on your journey!"
  • If the player meets up with her once again
"There's still something I want to look for in Reversal Mountain. Come with me! Don't worry. I'll take care of healing our Pokémon, OK? OK, here we go!"
  • If talked to
"Know what? I didn't know what I was capable of, so I left on a journey to find out!"
  • If talked to again
"I'm... Well, I'm not the toughest Trainer. But I was able to continue my journey because my Pokémon worked so hard for me."
  • If talked to for the third time
"Trying to keep winning against everyone is really hard... But it's easy to keep loving Pokémon, and that makes it all worthwhile."
  • If talked to for the fourth time
"I always want to know more about Pokémon I like! That's why I started working as Professor Juniper's assistant!"
  • If talked to for the fifth time onwards
"Actually, I'm not sure being a professor's assistant is really what I want to do... But when I do the work, I have lots and lots of fun!"
  • Near B1F
"Oh! <Player>! Here! This is the place! Let's look around a little!"
  • B1F
"What is this place? It feels very strange. Could this be the place where Reversal Mountain started from--the lair of the Pokémon Heatran?"
"Heatran is a Pokémon with magma-like blood flowing through it!"
  • Arriving at the exit
"Oh! Undella Town is right through here! I want to keep looking around a little bit. What do you want to do? Should we say bye for now?"
No: "OK, then! Let's go look around a little more!"
Yes: "OK, then! I want to do a little more research about Heatran anyway! Thank you for coming with me! Be careful on the rest of your journey!"
  • If talked to after saying goodbye
"Reversal Mountain... I wonder... Could a Magma Stone be in there? Have you heard of it? They say a Magma Stone was found in a volcano in the distant Sinnoh region. Apparently, it had something to do with Heatran!
Lacunosa Town
  • Upon meeting up with the player
"Hee hee! I used Fly, so it looks like I beat you here. Thanks for your help in Reversal Mountain!"
"What is it?"
  • Inside the old woman's house
"Oh, I've heard that around the Giant Chasm, there have been brief temperature readings of -58° F! That's what Cheren told me, anyway!"
"The Pokémon ate p-people?"
  • Right at the front of the house
"I know... The power to freeze everything around it could even rival the power of the legendary Dragon-type Pokémon."
"Professor, do you think there's a connection between the Pokémon from the old story and the legendary Dragon-type Pokémon?"
"The meteorite?"
"If your theories are true, it should be a really strong Pokémon. What kind of a reason would there be for it to come out only at night? Like, if, like, it doesn't like sunlight or something like that..."
"Sure thing!"
"Oh, just so you know, Opelucid City's mayor, Drayden, wrestles with his Pokémon to toughen them up!"
"Professor Juniper, wait up!"
Giant Chasm
  • After capturing/defeating Kyurem
"<Player>, you're amazing! You've met so many Pokémon!"
"Hey now! Your Pokédex should be pretty full, right? I'm sure Professor Juniper will be really happy if you show her!"
"Still... How many Pokémon could there be in all? I think I'll go back to Nuvema Town and ask Professor Juniper!"
Route 1 (Memory Link)
"I have fond memories of this place... One day... <player's name in B/W>, Cheren, and I all gathered right here and took the first step of our adventure. It's a very special spot."
"Hey, <player>! Let's take our first step on Route 1 together! One, two!"
"Ha ha! That's what I said. Hey, while we're here, have a Pokémon battle with me! Talking about <player's name in B/W> put me in the mood for a Pokémon battle!"
  • During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
"S-s-still... That's fine. We're just fine!"
  • Last Pokémon low on health
" a time like this, I am supposed to do...what?"
  • Being defeated
"Thank you for having a battle with me! It was a lot of fun!"
  • After being defeated
"Tee-hee! You're so tough! You're just like <player's name in B/W>! OK! I just have to remember what I felt like back then and work hard, too! Thanks! See you!"
Pokémon World Tournament
  • Before battle (first round)
"A Pokémon battle with you! I feel really excited!"
  • Before battle (second round)
"When I delivered the Pokémon to you in Aspertia City, I never would've imagined then I'd be battling with you here! That's right! Pokémon bring us together like this, don't they?! Isn't it a-MAZ-ing?"
  • Before battle (final round)
"Know what? When I traveled the Unova region, so many things happened to me, but I'm so glad I went on that journey! I met a lot of Pokémon and found what I really wanted to do... It's hard to put into words, but I want to express this feeling through my Pokémon."
  • Being defeated
"Phew! You're really a strong Trainer, that's for sure!"
  • If the player is defeated
"The Pokémon on both sides tried sooo hard, didn't they?"
  • After being defeated
"Thank you for being my opponent! Yep! I learned a lot! Know what? Recently, I've been thinking Pokémon stay by our sides to bring people together... I'm thinking of researching that!"
  • After winning
"I love your style of Pokémon battling! Somehow, your Pokémon look like they're having so much fun!"
  • In the lobby, after the tournament
"Even if it's just little by little, I'm learning about Pokémon. I'm thinking about how to bring out the best from everyone, but I still have a ways to go. Oh, I almost forgot! Congratulations on your victory!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Bianca (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"Hey there! My name's Bianca. Oh! I'm from Unova, by the way. I hope we can be friends!"
  • After being recruited (Champion)
"My name is Bianca! I'm always striving toward greater heights—without forgetting where I started!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"As an aspiring Pokémon Professor, I'm happiest when I've got Pokémon all around me!"
"It's my dream to use my knowledge of Pokémon to bring us all together and, like, help us get along better!"
  • Sync pair viewer (Champion)
"I always wanna know more about the Pokémon I like."
"Go to many different places and meet many different Pokémon, okay?"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Me? Oh! I'd love to join you!"
  • Selection screen (forming team, Champion)
"Sure, let's go together."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Hilda)*
"Hilda! Where are we going?"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Cheren)*
"We're both just getting started, but let's go, Cheren!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Hilbert)*
"Leave the support to me, Hilbert!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Iris)*
"Hoh, I'll do more than just depend on you, Iris!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Nate)*
"Battles feel safer with you around, Nate."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Rosa)*
"I'll watch to see how you've grown, Rosa!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Elesa)*
"You're always so cool and gorgeous, Elesa!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Hugh)*
"How's your Pokédex coming along, Hugh?"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Lenora)*
"Lenora, I have a question for you."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Trevor)*
"Let's research Pokémon together, Trevor!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, Champion)
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Yay for us!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (Champion)
"A new power! Ah, so exciting!"
  • Upon leveling up
"Woohoo! We're getting so strong!"
  • Upon leveling up (Champion)
"Did we get a little stronger?"
  • Upon reaching max level
"Step by step, we finally reached our goal!"
  • Upon reaching max level (Champion)
"Our journey's just getting started!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"We can help out our team even more now!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (Champion)
"We have to trust in our potential!"
  • Receiving EX style
"I'll do my best!"
  • Receiving EX style (Champion)
"Let's take another step forward!"
  • During conversation
"Mm-hm-hmm, hmm! ♪"
"Eh, hahahah."
"Good job!"
"Congrats! You did it!"
"You can do it!"
"How mean!"
"Uhhh, huhuh..."
"Thank you!"
"I'm sorry."
"Sure, okay!"
"I'll do my best!"
"I'm so excited!"
  • During conversation (Champion)
"Hey hey!"
"Heheheh! Mm."
"Uh, heheh."
"Way to go!"
"So cool!"
"Heheh. Good luck!"
"Not cool!"
"Mmm, ghuh..."
"No way!"
"Ah, I'm sorry."
"Eh, hehuh."
"Okay! We can do this!"
"It's battle time!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Wow, look at you! I wish I could be that full of energy in the morning! *giggle*"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Oh, hi! Are you hungry right now? I was just gonna grab a bite to eat!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"Hmm... It must be about time for all the nocturnal Pokémon to wake up, huh?"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning) (Champion)
"Our first step in the morning is the most important part of the day! Don't be afraid—let's go!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Champion)
"When you're tired from adventuring, take a break! Don't push too hard, but keep going!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening) (Champion)
"Quiet nights are the perfect time to take a good look at yourself and reflect."
  • During special gift conversation
"I got you a present!"
  • During special gift conversation (Champion)
"This is for yo-ou!"
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
  • Co-op match screen (Champion)
  • VS screen
"Here goes nothing!"
  • VS screen (Champion)
"We'll battle you!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Let's go!"
  • Sending out Pokémon (Champion)
"Here goes!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Go for it!"
"You can do it!"
  • Using Pokémon move (Champion)
"Right there!"
"We won't lose!"
  • Using item
"This should help!"
  • Using item (Champion)
  • Using Trainer move
"I've got this!"
  • Using Trainer move (Champion)
"This'll do it!"
  • Using sync move
"I'm so excited!"
  • Using sync move (Champion)
"First step to victory!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Unity attack / theme skill (Champion)
  • Uh-oh!
"I'm so excited!"
  • Uh-oh! (Champion)
"Okay! We can do this!"
  • Switching in
"Oh, is it our turn?"
  • Switching in (Champion)
"I'll try!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"Aw, it's okay."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (Champion)
"Have a good rest."
  • "Nice" emote
"That was great!"
  • "Nice" emote (Champion)
"Nice going!"
  • "Watch out" emote
"Watch out!"
  • "Watch out" emote (Champion)
  • "Let's do this" emote
"Knock it off!"
  • "Let's do this" emote (Champion)
"One, two..."
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you!"
  • "Thanks" emote (Champion)
  • Defeat
  • Defeat (Champion)
"Aw, I lost..."
  • Victory
"The Pokémon on both sides tried so hard, didn't they?"
  • Victory (Champion)
"Thank you! Heheh. It was a lot of fun!"
  • Victory (with Hilda on the team, in response to Hilda)*
"Let's get something sweet, then!"
  • Victory (with Cheren on the team, speaks first)*
"You've gotten stronger!"
  • Victory (with Hilbert on the team, in response to Hilbert)*
"Eheheh, glad to hear it!"
  • Victory (with Nate on the team, in response to Nate)*
"Wow, you're strong!"
  • Victory (with Rosa on the team, in response to Rosa)*
"Yeah! Yay, us!"
  • Victory (with Hugh on the team, speaks first)*
"That was a fun battle!"
  • Victory (with Lenora on the team, in response to Lenora)*
  • Victory (with Trevor on the team, in response to Trevor)*
"Be sure to jot it down!"
Legendary Adventures - Howling Shield of Eternity
  • A New Visitor
  • Over the phone
"Gloria! Listen to this!"
"I saw this Pokémon at the ruins that I've never seen before!"
"It looked like a dragon skeleton! And it was gigantic!"
  • Meteor Mystery
"That's strange... When we saw Eternatus, it looked like it was in pain."
"Um... So basically, it's hungry?"
"Let's put our heads together and find a way to help it!"
"It's so exciting to be around friends you've traveled with, isn't it? I know that feeling very well!"
  • A Massive Impact
"But if that's the case, why'd it look like it was hungry and in pain?"
"I don't understand it myself... Is that really what happens?"
"That's a Dynamax Pokémon?!"
  • Raihan to the Rescue
"Yeah, Marnie's right! You should go!"
"Yeah! We can help out over here!"
Story Event - The Ideal Formula
  • The Ones Who Bested Alder
"*chuckle* There's no rush, Iris. He did just get here, after all!"
"Let us know if anything catches your eye, N. We'd be happy to give you a closer look."
"Whoa! So that's Zekrom, huh? It's so cool!"
"Wait for us, Iris!"
"Iris, I'll go get us permission to use the arena!"
  • Off-screen
"Yoo-hoo, Iris!"
  • On-screen
"I got permission to use the arena!"
"It's getting late. Let's head out, shall we? "
"Come to think of it, he's been wanting to see you again for a while now! We probably should have invited him today."
  • N to the Rescue
  • Off-screen
"Heeeey, N!"
  • After appearing
"And not just him! Cheren and Hilda, too!"
"It's not like them at all. I hope nothing bad has happened..."
"That's them! It's Hilbert and our friends!"
"I-it's OK. Don't cry."
"Hilbert and the others will be OK."
  • Off-screen
"What is it, N?"
  • On-screen
"Help us out, Musharna!"
"Are you all OK?!"
  • A Gray World
"That's not what Pasio is!"
  • No More Good-byes
"Yeah! And we finally were able to get Hilbert and N together."
Solo Event - A Pasio Spectacle
  • Fashion Sense
"And don't you realize how important glasses are to us in our daily lives? They're a part of us–like our partner Pokémon!"
Story Event - Revel in Rivalry
  • The Starting Line
"I guess that's why you two don't mesh. You've always disliked anything that goes against your values."
"Yeah! I bet you'd have way more fun if you all supported each other!"
Story Event - Veevee on Pasio!
  • You're Too Loud!
" can't be shouting like that."
"I'm so sorry. We heard that people like Team Break have been stealing Pokémon recently."
"So we've been calling out to people we find suspicious."
"They all wear the same mask—if you see them, be careful!"
"If that's the case, there's something we'd like you to help us with!"
"You seem to like Eevee, so you must know a lot about them, right?"
"There are some people we'd like to introduce you to. Could you come with us?"
"All these people are having trouble connecting with the Eevee they've recently partnered with."
"Hehe, seems like she's having fun."
  • First Step in Making Friends
"Once you take that first step, the rest will fall into place!"
"We'll be watching from close by, too!"
  • The Stolen Treasure
"If you keep this up, you'll find that new you for sure!"
"But you're trying to change, right?"
"People can change if they try their best, even if it's just a little bit."
"That was true for me, at least."
"Before I got my first Pokémon, my worrywart parents were always making my choices for me, so I never got a feel for what I really wanted."
"But I wanted to change that."
"That was one of the reasons I started my journey."
"I couldn't get better at battling, but because my Pokémon kept going, I could carry on."
"And that made me want to get to know the Pokémon I love!"
"So now I'm working as a Pokémon Professor's assistant."
"I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but..."
"to keep on wanting to always take "the first step"... Thatְ's always important."
"And if you do that, I think anyone can become a proud and wonderful adult!"
"Huh? That's the kid we met a while ago."
  • Off-screen
"Is she crying?"
  • On-screen
"Huh? But..."
"I'm counting on you two!"
"You're gonna wait here with me, OK?"
  • Have Confidence
"That was great! That girl was so happy!"
"But you two let the Team Break members go?"
"The same mistakes? What happened before?"
"You managed to take loads of first steps today!"
"What were you two doing?"
Neo Champions - A Touching Sepia-Toned Song
  • Nomination for Neo Champion: Part 2
"They just announced Pasio's latest Neo Champion!"
  • A Heart-Touching Performance?
  • In flashback
"We'll cheer you on with all we've got!"
  • Rosa's Musical Begins!
"It's finally Rosa and Meloetta's turn!"
"It's just like what the guitarist at Café Sonata said..."
"A beautiful melody makes people happy."
"A sad melody makes people sorrowful..."
"That's the power of melodies..."
"She's shining so brightly!"
Neo Champions - One More Step to a New Path
  • Cheren's Invitation
"Yeah. I caught it before coming to Pasio."
"It still hasn't opened up to me, though..."
"We haven't even battled together because it hasn't accepted me as its Trainer."
"I wonder why it went willingly into a Poké Ball in the first place..."
  • Bianca's Challenge
"Whaaa—?! The Neo Champion Stadium?!"
"N-no way! I'm not strong like you and Hilbert!"
"You're right... We've changed."
"In a good way, of course!"
"What strength means to me..."
  • In flashback, off-screen
"Let's all take our first step on Route 1 together!"
"One, two!"
  • Back to present, on-screen
"Well, I do encourage everyone on Pasio to take that first step forward..."
"Gosh! I'm always saying that, aren't I?"
"OK! I'll do it, Virizion!"
"I'll show you how strong I am so you'll accept me!"
  • Putting Strength to the Test
"Great! Thanks, Iris!"
"Umm... To me, strength means..."
"helping others."
"For example, even though I'm weak at Pokémon battling, I can still help people with my Pokémon research..."
"So I'm going to do my best to show what I'm capable of!"
"And also..."
"A friend once described strength that way to me, and I've never forgotten it...because that's how I feel too."
"Huh?! Oh, uh... Was I not supposed to do that?!"
"Heh heh..."
"Me too! That's when things will really get started!"
"Let's do our best, Virizion!"
  • Two Different Decisions
"T-today's the day!"
"(She sounds worried...)"
"What's wrong? Are you looking for something?"
"... ... ..."
"(This brings back memories.)"
"(Not long after we'd started our journey...there was a girl whose Pokémon had been stolen by Team Plasma.)"
  • Off-screen
"(So Cheren and Hilbert chased after Team Plasma and got her Pokémon back.)"
"(And when Team Plasma went after my Munna...)"
  • On-screen
"(I was surrounded by strong Trainers I could rely on.)"
"(So, this time...!)"
"Don't worry!"
"I'll help you search! So don't cry, OK?"
"Virizion will help us search, too!"
"Oh, um... Wait just a second, OK?"
"Hello. Am I speaking to one of the competition staff members? I'm sorry to call so last minute..."
"I'm withdrawing from the competition."
"Of course! Be careful, now!"
"Stay together from now on so you don't get separated again!"
"I'm glad she was able to reunite with her precious Pokémon..."
"But...what I came here to do must be finished already."
"...Sorry, Cheren."
"Oh... I'm sorry I worried you."
"I didn't get to watch your match..."
"So, what were the results of the Neo Champion Stadium?"
"Huh? They're really taking their time, then..."
"Oh, I get it. You were looking for me while you were waiting for the results."
"Whaaa—?! Wh-why?!"
"...Is this your selfishness again?"
  • Strength Is...
"(For Cheren's sake... For everyone who waited for us...I want to show them all my very best!)"
"(But Virizion still—)"
"Heh heh... Thanks!"
"I look forward to all the things we'll do together, Virizion!"
  • Wearing her Champion outfit
" really think so?"
"Well, in that case..."
"Why don't we all take a new step forward together right here?"
Special Battle Event - Take On Cheren and Bianca!
  • Welcome to the Champions' Room!
  • Wearing her Champion outfit
"We've been waiting for you, <player>!"
"I love your style of Pokémon battling!"
"Somehow, your Pokémon always look like they're having so much fun!"
"Know what? I've been thinking lately..."
"Maybe Pokémon stay by our sides to bring people together!"
"Now, I have a really important question to ask you!"
"Who would you like to battle first: me, or Cheren?"
You, Bianca: "Thanks! I'm gonna do my best!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Bianca
Hi, Bianca!/What are you doing?: "Wha—?!"
"Oh, <player>! It's just you! Sorry, I must have spaced out there for a minute."
"I just saw a team of three sync pairs pass by on their way out to the field."
"They all looked so excited! I'll bet they're really good friends."
"As I watched them walk past, a bunch of old memories suddenly came back to me."
What kind of memories?: "I was just remembering the day my two friends and I set off from Nuvema Town together."
That sounds nice.: "Yeah. I was just remembering the day my two friends and I set off from Nuvema Town together."
"Our first Pokémon, our first big adventure... Those were exciting times!"
"We took the first step of our journeys together that day, and now the three of us are all on paths of our own."
"I know they're both giving it their all, so I've gotta keep doing my best, too!"
Sounds like you're great friends!: "Of course! I wouldn't replace them for anything in the world!"
You sound like rivals!: "I suppose so! We do whatever we can to raise each other up, so I guess you could say we're friends AND rivals!"
"One of my friends even rescued Musharna once when she was in a pinch."
"I'm sure both of them are ecstatic about Pokémon battling here on Pasio."
"I'm pretty excited about joining a team and doing some battling myself!"
"On Pasio, we get to have fun with our partners and our friends, AND we get to mingle with all sorts of other Trainers and Pokémon, too!"
"It's the perfect opportunity to learn more about Pokémon we haven't been able to encounter yet."
"And the more we learn about Pokémon, the better we'll all get along together, don't you think?"
"That's the main goal of my research with Professor Juniper. We'll have to do our best to study as much as we can!"
"*giggle* Aww! Thanks, Musharna!"
What did she say?/Thanks for...?: "Well, I can't really be sure of what she said..."
"But just now, Musharna let out some mist from her forehead."
"It's called Dream Mist because it's said to be full of all the dreams Musharna have eaten."
"If that's true, then my dreams must be within Musharna's mist, too."
"So in a way, it sort of feels like she's cheering on my dreams!"
"I want to work hard and do whatever I can to make them come true."
"I want to be a bridge that helps connect people and Pokémon to each other!"
"That's why I'm so glad I came to Pasio. I really feel like I'm one step closer to making it happen!"
"Let's follow our own paths and make our dreams come true together, <player>!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Bianca (Champion)
"Oh, <player>! You're here too!"
Having a Pokémon battle?: "No, the two of us were just chatting!"
You look like you're having fun.: "Sure are! We've been chatting up a storm!"
"Professor Sonia and I were having a really exciting talk about Virizion!"
"I met my Virizion in Unova."
"Ever since we became a sync pair, I've been trying to observe its whirlwind-like movements in battle..."
"but they're so fast my eyes can't keep up!"
"Heh heh, sure am!"
"Oh, but I'm spending just as much time training as I am studying!"
"To be honest, I'm not very good at Pokémon battles..."
"And back in Unova, Hilbert, Cheren, and the others were always coming to my rescue..."
"Being a Neo Champion that has to rely on others so much is kinda uncool..."
No, that's not true!: "Thanks, <player>."
"But I'm eager to find a new side of myself—different from how I am now."
So you want to change?: "Yes! It's not that I dislike how I am now..."
"I'm just eager to find a whole new side of myself!"
"I want to take a new step forward with Virizion!"
"I'd like to find a path that not only helps me further my Pokémon research but also leads me to a stronger version of myself!"
"Right! And as one of those people, I'm gonna give it my all!"
"It may take time, but I want to gain some real skill as a Trainer!"
"And when the time comes that I must stand up to protect my dearest friends..."
"I'll be able to fight together with Virizion the way they deserve!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Sonia
"Go, Musharna!"
"The pleasure was all mine! I'm so happy I got to battle with you, Professor Sonia!"
"The way you attacked at first was really hard for my Musharna to deal with. I was really feeling the pressure!"
"Oh, I just can't wait to battle with you again, and maybe we could even talk about all the latest Pokémon research!"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"Hey there! What a beautiful place! Don't you agree?"
  • During sync background preview (Champion)
"This kinda reminds me of that day on Route 1."
  • Random conversation
"Have I ever told you the story of how I ran into Team Plasma while traveling across Unova?"
"They're bad people who tried to use Pokémon for their bad deeds... When I met them, they were kicking a Munna to get its Dream Mist."
"I just kind of stood there in shock, unable to do anything. Thankfully, my friend showed up to save the day before it was too late."
"I hope I've grown a little stronger since then. I mean, I FEEL like I have, thanks to my amazing partner Pokémon!"
  • Random conversation
"Before I came to Pasio, I was working as Professor Juniper's assistant in the Unova region."
"It's my dream to become an amazing Pokémon Professor like her someday!"
"I'd really love it if you could cheer me on, too! You know, if you want to! Hehe..."
  • Random conversation
"My childhood friends and I took our first steps toward becoming Pokémon Trainers together way back when."
"Now they're so strong! You can tell from the moment you step onto the battlefield with them."
"And the bond they have with their partner Pokémon is seriously amazing! They're the best!"
  • Random conversation
"Being a Pokémon Professor's assistant is a lot of fun, but sometimes I wonder if it's really for me, you know?"
"But what I know for sure is that I want to do whatever I can to help people and Pokémon become better friends!"
"Someday, I might even ask you to help me! Do you think you'd be on board?"
  • Random conversation
"Back in Unova, an evil group called Team Plasma used to steal Pokémon away from their Trainers."
"Can you believe that?! I could never forgive anyone who would tear apart a friendship like that!"
"If we ever run into jerks like them again, let's stop them together, <player>!"
  • Random conversation
"In the past, I used to compare myself to the people around me a lot... It kind of made me feel bad about myself."
"I used to envy how strong and determined my friends were when it came to Pokémon battles."
"I relied on my friends a lot—and I mean a LOT! But as time went on and I gained more experience, I realized something."
"I'm me and they're them, and that's OK! We're all different and we all have faults, so it's kind of silly to compare ourselves to each other."
  • If spoken to again
"Learning to accept yourself for who you are is really important, but don't forget you've got a Pokémon by your side, too!"
"Why go it alone when you can learn and grow together as partners!"
  • Random conversation
"How are you feeling, <player>? If something's bothering you, you should try reaching out to someone to talk about it."
"I used to overthink things a lot. I worried about this and that and kept it all bottled up inside because I didn't know what else to do."
"But during my journey through Unova, I learned how important it is to rely on others and to be there for them when they need you, too."
"If you ever need an ear to listen, I'm here for you, OK? Don't hesitate to reach out if you need my help!"
  • If spoken to again
"People and Pokémon are never really alone—we have each other to rely on when things get tough!"
"You've come to the rescue for me so many times. Now it's my turn to return the favor!"
  • Random conversation (Champion)
"Keeping a winning streak going is really hard, no matter who you are."
"The same goes for Neo Champions, too."
"That's why it's important to work super hard, so you don't slip up at a crucial moment."
"That's what I think, anyways!"
  • Random conversation (Champion)
"You don't need to be good at a bunch of stuff."
"Having even just one thing you can pride yourself on is more than enough!"
"Try to always value your own talents, OK?"
  • Random conversation (Champion)
"There's a legend that says Virizion fought to protect its friends."
"That's so courageous and cool, don't you think?"
"I better muster up all my courage so that I can protect someone when I battle, too!"
  • Random conversation (Champion)
"There's a lot of legends about Virizion."
"Even so, we still don't know much about its biology."
"That's why I want to do some research on it and share my knowledge with others—especially since I'm its partner!"
"Doing things like that is part of a Neo Champion's job, don't you think?"
  • Random conversation (Champion)
"I didn't become a Neo Champion all by myself."
"I managed it thanks to you and all the others who supported me!"
"I know I'm your senior, but I still depend on you a lot! I hope you and I can stay close!"
  • Random conversation (Champion)
"Even though I managed to become a Neo Champion, I'm still not as strong as Cheren or Hilbert when it comes to battling."
"Still, I do have my own experience that I can make use of."
"That's why I'm going to try my best and use it to become a role model for others!"
  • If spoken to again
"Cheren and Hilbert are who they are, and I am who I am. Bearing that in mind helps me relax a little."
"It's important to want to outdo your rivals, but a person shouldn't push themselves TOO hard, you know?"
  • Random conversation (Champion)
"The day I set off on my journey with Cheren and Hilbert..."
"I aspired to become my ideal self—a stronger me."
"I wonder if I've managed to do that... Hehe."
  • If spoken to again
"You can't just make yourself stronger in an instant. You have to do it slowly but surely, one step at a time."
"By doing that, then maybe one day, you'll discover a different you!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Oh! Hi there, <player>! I was hoping I'd run into you."
"Are you ready to get out there and give it your all today? Let's go!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Champion)
"Oh, you're here, <player>! It's so nice to see you again!"
"If you're looking for someone to battle, I'd be happy to be your opponent... Hehe!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Wow, look at you! I wish I could be that full of energy in the morning! *giggle*"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Oh, hi! Are you hungry right now? I was just gonna grab a bite to eat!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Hmm... It must be about time for all the nocturnal Pokémon to wake up, huh?"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Champion)
"Our first step in the morning is the most important part of the day! Don't be afraid—let's go!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Champion)
"When you're tired from adventuring, take a break! Don't push too hard, but keep going!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Champion)
"Quiet nights are the perfect time to take a good look at yourself and reflect."
  • Special gift conversation
"Ta-daaa! This is for you!"
  • After giving out item
"I hope it helps you along your adventures!"
  • Special gift conversation (Champion)
"I want to give you something! Here, take it!"
  • After giving out item
"I'm always cheering for you because you work soooo hard!"
  • Special Race to Victory time trial event intro
"Oh, there you are! We were looking for you!"
"Musharna and I don't plan to lose, either! It'll be great if we can have lots of Pokémon battles!"
  • Special Happy New Year 2021 log-in conversation with Hilbert and Hilda
"Ta-da! I have your New Year's present right here!"
"Let's keep taking that brave first step to start new challenges!"
"We're going to have a Pasio celebration soon, right?"
"Speaking of which, your outfit was inspired by Moltres, right?"
"Oh, that's right, Shauna."
"That's because Galarian Moltres is different from the Moltres we know."
"Yeah! They look alike, but their overall characteristics and moves they're good at are very different."
  • Special Race to Victory time trial event conversation with Nate
"Yeah! I wonder if we'll meet some new sync pairs! I'm so excited!"
  • Special Type Team-Up Daily Type Rotation event blurb
"I wish I could see into the future..."
  • Special Type Team-Up Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Sabrina and Will
"Um...can you look into my future? I'd like to know if I really become a Pokémon Professor!"
  • Special One More Step to a New Path Neo Champions event conversation with Cheren (Champion) (wearing her Champion outfit)
"We need to work hard to be like them!"