Elaine (game)/Quotes

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Quotes from her male counterpart: Chase (game)/Quotes

These are Elaine's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

"Hi. You must like Pokémon. No, not me. I asked you. Pardon? You're weird!"
"Hi! Thanks for what you did for us. Pardon? Wha-? Is it really that fun to copy what I say and do?"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Elaine (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"Nice to meet you! My name's Elaine, and I'm from Pallet Town!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"I'll keep pushing forward every day! Even if it's slower, just one step at a time!"
"It looks like the Pokémon want to play!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Let's match our strides and go!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Red)
"Woah...I'm battling with Red?!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Leaf)
"My friendship with Pokémon can't be beat!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Blue)
"Leave it to me, Blue!"
"I'll use what I learned from my Pokédex!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Chase)*
"Ah, nice to see you, Chase!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"See you later."
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"This is our new power."
  • Upon leveling up
"Yay, we've gotten stronger!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"Am I a Master Trainer now?!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"I'm not gonna stop now!"
  • Receiving EX style
"I'll keep pushing forward every day! Even if it's slower, just one step at a time!"
  • During conversation
"Nhahahaha, hh!"
"Hm-hm! ♪"
"Do your best!"
"Excuse me?!"
"Huh, eyeyeh..."
"No way!"
"All right!"
"Thank you."
"I'm sorry!"
"Leave it to me!"
"No thanks."
"I see!"
"I'm so impressed!"
"See you later."
"Let's battle!"
"I won't lose!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I was just out on a morning walk with my Pokémon!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Having lunch outdoors under a clear sky makes food taste so good!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"*yawn* I walked so much today, so I think I'll sleep well tonight..."
  • During special gift conversation
"You can have this!"
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"All right!"
  • VS screen
"I'm coming!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
"We got this!"
  • Using Pokémon move
  • Using Trainer move
"Speeding up!"
  • Using sync move
"Let's take a big step forward!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
"Come on!"
"Let's go!"
  • Switching in
"Let's do our best!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"Great work."
  • "Nice" emote
"Very nice!"
  • "Watch out" emote
"Watch out!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"Nice to meet you!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you."
  • Defeat
"We lost...!"
  • Victory
"Yay! We won!"
  • Victory (with Red on the team, in response to Red)
"This is...the legend!"
  • Victory (with Leaf on the team, in response to Leaf)
"Let's go!"
  • Victory (with Blue on the team, speaks first)
"Amazing, Blue!"
  • Victory (with Chase on the team, in response to Chase)*
"And step into the future!"
Story Event - Let's Go in Search of Wonder
  • A Mysterious Rumor on Pasio
"Hmm. This video didn't end how I wanted it to..."
"Well, maybe that means we should find the talking Eevee ourselves! Let's go, partner!"
  • Off-screen
"(Whoa! Did we find it already?)"
"(Slowly now, slooowly...)"
  • On-screen
"H-huh? You're not a Pokémon?"
  • Everyone Who Likes Eevee
"Ah, I get it now! I guess I got mixed up!"
"I'm Elaine. I came from Pallet Town with my partner Eevee!"
"That's right! You know a lot, huh?"
"So you must be studying a lot about Pokémon!"
"But it's kind of a shame you weren't the talking Eevee..."
"Really?! That would be amazing. Thank you, Eve!"
"No, it's fine! Thank you for your time!"
"Oh, that's a shame..."
"Yeah... Maybe it doesn't exist after all?"
"Hmm? Wait..."
  • Secret Eevee Fans?
"That's an Eevee bag!"
"She's gotta know about Eevee! Let's talk to her!"
"Um, we're looking for a talking Eevee!"
"Have you heard anything about a rare Eevee?"
"Really? Thank you, um..."
"Is this where secret Eevee fans gather?"
"Do the Secret Technique Chop Down, partner!"
"Interesting...I guess it's hard to see what's under your nose!"
"Hey there, Partner!"
"Ah...it's not working."
"Hmm, let's ask!"
"Professor Oak!"
  • Let's Ask Professor Oak!
"Hi, Professor Oak! Blue!"
"We have a question, Professor Oak!"
"OK, I get it!"
"Of course! Thank you, Professor Oak!"
"People and Pokémon can share a silent, heart-to-heart connection..."
"But I would love if we could speak to each other."
"If we could express our feelings in words, we'd be even happier!"
"It's not just Eevee—there's a possibility that any Pokémon can talk!"
"Did you just say something, Eve?"
"Yeah! It sounded so cute!"
Time Trial Event - Let's Go for Number One!
  • The Fast Runner from Pallet Town
"Uh-huh... So you compete for the best time in a Pokémon battle?"
"I wanna do it too, <player>!"
Let's aim for first place!: "Yes!"
"Oh, but aren't teams of three the norm here on Pasio?"
We need one more...: "Oh yeah—a team on Pasio usually has three people!"
"I wonder if there's anyone who'd join us..."
"This is <player>. We're about to take on the Pokémon battle time trial together..."
"Not before you introduce yourself to <player>! Or should I do it?"
"This is Chase!"
"And as you just saw, he loves running his mouth as much as, well...running!"
"Oh, he's also from the same place as me—Pallet Town!"
"Chase's Pikachu is a little unusual, kinda like my Eevee."
"I was the one that helped YOU out, remember?"
"Hey! Wait up, Chase!"
  • Chasing Distant Footsteps
"I think we got a pretty good time..."
Let's chase them!: "Suuure, why not..."
What should we do?: "Let's follow them. Just, uh...slowly."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Elaine
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"*giggle* Hey! That tickles, Eevee!"
  • After appearing, as Elaine
"Oh! Hi, <player>!"
"Are you out on a walk? The weather's nice and pleasant today, isn't it?"
"I think Eevee's saying hi to you, too."
Hello!: "Eevee seems happy!"
It's nice out, isn't it?: "Eevee seems to be enjoying the weather, too!"
"I'm glad you got to chat with <player>, partner!"
You two sure get along well!: "Yep! I'm confident that our friendship is stronger than anyone else's!"
Partner?: "That's right! So..."
"Eevee and I started our adventure together from Pallet Town."
"She did an amazing job in Pokémon battles, and also helped a ton while we explored!"
"Thanks to Eevee, I was able to travel to all sorts of places in Kanto!"
"We explored forests, caves, and the ocean... Oh, and we traveled up in the sky, too!"
The ocean?: "Yep! Eevee and I traveled the ocean together on a surfboard!"
The sky?: "Yep! We'd get on a vehicle with balloons attached to it, and fly up in the sky together!"
"My Eevee can actually use something called Secret Techniques."
"Thanks to that, we were able to explore the ocean and even the sky together! Isn't that amazing?"
"Secret Techniques are usually only used by humans."
"But for some reason, my Eevee can use them. Strange, isn't it?"
"Come to think of it, on the day we first met..."
"she'd do things like move around in her Poké Ball. I could tell she was a little different from the others."
"But that makes me even more grateful to have met my partner, Eevee—from the bottom of my heart!"
"Do you have a unique friend like Eevee, <player>?"
I do!: "Really? Please introduce them to me some time!"
I think all my friends are unique.: "I'm sure they were the ones that helped you during your adventures, <player>!"
"People or Pokémon, everyone is unique in their own way!"
"That's why I'm super excited to see what kind of Pokémon and people I'll meet on my path ahead!"
"Right, Eevee?"
"Oh! <player>, would you like to take a walk together?"
"Now that we're all here, let's go!"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"Let's match our strides and go!"
  • Random conversation
"No matter how far your destination is, just keep walking and you'll definitely find your way!"
"I hope to venture out and reach the ends of the world one day!"
  • Random conversation
"I'm from Pallet Town."
"Yup, it's the same town that Red and Blue are from!"
"I need to work harder so I can reach their level!"
  • Random conversation
"There are Trainers and Pokémon from all kinds of regions on Pasio."
"So it's hard to decide who I want to battle every day!"
  • Random conversation
"Do you play a lot with your Pokémon?"
"They're not with you just to battle, so make sure to show them lots of affection!"
  • Random conversation
"Would you like a Candy, <player>?"
"See these amazing Candies? If you give them to your Pokémon, good things might happen!"
"Oh, wait... I'm sorry, looks like I'm out of Candies right now."
"W-well, maybe next time!"
  • Random conversation
"Do you know about the Master Trainers, <player>?"
"They're highly skilled Trainers who have focused on training one species of Pokémon!"
"What kind of Pokémon do you want to be a Master Trainer of?"
  • If spoken to again
"It's important to have a strong bond with your Pokémon if you want to become a Master Trainer."
"So make sure to battle and play with your Pokémon a lot!"
"Ahh... I want to become a Master Trainer one day, too!"
  • Random conversation
"Since I got to Pasio, I've had more things to learn than ever!"
"Meeting new Pokémon and battling new Trainers..."
"It's been a blast encountering something new every day!"
  • If spoken to again
"When you're new to something, things may not go the way you want them to at first..."
"But I want to take it slow and enjoy everything at my own pace!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"I was waiting for you, <player>!"
"Let's walk around Pasio today!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I was just out on a morning walk with my Pokémon!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Having lunch outdoors under a clear sky makes food taste so good!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"*yawn* I walked so much today, so I think I'll sleep well tonight..."
  • Special gift conversation
"I have something for you, <player>!"
  • After giving out item
"I'm sure it'll come in handy for you and your Pokémon!"
  • Special Let's Go in Search of Wonder story event conversation with Eve
"There may still be all kindsa strange Eevee out there!"