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These are Hapu's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Route 6
"You there, Trainer. Can you come to my aid?"
"Over here."
"These scoundrels are Pokémon thieves. And you're on familiar terms with them?"
"I am Hapu."
"Life in the big city sure is something else. Pokémon thieves roam about brazenly..."
"Hmm, I leave that one to you."
"Mudsdale, shall we stomp these scoundrels? It'll be a mess to clean up afterward, but I am willing if you are."
"You'll be fine getting home?"
"Glad to see that one will get home on her own."
"I've got you to thank for that. Give me your name, Trainer."
"<Player>, eh? That's a fine name. I like the way you handled yourself in battle."
"Mudsdale and I are always wandering all about Alola to try to achieve our goals, so perhaps we'll meet again someday. I am indebted to you for your aid, after all."
"Ah yes. You might want to try your hand at a Battle Royal or two, <player>. Mudsdale here thinks you'd be well suited to it, given how strong you are."
Malie City
"<Player>. Been a while, friend."
"Looks like your island challenge is coming along favorably. That must be pleasing to the tapu."
"So, <player>, who might this be?"
"My apologies if Mudsdale spooked you just now. Doesn't seem like you're a trial-goer. What are you up to?"
"Well, that's some fine initiative. I'd be happy to show you the way whenever you'd like to go. My Mudsdale here is as sturdy as all get-out. She can easily carry two."
Route 12
"Greetings, <player>."
"Well met! I was seeking you. If you're going to travel about Ula'ula, you ought to do it while astride a Mudsdale. There is no call for hesitation. Consider it my thanks for Akala Island."
"It was remiss of me not to register her for you when we met one another in Malie. I was just so taken aback by Lillie and how lovely she was that it escaped me. By no means was I just waiting for a time when you were in trouble!"
"If you seek the next trial, go straight on through here to Tapu Village. I'll be cheering for you on your island challenge!"
Ancient Poni Path
"Oh! Been a while, <player>. And you brought Lillie along, too?"
"You look different...like you're ready to go all out in something now."
"Ho! Then you do your best, Lillie."
"No one could call you lily-livered!"
"The kahuna? Hrmm. Don't have one here on Poni."
"Hmph... Well, I suppose the time might be right now... I already finished up my battle against that odd little thing that appeared out of the sky..."
"All right. Let us all proceed to the ruins. You stick with me, you two."
Ruins of Hope
"I give my thanks... for your great blessing. As kahuna, I will do my best for the people... and the Pokémon of Alola."
"Oh! So you two were watching?"
"The kahunas are chosen by the Pokémon we worship here in Alola—our sacred guardians. They are chosen from among the people living on the island each guardian watches over. Lillie told me that you're pretty new to our parts, eh, <player>? You came to Alola from far off? You must really be something then. I heard how you were given a sparkling stone by the tapu, even as a stranger to our shores."
"My grandfather... My grandfather was also chosen for this honor. The honor of being our island's kahuna. But he died suddenly some years back, and we were left without a kahuna on Poni."
"I tried to follow in his footsteps, but I was not chosen by the tapu back then. So I set out on my own sort of island challenge, traveling Alola and trying to grow stronger."
"Lillie. The kahuna you wished to meet is right here."
"So you want to know about SolgaleoS/LunalaM, who we pay tribute to at the Altar of the SunneS/Altar of the MooneM?"
"The world of the beasts, eh... Is that what that thing was that came to Poni Island? A beast? Tapu Fini and I tried to fight it, but it nearly did us both in. We did not stand a chance."
"All right. I will tell you what I know."
"But what I know is not much. Just that there is a ceremony held for the Legendary Pokémon at the altar. A ceremony that uses two particular flutes to somehow give the Legendary Pokémon power."
"Ho! That looks to be the flute that used to reside at the lake on Ula'ula."
"The other is said to be held on Exeggutor Island. I do not know why there of all places, but it has been passed down that that's where it belongs."
"Yes. And no reason to dally here. Let us go and speak with the seafolk's chief! Lillie, you take Mudsdale. We proceed to Seafolk Village!"
Seafolk Village
"That's what friends do."
"To journey to Exeggutor Island, you should speak with the chief of the sea folk. I shall be wishing for your safety!"
Vast Poni Canyon
"Did everything go well?"
"Nothing wrong with that. People cannot survive all on their own. They have got to help one another out. Same for Pokémon, too. That is what my grandfather used to say."
"I would like to see this battling skill of yours, <player>, that makes Lillie smile so."
"Just so! It is my grand trial! I may be young, but that does not mean that I will be outdone by any of those other kahunas! I am certain that my bonds with Mudsdale and the rest of my team are the closest you will find anywhere in Alola!"
  • Before battle
"Do you want to try to take me and my Pokémon on at our full strength?"
I need to prepare first: "Then I will wait."
Only if you'll take on mine: "Ahaha! Now, don't be hasty, <player>! Look at the state of your Pokémon. We have got to have them in peak condition for this to be a fair fight./I am Kahuna Hapu! And I have made the sparkling stone that the tapu entrusted me with into a Z-Ring of my own!"
"Having a Z-Ring like we do, <player>, means that we battle with the tapu beside us."
"This is the first grand trial of Kahuna Hapu! I will battle you with everything that I have got!"
  • If talked to again if "I need to prepare first" is chosen or after the player healed their Pokémon
"Come! If you want to proceed to that canyon, you will have to get through me and my grand trial!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Thud! That's the sound of your strength rocking me to my core!"
  • After being defeated
"Oho... You sure showed me."
"That was enjoyable. Looks like I cannot beat you even when I am not holding back... I appreciate this chance, <player>. It has really taught me a few things."
"Take your Ground-type Z-Crystal then... This Groundium Z is yours!"
"I will teach you the pose, too, so eyes up here!"
"Phew... Well, I must applaud you, Lillie. You sure found a prodigious Trainer to befriend."
"Then go on with you two! Head straight through here and find the altar!"
"The path to the shrine is through the canyon. You will find other Trainers in this place, though. They come for training. It will be a tough road."
"You will have to pitch in, too, Lillie. But if you two end up in any real trouble, Mudsdale and I will hasten to you."
Altar of the SunneS/Altar of the MooneM
"Our history tells us that the Vast Poni Canyon trial was the very first trial ever to be held."
"You did a fine job clearing it, just as expected, <player>!"
"Look at the two of you. I think this might just work out."
"No, I am quite sure of it!"
  • If talked to again
"You know...parents are people, too. Then again, so are their children. They should both be able to tell one another how they feel."
  • After battling SolgaleoS/LunalaM
I was concerned so I ascended. And what do I find but the Legendary Pokémon... and a strange hole in the sky."
"However, I'm relieved to see you all unharmed!"
"You there, big fellow. Carry the lady, will you? She is weak, but I do not believe that she is seriously harmed. We should take her to be treated directly."
"<Player>...you have done well in guiding Lillie, though she is not a Trainer."
"And Lillie, you too gave it your best. We will wait for you down below. When you are ready, come find us."
Pokémon League
First challenge
  • Before battle
"Phew! It is difficult, triumphing over all the Elite Four in a row. However, defeating the Champion will surely be even more challenging."
  • Upon being defeated
"I am training to properly form my desire for victory."
  • After being defeated
"We do our utmost as kahunas, always striving onward to make a tale worthy of our history. Looks like you are going to make a fine tale for yourself, Champion!"
Subsequent challenges
  • Before battle
"If I am serious about my role as a kahuna, then taking on the Champion seems fitting!"
  • Upon being defeated
"I am training to properly form my desire for victory."
  • After being defeated
"We kahunas are chosen by Pokémon. And the Champion is chosen by the people. It brings me some joy to see this new age coming to Alola."
Ancient Poni Path
  • Hapu's house
"The children hailing from other islands sure seem to speak in a most peculiar fashion. My own venerable grandfather is the only one I had to emulate growing up..."
Seafolk Village Restaurant
"I am famished!"
"Ah, and here is <player>! A meeting by chance is preordained. We shall dine together! Chief! The usual for me and my friend <player> here."
"And here it is! When I am too busy working our fields to get a proper meal in, I always depend on the good folks here to help keep me fed. You sure end up with a mighty appetite after a pleasant bit of work!"
"Phew... That hits the spot! And with just a little extra space to spare, too. It is not good to overeat, you know. That is why I like the portions here so well. Hm? What is the matter, <player>? Do not tell me that you do not mean to finish? What a waste!"
"I sell them our vegetables wholesale, so they let me eat for free. So let me treat you today. Have these, too."
"Well then. I would say it is time we both got back to work."

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Route 6
"You there, Trainer. Can you come to my aid?"
"Over here."
"These scoundrels are Pokémon thieves. And you're on familiar terms with them?"
"I am Hapu."
"Life in the big city sure is something else. Pokémon thieves roam about brazenly..."
"Hmm, I leave that one to you."
"Mudsdale, shall we stomp these scoundrels? It'll be a mess to clean up afterward, but I am willing if you are."
"You'll be fine getting home?"
"Glad to see that Drifloon will get home on her own."
"I've got you to thank for that. Give me your name, Trainer."
"<Player>, eh? That's a fine name. I like the way you handled yourself in battle."
"Mudsdale and I are always wandering all about Alola to try to achieve our goals, so perhaps we'll meet again someday. I am indebted to you for your aid, after all."
"Ah yes. You might want to try your hand at a Battle Royal or two, <player>. Mudsdale here thinks you'd be well suited to it, given how strong you are."
Malie City
"<Player>. Been a while, friend."
"Looks like your island challenge is coming along favorably. That must be pleasing to the tapu."
"So, <player>, who might this be?"
"My apologies if Mudsdale spooked you just now. Doesn't seem like you're a trial-goer. What are you up to?"
"Well, that's some fine initiative. I'd be happy to show you the way whenever you'd like to go. My Mudsdale here is as sturdy as all get-out. She can easily carry two."
Route 12
"Greetings, <player>."
"Well met! I was seeking you. If you're going to travel about Ula'ula, you ought to do it while astride a Mudsdale. There is no call for hesitation. Consider it my thanks for Akala Island."
"It was remiss of me not to register her for you when we met one another in Malie. I was just so taken aback by Lillie and how lovely she was that it escaped me. By no means was I just waiting for a time when you were in trouble!"
"Let me pose a question... Do you know of the Ultra Recon Squad?"
Regardless of choice: "They seem to be here to investigate some ill that weighs heavily upon them. Luckily, it is quite in keeping with the people and Pokémon of Alola to help those in need. If you seek the next trial, go straight on through here to Tapu Village. I'll be cheering for you on your island challenge!"
Ancient Poni Path
"Oh! Been a while, <player>. And you brought Lillie along, too?"
"You look different...like you're ready to go all out in something now."
"Ho! Then you do your best, Lillie."
"No one could call you lily-livered!"
"The kahuna? Hrmm. Don't have one here on Poni."
"Well, do not be distressed. I wouldn't say that I know nothing of this."
"All right. Let us all proceed to the ruins. You stick with me, you two."
Ruins of Hope
"I give my thanks... for your great blessing. As kahuna, I will do my best for the people... and the Pokémon of Alola."
"Oh! So you two were watching?"
"The kahunas are chosen by the Pokémon we worship here in Alola—our sacred guardians. They are chosen from among the people living on the island each guardian watches over. Lillie told me that you're pretty new to our parts, eh, <player>? You came to Alola from far off? You must really be something then. I heard how you were given a sparkling stone by the tapu, even as a stranger to our shores."
"My grandfather... My grandfather was also chosen for this honor. The honor of being our island's kahuna. But he died suddenly some years back, and we were left without a kahuna on Poni."
"I tried to follow in his footsteps, but I was not chosen by the tapu back then. So I set out on my own sort of island challenge, traveling Alola and trying to grow stronger."
"Lillie. The kahuna you wished to meet is right here."
"So you want to know about SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM, who we pay tribute to at the Altar of the SunneUS/Altar of the MooneUM?"
"A world where beasts reside, eh... I reckon that must be the kind of world you find at the other end of those holes that open up in the sky, just as my grandfather once described."
"All right. I will tell you what I know."
"But what I know is not much. Just that there is a ceremony held for the Legendary Pokémon at the altar. A ceremony that uses two particular flutes to somehow give the Legendary Pokémon power."
"Ho! That looks to be the flute that used to reside at the lake on Ula'ula. The other is said to be held on Exeggutor Island. I do not know why there of all places, but it has been passed down that that's where it belongs."
"Yes. And no reason to dally here. Let us go and speak with Mina. Lillie, you take Mudsdale. We proceed to Seafolk Village!"
Seafolk Village
"That's what friends do."
"To journey to Exeggutor Island, you should speak with Mina. She can help arrange a boat for you. I shall be wishing for your safety!"
Vast Poni Canyon
"Did everything go well?"
"Nothing wrong with that, Lillie. People cannot survive all on their own. They have got to help one another out. Same for Pokémon, too. That is what my grandfather used to say."
"It's that kindness of yours, <player>, that keeps that brilliant smile on Lillie's face."
"Greetings. I am the kahuna of this island, Hapu. You are from the beasts' world, are you not? We in Alola have long lived together with our Pokémon, being aided by them to survive. If you are in some sort of trouble, then we will gladly come to your aid however we can."
"Well then! The path to the shrine is through the canyon. You will find other Trainers in this place, though. They come for training. It will be a tough road."
"You will have to pitch in too, Lillie. But if you two end up in any real trouble, Mudsdale and I will hasten to you."
  • If talked to again
"First we must accept these people and beasts from other worlds into our hearts. That is how we do things here in Alola."
Altar of the SunneUS/Altar of the MooneUM
"Our history tells us that the Vast Poni Canyon trial was the very first trial ever to be held."
"You did a fine job clearing it, just as expected, <player>."
"Look at the two of you. I think this might just work out."
"No, I am quite sure of it!"
  • If talked to again
"You know...parents are people, too. Then again, so are their children. They should both be able to tell one another how they feel."
Seafolk Village
"You did an admirable job completing Mina's trial."
Regardless of choice: "Yes, it is time for your grand trial! I'll await your arrival on Exeggutor Island."
Exeggutor Island
"Do you want to try to take me and my Pokémon on at our full strength?"
I need to prepare first: "Heh. I will be awaiting you, then."
Only if you'll take on mine: "Then allow me to show you the power of the kahuna chosen by Tapu Fini itself!"
"I am Kahuna Hapu! And with the Sparkling Stone entrusted to me by the tapu, I have made this Z-Power Ring!"
"<Player>. Having Z-Power Rings as we do means that we battle with the tapu beside us."
"This is the first grand trial of Kahuna Hapu! I will battle you with everything that I have got!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Thud! That's the sound of your strength rocking me to my core!"
  • After being defeated
"You have succeeded in your final grand trial!"
"Phew... You are undoubtedly a prodigious Trainer, <player>! In the past, any Trainer who completed the island challenge would make a pilgrimage to Mount Lanakila to battle the kahunas once more. In these battles alone, the kahunas would no longer hold back in any way."
"But this year, you will face a different sort of trial upon Mount Lanakila. That will be your next destination, but first let us return to Poni Island."
Seafolk Village
"The new final trial awaits you upon Mount Lanakila, <player>. You can begin your trek up Mount Lanakila from Tapu Village on Ula'ula Island."

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Hapu (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"I am Hapu, kahuna of Poni Island! I will fight with every fiber of my being!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"I am a kahuna. I may be young, but that does not mean I will be outdone by any of the other kahunas!"
"I will battle you with everything I have!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"I will gladly come to your aid."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"Until we meet again!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Ho. I look forward to our next battle."
  • Upon leveling up
"A grand feat, and I will continue to grow stronger!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"To feel strength in oneself is the greatest feeling in the world."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"This is becoming quite exciting."
  • Receiving EX style
  • During conversation
"Hah, hah, hah."
"You are a formidable Trainer."
"My congratulations."
"You can do it!"
"Stop that!"
"Awhuh, huhuhuhuh."
"How terrible..."
"Huh! You surprised me."
"All righty!"
"You have my gratitude."
"My apologies."
"I must refuse."
"Owww, ghh!"
"Please. Do me this honor."
"I see!"
"Aw, shucks."
"Until we meet again!"
"Here I come!"
"I will battle to my heart's content!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Ah, you're awake! Having to tend to the fields every morning has made me an early riser."
"It is good to wake up early! You should make the most of the time you have!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Good afternoon, friend! Now is the time to relax and take a stroll."
"Alola! This is how we greet people in my hometown."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"On the island, things get quite sleepy once the sun goes down. But I think I can hold out a little longer today!"
"Good evening! I have heard that at night the city never sleeps! But I am sleepy!"
  • During special gift conversation
"Here, a small trifle for your trouble."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"All righty!"
  • VS screen
"I will battle to my heart's content."
  • Sending out Pokémon
  • Using Pokémon move
"Stand firm."
  • Using item
"It is my turn now."
  • Using Trainer move
"Prepare yourself."
  • Using sync move
"I will battle to my heart's content!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Uh-oh!
"I will battle to my heart's content!"
  • Switching in
"Ho! Time for me to shake things up."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"What happened?"
  • "Nice" emote
"Well done!"
  • "Watch out" emote
"Do not lose focus!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
  • "Thanks" emote
"You have my gratitude."
  • Defeat
"We have been bested this time."
  • Victory
"A victorious battle!"
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 10 - A Matter of Pride
  • Challengers and Trespassers
"Too bad, my friend! No badge for you today. Better luck next time!"
"Now, now. No use crying over spilled milk. You have some real strength! I can feel it in my bones."
"Hmm... I think you just need to believe in yourself more. With a bit of confidence, you could be great."
"What's this? Another challenger? My, my! Business is booming today."
"I'm flattered you wish to challenge me now, but to be honest, I'm feeling a wee bit tired from my last... Huh?"
  • A Hasty Decision
"You sure surprised me! The way you drove off those mask-wearing scoundrels... Your skills are certainly nothing to scoff at!"
"Well, <player>, I would like nothing more than to be your next opponent..."
"but according to that lady, there are more of those Team Break scoundrels skulking around this area."
"Well, sure! Of course I would! But it sounds like they might have us outnumbered. It won't be an easy task."
"Mmm... This is a tad bit worrying. It may be a good idea to follow him."
  • Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
"That one looks like he might be the leader of the bunch."
  • Off-screen
"Don't listen to this foolish bully, Paulo."
  • On-screen
I've heard enough!/You'd better take that back, mister!: "It seems you're not one to put up with foolish nonsense, either... Mm-hmm! A kindred spirit indeed!"
  • Paulo Conflicted
"Tsk! Do you need to have your ears cleaned? I told you it would be unwise to rush in like that."
"Oh well. What's done is done. At least this allowed me to witness something great."
"You got upset when your friend's pride was insulted, then fought hard to defend it. That's not something you see every day."
"All right! Now that we've chased off those scalawags, you are free to challenge me for a badge once again."
"But you must be exhausted, my friends. Why don't you take a rest here and catch up with me on the road ahead?"
  • A Reason to Battle
"Ah, there you are... Hm? Is that all of you?"
"Is that so... Well, I look forward to seeing the fruits of his labor."
"Yes, of course I am! But before that... Here, this is for you."
"I've already seen enough of your character for me to make my judgment."
"Not only are you proud of yourselves and your own accomplishments, but you respect and raise up others as well."
"Furthermore, you possess the strength and skill–as well as the camaraderie–that it takes to defend that pride."
"In other words, you have proven that you're worthy of holding this badge in every way! So take it! It's yours!"
"Indeed! Just one more thing, before you go... A personal request."
"Would you still honor me with a battle?"
"I may be a PML Leader, but I'm a Pokémon Trainer first! When I meet a powerful opponent, I want to test my skill against them..."
"After watching your battle earlier, I felt that it was no longer a badge that was on the line here–it was my pride!"
"Thank you, my friends. Come on, then! I will battle you with everything I have!"
  • Minds Made Up
"Phew... I've been thoroughly defeated. What a grand battle that was!"
"I used every bit of strength I could muster, but it still wasn't enough... Sounds like it's high time for some more training!"
  • Off-screen
"Ho ho ho!"
  • On-screen
"It sounds to me like that battle's left you aching for something in the past. You've got something on your mind...about your journey here."
"Hush, hush. You don't have to say it out loud... We both know that battling against <player> is a thrill!"
"Whatever you decide to do, it's your choice. Just don't hold yourself back! That's never a good choice."
"Well then! Now that you've acquired your last badge, you'll be heading back to Centra City, I'd wager?"
"I shall accompany you. I'm overdue for a taste of the city air."
"Why, of course! I would like nothing better! It's a long walk back, so I hope to hear lots of your stories."
"I see... It looks like he's made up his mind, then."
"Well, it will be interesting to see how all of this plays out... Hee hee."
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 22 - Rival Face-Off!
  • Rival Face-Off! Round 1
"More importantly..."
"Hm. Compared to before, you seem to be overflowing with confidence."
"It seems those teammates of yours also made for some good teachers, eh?"
  • Rival Face-Off! Round 2
"I'm sure he was feeling down after his loss... But there's nothing we can do. If there's a winner, then there's sure to be a loser, too."
"If even a single thing had gone differently in that battle, we would've ended up as the losers."
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 30 - The Road to Victory
  • The Road to Victory: Part 2
  • If spoken to
"Ho? I didn't know you were Calem's older sister, Acerola!"
"Ho! I can be Calem's big sister, too? In that case..."
"Calem, think of me as a big sister! You can count on me!"
  • If spoken to again
"Our team's power will be a sight to behold!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Alola - Protecting the Island
  • A Picturesque Pair
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Now's not the time to space out, Mina!"
  • After appearing, as Hapu
"Tapu Fini wants to lend you its strength!"
"Indeed. That was impressive teamwork."
"Again, you say?"
"Do you mean that child was..."
"Ah. I won't press any further."
"This Tapu Fini does appear to be different from the guardian deity in Alola."
"And yet, no matter what, as someone who resides in Alola, our desire to respect Pokémon remains unwavering."
"Also, Mina."
"The assistance was not just one-sided. You two battled together."
"It wasn't "again"–you have taken a step forward."
"For now, let us celebrate you and Hau allying with these new partner Pokémon."
"You have been deemed worthy by Pokémon that could be the guardian deities of Pasio!"
"A noble endeavor."
Main Story Villain Arc - Paulo - The Path Forward
  • A Late Arrival
  • In flashback
"Now, now. No use crying over spilled milk. You have some real strength! I can feel it in my bones."
"Hmm... I think you just need to believe in yourself more. With a bit of confidence, you could be great."
Story Event - Summer Superstars
  • The Sync Pair Music Festival!
"Mm-hmm! I'll show off an Alolan song I've been practicing, too!"
  • Festival Fans and Superstars
"Yes. It's unfortunate that we lost, but I guess we'll just have to cheer for you now."
"My goodness. What a restless bunch."
"I'll be going now. I've got my fingers crossed for your victory."
Story Event - Family Ties
  • Gladion the Gladiator?
"Don't be impatient, Gladion. You'll see for yourself soon enough."
"Ah! Here he is now!"
"I had a feeling the two of you would see eye to eye. It seems I was correct."
"Indeed! I can feel a new strength starting to rise within him already..."
"I've got it!"
"Gladion, who fights with all of his might to rise to greater heights..."
"We should call him Gladion the Gladiator! Haha!"
Story Event - Trials on the Isle
  • An Irresistible Aroma
  • Off-screen
"I am famished!"
  • Appreciating Alola
"Yep. Everyone is starting to change as a result of experiencing new things in a new place."
"That's great to hear, especially as someone who grew up in Alola."
"By the way, Elio...have you found the island of Pasio to be a nice change?"
"That's the spirit! I'm rooting for you, Elio."
Solo Event - With Beauty and Grace
  • Grown-Up Advice
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"You two aren't spending your time very wisely."
  • After appearing, as Hapu
"Why rush?"
"Live your life to the fullest, and your spirit will mature on its own."
"Give it time to accumulate, and that will help you discover your unique charm."
"No–wait, wait!"
"Both of you didn't understand the meaning of what I just said, did you..."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Hapu
"Ho! Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, friend. I have a favor I would like to ask of you."
Sure! Whatever you need!/What did you have in mind?: "Well, as a matter of fact, I was hoping you could show me around Pasio."
"I thought it would be far more enjoyable if I had you to accompany me."
"My skin feels as soft as a baby's bottom after using that mud face mask I bought!"
"And just look at Mudsdale's coat—I've never seen it so shiny! All thanks to the power of mud. It's like magic, it is!"
"Oh, and I got to purchase some new clothing as well! I'd say today was quite a success. What sort of fashion do you think would suit me?"
Something frilly and cute./Something sleek and modern.: "Oho! That is just what I was thinking! Perhaps my instincts were correct, then!"
"The big city really is like a whole different world."
Do you want to move to the city?/Do you dream of big-city life?: "Hmm... No, not exactly."
"It's just that Trainers from all sorts of different backgrounds have gathered here on Pasio with one similar goal—to triumph at the PML."
"Think about it. All of that passion and energy is concentrated in one place. That's what makes the atmosphere here so exciting!"
"The way everyone is accepted here—whether their background or the way they is think is bad or good—is just like in Alola, where I'm from."
"So, really, it's the opposite. Being in this big city makes me miss Alola, and it's reminded me of how proud I am to call it my home!"
"Mm-hmm! Mudsdale says the feeling is mutual..."
"M-Mudsdale?! What have you done?!"
"Uh-oh... It appears Mudsdale's hooves have worn a hole into the pavement..."
"We are used to trotting on dirt roads in Alola, so the thought of this happening never even entered my mind..."
"Alrighty! I should contact the proper authorities here immediately and get this hole patched up."
"Well, life is full of surprises, isn't it! You never know what might Hapun, especially on Pasio! Heh heh."
"Pasio invites all manner of Trainers and Pokémon onto its open shores..."
"In that sense, I would be more surprised if NOTHING Hapuned! Heh heh."
Sync Pair Story - Palpitoad's Evolution
  • Before battle
"I couldn't help but notice...your Palpitoad smells like fresh, nutrient-rich soil."
"Pokémon that use Ground-type moves do well in good, fresh soil... Would you do me the honor of a battle, sir?"
"When Mudsdale and I are through with you, you'll know exactly what we're capable of!"
  • After being defeated
"Whew... You weren't kidding about Palpitoad's mud."
"I'm pleased you noticed! You are as strong as any island kahuna in my book."
Pokémon Center
  • Random conversation
"You know, people speak in a most peculiar fashion in this city! I noticed that on other islands in Alola as well."
"My own venerable grandfather is the only one I had to emulate growing up, so I am not familiar with your hip, groovy slang."
""Hip" and "groovy" are modern slang words...right?"
"Well, either way, I have gotten used to saying them now, and that's not likely to change."
  • If spoken to again
"Ho! Well met, friend! Such fine weather we're having today, don't you think? Wait, no, GROOVY weather, huh?!"
"*sigh* This is more difficult than I thought. Perhaps big city slang and I were not meant to mix!"
  • Random conversation
"The bond I share with my Mudsdale is not merely that of Trainer and Pokémon!"
"He lets me ride on his back, of course, and he carries heavy cargo. He lends us his strength to plow the fields."
"The farm would never survive without Mudsdale's help! Shoot, life on the island just wouldn't be the same without him!"
"My grandfather always used to say people and Pokémon were made to help one another–I really feel the truth of those words now!"
  • If spoken to again
"There are some hurdles I can't jump over alone, but together, my Mudsdale and I can overcome them all!"
"And before we know it, we are covered from head to toe in mud! Two peas in a pod, we are!"
  • Random conversation
"There was this one time, before I was the Island Kahuna..."
"I was taking a stroll along the beach when I felt an odd squishy sensation under my toes–I had accidentally stepped on a Gastrodon!"
"Some purple liquid was oozing out of it, so I leaned down to see if it was hurt–and it started healing itself right before my eyes!"
  • If spoken to again
"The heartiness of that little Gastrodon was truly a sight to behold, I tell you!"
"The texture of its gooey body and its cry were so...edgy. Ahh, I'd love to see one again."
  • Random conversation
"Before I was chosen to be an island kahuna, I journeyed throughout Alola to prove my worth to the guardian deity, Tapu Fini."
"And that got me thinking, what if I extend my journey beyond the Alolan islands? Around the world!"
"That is how I came to participate in the PML here on Pasio."
  • If spoken to again
"I wonder how my grandmother and the others are getting on back in Alola."
"I will have a thousand stories to share with them when I return home!"
  • Random conversation
"You are a truly devoted Trainer, <player>! There's never a dull moment when you're around."
"Sometimes, when we're together, I feel as though a hidden power deep inside of me is awakening!"
"Hmm! Hapu's hidden power. Anything could Hapun!"
"Hmph! On second thought, forget what I just said! It was not as punny as I thought."
"It'll be our little secret! Promise you won't tell a soul!"
  • If spoken to again
"Good puns have a way of sticking into your memory like glue."
"If you ever come up with a good one, do share it with me!"
  • Random conversation
"You never fail to surprise me when it comes to Pokémon battling."
"However, you are still but a rough-hewn stone. As an island kahuna, I feel it is my duty to guide you and polish you to greatness!"
"What? Oh, I meant no offense, friend!"
"There is still much for me to learn on my own journey as well! We shall learn and grow together!"
  • If spoken to again
"There is so much that we can still learn. The world is an open book!"
"The more you learn, the more you grow!"
  • Random conversation
"Hmm. There is still so much I do not know about this place."
"I did not come here for sightseeing, but journeying around the world like this is a remarkable experience, indeed!"
"Are you familiar with this area? It would be grand if you could show me around sometime."
  • If spoken to again
"I want to go back to my grandmother and the rest of the family with plenty of stories to tell!"
"If you happen across any extraordinary tidbits, be sure to let me know!"
"My trust in your recommendations is absolute!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Oh! Been a while, <player>! You look different, like you're ready to go all out now!"
"I wonder what grand adventures await us today! Come, it's time for some fun!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Ah, you're awake! Having to tend to the fields every morning has made me an early riser."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"It is good to wake up early! You should make the most of the time you have!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Good afternoon, friend! Now is the time to relax and take a stroll."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Alola! This is how we greet people in my hometown."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"On the island, things get quite sleepy once the sun goes down. But I think I can hold out a little longer today!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Good evening! I have heard that at night the city never sleeps! But I am sleepy!"
  • Special gift conversation
"Oh! You came at just the right time. I was just thinking of giving you this!"
"Whenever I go out on strolls, I tend to pick up new ideas and occasionally some knickknacks!"
  • After giving out item
"Here, don't be shy! This is my way of saying thank you."
  • Special Type Team-Up Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Cynthia and Clay
"Cynthia, I imagine your Garchomp would be well suited for tilling fields."
  • Special Type Team-Up (2023) Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Bertha and Cynthia
"What is the land like in the Sinnoh region? As a farmer, I'm curious."