Dungeon tile

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Reason: Japanese name, images, in-game descriptions, Adventure Squad trap list

A dungeon tile is a game element exclusive to the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. Dungeon floors are made of various dungeon tiles.

Types of tiles

Terrain tiles

These types of tiles are part of the dungeon's environment and structure.

  • Walls
  • Water
  • Lava (also called magma and hot floor)
  • Air (also called clouds and gulleys)

In most games, the move Dig can only be used on regular terrain, not any of the special types of terrain above, and the move Dive can only be used on water tiles (including regular tiles in water dungeons). In Super Mystery Dungeon, however, only air tiles prevent the use of Dig and Dive.


Traveling through a wall generally costs the player 5 points of Belly. Most dungeons in Gates to Infinity do not use the hunger feature, however, so in those locations, the player loses HP instead of belly points.

Walls can be turned into regular floor tiles if they are within the blast radius of Self-Destruct, Explosion, Hyper BeamSMD, Blast Traps, or Big Blast Traps, by using Rock SmashRBTDSBSLSMD, by Pokémon with the IQ skills Super Mobile or Absolute Mover, by using a One-Room Orb, by the standard attack of a Mega Evolved Pokémon or of a Pokémon holding a Looplet with the Tunnel emera, or by using a Tunnel Wand.

Certain walls, such as those on the edges of a dungeon or around a Key Chamber, are impassable and indestructible. Sometimes, an entire dungeon or floor is filled with such walls.


Burned Pokémon will be cured of their burn if they end their turn on a water tile, and Pokémon standing on a water tile cannot be burned.

In Gates to Infinity, certain dungeons such as Forest of Shadows contain pits with water. However, these can be traversed only by flying Pokémon; water-walking Pokémon only have the benefit of walking on shallow pools of water, such as those in Scalchop Beach.


Lava tiles can only be traversed safely by Fire-type Pokémon, RhydonTDS and later, Rhyperior, and Groudon; any other Pokémon will be inflicted with a burn if they end their turn over lava.

Gates to Infinity dungeons contain pits with lava; these count as air tiles and as such will not burn Pokémon, unlike the hot floor which functions like lava tiles in previous games.

Room tile

Room tiles are completely different from terrain tiles, as these tiles are always located within a room on the dungeon floor and can only be placed or appear within a room. They can either denote something important, cause special effects to moves or items, take the player to the next floor or can even be a floor tile that can cause negative or positive effects to the teammates. There are even some tiles in the games that are unused, but can only be created and used through hacking, such as the Exit tile.


Carpet denotes the area of a Kecleon Shop. Any item found on carpet belongs to the Shop and leaving without paying for it will cause several Kecleon to appear and attack the party. Dropping an item on carpet and leaving will make the item belong to the Shop. In Red/Blue Rescue Team through to the Adventure Squad games, the carpet would not cover the entire room, but only the center of the room. However, in Gates to Infinity and later, the carpet tiles would cover the entire room, so that entering or leaving the room would result in entering or leaving the Kecleon Shop respectively.

Special tiles

In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, there are special tiles that occur behind the locked doors of a detour or all over a dungeon floor due to mysteriosity. They can give benefits to or put at a disadvantage any Pokémon who stands on them. They only appear in dungeons that are unlocked after the main story is completed.

Type Image Effect Description
Barrage Tile BarrageTileGTI.png Any Pokémon standing on this tile can use a move two times in one turn. While standing on this tile, you can use a move two times in a row in one turn! The move's PP will be reduced as if you used it two times. (Enemies can take advantage of this tile, too, so be careful!)
Dodge Tile DodgeTileGTI.png Any Pokémon standing on this tile will avoid attacks more easily. While on this tile, you can dodge moves more easily! (Enemies can take advantage of this tile, too, so be careful!)
Mystery Tile MysteryTileGTI.png Any Pokémon standing on this tile will be immune to bad status effects. While on this tile, bad statuses won't affect you! (Enemies can take advantage of this tile, too, so be careful!)
Pierce Tile PierceTileGTI.png Any Pokémon that throws items while standing on this tile will cause the item to keep moving on until it disappears. The thrown item will also go through walls and enemies too. Throw items while on this tile, and they will go through both enemies and walls, continuing on forever!
Taunt Tile TauntTileGTI.png Any Pokémon standing on this tile that uses a move that only causes status effects won't work, but attacks that do damage will do more damage. While on this tile, you can't use status moves. However, your damaging attacks will become more powerful. (Enemies can take advantage of this tile, too, so be careful!)
Weight Tile WeightTileGTI.png Any chance of an attack landing a critical hit from the Pokémon standing on this tile will depend on the Pokémon's weight. The heavier the Pokémon on this tile is, the better chance it will have at landing critical hits when attacking an enemy! (Enemies can take advantage of this tile, too, so be careful!)


Stairs (Japanese: かいだん Stairs) are the most common way to proceed to the next floor of a dungeon. They can either appear as stairs going up or going down. In Meteor Cave, the stairs will be disabled until the floor's Deoxys clone is defeated, or in Rescue Team DX, the Normal Forme is defeated. In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity and later, stairs will appear in a variety of different colors, depending on the type of dungeon.

Warp Zone

A Warp Zone (Japanese: ワープゾーン Warp Zone) is a tile that only appears in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness and Explorers of Sky. It is used in certain dungeons instead of stairs to progress to the next floor or exit the dungeon, normally after defeating a boss. They have exactly the same appearance as Warp Traps.

Rescue Spot/Rescue Point

A Rescue SpotRB/Rescue PointTDS (Japanese: きゅうじょちてん Rescue Point) is a tile that allows the player to complete a rescue and then send an A-OK Mail via Wonder Mail code, Wireless Connection or Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. A Rescue SpotRB/Rescue PointTDS will appear in the same place as where the stairs would normally be, on the same floor as where the other player was defeated when performing a friend rescue. The room with a Rescue SpotRB/Rescue PointTDS will always be guarded by a Monster House.

Effect tile

Sticky redirects here. For the Ultra Beast codenamed UB Sticky in Japanese, see Poipole (Pokémon).
If you were looking for the traps in the Underground in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, see Trap.
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Reason: What happens if a Trawl Orb or Explosion is used where a Ditto tile is located? Also, what happens in the 5% chance it fails?

Effect tiles are floor tiles within rooms that can do various effects, such as resetting the Pokémon's stats, damaging a Pokémon, or even causing a status ailment. These tiles are completely separate objects in Red and Blue Rescue Team through to the Adventure Squad games, but in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity and later, these tiles are in the same location as items and are considered as "items" which cannot be picked up, but are triggered upon stepping on it. Some effect tiles may break after being stepped on (such as the Training Switch and most traps).

The effect tiles that cause negative effects to the player and their teammates are known as Traps (Japanese: わなRBTDS/ワナGtISMDRTDX Trap). Before being stepped on, they are disguised as regular floor tiles and remain hidden until they are stepped on. Using a See-Trap Orb, eating an Eyedrop Seed, or having the leader hold the Grass LoopletSMD will make all traps on the floor visible. If the leader uses a normal attack on a space in front of themselves, it can also reveal the trap on that particular space. In Rescue Team DX, this move is called Trap Finder. Traps will not trigger if stepped on by enemies unless the trap was created by the party via a Trapper Orb or a move such as Spikes. In every Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game except for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, traps will never be created on the tile at the entrance of a room. Prior to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, all traps except for Summon Trap, Pokémon Trap, and Grudge Trap will remain after being stepped on; there is no limit to how many times they can be triggered. However, from Gates to Infinity onwards, all traps have a chance of breaking after being triggered. Most traps in these games have a 100% chance of breaking, but some have a 30% chance of breaking after each activation and can be triggered repeatedly until they break.

In Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, the traps present in dungeons can vary between versions, sometimes significantly.

From Gates to Infinity onwards, Monster Houses will usually contain a mix of both items and traps, usually having a larger amount of traps compared to other rooms. There is always at least one item and one trap within a Monster House, but it will always contain a total of 14 items and traps in the room altogether.

Effect tile RB TD Sky BSL GtI SMD RTDX Effect
31 ? Apple Trap Turns a random item in the Bag into a Big Apple. It will always break after use.
13 ? Big Blast Trap Causes an explosion in a 5×5 area that deals half HP damage to any party member and defeats any enemies within range. Fire-type Pokémon take a quarter of the damage. Items and walls within the blast area are destroyed. Not triggered if the weather is Rain or a Pokémon with the Ability Damp is on the floor. It will always break after use.
12 ? Blast Trap Causes an explosion in a 3×3 area that deals half HP damage to any party member and defeats any enemies within range. Fire-type Pokémon take a quarter of the damage. Items and walls within the blast range are destroyed. Not triggered if the weather is Rain or a Pokémon with Damp is on the floor. It will always break after use.
18 16 Chestnut Trap Drops chestnuts onto the Pokémon, dealing 10 damage. It is replaced with the Spiky Trap in Gates to Infinity and later.
32 Discord Trap* Causes the party to be inflicted with Discord. It will always break after use.
35 ? Ditto In some dungeons in Super Mystery Dungeon and Rescue Team DX (often where the Pokémon Ditto is one of the enemy Pokémon that appears on the floors), Ditto can sometimes be found disguised as an item. This tile acts like a trap and has a 95% activation rate, just like traps do. If one of the party steps on it, the item will disappear and Ditto will appear next to the Pokémon that activated it; however, if the Pokémon has a Trap Proof emera, or the trap fails to work, then nothing will happen. When standing on a Ditto tile, the player can either move on, check the tile info, or activate it. If Ditto gets a chance to attack (which is often after one of the party steps on it while it's disguised as an item, whether slow or at normal speed), it will immediately use the move Transform to transform into the targeted party member, causing all other members in the current party to become confused. Even though this tile acts like a trap, and even uses an in-game icon of a trap in its info, it's not considered a real trap at all.
29 Emera-Crush Trap An emera attached to the Pokémon's looplet is lost. It will always break after use.
30 Emera-Swap Trap An emera in the Pokémon's looplet is changed into a different emera. It will always break after use.
20 14 Explosion Trap Causes an explosion in a 5×5 area that cuts the party's HP in half and deals 80 damage to wild Pokémon. Fire-type Pokémon take a quarter of damage. Items and walls within the blast area are destroyed. Not triggered if the weather is Rain or a Pokémon with the Ability Damp is on the floor. It is replaced with the Big Blast Trap in Gates to Infinity and later.
27 Gold Floor A floor tile that exists in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity and later. When these tiles appear in dungeons, they will only contain a Gold Bar. These tiles are only visible and can only be triggered if the leader is holding a Gold Scope. In Super Mystery Dungeon, these tiles may contain additional items in place of Gold Bars, including Joy Seeds and Vitamins. They will only be visible in dungeons when the leader is holding an Excavation Looplet. Outside of dungeons, Gold Floors will only indicate the presence of a rare item that can be picked up.
11 03 28 ? Grimy Trap Causes some food items to turn into Grimy Food. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, if the leader steps on it, a food item in the bag may be turned into Grimy Food, but if a teammate steps on it and is holding a food item, it may be turned into Grimy Food. Cannot be triggered by teammates in games prior to Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
24 24 ? Grudge Trap All wild Pokémon are warped near the trap and given the Grudge status. It will disappear/break after being triggered in every game.
12 07 06 ? Gust Trap The Pokémon that stepped on it is sent flying 10 squares in any direction. Hitting a wall or Pokémon causes 5 damage (to both Pokémon, when applicable). If it lands on the water, above a crag, or in lava and cannot stand on such a tile, it will be warped into a random room of the floor. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
21 ? Hunger Trap Reduces Belly by 10, or to 0 if the victim's Belly is less than 10. There's a chance that this trap can be stepped on more than once; it has a 30% chance of breaking when it is set off.
03 01 01 ? Mud Trap Will lower the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, accuracy, or evasiveness statistic, chosen randomly, and by one levelRB/three levelsTDSGtI. Does not affect Pokémon with the Clear Body Ability. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
07 05 04 Pitfall Trap Deals 5RBTDS/10GtI damage. If triggered by the player, the party falls to the next floor (or out of the dungeon, if on the last floor). If triggered by a teammate, they disappear from the dungeon and have to be reselected again, either from the Friend AreasRB, Chimecho AssemblyTDS, or Quagsire AssemblyGtI. If triggered by the mission client, they disappear and the mission is failed. Only appears in descending dungeons. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity. Though this trap does not exist in Super Mystery Dungeon, a new model and left-over Adventure Hint text from Gates to Infinity still exist within the game.
08 12 11 ? Poison Trap Inflicts Poison. Doesn't affect Steel-type and Poison-type Pokémon, or Pokémon with Immunity. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
14 18 17 ? Pokémon Trap Causes any items on the floor (up to a limit) within the room to turn into wild Pokémon. It disappears/breaks after triggering in every game. In Meteor Cave, there are no spawnable Pokémon, so it breaks without doing anything.
15 15 14 ? PP-Zero TrapRBTDS
Reduces one move's PP to 0. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
36 Progress Point A tile in which is created by a Progress Device. Upon using a Progress Device, the tile will be created underneath the player and the game will be saved immediately upon creating the tile. The game can be saved again, if the player steps on the tile or activates it through the menu. This one is the 36th tile in the game's internal code.

Another tile, under the same name, is created through using a Progress Device +. This tile does much more than the Progress Point created from a Progress Device; it saves the game upon using the Progress Device +, as well as stepping on the tile, and if the player decides to give up in the dungeon (either upon fainting or giving up in the options), all items and money will be kept and won't be lost. This one is the 37th tile in the game's internal code.

23 23 ? Random Trap Becomes any other trap. If applicable, the selected trap will affect all party members instead of only the one that stepped on the trap. Not triggered if the weather is Rain or a Pokémon with Damp is on the floor. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
04 11 10 ? Seal Trap Causes one move to be Sealed. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
17 13 Selfdestruct Trap Causes an explosion in a 3×3 area that deals a quarter of HP damage to any party member and deals 40 damage to wild Pokémon within range. Fire-type Pokémon take 1/8 damage. Items and walls within the blast range are destroyed. Not triggered if the weather is Rain or a Pokémon with Damp is on the floor. It is replaced with the "Blast Trap" in Gates to Infinity and later.
16 10 09 ? Slow Trap Temporarily lowers Travel Speed. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
19 09 08 ? Slumber Trap Causes the sleep status. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
26 ? Sparkling Floor Will either spawn a wild Pokémon, or give the player a Gold Bar or other rare item. Outside of dungeons in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, this tile indicates the presence of a normal item that can be picked up. Also in Super Mystery Dungeon, there is a 33rd tile in the game's code which is an unused duplicate of the Sparkling Floor that does nothing when stepped on.
10 19 18 ? Spiked TileRBTDS
Deals 15RB/20TDS/30SMD damage. Created by using Spikes and is always visible. In Explorers of Time/Darkness and later, the party will not trigger its own traps unless they are activated through the menu. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, it was renamed to "Spikes" and can also appear randomly on dungeon floors with other traps, even without an enemy Pokémon using the move; these Spikes tiles are invisible until stepped on. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, there's a chance that this trap can be stepped on more than once, and it has a 30% chance of breaking when it is set off.
15 ? Spiky Trap Drops spiky balls on the Pokémon that steps on it, dealing 10GtI/25SMDRTDX damage. It will always break after use.
13 08 07 ? Spin Trap Inflicts the Confused status. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
20 19 ? Stealth Rock Deals damage equal to 1/6 of the victim's max HP. Using Stealth Rock creates the trap, which remains invisible until stepped on. The party will not trigger its own traps unless they are activated through the menu. This trap can also appear randomly in various dungeons in Super Mystery Dungeon. In Gates to Infinity and later, there's a chance that this trap can be stepped on more than once; it has a 30% chance of breaking when it is set off.
01 02 02 ? Sticky Trap Causes the leader's held item to become sticky, rendering it useless. Sticky items are indicated with a × symbol. If a sticky item is held, it cannot be taken off its proper holder. In Super Mystery Dungeon, or if the player triggers it and no item is held, a random item in the inventory will become sticky. Cleanse Orbs, clearing the dungeon, and (in Explorers of Sky) paying Lickilicky at a Secret Bazaar removes stickiness from all items in the inventory, including held items. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
34 Stunfisk In some dungeons where the Pokémon Stunfisk is one of the enemy Pokémon that appears on the floors, one can spawn completely hidden as a floor title, just like an ordinary trap would. This tile acts like a trap and has a 95% activation rate, just like traps do. Using a See-Trap Orb will have no effect and won't reveal any invisible Stunfisk tiles in rooms. If the player steps on the Stunfisk, it will immediately appear and give them the Paralyzed status. Even though this tile acts like a trap, and even uses an in-game icon of a trap in its info, it's not considered a real trap at all.
06 04 03 ? Summon Trap Summons 1-4 wild Pokémon to adjacent tiles. It disappears/breaks after triggering in every game.
21 20 ? Toxic Spikes Inflicts Poison and deals damage (10TDS/20SMD damage). Poison-type and Steel-type Pokémon will still be damaged from the trap though they will not be poisoned. Flying-type and levitating Pokémon will also be affected by the trap. Using Toxic Spikes creates the trap, which is permanently visible. The party will not trigger its own traps unless they are activated through the menu. In Super Mystery Dungeon, Toxic Spikes traps can appear randomly in some dungeons, even without an enemy using the move; such traps are invisible until stepped on. In Gates to Infinity and later, there's a chance that the trap can be stepped on more than once, with a 30% chance of breaking each time.
25 ? Training Switch A tile appearing in certain dungeons starting with Gates to Infinity. When stepped on, the party will gain the Trained status, which causes moves to gain more growth points when used. The status will end when the party moves on to the next floor or leaves the dungeon. Training Switches can only be used once and will always break after being stepped on.

Apart from rarely appearing on floors randomly in some dungeons in Gates to Infinity, Training Switches will always appear behind locked doors. However, in certain purchasable DLC dungeons in Gates to Infinity, Training Switches are more common and will randomly appear on floors.

05 22 22 ? Trip Trap * The Pokémon drops its held item. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
02 06 05 ? Warp Trap Warps the Pokémon to a random regular floor tile. It will always break after use in Gates to Infinity and later.
09 17 16 ? Wonder Tile Causes any stat changes of the Pokémon stepping on them to be reverted. This tile will never break in any game, regardless of how many times it is stepped on.


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Reason: Changes in DX. Also warping in Gates and DX.

There is a total of seven mobility types, six of which are natural to Pokémon. In Super Mystery Dungeon, the last question of the Connection Orb's Fuzzy Search pertains to mobility.

Pokémon Other means Passable terrain
N/A Pokémon with IQ skills Super Mobile or Absolute Mover All (destroys walls)
  • Pokémon with IQ skill All-Terrain Hiker
  • Pokémon under the effect of Magnet Rise
All but walls
All Water-type that don't fly, as well as the following:
Regular and water
All Fire-type that don't fly, as well as the following:
Fire-type Pokémon that can fly, when groundedGtISMD Regular and lava
Regular; cannot move as AI
Other Pokémon not mentioned above Other Pokémon that can fly, when groundedGtISMD Regular

If a Pokémon cannot travel on a given type of terrain but is forced onto it from the effect of a move or item or by switching places with the leader, it will be warped away. In Red and Blue Rescue Team or Explorers of Time and Darkness, it will warp to a random point of normal terrain in the dungeon, while in Explorers of Sky, it will warp near the leader. In Super Mystery Dungeon, the leader and wild Pokémon will warp to a random point of normal terrain located within a room, while the leader's allies will warp near the leader.


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Reason: doublecheck all Unova Pokémon in Gates

Certain Pokémon have changed their mobility type between games.

Pokémon Old mobility New mobility
Changed in Time and Darkness
Normal Lava
Normal Water
Changed in Adventure Squad
Normal Flying
Normal Incorporeal
Lava Flying
Water Flying
Flying Normal
Changed in Super Mystery Dungeon
Normal Still
Normal Water
Normal Flying
Water Normal
Flying Normal



Name Game Description
Stairs MDRB
Stairs leading to the next floor.
If you are on the final floor,
you will escape from the dungeon.
MDBSL つぎのフロアに すすむための かいだん
ダンジョンから だっしゅつするぞ!
MDGtI Stairs leading to the next floor. You won't
be able to return to the previous floor,
so make sure you're ready to move on.
It's the stairs!
You can go to the next floor.
Warp Zone MDRB The warp zone leading to the next floor.
If you are on the final floor,
you will escape from the dungeon.
MDTDS The warp zone leading to the next floor. If you
are on the final floor, you will escape from
the dungeon.
Rescue Spot MDRB You reached the rescue spot where your
friend's team went down!
Send an A-OK Mail from the Pelipper Post
Office to let your friend know you've
rescued the defeated team.
Rescue Point MDTDS You reached the rescue spot where your
friend's team went down! Send an A-OK Mail to
let your friend know you've rescued the
defeated team.
Wonder Tile MDRB An odd floor tile seen in many dungeons.
Stepping on it resets the
Pokémon's Attack, Defense, and so on,
if they are boosted or reduced.
MDTDS Stepping on this curious floor tile,
found in many dungeons,
restores the Pokémon's Attack, Defense,
and other stats to normal levels,
whether they're reduced or boosted.
MDBSL いろんなダンジョンでみかける
ふむと こうげき ぼうぎょなどの
だんかいが あがっていても
さがっていても もとのじょうたいに
MDGtI Stepping on this curious floor tile, found in
many dungeons, restores your Attack,
Defense, and other stats to normal levels,
whether they're lowered or boosted.
SMD Stepping on it resets your Attack, Sp. Atk,
Defense, Sp. Def, accuracy, and evasiveness
if any had been changed.
MDRTDX Stepping on this tile resets your Attack, Sp. Atk, Defense, Sp. Def,
accuracy, and evasiveness if any had been changed.
Training Switch MDGtI Stepping on this trap gives your party
the Trained status.
SMD Stepping on it causes your party
to be trained.
MDRTDX Stepping on it causes all your teammates to be Trained.
This effect lasts until you go to the next floor.
Progress Point SMD Stepping on it enables you to
save your adventure!
You can use it as many times as you'd like.
Progress Point SMD Stepping on it enables you
to save your adventure!
You can use it as many times as you'd like.
Also, even if you are defeated,
you won't lose items or Poké currency VI Sprite.png.
Sparkling Floor MDGtI An item might be buried under this floor.
But be careful--if you go digging for
items, an enemy might jump out!
Something is buried under this floor.
Stepping on it makes an item or an enemy
Pokémon appear.
Gold Floor MDGtI When you have a MDBag Glasses V Sprite.pngGold Scope
and step on this floor, you can get a
MDBag Gold Bar V Sprite.pngGold Bar .
Ditto SMD Wha…?
It looks like it will start moving.
Stunfisk SMD Wha…?
It looks like it will start moving.
Gust Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap triggers a blast
of some sort that sends the Pokémon
MDTDS Stepping on this trap triggers a gust of
wind that sends the pokémon flying.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap triggers a gust of
wind that sends you flying.
SMD Stepping on it sends you flying in
a random direction.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap sends you flying in a random direction.
Warp Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap instantly warps
the Pokémon to another spot on the floor.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap warps the
Pokémon to another tile on the floor
MDGtI Stepping on this trap warps you
to another spot on the floor.
SMD Stepping on it warps you
to somewhere else on the floor.
SMD Stepping on this trap warps you to somewhere else on the floor.
Pitfall Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap drops the Pokémon
to the next floor, inflicting damage.
If it's not the team leader, the Pokémon
faints. If that happens, even a Reviver
Seed can't help the fainted Pokémon.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap flings this
Pokémon to the next floor, which
inflicts damage and makes the Pokémon
faint. The team leader will not faint,
however. Pokémon that faint can't be
helped with a Reviver Seed.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap makes you fall into
a deep pit that causes damage and moves
you to the next floor. If a Pokémon other
than the leader falls, it will faint. The
fainted Pokémon can't be helped with a
MDBag Seed V Sprite.pngReviver Seed, so be careful!
Discord Trap SMD Stepping on it creates a discord
among your party.
Seal Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap disables one
of the Pokémon's moves as long
as it remains on the same floor.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap disables one
of the Pokémon's moves. The effect wears
off when the Pokémon leaves the floor.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap causes the Sealed
status condition to one of your moves.
The effect wears off when you leave
the floor.
SMD Stepping on it seals one move.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap seals one move.
PP-Zero Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap completely drains
the PP of a random move.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap completely drains
the PP of one of the Pokémon's moves.
The move is randomly chosen.
PP Leech Trap MDGtI Stepping on this trap completely drains
the PP of one of your moves.
SMD Stepping on it drains the PP
of 1 of your moves to 0.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap drains the PP of one of your moves to 0.
Slow Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap lowers
the Pokémon's Movement Speed by one level.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap reduces the
Pokémon's Movement Speed by 1 level.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap lowers
your Travel Speed by 1 level.
SMD Stepping on it lowers your Travel Speed.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap lowers your Travel Speed for a while.
Slumber Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap releases a sleeping
gas that puts the Pokémon to
MDTDS Stepping on this trap releases a
gas that causes a Sleep status.
MDBSL このわなをふむと
ねむりガスが ふきだしてきて
すいめんじょうたいに たってしまう
MDGtI Stepping on this trap releases a gas
that causes the Sleep status.
SMD Stepping on it makes you sleep.
MDRTDX Stepping on it makes you Sleep for a while.
Poison Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap looses poison
spikes that leave the Pokémon poisoned.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap releases spikes
that afflict the Pokémon with a
Poisoned status condition.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap releases spikes
that cause the Poisoned status condition.
SMD Stepping on it makes you poisoned.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap makes you Poisoned.
Spin Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap spins the Pokémon
around dizzyingly, making it
MDTDS Stepping on this trap spins the Pokémon
around and makes it dizzy, causing a
Confused status.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap spins you around
and makes you dizzy, causing the
confused status.
SMD Stepping on it makes you confused.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap makes you confused for a while.
Selfdestruct Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap makes it explode.
Its damage extends to other Pokémon,
items, and walls around the trap.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap causes an
explosion, damaging all surrounding
Pokémon, items, and walls.
Explosion Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap triggers a
huge explosion.
Its damage extends to other Pokémon,
items, and walls. It has a bigger
range than a Selfdestruct Trap.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap causes a
huge explosion, damaging all surrounding
Pokémon, items, and walls. It has a
range that is much wider than a
Selfdestruct Trap.
Blast Trap MDGtI Stepping on this trap causes an explosion
that damages all nearby Pokémon and items.
SMD Stepping on it causes a blast.
SMD Stepping on this trap causes a blast.
Big Blast Trap MDGtI Stepping on this trap causes a
huge explosion that damages all
nearby Pokémon and items.
SMD Stepping on it causes a huge blast.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap causes a huge blast.
Chestnut Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap makes a spiky,
unshelled Chestnut drop, inflicting
MDTDS Stepping on this trap makes spiky
Chestnuts fall, inflicting damage on the
Spiky Trap MDGtI Stepping on this trap damages you
with its spikes.
SMD Stepping on it damages you.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap damages you.
Summon Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap releases a sweet
aroma that attracts Pokémon from afar.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap releases a sweet
aroma that attracts Pokémon from
MDGtI Stepping on this trap releases a sweet
aroma that attracts Pokémon from afar.
SMD Stepping on it causes enemy Pokémon
to appear near you.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap causes enemy Pokémon
to appear near you.
Grudge Trap MDS Stepping on this trap causes enemy
Pokémon to appear, surrounding the
Pokémon. It affects all Pokémon on
the floor with a Grudge status effect.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap causes enemy
Pokémon to appear near you.
Also, enemy Pokémon on the floor will get
the Grudge status condition.
SMD Stepping on it causes enemy Pokémon to
hold a grudge and come for you.
Also, the PP of the move you used on an enemy
with a grudge will be 0!
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap causes enemy Pokémon on the floor to hold
a Grudge and come for you. The PP of moves you use on an
enemy with a Grudge will go to 0!
Pokémon Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap transforms all
items in the room into hostile Pokémon.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap transforms all
items in the same room into enemy
MDGtI Stepping on this trap transforms all items
in the same room into Pokémon.
SMD Stepping on it transforms items on the
floor of the room into enemy Pokémon.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap transforms nearby items on the ground into
enemy Pokémon.
Trip Trap MDTDS Stepping on this trap makes the
Pokémon trip and drop its held item.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap makes you trip and
drop your held item.
SMD Stepping on it makes you drop your held item.
MDRTDX Stepping on it makes you drop an item. You could even
drop more than one—so be careful!
Sticky Trap MDRB
Stepping on this trap makes a random
item become sticky and unusable.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap makes a random item
become sticky and unusable.
SMD If the leader steps on it, an item in the
Bag becomes sticky.
If a Pokémon other than the leader steps on it,
the Pokémon's held item becomes sticky.
MDRTDX If the leader steps on this trap, an item in the Toolbox
becomes sticky. If a Pokémon other than the leader steps on this
trap, the Pokémon's held item becomes sticky. If you want to use a
sticky item again, you will need to use a MDBag Wonder Orb VI Sprite.png Cleanse Orb on it
or leave the dungeon with the item.
Mud Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap makes it blow
mud that lowers the Pokémon's Attack,
Defense, Special Attack, or
Special Defense by one level.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap makes it spew
mud that reduces the Pokémon's Attack,
Defense, Special Attack, or Special
Defense by 3 levels.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap makes it spew mud
that lowers the Pokémon's Attack,
Defense, Special Attack, or
Special Defense a lot.
SMD Stepping on it lowers your Attack, Defense,
Sp. Atk, or Sp. Def.
MDRTDX Stepping on it sharply lowers one of your stats—Attack, Defense,
Sp. Atk, or Sp. Def.
Grimy Trap MDRB Stepping on this trap makes it spew
muck that gums up food.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap makes it spew
muck that gunks up food.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap makes it spew a
filthy grime that covers your food. Yuck!
SMD If the leader steps on it, food in the Bag
will become MDBag Grimy Food VI Sprite.pngGrimy Food.
If a Pokémon other than the leader steps on it,
its held item will become MDBag Grimy Food VI Sprite.pngGrimy Food.
MDRTDX If the leader steps on this trap, food in the Toolbox will
become MDBag Grimy Food VI Sprite.pngGrimy Food. If a Pokémon other than the leader steps
on this trap, the food it's holding will become MDBag Grimy Food VI Sprite.pngGrimy Food.
Apple Trap SMD Stepping on it changes an item in the
Bag to a MDBag Apple Fresh VI Sprite.pngBig Apple.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap changes an item in the Toolbox into
a MDBag Apple Fresh VI Sprite.pngBig Apple.
Hunger Trap SMD Stepping on it makes you hungry!
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap makes your Belly a bit emptier.
Emera-Swap Trap SMD Stepping on it swaps an emera on a MDBag Looplet 1 VI Sprite.pnglooplet
for another emera.
Emera-Crush Trap SMD Stepping on it causes an emera on
a MDBag Looplet 1 VI Sprite.pnglooplet to come off a disappear.
Spiked Tile MDRB Stepping on this trap inflicts damage.
It can be made using the move Spikes.
MDTDS Stepping on this trap, which is made
with the Spikes move, inflicts damage
on the Pokémon.
Spikes SMD Stepping on it damages you.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap damages you.
Toxic Spikes MDTDS Stepping on this trap inflicts damage
and causes a Poisoned
status. This trap is made with the
Toxic Spikes move.
MDGtI Stepping on this trap damages you and
causes the Poisoned status.
This trap is made by using the
Toxic Spikes move.
SMD Stepping on it damages you and
makes you poisoned.
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap damages you and
makes you Poisoned.
Stealth Rock MDTDS Stepping on this trap, which is made
with the Stealth Rock move, inflicts
damage on the Pokémon!
The trap is invisible when created!
MDGtI Stepping on this trap damages you.
This trap is made using the
Stealth Rock move.
SMD Stepping on it damages you with
a Rock-type move.
MDRTDX If you step on this trap, you'll take Rock-type damage.
Random Trap MDS Stepping on this trap releases the same
effect as another trap appearing
on the floor. Also, this trap affects
everyone in the party!
MDGtI Stepping on this trap releases the same
effect as another trap appearing on
the floor. Also, this trap affects your
entire party!
SMD Stepping on it has a random effect
on your party!
Who knows what kind of effect
it may have?
MDRTDX Stepping on this trap has a random effect on your party!
Who knows what kind of effect it may have?

Adventure Hint

Name Game Description
Wonder Tile MDGtI This is a IconTileGTI.pngWonder Tile. If your stats
have been lowered by moves such as
Growl or Tail Whip, stepping
on this will return them to normal.
But watch out! Any raised stats
will also be returned to normal.
SMD If your stats are lowered by a trap or by an
enemy's move, walk over a IconTileSMD.pngWonder Tile
to restore them to normal.
But watch out! Any raised stats will
also be returned to normal!
Training Switch MDGtI This is a IconTileGTI.pngTraining Switch.
Step on it, and moves that you and your
party members use will power up more
quickly while on this floor!
SMD This is a IconTileSMD.pngTraining Switch.
Step on it, and your moves that you and your
teammates use will power up more
quickly while on this floor!
Gust Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngGust Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
be blown away! If it gets blown on top of
a crag or into the water, the Pokémon will
be warped somewhere.
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngGust Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
be blown away! If it gets blown to
somewhere it can't land, such as on top of
a crag or in the water, the Pokémon will
be warped somewhere else.
Warp Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngWarp Trap!

If you get separated from a party member,
try switching that party member's tactics
to "Wait there." This will make it easier
for you to regroup.
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngWarp Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
be warped away! If you get separated from
a teammate, try switching that teammate's
tactics to Wait there. This will make it
easier for you to regroup.
MDRTDX It's a IconTrapSMD.pngWarp Trap! The Pokémon that steps on this
trap will be warped to somewhere on the floor! If a
teammate gets separated from the team, try
switching that teammate's tactics to Wait there.
This will make it easier for you to regroup.
Pitfall Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngPitfall Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
fall down to the next floor!
If a party member falls, you'll be separated!
You'll have to return to Quagsire Assembly
to choose the party member again.
Seal Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngSeal Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
be unable to use one of its moves!
Move on to the next floor, or use a
MDBag Seed V Sprite.pngHeal Seed to return to normal.
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngSeal Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
be unable to use 1 move!
To return to normal, move on to the next
floor or use a MDBag Seed VI Sprite.pngHeal Seed.
PP Leech Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngPP Leech Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on this trap,
the PP of one of its moves will be
reduced to 0!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngPP Leech Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on this trap, the PP of
1 move will be reduced to 0!
Slow Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngSlow Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap
will have its Speed lowered temporarily!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngSlow Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap
will become slow, and its
Travel Speed will go down temporarily!
Slumber Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngSlumber Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap
will temporarily fall asleep!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngSlumber Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap
will get the sleep status
and fall asleep!
Poison Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngPoison Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
become Poisoned!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngPoison Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap
will become poisoned!
Spin Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngSpin Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap
will become confused!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngSpin Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap
will become confused!
Blast Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngBlast Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on this trap, the trap
will explode, damaging nearby Pokémon!
Nearby items on the ground will be
destroyed and disappear, too!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngBlast Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on this trap, the trap
will explode, damaging nearby Pokémon!
Nearby items on the ground will be
destroyed and will disappear!
Big Blast Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngBig Blast Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on this trap,
a big explosion will occur, damaging all
nearby Pokémon!
Nearby items on the ground will be
destroyed and disappear, too!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngBig Blast Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on this trap,
a big explosion will occur, damaging
all nearby Pokémon!
Nearby items on the ground will be
destroyed and will disappear!
Spiky Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngSpiky Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
take damage!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngSpiky Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on
this trap will take damage!
Summon Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngSummon Trap!
An enemy Pokémon will appear close to
the Pokémon that steps on this trap!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngSummon Trap!
An enemy Pokémon will appear close to
the Pokémon that steps on this trap!
Grudge Trap MDGtI Oh no! It's a IconTrapGTI.pngGrudge Trap!
All of the enemies on this floor will gain
the Grudge status!
If you defeat an enemy with the
Grudge status,
the PP of the move last used will be
reduced to 0!
It might be a good idea to run through this
floor without fighting!
SMD Enemies on the entire floor will hold a
grudge and come for you!
The PP of the move you used on an enemy
with a grudge will be 0!
Pokémon Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngPokémon Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on this trap, an item on
the ground in the room will turn into
an enemy Pokémon!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngPokémon Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on this trap, items
on the ground in the room will transform
into enemy Pokémon!
Trip Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngTrip Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
drop its held item on the ground!
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngTrip Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap
will drop its held item onto the ground!
Sticky Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngSticky Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on this trap, one of its
items will get all sticky and become
unusable! Either leave the dungeon, or use
a MDBag Wonder Orb V Sprite.pngCleanse Orb to return to normal.
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngSticky Trap! If a Pokémon steps
on this trap, 1 item will get sticky
and become unusable!
Either leave the dungeon or use a
MDBag Wonder Orb VI Sprite.pngCleanse Orb to return to normal.
Mud Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngMud Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
have its stats lowered.
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngMud Trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap
will have its Attack, Sp. Atk,
Defense, or Sp. Def lowered.
Grimy Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngGrimy Trap!
Any MDBag Apple V Sprite.pngApple inside your Bag
may turn into MDBag Grimy Food V Sprite.pngGrimy Food.
Eat it and something bad will happen.
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngGrimy Trap!
Any food item inside your Bag, such as an
MDBag Apple Fresh VI Sprite.pngApple, may turn into MDBag Grimy Food VI Sprite.pngGrimy Food.
If you eat it, something bad will happen.
Apple Trap SMD It's an IconTrapSMD.pngApple Trap!
If you step on it, 1 item in your Bag
will become a MDBag Apple Fresh VI Sprite.pngBig Apple!
Hunger Trap SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngHunger Trap!
Your Belly will become empty!
Emera-Swap Trap SMD It's an IconTrapSMD.pngEmera-Swap Trap! If you step on it,
an emera set into a MDBag Looplet 1 VI Sprite.pnglooplet will be
replaced with another emera!
Emera-Crush Trap SMD It's an IconTrapSMD.pngEmera-Crush Trap!
If you step on it, an emera set into
a MDBag Looplet 1 VI Sprite.pnglooplet will drop off and disappear!
Spikes SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngSpikes trap!
The Pokémon that steps on it
will take damage!
Toxic Spikes MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngToxic Spikes!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
take damage and also become
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngToxic Spikes trap!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
take damage and also become
Stealth Rock MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngStealth Rock!
The Pokémon that steps on this trap will
take damage!
If the Pokémon is weak against Rock,
the damage will be greater.
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngStealth Rock trap! The Pokémon
that steps on this trap will take damage!
If the Pokémon is weak against Rock-type
moves, the damage will be greater.
Random Trap MDGtI It's a IconTrapGTI.pngRandom Trap!
Who knows what kind of effect
it will have?
SMD It's a IconTrapSMD.pngRandom Trap!
If a Pokémon steps on it, a random thing
will happen to you and your teammates.
Who knows what kind of effect
it may have?


050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: missing images
Stairs Stairs Up RTRB TDS.pngStairs Down RTRB TDS.pngStairs Disabled RTRB.png Stairs Up GTI.png
Stairs Up Orange GTI.pngStairs Down Orange GTI.png
Stairs Up SMD.pngStairs Down SMD.png
Warp Zone Warp Trap RTRB TDS.png
Wonder Tile Wonder Tile RTRB TDS.png Wonder Tile BSL.png Wonder Tile GTI.png Wonder Tile SMD.png Wonder Tile artwork RTDX.png
Training Switch Training Switch GTI.png Training Switch SMD.png Training Switch artwork RTDX.png
Rescue SpotRB
Rescue PointTDS
Rescue Point RTRB TDS.png
Progress Point Progress Point SMD.png
Progress Point Progress Point alt SMD.png
Sparkling Floor Sparkling Floor GTI.png Sparkling Floor SMD.png
Gold Floor Gold Floor GTI.png
Carpet Kecleon Carpet RTRB TDS.png Kecleon Carpet BSL.png Kecleon Carpet GTI.png Kecleon Carpet SMD.png Kecleon Carpet RTDX.png
Gust Trap Gust Trap RTRB TDS.png Gust Trap BSL.png Gust Trap GTI.png Gust Trap SMD.png Gust Trap artwork RTDX.png
Warp Trap Warp Trap RTRB TDS.png Warp Trap BSL.png Warp Trap GTI.png Warp Trap SMD.png Warp Trap artwork RTDX.png
Pitfall Trap* Pitfall Trap RTRB TDS.png Pitfall Trap BSL.png Pitfall Trap GTI.png Pitfall Trap SMD.png
Discord Trap Discord Trap SMD.png
Seal Trap Seal Trap RTRB TDS.png Seal Trap BSL.png Seal Trap GTI.png Seal Trap SMD.png Seal Trap artwork RTDX.png
PP Leech TrapGtISMD
PP-Zero Trap RTRB TDS.png PP-Zero Trap BSL.png PP Leech Trap GTI.png PP Leech Trap SMD.png PP Leech Trap artwork RTDX.png
Slow Trap Slow Trap RTRB TDS.png Slow Trap BSL.png Slow Trap GTI.png Slow Trap SMD.png Slow Trap artwork RTDX.png
Slumber Trap Slumber Trap RTRB TDS.png Slumber Trap BSL.png Slumber Trap GTI.png Slumber Trap SMD.png Slumber Trap artwork RTDX.png
Poison Trap Poison Trap RTRB TDS.png Poison Trap BSL.png Poison Trap GTI.png Poison Trap SMD.png Poison Trap artwork RTDX.png
Spin Trap Spin Trap RTRB TDS.png Spin Trap BSL.png Spin Trap GTI.png Spin Trap SMD.png Spin Trap artwork RTDX.png
Selfdestruct Trap Selfdestruct Trap RTRB TDS.png Selfdestruct Trap BSL.png
Explosion Trap Explosion Trap RTRB TDS.png Explosion Trap BSL.png
Blast Trap Blast Trap GTI.png Blast Trap SMD.png Blast Trap artwork RTDX.png
Big Blast Trap Big Blast Trap GTI.png Big Blast Trap SMD.png Big Blast Trap artwork RTDX.png
Chestnut Trap Chestnut Trap RTRB TDS.png Chestnut Trap BSL.png
Spiky Trap Spiky Trap GTI.png Spiky Trap SMD.png Spiky Trap artwork RTDX.png
Sticky Trap Sticky Trap RTRB TDS.png Sticky Trap BSL.png Sticky Trap GTI.png Sticky Trap SMD.png Sticky Trap artwork RTDX.png
Mud Trap Mud Trap RTRB TDS.png Mud Trap BSL.png Mud Trap GTI.png Mud Trap SMD.png Mud Trap artwork RTDX.png
Grimy Trap Grimy Trap RTRB TDS.png Grimy Trap BSL.png Grimy Trap GTI.png Grimy Trap SMD.png Grimy Trap artwork RTDX.png
Apple Trap Apple Trap SMD.png Apple Trap artwork RTDX.png
Hunger Trap Hunger Trap SMD.png Hunger Trap artwork RTDX.png
Summon Trap Summon Trap RTRB TDS.png Summon Trap BSL.png Summon Trap GTI.png Summon Trap SMD.png Summon Trap artwork RTDX.png
Grudge Trap Grudge Trap S.png Grudge Trap BSL.png Grudge Trap GTI.png Grudge Trap SMD.png Grudge Trap artwork RTDX.png
Pokémon Trap Pokémon Trap RTRB TDS.png Pokémon Trap BSL.png Pokémon Trap GTI.png Pokémon Trap SMD.png Pokémon Trap artwork RTDX.png
Trip Trap Trip Trap RTRB TDS.png Trip Trap BSL.png Trip Trap GTI.png Trip Trap SMD.png Trip Trap artwork RTDX.png
Emera-Swap Trap Emera-Swap Trap SMD.png
Emera-Crush Trap Emera-Crush Trap SMD.png
Spiked TileRBTDS
Spiked Tile RTRB TDS.png Spiked Tile BSL.png Spikes SMD.png Spikes artwork RTDX.png
Toxic Spikes Toxic Spikes TDS.png Toxic Spikes BSL.png Toxic Spikes GTI.png Toxic Spikes SMD.png Toxic Spikes artwork RTDX.png
Stealth Rock Stealth Rock TDS.png Stealth Rock BSL.png Stealth Rock GTI.png Stealth Rock SMD.png Stealth Rock artwork RTDX.png
Random Trap Random Trap S.png Random Trap BSL.png Random Trap GTI.png Random Trap SMD.png Random Trap artwork RTDX.png

In other languages

Note: Since Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky and later games were never released in South Korea, many names of dungeon tiles that appeared in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky and later were never localized in Korean. These have been marked with a .

English Japanese Japanese France Flag.png French Germany Flag.png German Italy Flag.png Italian Spain Flag.png Spanish South Korea Flag.png Korean
Wonder Tile ふしぎなゆか Case Miracle Wunder-Feld Mattomagica Baldosa Mágica 이상한 마루
Training Switch たんれんスイッチ BachopiègeGtI
Piège BachotageSMD
Trainingsschalter Interruttore Addestramento Baldosa Práctica
Stairs かいだん EscalierRBTDS
Treppe Scale EscalerasRBTDS
Warp Zone ワープゾーン Téléporteur Warp-Feld Zona teletrasporto Telepuerto 워프 포인트
Rescue SpotRB
Rescue PointTDS
きゅうじょちてん Point de secours Rettungszone Punto SOS Punto de rescate
Progress Point きろくポイント Point de Sauvegarde Speicherpunkt Punto Salvadati Punto de Guardado
Carpet カーペット Tapis Teppich Tappeto Alfombra 카펫
Sparkling Floor キラキラゆか Sol Brillant Leuchtboden Suolo Brillante Baldosa Brillante
Gold Floor おうごんゆか Sol Doré Goldboden Suolo Dorato Baldosa Dorada
Stunfisk マッギョ Limonde Flunschlik-Falle Stunfisk Stunfisk
Ditto メタモン Métamorph Ditto-Falle Ditto Ditto
Chestnut Trap イガグリスイッチ Piège Châtaigne Kastanien-Falle Castagnotrappola Trampa Castañazo 밤송이 스위치
Spiky Trap トゲトゲのワナ Piège Barbelé Kastanien-Falle Spinetrappola Trampa Púas
Pitfall Trap おとしあな Piège Trappe Gruben-Falle Precipitotrappola Trampa Trampilla 구멍함정B
빠뜨리기 구멍TD
Grudge Trap おんねんスイッチS
Piège Rancune Nachspiel-FalleRBTDS
Rancortrappola Trampa Rabia
Sticky Trap くっつきスイッチRBTDS
Piège Glu Klebe-Falle Viscidotrappola Trampa Pegajosa 끈적끈적 스위치
Spin Trap ぐるぐるスイッチRBTDS
Piège Tournis Schwindel-Falle Storditrappola Trampa Rotatoria 빙글빙글 스위치
Trip Trap ころびスイッチRBTDS
Croche-Piège Stolper-Falle Inciampotrappola Trampa Tropezón 데굴데굴 스위치
Selfdestruct Trap じばくスイッチ Piège Voltomine Spreng-Falle Scoppiotrappola Trampa Autodestr. 자폭 스위치
Blast Trap ばくはのワナ Piège Explosif Spreng-Falle Scoppiotrappola Trampa Explosiva
Poison Trap どくばりスイッチRBTDS
Piège Poison Gift-Falle Velenotrappola Trampa Venenosa 독침B
독침 스위치TD
Gust Trap とっぷうスイッチRBTDS
Piège Ventilo Wind-Falle Rafficotrappola Trampa Tornado 날려버리기함정B
돌풍 스위치TD
Mud Trap どろスイッチRBTDS
Piège Boue Matsch-Falle Fangotrappola Trampa Lodo 진흙 스위치
Slumber Trap バクスイッチRBTDS
Piège Soporifique Traum-Falle Sonnotrappola Trampa Somnífera 수면 가스 스위치B
잠들기 스위치TD
Explosion Trap ばくはスイッチ Piège Électromine Bomben-Falle Boomtrappola Trampa Explosiva 대폭발 스위치B
폭파 스위치TD
Big Blast Trap だいばくはのワナ Piège Très Explosif Bomben-Falle Megascoppiotrappola Trampa Destructiva
Grimy Trap ベトベタスイッチRBTDS*
Piège TadmorvRBTDS*
Piège MorveuxGtISMD
Sleim-Falle Grimertrappola Trampa PestilenteRBTDS
Trampa ApestosaGtISMD
오물 스위치B
질퍽 스위치TD*
Apple Trap リンゴのワナ Piège Pomme Apfel-Falle Melatrappola Trampa Manzana
Hunger Trap はらへりのワナ Piège Faim Hunger-Falle Fametrappola Trampa Hambre
Seal Trap ふういんスイッチRBTDS
Piège Verrou Siegel-Falle Sigillotrappola Trampa Sellante 봉인 스위치
Pokémon Trap ポケモンスイッチRBTDS
Piège Pokémon Pokémon-Falle Pokétrappola Trampa Nido 포켓몬 스위치
Slow Trap ヤドンスイッチRBTDS
Piège RamolossRBTDS*
Piège LenteurGtISMD
Lahm-Falle Rallentotrappola Trampa Ralentí 야돈 스위치
Random Trap ゆびふりスイッチS
Piège Aléa Zufalls-Falle Casotrappola Trampa Azar
Summon Trap よびよせスイッチRBTDS
Piège Appeau Sammel-Falle Attirotrappola Trampa Aromática 소환트랩B
불러내기 스위치TD
Warp Trap ワープスイッチRBTDS
Télépiège Warp-Falle Teletrappola Teletrampa 워프 스위치
PP Leech TrapGtISMD
Piège PP-Zéro AP-Minus-FalleRBTDS
Trappola Zero PP Trampa Anula-PPRBTDS
Trampa Resta-PPGtISMD
기술줄임 함정
Stealth Rock ステルスロック Piège de Roc Tarnsteine Levitoroccia Trampa Rocas
Toxic Spikes どくびし Pics Toxik Giftspitzen Fielepunte Púas Tóxicas
Spiked TileRBTDS
まきびし Piège PicotsRBTDS
Stachel-Feld MattopunteRBTDS
Baldosa PúasRBTDS
Emera-Crush Trap ラピスけしのワナ Piège Anti-Éphélite Sipalschwund-Falle Trappola Eliminalitos Trampa Robairistales
Emera-Swap Trap ラピスがえのワナ Piège Changeur d'Éphélite Sipalwechsel-Falle Trappola Scambialitos Trampa Cambiairistales
Discord Trap こじらせのワナ Piège Discorde Hinderungs-Falle Intoppotrappola Trampa Desavenencia

Special tiles in the Pokémon games
Cave tileHoleIce tileLedgeMarsh tilePuddleSand tileSnow tile
Spin tileSoft soilTall grassTrapWarp tileWater tile
Dungeon tile
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