This user identifies as male.
About Me
This user uses Eastern Standard Time, which is UTC-5.
During the northern Hemisphere summer, daylight saving time is in effect, which is UTC-4.
This user's favorite color is blue.
When a man and woman love each other very much...
I've been a fan since Gen I, but near the end of Gen II, I lost interest. After seeing Beautifly, I figured Nintendo had run out of original ideas, so I skipped Ruby and Sapphire, but the remakes of Gen I brought me back. Thanks to FireRed and LeafGreen, I also invested a little time checking out Gen III Pokemon, and came to the realization, that some of them were actually pretty original. As for Gen IV, well, I wasn't going to jump in, but after a friend of mine did first, I decided, why not? That and Magnezone...I couldn't resist Magnezone...ok, and Wi-Fi.
Honestly, the best part of the game is battling right? Beating my friends gets old fast. These days, I'm the Template:Type2 gym leader and admin at The IPGL as well as an admin here at the wiki. I love battling, and I welcome any challenge, so, bring it on.
Interesting Stuff
Meanwhile, there's a less friendly sub-page sitting way down below...
To Do list
Excerpts from random conversations. Flawless logic? Or outright stupidity?
The dark lord trombonator
Trom: Well well well. If it isn't MAGNEDETH.
DETH: where? that bastard owes me money
Trom: He's on the other internet. Let me get him for you.
Trom: *smash*
Trom: *pow*
Trom: *crash*
Trom: He is now subdued.
DETH: has gone offline **
Trom: Another victory for the dark lord :D
DETH: has escaped your clutches **
Trom: WHAT? NO!
DETH: set your house on fire **
Trom: crap, i'm in my house.
DETH: has come online **
DETH: there we go, i stuck that bastard in a burning house
Trom: you idiot, that was my house
Trom: After all we've been through!
DETH: well what the hell was i doing in your house?
Trom: That wasn't meant to show up again.
DETH: well then kill it
Trom: Oh, it's coz the window closed itself.
Trom: Or rather, I Ctrl+Wed it.
DETH: wheres the Wednesday button?
Trom: In between Tuesday and Thursday.
Trom: It turns everything a nice shade of green.
Trom: I think Wednesday is a green day.
Trom: (Thursday is orange)
DETH: so if it turned everything green, why did it close the window?
Trom: Because we didn't want the green getting inside.
DETH: Geo?
Trom: Precisely.
DETH: that green bastard
Trom: He gets a lot of places where he's not wanted.
DETH: well, maybe people should stop giving them to him
Trom: We try. It's all take-take-take with Mister Derako.
DETH: hes a crafty green fellow.
DETH: never know what hes up to
DETH: how did we go from an away message to discussing Geo being green and his apparent theivery of anything and everything
Trom: That's how crafty he is.
Maverick Nate
DETH: nifty
Maverick Nate: tubular!
DETH: radical!
Mav: Way out!
DETH: far out!
Mav: Extreme!
DETH: excellent!
Mav: Fantastic!
DETH: totally!
Mav: Hi-Larious!
DETH: Reaganomics!
electAbuzz: You guys have a very strange country, you know?
DETH: very
Buzz: *sigh* Colombus and his silly ideas.
DETH: well, i guess it all started with the crazy Spaniards. and thanks to them with help from the English, theyve created a monster.
Buzz: and yet you'll probably never consider living elsewhere.
DETH: when you get accustomed to it, its hard to leave.
DETH: well, a guess accustomed is the wrong word.
DETH: surely, i could get accustomed to living anywhere, be it England, Japan, Israel, Australia, or even somewhere as disgusting as Canada.
DETH: but when you grow to LIKE where you live, surely, theres no reason to leave.
Buzz: xD what is it with you guys and Canada?
DETH: its a love/hate relationship. we love to hate them.
DETH: we can dance.
DETH: we can dance.
Glinn: Everything's out of control.
DETH: we can dance.
DETH: we can dance.
Glinn: Doing it from pole to pole.
DETH: we can dance.
DETH: we can dance.
Glinn: Everybody look at your hands.
DETH: we can dance.
DETH: we can dance.
Glinn: Everybody take the chance.
DETH: DAAAAAaaaaannnnnnccccceeeee.
Glinn: Do the Safety Dance.
DETH: all my systems work, whats your excuse?
Glinn: Hammertime.
DETH: good answer
DETH: i was sort expecting you to smile and give me a Vegemite sandwich
Glinn: I had a slack jaw, not much to say.
DETH: are you trying to tempt me?
Glinn: Because I come from the land of plenty?
DETH: so you come from a land down under?
Glinn: Where woman glow and men plunder (damn convicts!)
DETH: cant you hear? cant you hear the thunder?
Glinn: You better run, you better take cover...
Glinn: Well, let's just say everyone that's annoying never existed, we would never know what annoying people are like, hence not knowing what annoying is.
DETH: would that be a bad thing?
Glinn: We wouldn't know!
DETH: given the fact humans have different personalities, and different variations on "annoying" itd be literally impossible for it to not exist.
Glinn: Is that a good thing?
DETH: we wouldn't know!
Glinn: Exactly.
Glinn: Wait, what?
...and this my friends, is how we get things done.
...but not like that. (see more at Explosm.net)
Different Nifty
This picture was made by Tina☆♫. HOWEVER. That doesn't mean you can go bug her to make YOU one...
This picture was made by me!!
....I don't think I need to worry about people bothering me.....
My teams follow a simple pattern.
- Starter
- Flyer
- Magnemite
- Surfer
- Earthquake-er
- HM slave/Powerhouse
Certain Pokémon get placed in the same position. However, Flygon on my Sapphire team is a good example of how this isn't always the case. I don't know why or how I started doing things this way, but, it's nice to be organized. It should be noted though that this doesn't mean I'm going to send the same Pokémon out first every time if you battle me online.
Gen I
Back in the day when legendaries we're the only way to go and if you didn't have a Mewtwo, you were a nobody. I had an Articuno (named "Icy") which was mostly for Flying, but, also good for beating Lance. Megamite is a Level 100 Magnemite, and the rest are what you'd expect.
Level 255
Thanks to the Missingno. glitch, You can get one hell of a team by trading with friends.
THIS GAME HAS BEEN LOST. I started with Squirtle.
Gen II
With the introduction of a new generation, we got the opportunity to play with 100 new species of Pokémon. Buuut, I was a naive young boy who still insisted on using legendaries...however, I did move up to a Magneton. Ho-oh had Fly and T-tar was pretty crappy. But he was cool looking.
This game was lost for the longest time, but I found it as of February 15th. But, sitting under the dresser for a few years hasn't done it any favors. So I restarted it! You wouldn't think restarting and playing an ancient Pokémon game would be fun, but, it seems to have really shown me how good these older games were.
Aerodactyl and Horsea were traded in, and Heracross kinda-sorta has a hacked moveset.
This is actually the second team, as this game was restarted. The first time around was pretty bad, but I made sure I knew the score this time around. I planned the team ahead of time, and then left a spot open for a hacked Crawdaunt knowing 4 HMs.
Like above, this is the second team. This was my first Pokémon game since Silver, three years prior. I knew nothing about natures and EVs, so, it was a mess. Second time around, I hacked a Scyther with Fly and a Kingler with any other HM I needed. It didn't dawn on me until after I trained Scyther that there was actually a good Flying-type in Gen I. Dodrio. Oh Well. The others are legit.
A friend of mine has been shipped off to Iraq. Godspeed to him. He gave me his Emerald. Team to come.
TEMP TEAM - will beat the game, harvest legendaries, and then re-start.
Hoenn sucks in terms of Pokemon choice. I milked it for all it was worth with my Sapphire team, but when I was given an Emerald, I had to quick think of a team to fill it in. None of the Gen III Pokemon flow well enough with Swampert to make a good team of them. Granted, that's a giant opinion. So to respond to this, I used my XD team (except Vaporeon) because they never got to see a real RPG. Houndour will have to be hacked in, but, that doesn't bother me because he will be unfortunately missing out on my GSDS team. This team utilizes two Water-types for two reasons. First, Swampert can't effectively use Water-type attacks, and secondly, there's too damn many Water-type HMs in Gen III. The whole team can be seen as a sort of Glass Cannon. Dodrio, Houndoom, and Breloom all lack serious defense, and in the case of Breloom, pack some nasty weaknesses. Magneton and Starmie aren't exactly sponges either. But, in any case, it should prove fun.
TEMP TEAM - Game is slated for restart.
Gen IV
This is my team for used in the story. Beating gyms, E4, etc. I have rarely used it in battles against anyone. Magnemite and Porygon had to be traded over because they aren't in the Sinnoh Dex. I don't really like any of the Sinnoh starters (Torterra is cool, but, I'd never use him) but I chose Infernape simply because it was useful and fit into the team. However, thanks to that annoying monkey sound, I almost replaced him. Very annoying. Magnezone and Garchomp are used in other teams and Porygon-Z does see occasional online use.
Being that I'm not a "third version" sort of person, so, Pt isn't a super by-the-books affair. I don't like any of the of the Gen IV starters outside of Torterra, but, he just didn't fit well into this team. So I chose Piplup because Empoleon is a great HM whore. Vaporeon takes the place as my "starter", Gliscor pulls double duty as the Flyer and Quaker, Zone is Zone, Gallade shows up to kick some ass, and Houndoom gets a spot as a solid Fire-type, because he didn't get enough exposure in any other team I have.
For the record, HGSS are awesome. Yea, there's some stuff here and there that could be better, or maybe some stuff that was removed from the originals that shouldn't have been removed, but it's still awesome. Started with Totodile, just like my old Silver, and with the Phys/Spec split, he's even more awesome than ever. I wanted to try some "new" guys, so I finally decided to try a Crobat, and surprisingly, training a horrible little Zubat was actually pretty fun, and Crobat is proving very useful. Swinub was quite a challenge, but all in all, Mamoswine is strong enough to make you forget. Hitmonlee is also proving very useful. Meanwhile, Houndoom in Johto? Feels good. Magneton can't evolve? not a problem.
- Typhlosion - HOTBLOODED (i cant wait to team up with Ty again)
- Gliscor - XLISCOR (gonna have to hack Fly on, again.)
- Magneton - MAGNEDETH
- Kingdra - BARNEGET (a true Gen II can't be turned down.)
- Weavile - THE CLAW (hell, Sneasel works just as well.)
- Heracross - ROADHOUSE (took me forever to think of a name for him, but, this could work well.)
Titanium Gym
Battle this team HERE.
Favorite Pokémon
Gen I
Original sprite
Current sprite
No real story here, it was my Blue starter, liked him since.
Yea, but, I haven't used him much. Poison is a slightly useless type.
He's just awesome. You got him early and could use him late. That, and just look at him, look! Oh wait, you can't, because he will kill you if you make eye contact.
Of course! He isn't as useful as he was, and he's Poison, but, who cares? Nidoking rocks!
I never realized how much i liked him until Gen III because I started with Blue, and, he wasn't in it. Besides, big giant puppy! It's like a way less stupid Clifford!
Yea...but...is Fire Fang the best they can give us? (I don't like recoil moves). But, he is a giant puppy, and that's awesome.
It started with the sound...
...and escalated with the look...
...then they combined...
...and became a national terror...
Giant Crab. Giant claws. Another beast...and it walks sideways! Weeee!! If it weren't for that pathetic Special Defense...
THANK YOU GEN IV SPLIT!! As soon as I heard of the physical/special split, Kingler was #1 on my mind. Who wants some? My Kingler is ready to rock!
HE'S A WALKING GUILLOTINE!! If he were real, I bet he would murder people for fun.
Oh yes. Thanks to Gen IV, he explodes out of the gate thanks to X-Scissor, and can commence a serious beat down.
A true Gen I beast. We were too young to care about stats, he just looked awesome. But heck, he had the stats anyway.
Well, he did, in Gen I, but, the split ruined him. He became a powerhouse without a STAB. Of course, Gen IV changed that, so, now, he's been promoted to the gym team.
The sound it makes was the real attention grabber, its awesome! Then appearance for another of course, the unrounded edges. And finally, the sheer hilarity of it all.
Oh yes, especially given we get Porygon-Z in the end. That and, how could you NOT like Porygon?? Oh wait...
It's not so much him as it is that I have a bunch of Lv.147s...
To be honest, not really. It's hard to like him when hes playing for the other team (tanks). The original appeal to me was Lv.147. But hey, he is fat and lazy, and that's funny.
Oh come on, not like you didn't see this coming. As a Gen I guy myself, he was the bees knees. Destroyed everything.
More legendaries have come, but still, to me anyway, Mewtwo is right there with all of them. Even Arceus.
Gen II
Original sprite
Current sprite
Another awesome Pokemon given to you for free, and he doesn't have that nasty Template:Type2 to bother him with extra weakness.
Thanks to him only being seriously available in G/S/C, I've found him to be a "want what you can't have" and that makes me like him more. Didn't wear out his welcome.
No particular reason, he looks cool and he sounds cool.
Meh. He has stayed the same. Looks cool, I still like his cry, but don't have much use for him.
SHEEP!!! It's a sheep, AND a Pokémon!! Him and Mareep, the look, the sound, just hilarious.
On a strict novelty only basis, oh yes. He is still a sheep, and he still sounds hilarious. But, when he evolves, it's all over.
I don't know why. They are so weird and funny, if only they were useful.
Yea, but, again, not useful. Maybe they need an evo of some sort..
It's a pine cone, AND a Pokémon!! WHAT A HILARIOUS CONCEPT!! Seriously, Pineco is awesome.
Of course. I won't use one, nor its evo, Forretress, but, that doesn't mean I can't like them!
Being the intro for Steel, Nintendo needed a good first show, and here he is. Looks awesome, sounds awesome, and is way better than Onix.
He will wall the hell out of physical attacks, but, he's not overly useful otherwise. But, he still looks and sounds good.
Another crazy new Steel-type, and they pulled it off. Excellent stats (except Speed) but hey, if he did have more Speed, he would be unstoppable.
I always wanted to use one, but, thanks to a lack of good movepool, I couldn't. Whats this? Iron Head? X-Scissor? A Steel-type gym leader position? FATE.
Another Gen II type intro. This time, the Dark intro, and he fits the bill easily. Hellgar.
I never had a use for him, but, I've forced him into a few teams, he's too awesome to ignore.
All my friends were still playing with Dragonite, but when I stumbled upon a Larvitar, I knew it was bound for greatness. Rock Slide to your Dragonite! And even a Crunch for Mewtwo!
Yes, but, with the resurgence of Template:Type2, more notably, special fighters like Lucario, he is in danger. But who cares?? He's awesome!
Original sprite
Current sprite
Unique type combo (at the time) and great stats. It's also the most useful Template:Type2 in Hoenn (well, that may be a matter of opinion). Flaming kick to the face. BAM!!
Oh sure. Infernape tried to dethrone, but failed (in my opinion anyway) so, Blaziken continues to work his magic.
No, not like that, this is merely battle wise. She is like an Alakazam only, with Defense.
On the downside, shes a Template:Type2, and I'm not a big fan of them...but, she can still kick some tail (just don't search the net for pics of her, trust me...).
The fact he evolves from a pod-like blob of grass is great. Then you've got his immense Attack and you win!
Oh yes. I've forced him into my Gen III teams, and even made a Gen IV battler out of him.
It's an ant with a huge head! HILARIOUS!!! And while its slow as molasses, its got a heck of a bite.
It is what it is, and it evolves into Vibrava who is pretty cool, but, not as cool as its final stage...
A big, friendly killer. What's not to like? Very straightforward stats, and while im not a fan of Dragons, he's still great.
Doesn't exactly compete with Garchomp but, Flygon is still awesome. a great quaker in Gen III.
Powerful and extremely underrated. Most fossil Pokémon struggle to be overly useful, but, Armaldo shows them whats what.
Unfortunately, his awful Speed holds him back some, but, it doesn't mean I can't like him.
A useful Water/Ice-type. Really came in handy in Gen III as a better-than-most Water-type. Anyone for B-Ball?
He's too slow and has a limited movepool to be seriously used competitively, but, in single play, he's still good.
I know a lot of people like him, but, whats not to like? Massively powerful, few weaknesses, and he just looks awesome.
As a Template:Type2 leader, he has a permanent place on my team. I can't think of one reason to get rid of him. I even use him in my non-gym team sometimes.
I'm not much of a legendary guy, but he's awesome. Deadly stats, looks awesome, sounds awesome, whats not to like?
The sub-par defenses (compared to other legends) I suppose, but, who cares? Kill! Maim! Destroy!
Gen IV
Original sprite
Current sprite
He's got a tree on his back, that's hilarious!!
Meh, I don't generally use Template:Type2s, and he is no exception. He is also immensely slow (as he should be, being a turtle), but, like Pineco, I still like him regardless.
Finally, a regional bird thats useful! Seriously, we haven't had a good early bird since Pidgeot, and even so, Pidgeot mildly sucks.
Of course, being regional, it's hard to use him anywhere else, but, I'm sure I'll find a way.
If you're surprised, then go away. I quite like the Template:Type2 so, it's really a no-brainer.
Actually, it is, as I really don't like the Template:Type2, but Garchomp tears down that wall of hate, and tell me to like him or die, so, you know..
Now this guy can hurt, and he is hard to hurt. That is how you use a Template:Type2.
Well, it may cover most of his weaknesses, it doesn't cover the fact Poison is sort of useless. But, this guy still rocks.
...and after all those years, he's back, deadlier than ever.
Some people ask me if I'm happy with this new Mag-lution. How do i respond to that? Seriously?
An evolution of Yanma? Why should I care? Oh right, the usefulness, and awesomeness.
I initially trained Yanmega just to see whats what, I never realized I'd like him so much to keep him around. Nintendo did it, they finally made Template:Type2s useful!
Gligar was the first with the awesomely unique Ground/Flying combo, but he was useless, and then Gliscor shows up and wins.
While he doesn't hit as hard as some other Ground-types and his STABs are entirely TM based, he's still good enough to be a type outliner on my gym team, so, there ya go.
Porygon is cooler, but Z has so much Special Attack, he could spare some for the poor. But he won't, he'll just destroy you.
Of course. It's a zany computer glitch thing that decimates everything it meets! Still doesn't have the charm of Porygon, but at least he is genuinely usable.
I bet, if Pokémon were real, he would run into a party, cut all the girls' dresses off, destroy the furniture, and then take all the beer with him as he leaves. Awesome.
Oh yes. He takes the properties of Medicham, makes them less stupid, and here he is, ready to destroy.
What is he? I'm not sure, but I can tell you that he's big, he's ugly, and downright devastating.
Again, I'm not a legendary guy, so, I haven't used him much, but, doesn't mean I can't appreciate his awesomeness form afar.
If you enjoyed all of that, they why not check out my least favorite Pokémon? -- MAGNEDETH