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{{Ash}} and {{ashcl}} are at the [[Aina's Kitchen]] owned by {{an|Mallow}}'s father [[Abe]]. Ash, {{an|Kiawe}}, {{an|Mallow}}, {{an|Sophocles}}, {{an|Lana}} and {{an|Lillie}} are sat at a table looking forward to eating.
{{Ash}} and {{ashcl}} are at the [[Aina's Kitchen]] owned by {{an|Mallow}}'s father [[Abe]]. Ash, {{an|Kiawe}}, {{an|Mallow}}, {{an|Sophocles}}, {{an|Lana}} and {{an|Lillie}} are sat at a table looking forward to eating when Mallow joins them who thanks them for coming over to sample food from their brand new menu. Kiawe asks if it is ready yet but Mallow tells him to calm down as Sophocles tummy rumbles from having skipped lunch as the others laugh. {{TP|Mallow|Bounsweet}} is helping out and brings Ash a glass of water which Lillie calls sweet as Bounsweet lets of its {{m|Sweet Scent}} which attracts {{AP|Rowlet}} who is sleeping. Rowlet flies over to Bounsweet but Bounsweet sends Rowlet flying as Ash tells Rowlet that Bounsweet is working so should stay out of the way. Sophocles smells something good which makes Lana to think Bounsweet's Sweet Scent affected him as well which Sophocles denies as they all smell food from the kitchen. {{AP|Pikachu}} follows the smell into the kitchen where Mallow picks him up and asks him to help her out. Everyone is still in the cafe waiting for their food when Pikachu lets off a {{m|Thunderbolt}} leaving Ash to wonder what is going on in the kitchen. As the Thunderbolt subsides, a burnt Mallow exits the kitchen leaving Lillie and Lana worried but Mallow says she is fine as she presents their food which is her legendary Alolan Stew. As she puts their bowls of stew on the table, Kiawe notices it looks a bit burnt as Mallow presents a bowl of food to Pikachu, Rowlet, {{TP|Ash|Rockruff}}, {{TP|Lana|Popplio}}, {{TP|Sophocles|Togedemaru}} and [[Snowy]]. They all take a bite of their food only to feel the effect's of Pikachu's Thunderbolt. Mallow asks if they liked it as the kick at the end makes them want to eat more and the bold and tingly after taste is what makes the Alolan Stew legendary and Mallow explains she used a pinch of Thunderbolt but may have used a bigger pinch. As Lillie asks what is in the Alolan Stew, Mallow's father Abe comes in and Lana asks him why it is legendary, Abe explains that it was served long ago whenever there were festivals or ceremonies but over the ages, the recipe had been forgotten. Lillie asks Mallow how she got the recipe if it had been forgotten and she shows them a cookbook that [[Mallow's brother|her brother]] sent to her. Lana remembers that he went on a journey to learn about cooking which Mallow confirms and the recipe was in an old manuscript that he had found whilst travelling and made a copy for her. Mallow says the magic ingredient is {{DL|Nectar|Yellow Nectar}} which leaves a real shocking after taste. Lillie has heard of it but says they can't get any as it is out of season which Mallow explains is why she used Thunderbolt as a substitute. As Kiawe says that makes no sense at all, Mallow says she wanted to perfect it and make it the signature dish at Aina's Kitchen and tells Bounsweet they should keep trying until they perfect it as Sophocles finishes his bowl and asks for more having enjoyed it. The others are surprised as Abe offers to cook something up and it will be on the house so he can live up to his reputation.
{{TP|Mallow|Bounsweet}} is helping out and brings Ash a glass of water. A smell comes through from the kitchen which {{AP|Pikachu}} follows. Mallow picks him up and asks him to help her out. Everyone is still in the cafe waiting for their food when Pikachu lets off a {{m|Thunderbolt}} leaving Ash to wonder what is going on in the kitchen. Soon a burnt Mallow exits the kitchen and presents their food which is her legendary Alolan Stew. As she puts their bowls of stew on the table, Kiawe notices it looks a bit burnt.

After eating, everyone but Ash and Mallow leave and thank Abe for the food, Mallow goes backs inside as Rowlet is still infatuated with Bounsweet but Bounsweet sends Rowlet flying into a fan. Mallow thanks Ash for today as Ash asks what Lillie meant by Yellow Nectar not being in season. Abe explains that Yellow Nectar can only be found at a certain time during the year with one exception. Mallow is surprised by this as Abe is certain that is what Grandpa said leaving Mallow annoyed at his not being clear enough. Ash decides that they should go and look for it tomorrow and he'll help her out as he is keen to try the legendary Alolan Stew for real. At {{an|Bewear}}'s den, {{TRT}} have finished building their new base as they recite their motto in delight before deciding to leave any action for tomorrow as they are tired. The next day in the forest, Ash asks Mallow where they start looking, Mallow checks he is OK with this as her father wasn't clear with his explanation and they could be walking all day and find nothing but {{Rotom}} says to leave it to him as he begins a search for Yellow Nectar and brings up an image of a {{DL|List of Pokémon with form differences|Oricorio|Pom-Pom Style}} {{p|Oricorio}} and explains that Yellow Nectar is Oricorio's favorite so they should find a Oricorio and follow it but predicts their chances of finding one is at 8% but Ash and Mallow decide to take the chance. The search begins with Ash lifting Mallow up to a tree to look for an Oricorio but she doesn't find one. Rowlet returns to its old nest to ask {{DL|Recurring wild Pokémon in the anime|Pikipek}}, {{DL|Recurring wild Pokémon in the anime|Trumbeak}} and {{DL|Recurring wild Pokémon in the anime|Toucannon}} with no success as they go inside a cave as Mallow comes across a {{p|Golbat}} and is startled and they run out. Outside the cave, Ash and Mallow recover from their encounter with the Golbat as Rotom notes that their chances of finding Oricorio are even smaller but Mallow is determined not to give up and make the stew the restaurant's signature dish as Ash asks why it is important in the first place as the menu is full of tasty stuff and Mallow explains her dream is to make the Aina's Kitchen the number one restaurant in Alola which Ash says is a big dream and Mallow explains that a signature dish would attract more customers and she wants more people to sample her father's cooking and tells Ash that once she perfects it, he can be the first to try it and Ash vows to find the Yellow Nectar. Team Rocket have overheard their conversation as [[James]] calls it a big dream and they change their plans to steal the Yellow Nectar themselves and sell it for lots of money.
Mallow gives all their Pokémon a bowl of food. They all take a bite of their food only to feel the effect's of Pikachu's Thunderbolt. Mallow asks if they liked it before explaining that she used a pinch of Thunderbolt but may have used a bigger pinch. Mallow's father Abe comes in and Lana asks him why it is legendary. Abe explains its history but sadly, the recipe had been forgotten. Lillie asks Mallow how she got the recipe if it had been forgotten and she shows them a cookbook that [[Mallow's brother|her brother]] sent to her. Her brother went on a journey to learn about cooking and found the recipe was in an old manuscript and made a copy for her. Mallow says the magic ingredient is {{DL|Nectar|Yellow Nectar}} which leaves a real shocking after taste. It is currently out of season which Mallow explains is why she used Thunderbolt as a substitute. Mallow wanted to perfect it and make it the signature dish at Aina's Kitchen and tells Bounsweet they should keep trying until they perfect it. Abe offers to cook something up and it will be on the house so he can live up to his reputation.

As Ash and Mallow go to leave, Bounsweet unleashes is Sweet Scent which attracts Rowlet only to be send flying as Mallow wonders if they are actually get along as Ash comes up with an idea to find Oricorio as it is also a {{type|flying}} so they can use Bounsweeet's Sweet Scent as it might attract Oricorio to come after Bounsweet like Rowlet. With Bounsweet on top of a large rock, Mallow tells Bounsweet to unleash its Sweet Scent as Pikachu prevents Rowlet from flying to Bounsweet, numerous flying types are attracted including {{p|Murkrow}}, {{p|Wingull}}, {{p|Pelipper}}, {{p|Butterfree}}, {{p|Ledyba}} and {{p|Pikipek}} but there is no sign of Oricorio as Rowlet ends up being swallowed up by the Pelipper just as Rotom spots an Oricorio land on the rock. The Pokémon soon fly off as Ash and Mallow set off after Oricorio and they soon struggle to keep up and Bounsweet manages to bring Oricorio back with its Sweet Scent but soon Oricorio flies off again and they continue to chase it with Bounsweet repeatedly bringing Oricorio closer so they can keep following it. They soon become tired with their running as Bounsweet falls, weakened from repeatedly using Sweet Scent. Ash and Mallow thank Bounsweet for trying and continue on their own and Oricorio flies through a cave along the river and they follow it before emerging into a meadow where they spot Oricorio near the flowers and see the Yellow Nectar as a Baile Style Oricorio arrives and drinks the nectar, changing into Pom-Pom Style which amazes Ash as Rotom explains that if Oricorio drinks a certain nectar, it can change its form. As Ash and Mallow run forward, they are captured in a net along with Pikachu and Rowlet whilst Bounsweet manages to escape as Team Rocket say their motto and announce their intentions to steal the yellow nectar.
After eating, the others head home as Mallow thanks Ash for coming. Abe explains that Yellow Nectar can only be found at a certain time during the year with one exception. Abe isn't certain that is what Grandpa said leaving Mallow annoyed. Ash suggests that they go and look forand he'll help her out. At {{an|Bewear}}'s den, {{TRT}} have finished building their new base as they recite their motto in delight. They decide to leave any action for tomorrow. The next day in the forest, Ash asks Mallow where they start looking, Mallow checks he is OK with this as her father wasn't clear with his explanation and they could be walking all day and find nothing. {{Rotom}} says to leave it to him as he begins a search for Yellow Nectar and brings up an image of a {{DL|List of Pokémon with form differences|Oricorio|Pom-Pom Style}} {{p|Oricorio}} and Yellow Nectar is Oricorio's favorite so they should find a Oricorio and follow it but predicts their chances of finding one is at 8% but Ash and Mallow decide to take the chance.

Meowth reveals a vacuum and using a jetpack, begins to suck up all the Yellow Nectar as Ash and Mallow try to get free of the net as Bounsweet tries to stop Jessie and James, it is picked up by James who throws it away which causes Bounsweet to land near where Meowth is who becomes attracted to Bounsweet when it releases its Sweet Scent but Jessie and James tell him to remain focused as Meowth says that he was messing with their heads which causes Bounsweet to become furious as it jumps up into the air and starts to [[evolve]] into {{p|Steenee}}, much to everyone's surprise as it attacks Meowth with {{m|Double Slap}} whilst Rotom provides data on Steenee before freeing Ash and Mallow from the net with {{m|Magical Leaf}}. As Team Rocket comment on their success starting to lack, Ash orders Rowlet to use {{m|Peck}} which destroys Meowth's machine, releasing the Yellow Nectar and sending him flying to Jessie and James as Mallow has Steenee attack them with Double Slap which it does, causing Team Rocket to collapse. As Team Rocket start to retreat, Ash isn't letting them get away and has Pikachu use Thunderbolt on them which it does, only for Bewear to appear and shield them from the attack before taking them back to its den. Once they're gone, Mallow starts collecting the Yellow Nectar.
The search begins with no luck, {{AP|Rowlet}} visits its old nest to ask {{DL|Recurring wild Pokémon in the anime|Toucannon}} with no success. As time passes, Rotom notes that their chances of finding Oricorio are even smaller but Mallow is determined not to give up and explains her dream is to make the Aina's Kitchen the number one restaurant in Alola. Team Rocket have overheard their conversation as [[James]] calls it a big dream and they change their plans to steal the Yellow Nectar themselves and sell it for lots of money. Bounsweet unleashes is {{m|Sweet Scent}} which attracts Rowlet gives Ash an idea. He says they can use Bounsweeet's Sweet Scent as it might attract Oricorio to come after Bounsweet like Rowlet. With Bounsweet on top of a large rock, Bounsweet unleashes its Sweet Scent, numerous flying types are attracted and soon an Oricorio lands on the rock. Ash and Mallow set off after Oricorio and and follow Oricorio as it flies through a cave.

Back at the Aina's Kitchen, Mallow and Steenee present the legendary Alolan Stew to her friends as Lillie notes that Steenee is having more fun helping out now that it has evolved as Mallow tells her friends to dig in. They all take a bite as Mallow and Steenee wait to hear what their reactions will be and they all say that it is delicious and start to eat all of it and soon ask for seconds as Kiawe notes that it is a big difference from before though Sophocles thought the other was good as well, Mallow thanks them for their compliments and thanks Ash, Rotom, Rowlet and Steenee for helping to track down the Yellow Nectar and tells Steenee that she is depending on it as it is the best as Sophocles tummy rumbles as Sophocles says that it is sad that they won't be able to try the legendary Alolan Stew again as Mallow explains it isn't easy to get Yellow Nectar when it isn't in season but not to worry as it will be on the menu as their seasonal dish but her goal hasn't changed at all and will have a lot of menu tastings for them to look forward to as Steenee releases its Sweet Scent once more causing Rowlet to become infatuated but is seen off by Steenee without Steenee realizing what it did.
The emerge into a meadow where they spot Oricorio near the flowers and see the Yellow Nectar as a Baile Style Oricorio arrives and drinks the nectar, changing into Pom-Pom Style. Rotom explains that if Oricorio drinks a certain nectar, it can change its form. Ash and Mallow run forward, only to be captured in a net along with Pikachu and Rowlet. Team Rocket say their motto and announce their intentions to steal the yellow nectar. Meowth reveals a vacuum and using a jet pack, begins to suck up all the Yellow Nectar. Bounsweet tries to stop Jessie and James, but James throws it away which causes Bounsweet. Meowth becomes attracted to Bounsweet when it releases its Sweet Scent. Bounsweet becomes furious and jumps into the air and [[evolves]] into {{p|Steenee}}. Steenee attacks Meowth before freeing Ash and Mallow from the net. Ash has Rowlet destroy Meowth's machine which releases the Yellow Nectar. Steenee continues to attack Team Rocket but as they start to retreat, Ash isn't letting them get away. Pikachu goes to attack them, only for Bewear to appear and shield them from the attack before taking them back to its den. Once they're gone, Mallow starts collecting the Yellow Nectar.
Back at the Aina's Kitchen, Mallow and Steenee present the legendary Alolan Stew to her friends. Mallow tells her friends to dig in. They all take a bite and find it delicious and asks for more as they notes that it is a big difference from before. Mallow thanks them for their compliments and thanks Ash, Rotom, Rowlet and Steenee for helping to track down the Yellow Nectar. Mallow explains it isn't easy to get Yellow Nectar when it isn't in season but not to worry as it will be on the menu as their seasonal dish.

==Major events==
==Major events==

Revision as of 19:44, 24 February 2018

SM017 : Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
Sun & Moon series
SM019 : A Guardian Rematch!
A Seasoned Search!
SM018   EP957
Really!? Mao's Great Cooking Operation!
First broadcast
Japan March 16, 2017
United States July 1, 2017
English themes
Opening Under The Alolan Sun
Japanese themes
Opening アローラ!!
Ending ポーズ
Animation Team Kato
Screenplay 関根アユミ Ayumi Sekine
Storyboard 尼野浩正 Hiromasa Amano
Assistant director 大和田淳 Jun Ōwada
Animation director 篠原隆 Takashi Shinohara
No additional credits are available at this time.

A Seasoned Search! (Japanese: マジィ!?マオのお料理大作戦! Really!? Mao's Great Cooking Operation!) is the 18th episode of the Sun & Moon series, and the 957th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on March 16, 2017 and in the United States on July 1, 2017, as part of a three-hour special.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash and friends are visiting Mallow’s family restaurant to try her legendary Alolan stew! But the key ingredient is missing, and substituting Pikachu’s Thunderbolt for the rare Yellow Nectar doesn’t work out so well.

So Ash and Mallow go out to find some! The nectar is Oricorio’s favorite food, so Bounsweet lures one in with its Sweet Scent, and it leads them to a hidden meadow. But Team Rocket is waiting to scoop everyone up in a net—everyone except Bounsweet, who evolves into Steenee and sends them blasting off again.

The new recipe is a big hit, and Mallow decides to offer it as a seasonal special!


Ash and his classmates are at the Aina's Kitchen owned by Mallow's father Abe. Ash, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Lana and Lillie are sat at a table looking forward to eating. Bounsweet is helping out and brings Ash a glass of water. A smell comes through from the kitchen which Pikachu follows. Mallow picks him up and asks him to help her out. Everyone is still in the cafe waiting for their food when Pikachu lets off a Thunderbolt leaving Ash to wonder what is going on in the kitchen. Soon a burnt Mallow exits the kitchen and presents their food which is her legendary Alolan Stew. As she puts their bowls of stew on the table, Kiawe notices it looks a bit burnt.

Mallow gives all their Pokémon a bowl of food. They all take a bite of their food only to feel the effect's of Pikachu's Thunderbolt. Mallow asks if they liked it before explaining that she used a pinch of Thunderbolt but may have used a bigger pinch. Mallow's father Abe comes in and Lana asks him why it is legendary. Abe explains its history but sadly, the recipe had been forgotten. Lillie asks Mallow how she got the recipe if it had been forgotten and she shows them a cookbook that her brother sent to her. Her brother went on a journey to learn about cooking and found the recipe was in an old manuscript and made a copy for her. Mallow says the magic ingredient is Yellow Nectar which leaves a real shocking after taste. It is currently out of season which Mallow explains is why she used Thunderbolt as a substitute. Mallow wanted to perfect it and make it the signature dish at Aina's Kitchen and tells Bounsweet they should keep trying until they perfect it. Abe offers to cook something up and it will be on the house so he can live up to his reputation.

After eating, the others head home as Mallow thanks Ash for coming. Abe explains that Yellow Nectar can only be found at a certain time during the year with one exception. Abe isn't certain that is what Grandpa said leaving Mallow annoyed. Ash suggests that they go and look forand he'll help her out. At Bewear's den, Team Rocket have finished building their new base as they recite their motto in delight. They decide to leave any action for tomorrow. The next day in the forest, Ash asks Mallow where they start looking, Mallow checks he is OK with this as her father wasn't clear with his explanation and they could be walking all day and find nothing. Rotom says to leave it to him as he begins a search for Yellow Nectar and brings up an image of a Pom-Pom Style Oricorio and Yellow Nectar is Oricorio's favorite so they should find a Oricorio and follow it but predicts their chances of finding one is at 8% but Ash and Mallow decide to take the chance.

The search begins with no luck, Rowlet visits its old nest to ask Toucannon with no success. As time passes, Rotom notes that their chances of finding Oricorio are even smaller but Mallow is determined not to give up and explains her dream is to make the Aina's Kitchen the number one restaurant in Alola. Team Rocket have overheard their conversation as James calls it a big dream and they change their plans to steal the Yellow Nectar themselves and sell it for lots of money. Bounsweet unleashes is Sweet Scent which attracts Rowlet gives Ash an idea. He says they can use Bounsweeet's Sweet Scent as it might attract Oricorio to come after Bounsweet like Rowlet. With Bounsweet on top of a large rock, Bounsweet unleashes its Sweet Scent, numerous flying types are attracted and soon an Oricorio lands on the rock. Ash and Mallow set off after Oricorio and and follow Oricorio as it flies through a cave.

The emerge into a meadow where they spot Oricorio near the flowers and see the Yellow Nectar as a Baile Style Oricorio arrives and drinks the nectar, changing into Pom-Pom Style. Rotom explains that if Oricorio drinks a certain nectar, it can change its form. Ash and Mallow run forward, only to be captured in a net along with Pikachu and Rowlet. Team Rocket say their motto and announce their intentions to steal the yellow nectar. Meowth reveals a vacuum and using a jet pack, begins to suck up all the Yellow Nectar. Bounsweet tries to stop Jessie and James, but James throws it away which causes Bounsweet. Meowth becomes attracted to Bounsweet when it releases its Sweet Scent. Bounsweet becomes furious and jumps into the air and evolves into Steenee. Steenee attacks Meowth before freeing Ash and Mallow from the net. Ash has Rowlet destroy Meowth's machine which releases the Yellow Nectar. Steenee continues to attack Team Rocket but as they start to retreat, Ash isn't letting them get away. Pikachu goes to attack them, only for Bewear to appear and shield them from the attack before taking them back to its den. Once they're gone, Mallow starts collecting the Yellow Nectar.

Back at the Aina's Kitchen, Mallow and Steenee present the legendary Alolan Stew to her friends. Mallow tells her friends to dig in. They all take a bite and find it delicious and asks for more as they notes that it is a big difference from before. Mallow thanks them for their compliments and thanks Ash, Rotom, Rowlet and Steenee for helping to track down the Yellow Nectar. Mallow explains it isn't easy to get Yellow Nectar when it isn't in season but not to worry as it will be on the menu as their seasonal dish.

Major events

Team Rocket's completed base
For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Dare da?


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Bounsweet



Dub edits

In other languages

SM017 : Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
Sun & Moon series
SM019 : A Guardian Rematch!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.