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In [[Generation II]] games and their [[Generation IV]] remakes, the map found at the [[Pokégear]] is named "Town Map" according to the Guide Gent in [[Cherrygrove City]], some people who call the player through the Pokégear's phone, as well as in the quiz asked in the [[Goldenrod Radio Tower]]. It is named "Pokégear Map" by the character who welcomes the player into [[Kanto]] in {{rt|27|Kanto}}.
In [[Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|Pokémon Gold, Silver]], [[Pokémon Crystal Version|Crystal]], [[Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold, and SoulSilver]], the map found at the [[Pokégear]] is named "Town Map" according to the Guide Gent in [[Cherrygrove City]], some people who call the player through the Pokégear's phone, as well as in the quiz asked in the [[Goldenrod Radio Tower]]. It is named "Pokégear Map" by the character who welcomes the player into [[Kanto]] in {{rt|27|Kanto}}.
In [[Pokémon Sun and Moon|Pokémon Sun, Moon]], [[Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon|Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon]], the detailed map from the [[Rotom Pokédex]] is named "Town Map" according to [[Professor Kukui]].

==In the core series games==
==In the core series games==

Revision as of 22:30, 11 May 2022

Town Map
Town Map
Town Map
Artwork from Pokémon Red and Green
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Key items
Generation III Key items (FRLGE)
Generation IV Key items
Generation V Key items
Generation VI Key items
Generation VII Key items

The Town Map (Japanese: タウンマップ Town Map) is a map device available in most core series Pokémon games. The version usable at the Pokégear is also referred to as Pokégear Map.

It is a Key Item in all Generation I games, FireRed and LeafGreen, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, all Generation V games, and X and Y. There is also a Town Map at the wall in some buildings from Generation I onwards, in Pokémon Centers from Generation III to IV, as well as in gates in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

In some games, the Town Map is available by other means (not as a Key Item):

In some games, there are other kinds of map equipment:


In Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, the map found at the Pokégear is named "Town Map" according to the Guide Gent in Cherrygrove City, some people who call the player through the Pokégear's phone, as well as in the quiz asked in the Goldenrod Radio Tower. It is named "Pokégear Map" by the character who welcomes the player into Kanto in Route 27.

In Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon, the detailed map from the Rotom Pokédex is named "Town Map" according to Professor Kukui.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price


Generation I

In Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, Daisy Oak will give it to the player after the player receives a starter Pokémon and delivers Oak's Parcel to the Professor.

In the Japanese games of this generation, the words "town" and "city" are not used in the Town Map. For instance, Cerulean City is simply displayed as "ハナダ" (Hanada) instead of "ハナダシティ" (Hanada City).

Some places (usually the interior of buildings) are unavailable by default on the Town Map; they don't appear as selectable places even if the player moves the cursor around. However, if the player uses the Town Map while inside any of these places, it appears on the map by default as the current location of the player. If the player moves the cursor around, these places will become unavailable on the map once more until the Town Map is used again. This applies to Sea Cottage, S. S. Anne, Team Rocket Hideout (identified as "Rocket HQ" on the Town Map), Silph Co., Cerulean Cave, Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5-6), and Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7-8). However, if the player uses the Town Map on the first floor of Silph Co., the current place displayed on the map is not Silph Co., but Saffron City.

The Kanto Map in Japanese Generation I games The Kanto Map in international Generation I games

Generation II

In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, the Town Map is available on the Pokégear once the player has acquired the Map Card.

In this generation, the Town Map displayed at the overworld is almost identical to the one displayed in the Pokégear, except for some minor differences. In all versions, the overworld version is taller than the Pokégear version, because the former does not have the same buttons for expansion cards as the latter. In both cases, the squares representing towns and cities in the Town Map depend on the player's gender: orange for a boy, or blue for a girl.

Johto Town Map
(English version,
if the player is a boy)
Kanto Town Map
(English version,
if the player is a boy)
Johto Town Map
(English version,
if the player is a girl)
Kanto Town Map
(English version,
if the player is a girl)
Johto Town Map
(Japanese version,
if the player is a boy)
Kanto Town Map
(Japanese version,
if the player is a boy)
Johto Town Map
(Japanese version,
if the player is a girl)
Kanto Town Map
(Japanese version,
if the player is a girl)

Generation III

In FireRed and LeafGreen, Daisy Oak will give it to the player after the player receives a starter Pokémon and delivers Oak's Parcel to the Professor. If it is not obtained here, then it will be given by Celio at One Island in Generation III.

At first, the map will only display the Kanto region. During Generation III, after the player has ventured into the Sevii Islands, Celio will give them an upgraded map, featuring One, Two, and Three Islands. After entering the Hall of Fame and obtaining the National Pokédex, Celio will upgrade the map to its complete extent, revealing the final four Sevii Islands. The map display can be changed among the four sections (mainland Kanto; One, Two, and Three Island; Four and Five Island and Navel Rock; and Six, Seven, and Birth Island) at will after getting each new map.

Some locations have a guide (Japanese: ガイド guide) that details information on important places. This feature was expanded for every location on the Town Map starting in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.

The Kanto Map in FireRed and LeafGreen
Sevii Island Town Maps
One Island, Two Island, and Three Island Four Island, Navel Rock, and Five Island Seven Island, Six Island, and Birth Island

Generation IV

Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

A new, separate Town Map was introduced in Sinnoh, and serves as a complimentary map application to the Pokétch. The Sinnoh Town Map offers flavor text descriptions of all visited locations in the game, and of all routes, visited or not. However, areas such as Fullmoon Island will not be shown unless the player goes there. It resembles a Nintendo DS.

The Map is obtained in Jubilife City, when visiting the Trainers' School. The player receives it from their rival, Barry, upon giving him the Parcel from his mother.

Interestingly, Platinum's Town Map text data appears to have been taken directly from Diamond and Pearl: this is evidenced by Route 212's description including a reference to the house where shards can be traded for TMs. However, in Platinum, the TM-trading woman has been replaced by a Move Tutor.

The Sinnoh Town Map
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

In HeartGold and SoulSilver, much like in Generation II games, the Town Map can be viewed at the Pokégear.

The mechanics of the map remain the same as in Generation II games, only to have several added features, including the ability to zoom in to display areas of interest, with certain locations having a small flavor text. There is another feature that allows the player to add notes and markings to different locations, to allow the player to make notes about each area about the Pokémon in the area, any Apricorn trees, any special buildings, TM locations or any other notes. These notes will appear on the top screen when the player highlights that specific area on the map. Like the Marking Map on the Pokétch, it also displays the current locations of all Roaming Pokémon, including Entei and Raikou.

If, in HeartGold and SoulSilver, a non-player character calls the player on the Pokégear phone for a rematch or to give an item, then the Pokégear map will display a small red exclamation point next to the name of the route or location.

Generation V

The Town Map in Black and White is given to the player by their Mom after receiving the Pokédex from Professor Juniper, while in Black 2 and White 2, it is obtained from Hugh's sister after Bianca gives them Poké Balls.

The Unova Map in Black and White The Unova Map in Black 2 and White 2

Generation VI

In X and Y, the Town Map is obtained from Mom once the player has received the Pokédex and delivered the Prof's Letter.

The Kalos Town Map

Generation VII

Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon

In Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon the Town Map is available from the beginning of the game.

The Alola Map in Sun and Moon The Alola Map in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!
This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Missing LGPE Town Map display

In Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, the player will receive the Town Map from their Mom after they've received the Pokédex from Professor Oak.

Generation VIII

Pokémon Sword and Shield

In Sword and Shield, the Town Map is available from the beginning of the game as part of the player's Rotom Phone, and is now part of the menu.

Between Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, the two version-exclusive Gyms show up in different colors on the map. After the Isle of Armor becomes accessible, an extra set of train tracks and a train station are added to the main part of the Galar map. After the Crown Tundra becomes accessible, an additional set of train tracks are added.

The player may press X to automatically move the cursor to their current location, Y to move the cursor to the location of their next objective (if one exists and the player has not fully completed the game's plot), plus (+) or minus (-) to toggle weather icons, and A to use the Flying Taxi if the cursor is currently over a reachable destination.

An undocumented feature (not mentioned in the footer's button display) is that the player may press L or R to automatically move the cursor between cities/towns in story order (with R moving forwards and L moving backwards). This counts all locations marked with a blue and yellow diamond on the map, meaning that Wyndon will appear twice (once for the main city and once for the Rose Tower/Battle Tower). When the map is opened, R will always point to Postwick and L will always point to Wyndon's tower, regardless of where the player's current location is.

When the player manually moves the cursor, it will snap to any nearby icon when it stops moving, with Route 2 for example counting as three icons (the "02" symbol partway along the route, Professor Magnolia's house, and the dot in the middle of the lake marking the end of the route).

The player may scroll between the main Galar area and the two DLC areas, but the game will avoid straddling the boundary between the main Galar area and a DLC area. For example, placing the cursor over Postwick and scrolling down slightly will cause the map view to quickly move down a full screen, moving all of the main Galar area out of view (the map view will consist of only the top half of the Crown Tundra).

The game will also avoid showing the blank ocean space north and south of the Isle of Armor. If the cursor is at the very top of the map and the player scrolls right, the map view will quickly move diagonally downward to focus on the Isle of Armor (this technically prevents the end of Galar's inaccessible northeasternmost peninsula from ever being seen). The player is not allowed to scroll north from the Isle of Armor. If the player scrolls south from the Isle of Armor, the map view will quickly move diagonally leftward at a shallow angle to focus on the Crown Tundra.

All three areas (the main Galar area, the Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra) have their own objectives to be reached by pressing Y.

Galar as seen in Pokémon Sword
after purchasing the Expansion Pass
Galar as seen in Pokémon Shield
without purchasing the Expansion Pass
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

In Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the Town Map remains a menu option, and is no longer a Key Item like it is in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. It is still unlocked at the Trainers' School in Jubilife City.


Games Description
Stad A map of the local area. It identifies your present location.
FRLG A very convenient map that can be viewed anytime. It even shows your present location.
E Can be viewed anytime. Shows your present location.
A very convenient map that can be viewed anytime. It even shows your present location.
A very convenient map that can be viewed anytime. It even shows you your present location in the region.


Games Method
Pallet Town (from Daisy after obtaining the Pokédex)
Pokémon Network Center (from Celio, if not obtained in Pallet Town)FRLG
DPPt Trainers' School (from Barry after delivering the Parcel to him)
BW Nuvema Town (from the player's Mom after obtaining a Pokédex)
B2W2 Aspertia City (from Hugh's sister after receiving a set of Poké Balls from Bianca)
XY Vaniville Town (from the player's mom after delivering the Prof's Letter to her)
PE Pallet Town (from the player's mom after obtaining the Pokédex)


Gen IV-VI Gen V
obtain sprite
menu icon

In the anime

Main series

In Dreams by the Yard Full!, similar to Max with his PokéNav in Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire and Brock with his Pokégear in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, Cilan is shown to have a Town Map for his journeys with Ash and Iris. It seems to have the ability to look up and locate various landmarks and natural occurrences as seen in Cottonee in Love! when Cilan uses it to track the flow of the wind, and in Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open! when he locates plants used for an antidote for poison at the bottom of a lake.

In Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!, Cilan was seen examining the Town Map of Kanto and Johto while planning how he and Iris would continue traveling.

In A Battle of Aerial Mobility!, Clemont was revealed to own a Town Map.

In Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race!, Serena was revealed to own a Town Map. Along with the map and current location shown on the left hand screen, the right hand screen can be used for a variety of other uses, including watching announcements for upcoming Pokémon Showcases by Monsieur Pierre. The device can also be used to search for information, as shown in Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction where Serena used it to find out that Diancie could make diamonds.

Pokémon Evolutions

A Town Map in Pokémon Evolutions

A Town Map of Kanto appeared in The Discovery, under the ownership of Green.

In the manga

A Town Map in Pokémon Zensho

The Electric Tale of Pikachu

May Oak was seen giving Ash a Town Map in Pikachu, I See You!.

Pokémon Adventures

Diamond & Pearl arc

In this chapter, Pearl was often seen examining a Town Map.

Pokémon Zensho

In Pewter City, Daisy Oak gave Satoshi a Town Map, despite Shigeru having told her not to do so.

In the TCG

Town Map
Main article: Town Map (Boundaries Crossed 136)

Town Map was introduced as an Item card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Black & White Series (the Japanese BW Era). First released in the Japanese Freeze Bolt expansion, it later debuted in English in the Boundaries Crossed expansion, with both prints featuring an illustration by Toyste Beach. This Trainer card allows the player to flip their Prize cards face-up for the remainder of the game.


"A map of the Kanto region! I hope she gives it to me..."
  • Before the release of Pokémon Gold and Silver, the only in-game source mentioning the name of the Kanto region was the Japanese-language text when examining the Town Map in Blue's house before the player obtains it.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 城鎮地圖 Sìhngjan Deihtòuh
Mandarin 城鎮地圖 / 城镇地图 Chéngzhèn Dìtú
Dutch Plattegrond*
Finnish Kartta
European French Carte
German Karte
Italian Mappa Città
Korean 타운맵 Town Map
Portuguese Brazil Mapa da Cidade (TCG)
Mapa (EToP)
Portugal Mapa da Cidade*
Russian Карта Города Karta Goroda
European Spanish Mapa
Mapa Pueblo*
Vietnamese Bản đồ

See also

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.