Sturdy (Ability): Difference between revisions

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|text3=Negates 1-hit KO attacks.
|text4=The Pokémon is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.
'''Sturdy''' (Japanese: '''がんじょう''' ''Sturdy'') is an [[ability]] introduced in [[Generation III]]. Twenty-two [[Pokémon]] have this ability.
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|III|Negates 1-hit KO Attacks.}}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|IV|The Pokémon is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.{{sup/4|DPP}}<br>It is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.{{sup/4|HGSS}}}}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|V|It cannot be knocked out with one hit.}}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|VI|It cannot be knocked out with one hit.}}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|VII|It cannot be knocked out with one hit. One-hit KO moves cannot knock it out, either.}}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|VIII|It cannot be knocked out with one hit. One-hit KO moves cannot knock it out, either.}}
{{AbilityInfobox/desc|IX|The Pokémon cannot be knocked out by a single hit as long as its HP is full. One-hit KO moves will also fail to knock it out.}}
'''Sturdy''' (Japanese: '''がんじょう''' ''Sturdy'') is an [[Ability]] introduced in [[Generation III]].

===In battle===
===In battle===
Sturdy negates [[one-hit knockout move]]s.
====Generations III and IV====
Sturdy makes the Pokémon unaffected by [[one-hit knockout move]]s.
====Generation V onward====
In addition to Sturdy's previous effect, Sturdy now works like a [[Focus Sash]], causing the Pokémon to have 1 {{stat|HP}} remaining if another Pokémon's attack or {{status|confusion}} damage would have brought it from full health to 0 HP. Sturdy will activate as long as a Pokémon has full HP before the attack, and therefore it can activate multiple times if the Pokémon is brought back to full health, or if the Pokémon {{p|Shedinja|has a maximum of 1 HP}}.
If a Pokémon with Sturdy is holding a Focus Sash, Sturdy will activate first. A Pokémon with {{a|Mold Breaker}} will ignore Sturdy. When a [[multistrike move]] hits a Pokémon with Sturdy, Sturdy's effect can only activate for hits while the user has full HP. {{m|Destiny Bond}} and {{m|Perish Song}} will not cause Sturdy to activate.

===Outside of battle===
===Outside of battle===
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==Pokémon with Sturdy==
==Pokémon with Sturdy==
===Single ability===
{{ability/entry|0074|Geodude|Rock|Ground|Rock Head|Sturdy|Sand Veil}}
{{ability/entry|0074|form=-Alola|Geodude|Rock|Electric|Magnet Pull|Sturdy|Galvanize|formlink={{color2|000|Alolan form|Alolan Form}}}}
{{ability/entry|0075|Graveler|Rock|Ground|Rock Head|Sturdy|Sand Veil}}
{{ability/entry|0075|form=-Alola|Graveler|Rock|Electric|Magnet Pull|Sturdy|Galvanize|formlink={{color2|000|Alolan form|Alolan Form}}}}
{{ability/entry|0076|Golem|Rock|Ground|Rock Head|Sturdy|Sand Veil}}
{{ability/entry|0076|form=-Alola|Golem|Rock|Electric|Magnet Pull|Sturdy|Galvanize|formlink={{color2|000|Alolan form|Alolan Form}}}}
{{ability/entry|0081|Magnemite|Electric|Steel|Magnet Pull|Sturdy|Analytic}}
{{ability/entry|0082|Magneton|Electric|Steel|Magnet Pull|Sturdy|Analytic}}
{{ability/entry|0095|Onix|Rock|Ground|Rock Head|Sturdy|Weak Armor}}
{{ability/entry|0185|Sudowoodo|Rock|Rock|Sturdy|Rock Head|Rattled}}
{{ability/entry|0208|Steelix|Steel|Ground|Rock Head|Sturdy|Sheer Force}}
{{ability/entry|0213|Shuckle|Bug|Rock|Sturdy|Gluttony|Contrary|ability2note={{color2|000|Generation IV|Gen IV}}+}}
{{ability/entry|0227|Skarmory|Steel|Flying|Keen Eye|Sturdy|Weak Armor}}
{{ability/entry|0232|Donphan|Ground|Ground|Sturdy|None|Sand Veil}}
{{ability/entry|0299|Nosepass|Rock|Rock|Sturdy|Magnet Pull|Sand Force}}
{{ability/entry|0304|Aron|Steel|Rock|Sturdy|Rock Head|Heavy Metal}}
{{ability/entry|0305|Lairon|Steel|Rock|Sturdy|Rock Head|Heavy Metal}}
{{ability/entry|0306|Aggron|Steel|Rock|Sturdy|Rock Head|Heavy Metal}}
{{ability/entry|0369|Relicanth|Water|Rock|Swift Swim|Rock Head|Sturdy}}
{{ability/entry|0377|Regirock|Rock|Rock|Clear Body|None|Sturdy}}
{{ability/entry|0438|Bonsly|Rock|Rock|Sturdy|Rock Head|Rattled}}
{{ability/entry|0462|Magnezone|Electric|Steel|Magnet Pull|Sturdy|Analytic}}
{{ability/entry|0476|Probopass|Rock|Steel|Sturdy|Magnet Pull|Sand Force}}
{{ability/entry|0524|Roggenrola|Rock|Rock|Sturdy|Weak Armor|Sand Force|ability2note={{color2|000|Generation VII|Gen VII}}+}}
{{ability/entry|0525|Boldore|Rock|Rock|Sturdy|Weak Armor|Sand Force|ability2note={{color2|000|Generation VII|Gen VII}}+}}
{{ability/entry|0526|Gigalith|Rock|Rock|Sturdy|Sand Stream|Sand Force|ability2note={{color2|000|Generation VII|Gen VII}}+}}
{{ability/entry|0539|Sawk|Fighting|Fighting|Sturdy|Inner Focus|Mold Breaker}}
{{ability/entry|0557|Dwebble|Bug|Rock|Sturdy|Shell Armor|Weak Armor}}
{{ability/entry|0558|Crustle|Bug|Rock|Sturdy|Shell Armor|Weak Armor}}
{{ability/entry|0564|Tirtouga|Water|Rock|Solid Rock|Sturdy|Swift Swim}}
{{ability/entry|0565|Carracosta|Water|Rock|Solid Rock|Sturdy|Swift Swim}}
{{Ability/entry|0696|Tyrunt|Rock|Dragon|Strong Jaw|None|Sturdy}}
{{ability/entry|0703|Carbink|Rock|Fairy|Clear Body|None|Sturdy}}
{{ability/entry|0712|Bergmite|Ice|Ice|Own Tempo|Ice Body|Sturdy}}
{{ability/entry|0713|Avalugg|Ice|Ice|Own Tempo|Ice Body|Sturdy}}
{{Ability/entry|0713|form=-Hisui|Avalugg|Ice|Rock|Strong Jaw|Ice Body|Sturdy|formlink={{color2|000|Hisuian form|Hisuian Form}}}}
{{Ability/entry|0777|Togedemaru|Electric|Steel|Iron Barbs|Lightning Rod|Sturdy}}
{{Ability/entry|0932|Nacli|Rock|Rock|Purifying Salt|Sturdy|Clear Body}}
{{Ability/entry|0933|Naclstack|Rock|Rock|Purifying Salt|Sturdy|Clear Body}}
{{Ability/entry|0934|Garganacl|Rock|Rock|Purifying Salt|Sturdy|Clear Body}}
{{Ability/entry|1017|Ogerpon|form=-Cornerstone Mask|Grass|Rock|Sturdy|None|None|formlink={{color2|000|List of Pokémon with form differences#Ogerpon|Cornerstone Mask}}}}
==In other games==
In {{g|UNITE}}, Sturdy is {{p|Crustle}}'s Ability. It increases the user's Defense and Special Defense (based on the user's level) for every 7% of the HP they are missing, up to 70%.
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|RB}}|Blocks one-hit KO moves.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|TDS}}|Blocks one-hit KO moves on the Pokémon.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|BSL}}|{{tt|いちげきで たおれてしまう わざを うけない|Blocks one-hit KO moves on the Pokémon.}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Conq}}|The Pokémon is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|GTI}}|If the Pokémon's HP is full, no matter how much damage it takes, it will be left with 1 HP.{{tt|*|Ability description}}<br>If the Pokémon's HP is full, it will be left with 1 HP when it takes damage that would normally make it faint! It also protects the Pokémon from one-hit KO moves like Fissure!{{tt|*|Used in message log}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}|If the Pokémon's HP is full, moves that would defeat the Pokémon instead leave the Pokémon with 1 HP!}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|DX}}|If the Pokémon's HP is full, moves that would defeat the Pokémon instead leave the Pokémon with 1 HP. This is also effective against moves like Fissure that can cause Pokémon to faint with a single hit.}}
|}{{left clear}}
==In the anime==
{{moveanime|type=rock|exp=yes|gen=The Pokémon is prevented from being knocked out after being hit by a strong move.|image1=Ash Roggenrola Sturdy.png|image1p=Roggenrola|image2=Ash Boldore Sturdy.png|image2p=Boldore|image3=Cilan Dwebble Sturdy.png|image3p=Dwebble}}
{{movep|type=rock|ms=557|pkmn=Dwebble|method=When Dwebble is hit with a powerful attack, it pulls its body into its shell. When it comes out, it doesn't have any damage on it at all.}}
{{movemid|type=rock|user=Cilan's Dwebble|startcode=BW019|startname=A Connoisseur's Revenge!|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=rock|ms=524|pkmn=Roggenrola|method=When Roggenrola is hit with a powerful attack, it doesn't get hurt much from it. Also, when Roggenrola is hit with a one-hit knockout move, it stays in its place and does nothing. The move is then canceled on the spot.}}
{{movemid|type=rock|user=Ash's Roggenrola|startcode=BW034|startname=Gotta Catch A Roggenrola!}}
{{movep|type=rock|ms=525|pkmn=Boldore|method=When Boldore is hit with a one-hit knockout move, it stays in its place and does nothing.}}
{{movebtm|type=rock|user=Ash's Boldore|startcode=BW061|startname=Battling the King of the Mines!}}
==In the manga==
===Be the Best! Pokémon B+W===
{{movemanga|type=rock|exp=no|gen=The Pokémon withstands an attack that would otherwise knock it out in one hit with 1 HP remaining.|image1=Monta Roggenrola Sturdy.png|image1p=Roggenrola}}
{{movep|type=rock|ms=524|pkmn=Roggenrola|method=Roggenrola withstands an attack that would otherwise knock it out in one hit with 1 HP remaining.}}
{{movebtm|type=rock|user=Monta#Roggenrola|user1=Monta's Roggenrola|startcode=PBW2|startname=The Key to Triple Battles|notes=Debut}}

===Dual ability===
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{movemanga|type=rock|exp=yes|gen=The Pokémon withstands an attack that would otherwise knock it out in one hit.|image1=Rono Phando Sturdy.png|image1p=Lairon and Donphan|image2=Brassius Sudowoodo Sturdy Adventures.png|image2p=Sudowoodo}}
{{Abilityentry2|074|Geodude|2|Rock|Ground|Rock Head}}
{{movep|type=rock|ms=305|pkmn=Lairon|method=Lairon withstands an attack that would otherwise knock it out in one hit.}}
{{Abilityentry2|075|Graveler|2|Rock|Ground|Rock Head}}
{{movemid|type=rock|user=Rono|user1=Sapphire's Rono|startcode=PS248|startname=The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon X|notes=Debut}}
{{Abilityentry2|076|Golem|2|Rock|Ground|Rock Head}}
{{movep|type=rock|ms=232|pkmn=Donphan|method=Donphan withstands an attack that would otherwise knock it out in one hit.}}
{{Abilityentry2|081|Magnemite|2|Electric|Steel|Magnet Pull}}
{{movemid|type=rock|user=Sapphire (Adventures)|user1=Sapphire's Phado|startcode=PS248|startname=The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon X|notes=Debut}}
{{Abilityentry2|082|Magneton|2|Electric|Steel|Magnet Pull}}
{{movep|type=rock|ms=185|pkmn=Smoliv|method=Sudowoodo withstands an attack that would otherwise knock it out in one hit.}}
{{Abilityentry2|095|Onix|2|Rock|Ground|Rock Head}}
{{movebtmManga|type=rock|user=Brassius|user1=Brassius's Sudowoodo|startcode=Scarlet & Violet arc (Adventures)<!--PASV09-->|startname=Scarlet & Violet arc<!--PASV09-->}}
{{Abilityentry2|185|Sudowoodo|1|Rock||Rock Head}}
{{Abilityentry2|208|Steelix|2|Steel|Ground|Rock Head}}
* In ''[[PS310|Just My Luck...Shuckle]]'', [[Lucy]]'s {{p|Shuckle}} was revealed to have Sturdy as her Ability by {{adv|Emerald}}'s [[Pokédex]].
* In {{FB|Pokémon Adventures|volume 25}}, {{adv|Yellow}}'s {{p|Golem}}, Gravvy, was revealed to have Sturdy as his Ability.
{{Abilityentry2|227|Skarmory|2|Steel|Flying|Keen Eye}}
* In {{FB|Pokémon Adventures|volume 40}}, {{adv|Diamond}}'s {{p|Bastiodon}}, [[Don]], was revealed to have Sturdy as his Ability.
{{Abilityentry2|299|Nosepass|1|Rock||Magnet Pull}}
* In {{FB|Pokémon Adventures|volume 42}}, {{adv|Gold}}'s {{p|Sudowoodo}}, [[Sudobo]], was revealed to have Sturdy as his Ability.
{{Abilityentry2|304|Aron|2|Steel|Rock|Rock Head}}
* {{adv|Giovanni}}'s {{p|Golem}} was revealed to have Sturdy as his Ability in the [[PokéSPedia]] data-book.
{{Abilityentry2|305|Lairon|2|Steel|Rock|Rock Head}}
* The [[Pokémon Association]]'s {{p|Pineco}}, [[Carr]]'s {{p|Forretress}}, [[Burgh]]'s {{p|Dwebble}}, [[Marshal]]'s {{p|Sawk}}, and {{adv|Cheren}}'s {{p|Gigalith}} are revealed to have Sturdy as their Ability.
{{Abilityentry2|306|Aggron|2|Steel|Rock|Rock Head}}
{{Abilityentry2|438|Bonsly|1|Rock||Rock Head}}
{{Abilityentry2|462|Magnezone|2|Electric|Steel|Magnet Pull}}
* Every [[generation]] has introduced a Pokémon, or a new form of a Pokémon, that can have this Ability.
{{Abilityentry2|476|Probopass|2|Rock|Steel|Magnet Pull}}

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
*Spanish: '''Robustez'''
{{langtable|color={{rock color}}|bordercolor={{rock color dark}}
*Italian: '''Vigore'''
|zh_yue=結實 ''{{tt|Gitsaht|Sturdy}}''
|zh_cmn=結實 / 结实 ''{{tt|Jiēshi|Sturdy}}''
|hi=डटे रेह्ना {{tt|''Datte Rehna''|Sturdy}}
|ko=옹골참 ''Onggolcham''
|pt_br=Robustez ({{pkmn|UNITE}}, TCG, manga)<br>Forte ([[BW034]])<br>Vigor ([[BW019]])
|ru=Выносливость ''Vynoslivost'''
|vi=Cứng cáp<br>Mạnh mẽ
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
[[Category:Ignorable Abilities]]


Latest revision as of 20:47, 27 July 2024

Sturdy がんじょう
Flavor text
Generation III
Negates 1-hit KO Attacks.
Generation IV
The Pokémon is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.DPPt
It is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.HGSS
Generation V
It cannot be knocked out with one hit.
Generation VI
It cannot be knocked out with one hit.
Generation VII
It cannot be knocked out with one hit. One-hit KO moves cannot knock it out, either.
Generation VIII
It cannot be knocked out with one hit. One-hit KO moves cannot knock it out, either.
Generation IX
The Pokémon cannot be knocked out by a single hit as long as its HP is full. One-hit KO moves will also fail to knock it out.

Sturdy (Japanese: がんじょう Sturdy) is an Ability introduced in Generation III.


In battle

Generations III and IV

Sturdy makes the Pokémon unaffected by one-hit knockout moves.

Generation V onward

In addition to Sturdy's previous effect, Sturdy now works like a Focus Sash, causing the Pokémon to have 1 HP remaining if another Pokémon's attack or confusion damage would have brought it from full health to 0 HP. Sturdy will activate as long as a Pokémon has full HP before the attack, and therefore it can activate multiple times if the Pokémon is brought back to full health, or if the Pokémon has a maximum of 1 HP.

If a Pokémon with Sturdy is holding a Focus Sash, Sturdy will activate first. A Pokémon with Mold Breaker will ignore Sturdy. When a multistrike move hits a Pokémon with Sturdy, Sturdy's effect can only activate for hits while the user has full HP. Destiny Bond and Perish Song will not cause Sturdy to activate.

Outside of battle

Sturdy has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Sturdy

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0074 Geodude Geodude
Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
0074 Geodude Geodude
Alolan Form
Rock Electric Magnet Pull Sturdy Galvanize
0075 Graveler Graveler
Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
0075 Graveler Graveler
Alolan Form
Rock Electric Magnet Pull Sturdy Galvanize
0076 Golem Golem
Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
0076 Golem Golem
Alolan Form
Rock Electric Magnet Pull Sturdy Galvanize
0081 Magnemite Magnemite
Electric Steel Magnet Pull Sturdy Analytic
0082 Magneton Magneton
Electric Steel Magnet Pull Sturdy Analytic
0095 Onix Onix
Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Weak Armor
0185 Sudowoodo Sudowoodo
Rock Rock Sturdy Rock Head Rattled
0204 Pineco Pineco
Bug Bug Sturdy None Overcoat
0205 Forretress Forretress
Bug Steel Sturdy None Overcoat
0208 Steelix Steelix
Steel Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sheer Force
0213 Shuckle Shuckle
Bug Rock Sturdy GluttonyGen IV+ Contrary
0227 Skarmory Skarmory
Steel Flying Keen Eye Sturdy Weak Armor
0232 Donphan Donphan
Ground Ground Sturdy None Sand Veil
0299 Nosepass Nosepass
Rock Rock Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
0304 Aron Aron
Steel Rock Sturdy Rock Head Heavy Metal
0305 Lairon Lairon
Steel Rock Sturdy Rock Head Heavy Metal
0306 Aggron Aggron
Steel Rock Sturdy Rock Head Heavy Metal
0369 Relicanth Relicanth
Water Rock Swift Swim Rock Head Sturdy
0377 Regirock Regirock
Rock Rock Clear Body None Sturdy
0410 Shieldon Shieldon
Rock Steel Sturdy None Soundproof
0411 Bastiodon Bastiodon
Rock Steel Sturdy None Soundproof
0438 Bonsly Bonsly
Rock Rock Sturdy Rock Head Rattled
0462 Magnezone Magnezone
Electric Steel Magnet Pull Sturdy Analytic
0476 Probopass Probopass
Rock Steel Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
0524 Roggenrola Roggenrola
Rock Rock Sturdy Weak ArmorGen VII+ Sand Force
0525 Boldore Boldore
Rock Rock Sturdy Weak ArmorGen VII+ Sand Force
0526 Gigalith Gigalith
Rock Rock Sturdy Sand StreamGen VII+ Sand Force
0539 Sawk Sawk
Fighting Fighting Sturdy Inner Focus Mold Breaker
0557 Dwebble Dwebble
Bug Rock Sturdy Shell Armor Weak Armor
0558 Crustle Crustle
Bug Rock Sturdy Shell Armor Weak Armor
0564 Tirtouga Tirtouga
Water Rock Solid Rock Sturdy Swift Swim
0565 Carracosta Carracosta
Water Rock Solid Rock Sturdy Swift Swim
0696 Tyrunt Tyrunt
Rock Dragon Strong Jaw None Sturdy
0703 Carbink Carbink
Rock Fairy Clear Body None Sturdy
0712 Bergmite Bergmite
Ice Ice Own Tempo Ice Body Sturdy
0713 Avalugg Avalugg
Ice Ice Own Tempo Ice Body Sturdy
0713 Avalugg Avalugg
Hisuian Form
Ice Rock Strong Jaw Ice Body Sturdy
0777 Togedemaru Togedemaru
Electric Steel Iron Barbs Lightning Rod Sturdy
0790 Cosmoem Cosmoem
Psychic Psychic Sturdy None None
0932 Nacli Nacli
Rock Rock Purifying Salt Sturdy Clear Body
0933 Naclstack Naclstack
Rock Rock Purifying Salt Sturdy Clear Body
0934 Garganacl Garganacl
Rock Rock Purifying Salt Sturdy Clear Body
1017 Ogerpon Ogerpon
Cornerstone Mask
Grass Rock Sturdy None None
1018 Archaludon Archaludon
Steel Dragon Stamina Sturdy Stalwart
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games

Pokémon UNITE

In Pokémon UNITE, Sturdy is Crustle's Ability. It increases the user's Defense and Special Defense (based on the user's level) for every 7% of the HP they are missing, up to 70%.


Games Description
MDRB Blocks one-hit KO moves.
MDTDS Blocks one-hit KO moves on the Pokémon.
BSL いちげきで たおれてしまう わざを うけない
Conq. The Pokémon is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.
MDGtI If the Pokémon's HP is full, no matter how much damage it takes, it will be left with 1 HP.*
If the Pokémon's HP is full, it will be left with 1 HP when it takes damage that would normally make it faint! It also protects the Pokémon from one-hit KO moves like Fissure!*
SMD If the Pokémon's HP is full, moves that would defeat the Pokémon instead leave the Pokémon with 1 HP!
MDRTDX If the Pokémon's HP is full, moves that would defeat the Pokémon instead leave the Pokémon with 1 HP. This is also effective against moves like Fissure that can cause Pokémon to faint with a single hit.

In the anime



The Pokémon is prevented from being knocked out after being hit by a strong move.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Dwebble When Dwebble is hit with a powerful attack, it pulls its body into its shell. When it comes out, it doesn't have any damage on it at all.
Cilan's Dwebble A Connoisseur's Revenge! Debut
Roggenrola When Roggenrola is hit with a powerful attack, it doesn't get hurt much from it. Also, when Roggenrola is hit with a one-hit knockout move, it stays in its place and does nothing. The move is then canceled on the spot.
Ash's Roggenrola Gotta Catch A Roggenrola! None
Boldore When Boldore is hit with a one-hit knockout move, it stays in its place and does nothing.
Ash's Boldore Battling the King of the Mines! None

In the manga

Be the Best! Pokémon B+W


The Pokémon withstands an attack that would otherwise knock it out in one hit with 1 HP remaining.
Pokémon Method
User First Chapter Used In Notes
Roggenrola Roggenrola withstands an attack that would otherwise knock it out in one hit with 1 HP remaining.
Monta's Roggenrola The Key to Triple Battles Debut

Pokémon Adventures


  • Every generation has introduced a Pokémon, or a new form of a Pokémon, that can have this Ability.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 結實 Gitsaht
Mandarin 結實 / 结实 Jiēshi
Dutch Stoer
Finnish Jämäkkyys
French Fermeté
German Robustheit
Hindi डटे रेह्ना Datte Rehna
Indonesian Keras
Italian Vigore
Korean 옹골참 Onggolcham
Polish Wytrwałość
Portuguese Brazil Robustez (UNITE, TCG, manga)
Forte (BW034)
Vigor (BW019)
Portugal Robustez
Russian Выносливость Vynoslivost'
Spanish Latin America Resistencia
Spain Robustez
Vietnamese Cứng cáp
Mạnh mẽ

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.