Its fur is bluish on top of its body, but a milky color on the underside. Although called the Fire Mouse Pokémon, Cyndaquil seems to be a composite of features from the echidna, seen in the flames erupting from its back, and the shrew, the general shape of its body. Its eyes are often closed, as it is still young. It has four red-colored spots on its back from which its flames erupt. It lacks claws on its forelimbs, but has a single claw on each hind foot.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Cyndaquil is capable of defending itself by using the fire on its back. The fire grows more powerful as the Cyndaquil becomes more angry or defensive. Cyndaquil is also able to expel obscuring smoke to lower the accuracy of its opponent.
Cyndaquil are usually timid, but its actual behavior depends on its personality. It tends to hide in most dangerous situations. Most Cyndaquil, such as Ash's, are inexperienced at start and don't know their strengths and weaknesses. If Cyndaquil is angry or surprised, such as from being attacked, it flares up its back for protection. Although its flames may burn vigorously in this emotional state, if Cyndaquil is tired the flames sputter fitfully with incomplete combustion.
In An Egg Scramble!, Dawn defeated Lyra in a battle, winning an egg. Shortly after, the egg hatched into a Cyndaquil. It later evolved into a Quilava in SS024.
In Pokémon Adventures, Gold took the Cyndaquil from Professor Elm's lab to try to catch the thief Silver. He named the Cyndaquil "Exbo" for the explosive fire from its back. After undergoing a bit of training with the rest of Gold's Pokémon, it evolved into Quilava and became a much more adept battler, and weeks after Silver and its owner's loss against the Masked Man, again evolved into a Typhlosion as Megaree and Croconaw evolved, as well. Its even greater power then enabled it to gain the upper hand in Gold's rematch with the villain, melting his ice body with its firepower augmented by Sunbo's Sunny Day.
When released from a Poké Ball, Cyndaquil will aim a Flamethrower diagonally towards the ground in one direction. It is one of the easiest Pokémon to avoid, however. It can also be knocked off the screen.
Trophy information
Cyndaquil frighten easily, so they're often found curled up in balls. When threatened, they flare the flames on their backs to drive off enemies. Cyndaquil was one of the three Pokémon that Trainers could choose from at the beginning of Pokémon Silver, Gold, and Crystal. No one knows if their eyes are open.
Cyndaquil is not a Poké Ball item anymore. It is only a trophy.
Trophy information
A Fire Mouse Pokémon. It's a timid creature that often curls up into a ball. When threatened, it flares up the flames on its back to scare off enemies. When it's angry, it can produce powerful flames, but when it's tired, it has trouble producing fire and suffers from incomplete combustion. When it levels up, it evolves into Quilava. Its squinty eyes are adorable.
Game data
NPC appearances
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire: Hitting Cyndaquil will knock it back. After a few hits, Cyndaquil will be knocked into the Egg stand and the flame on its back will start heating the egg. Hitting Cyndaquil one more time will cause the egg to hatch and the player will have a chance to catch the newly hatched Pokémon.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Cyndaquil protects itself by flaring up the flames on its back. The flames are vigorous if the Pokémon is angry. However, if it is tired, the flames sputter fitfully with incomplete combustion.
It flares flames from its back to protect itself. The fire burns vigorously if the Pokémon is angry. When it is tired, it sputters with incomplete combustion.
Cyndaquil is the only Fire-type starter Pokémon that is pure Fire-type
Cyndaquil is so far the only Fire-type starter Pokémon that is not primarily red or orange. This holds true for its evolutions, but not its shiny form.
Cyndaquil is the only Fire-type starter that retains its single typing throughout its entire evolutionary line.
Cyndaquil's evolutionary line is one of two three-stage Fire-type families that retains its single typing; the other is Magby.
Cyndaquil along with Chimchar, are the only two starter Pokémon that evolve at level 14, the lowest level starters evolve at.
Cyndaquil is the second starter Pokémon to be seen hatching from an egg in the anime, the first being Mudkip.
Despite being able to learn Swift via level up, it can't learn it via move tutor.
Not counting Pikachu, Cyndaquil and its evolutionary line are the only starter line in the Yellow color group.
Its appearance is based on the echidna, but it also has traits of shrews, such as its long snout.
Name origin
Cyndaquil's name is a combination of the words cinder, meaning ashes, and quill, referring to needle-like hairs. Hinoarashi could be taken to mean 火の嵐, storm of fire, but it is likely to also be based on 山荒 yama-arashi, porcupine.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.