Machoke (Pokémon)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 11:02, 1 August 2007 by Porygon (talk | contribs) (Trivia: It was "Kung-Foo" not "Kung-Fooo" I dug up those old pictures to make sure.)
000 #{{{prevnum}}}: Machop
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ゴーリキー Goriky

Artwork from FR/LG
Fighting '
Superpower Pokémon
Guts or No Guard
Exp. at Lv. 100
Regional Pokédex numbers
Regional Browser numbers
1.5 m
155.4 lbs.
70.5 kg
Dex color
Catch rate
90 (11.8%)
Body style

Gender ratio
Gender unknown
Humanshape group 1 cycles
(255 minimum steps)
EV yield
Base Exp.: 146 Battle Exp.: 1461*

Machoke (Japanese: ゴーリキー Goriky) is a Fighting-type Pokémon.



Gender differences


Special abilities



Machoke live in mountains, in forbidding areas where they can hone their skills. They can also be found in urban areas, as they are often employed for manual labour.


Main article: Pokémon food

In the anime

Machoke has had many appearances, many more than its evolved and pre-evolved forms. It can usually be seen in Dojos and on contruction sites.

In Showdown at Dark City, Machoke is one of the Pokémon owned by one of the trainers at Yas Gym.

Two Machoke were present on the expedition crew in Shell Shock. They rescued Ash, Misty, Tracey and the crew from a run-away boulder heading for them.

Danny owned a Machoke in Navel Maneuvers.

Kenzo owned a Machoke in Two Hits and a Miss

Chuck used a Machoke for the Gym Battle in Machoke, Machoke Man. Chuck's Machoke was defeated by Ash's Bayleef.

Emily had a Machop, Machoke, and Machamp chase after her run away Psyduck in Sitting Psyduck.

A Machoke was also owned by a demolition crew (which was changed into a construction crew due to Ritchie's changing the past) in Celebi and Joy.

In the manga

Machoke has its own round in the Pokémon Special manga, Bulbasaur, Come Home!. Here, it protects the Viridian Gym from intruders attacking Red and Professor Oak, but Bulbasaur defeated it with a SolarBeam.

Machoke was seen again in Volume 18 as one of Brawly's Pokemon; it is unconfirmed if this Machoke evolved from the Machop he had in Volume 16. Machoke attempted to fight the fiery illusions in Volume 20 at the Lilycove Museum, but failed miserably.

Game data

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation I.
Generation I
Red Its muscular body is so powerful, it must wear a power-save belt to be able to regulate its motions.
Yellow The belt around its waist holds back its energy. Without it, this Pokémon would be unstoppable.
Stadium Although it is incredibly strong, it is always modest. It restrains its strength with a power-save belt.
Generation II
Gold It always goes at its full power, but this very tough and durable Pokémon never gets tired.
Silver The muscles covering its body teem with power. Even when still, it exudes an amazing sense of strength.
Crystal This tough Pokémon always stays in the zone. Its muscles become thicker after every battle.
Stadium 2 Unknown
Generation III
Ruby Machoke's thoroughly toned muscles possess the hardness of steel. This Pokémon has so much strength, it can easily hold aloft a sumo wrestler on just one finger.
Sapphire Machoke undertakes bodybuilding every day even as it helps people with tough, physically demanding labor. On its days off, this Pokémon heads to the fields and mountains to exercise and train.
Emerald A belt is worn by a Machoke to keep its overwhelming power under control. Because it is so dangerous, no one has ever removed the belt.
FireRed Its formidable body never gets tired. It helps people by doing work such as the moving of heavy goods.
LeafGreen Its muscular body is so powerful, it must wear a power-save belt to be able to regulate its motions.
Generation IV
Diamond Machoke's boundless power is very dangerous, so it wears a belt that suppresses its energy.
Pearl It can lift a dump truck with one hand. Using that power, it helps people with heavy jobs.
Platinum {{{platinumdex}}}
HeartGold {{{heartgolddex}}}
SoulSilver {{{soulsilverdex}}}
Generation V
Black {{{blackdex}}}
White {{{whitedex}}}
Black 2 {{{black2dex}}}
White 2 {{{white2dex}}}
Generation VI
X Unknown
Y Unknown

Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation I.
Generation I
Red Blue
Rare Victory Road
Blue (Japan)
None Trade
Rare Victory Road
Generation II
Gold Silver
Rare Rock Tunnel, Route 42
None Trade
Generation III
Ruby Sapphire
None Trade
None Trade
FireRed LeafGreen
Rare Cerulean Cave, Mt. Ember, Victory Road
None Trade
None Trade
Generation IV
Diamond Pearl
common Stark Mountain, Mt. Coronet, Victory Road, and Routes 210, 211, 216, 217, 225, and 226
None Trade
HeartGold SoulSilver
None Trade
Pal Park
Generation V
Black White
None Trade
Black 2 White 2
None Trade
Dream World
Generation VI
None Trade

In side games

Game Location
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire Evolve from Machop
Pokémon Trozei Secret Storage 15
Mr. Who's Den
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Fiery Field (17F-25F)
Buried Relic (80F-87F)
Pokémon Ranger Dusk Factory

Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
140 - 187 270 - 364
94 - 167 184 - 328
67 - 134 130 - 262
49 - 112 94 - 218
58 - 123 112 - 240
45 - 106 85 - 207
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.
  • This Pokémon's Special base stat in Generation I was 50.

Type effectiveness

Template:DP type effectiveness


Template:Evolved learnset intro

By leveling up

Game Generation I Generation II Generation III Generation IV
32       Submission
33     Vital Throw  
34   Vital Throw    
36 Focus Energy     Wake-up Slap
40       Cross Chop
41     Submission  
43   Cross Chop    
44 Seismic Toss     Scary Face
46     Cross Chop  
51     Scary Face Dynamicpunch
52 Submission Scary Face    
59     Dynamicpunch  
61   Submission    


Number Generation I Generation II Generation III Generation IV
TM01 Mega Punch Dynamicpunch Focus Punch Focus Punch
TM02   Headbutt    
TM03   Curse    
TM05 Mega Kick      
TM06 Toxic Toxic Toxic Toxic
TM08 Body Slam Rock Smash Bulk Up Bulk Up
TM09 Take Down      
TM10 Double-Edge Hidden Power Hidden Power Hidden Power
TM11   Sunny Day Sunny Day Sunny Day
TM13   Snore    
TM17 Submission Protect Protect Protect
TM18 Counter   Rain Dance Rain Dance
TM19 Seismic Toss      
TM20 Rage Endure    
TM21   Frustration Frustration Frustration
TM26 Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake
TM27 Fissure Return Return Return
TM28 Dig Dig Dig Dig
TM31 Mimic Mud Slap Brick Break Brick Break
TM32 Double Team Double Team Double Team Double Team
TM33   Ice Punch    
TM34 Bide Swagger    
TM35 Metronome Sleep Talk Flamethrower Flamethrower
TM38 Flamethrower Flamethrower Flamethrower Flamethrower
TM39     Rock Tomb Rock Tomb
TM40 Skull Bash      
TM41   Thunderpunch    
TM42     Facade Facade
TM43   Detect Secret Power Secret Power
TM44 Rest Rest Rest Rest
TM45   Attract Attract Attract
TM46   Thief Thief Thief
TM48 Rock Slide Fire Punch    
TM50 Substitute      
TM52       Focus Blast
TM56       Fling
TM58       Endure
TM66       Payback
TM78       Captivate
TM80       Rock Slide
TM82       Sleep Talk
TM83       Natural Gift
TM84       Poison Jab
TM87       Swagger
TM90       Substitute
HM04 Strength Strength Strength Strength
HM06     Rock Smash Rock Smash
HM08       Rock Climb

Side game data

Template:Side game


Template:EvoChart Box

Template:EvoChart Box

Template:EvoChart Box


"Kung-Foo" was Machoke's prototype name.


Machoke appears to be based on a bodybuilder or wrestler.

Name origin

Machoke's name may be a combination of choke, as in chokehold, and macho, which is Spanish for overly masculine or chauvanist. Macho has come to mean tough or masculine in English. Like Mr. Mime, this is not reflected in the gender distribution. Goriky is a corruption of 剛力 gōriki, herculean strength.

In other languages

  • German: Maschok
  • French: Machopeur - Macho has a similar meaning as in English. The remainder could come from chopeur someone who "nabs" people, or simply from peur, meaning fear.
  • Korean: 근육몬 Geunyukmon

External links

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This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.