Game Boy: Entire Pokémon Sounds Collection CD
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The subject of this article has no official English name. The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name. |
Game Boy: Entire "Pokémon" Sounds Collection CD | |
File:000-pocketmonsters.jpg Front and back of the CD case | |
Release date | November 1, 1997 |
By | Pikachu Records |
Catalogue number | TGCS-384 |
Number of tracks | 197 |
Game Boy: Entire "Pokémon" Sounds Collection CD (Japanese: ゲームボーイ「ポケモン」のサウンドがまるごと入って、遊べるCD) is the official soundtrack release for Pokémon Red, Green, and Blue. It contains all of the background music and sound effects used in the games, all of which were composed solely by Junichi Masuda, who is credited in the soundtrack. This includes Pokémon cries and Pokédex entries read by "Dexter", Ash's Pokédex, being the only soundtrack ever released to contain these sounds.
Tracks 1-45 of disc 1 contain the background music used in the games. Tracks 46-98 of disc 1 and tracks 1-98 of disc 2 are "Dexter"'s enunciation of the Pokédex entries for each one of the 151 Pokémon from Generation I. Track 99 of disc 2 plays a techno-style instrumental music; when it's over, the sound effects used in-game are played.
Disc 1
- ~Opening~ (~オープニング~)
- Pallet Town's Theme (マサラタウンのテーマ)
- Professor Oak (オーキド博士)
- Oak Laboratory (オーキド研究所)
- Rival Encounter (ライバルあらわる)
- The Road to Viridian - from Pallet (トキワへの道〜マサラより)
- Fight (VS Wild Pokémon) (戦い(VS野生ポケモン))
- Victory (VS Trainer) (勝利(VSトレーナー))—mislisted as Victory (VS Wild Pokémon) (勝利(VS野生ポケモン))
- Pewter City's Theme (ニビシティのテーマ)
- Pokémon Center (ポケモンセンター)
- Pokémon Recovery (ポケモン回復)
- Viridian Forest (トキワの森)
- Guidance (道案内)
- Trainer Encounter (Girl Chapter) (トレーナーあらわる(女の子編))
- Fight (VS Trainer) (戦い(VSトレーナー))
- Victory (VS Wild Pokémon) (勝利(VS野生ポケモン))—mislisted as Victory (VS Trainer) (勝利(VSトレーナー))
- Mt. Moon Cave (おつきみ山のどうくつ)
- The Road to Cerulean - from Mt. Moon (ハナダへの道〜おつきみ山より)
- Cerulean City's Theme (ハナダシティのテーマ)
- Pokémon Gym (ポケモンジム)
- To Bill's Origin from Cerulean (マサキのもとへ〜ハナダより)
- Song of Jigglypuff (プリンの歌)
- Vermilion City's Theme (クチバシティのテーマ)
- S.S. Anne (サントアンヌ号)
- The Road to Lavender - from Vermilion (シオンへの道〜クチバより)
- Poké Flute (ポケモンの笛)
- Trainer Encounter (Boy Chapter) (トレーナーあらわる(男の子編))
- Fight (VS Gym Leader) (戦い(VSジムリーダー))
- Victory (VS Gym Leader) (勝利(VSジムリーダー))
- Cycling (サイクリング)
- Lavender Town's Theme (シオンタウンのテーマ)
- Pokémon Tower (ポケモンタワー)
- Celadon City's Theme (タマムシシティのテーマ)
- Casino (カジノ)
- Trainer Encounter (Bad Guy Chapter) (トレーナーあらわる(悪いヤツ編))
- Team Rocket Hideout (ロケット団アジト)
- Silph Co. (シルフカンパニー)
- Sea (海)
- Cinnabar Island's Theme (グレンタウンのテーマ)
- Pokémon Mansion (ポケモン屋敷)
- Evolution (進化)
- The Last Road (最後の道)
- Last Battle (VS Rival) (ラストバトル(VSライバル))
- Induction to the Hall of Fame (殿堂入り)
- ~Ending~ (~エンディング~)
- Bulbasaur (フシギダネ)
- Ivysaur (フシギソウ)
- Venusaur (フシギバナ)
- Charmander (ヒトカゲ)
- Charmeleon (リザード)
- Charizard (リザードン)
- Squirtle (ゼニガメ)
- Wartortle (カメール)
- Blastoise (カメックス)
- Caterpie (キャタピー)
- Metapod (トランセル)
- Butterfree (バタフリー)
- Weedle (ビードル)
- Kakuna (コクーン)
- Beedrill (スピアー)
- Pidgey (ポッポ)
- Pidgeotto (ピジョン)
- Pidgeot (ピジョット)
- Rattata (コラッタ)
- Raticate (ラッタ)
- Spearow (オニスズメ)
- Fearow (オニドリル)
- Ekans (アーボ)
- Arbok (アーボック)
- Pikachu (ピカチュウ)
- Raichu (ライチュウ)
- Sandshrew (サンド)
- Sandslash (サンドパン)
- Nidoran♀ (ニドラン♀)
- Nidorina (ニドリーナ)
- Nidoqueen (ニドクイン)
- Nidoran♂ (ニドラン♂)
- Nidorino (ニドリーノ)
- Nidoking (ニドキング)
- Clefairy (ピッピ)
- Clefable (ピクシー)
- Vulpix (ロコン)
- Ninetales (キュウコン)
- Jigglypuff (プリン)
- Wigglytuff (プクリン)
- Zubat (ズバット)
- Golbat (ゴルバット)
- Oddish (ナゾノクサ)
- Gloom (クサイハナ)
- Vileplume (ラフレシア)
- Paras (パラス)
- Parasect (パラセクト)
- Venonat (コンパン)
- Venomoth (モルフォン)
- Diglett (ディグダ)
- Dugtrio (ダグトリオ)
- Meowth (ニャース)
- Persian (ペルシアン)
Disc 2
- Psyduck (コダック)
- Golduck (ゴルダック)
- Mankey (マンキー)
- Primeape (オコリザル)
- Growlithe (ガーディ)
- Arcanine (ウインディ)
- Poliwag (ニョロモ)
- Poliwhirl (ニョロゾ)
- Poliwrath (ニョロボン)
- Abra (ケーシィ)
- Kadabra (ユンゲラー)
- Alakazam (フーディン)
- Machop (ワンリキー)
- Machoke (ゴーリキー)
- Machamp (カイリキー)
- Bellsprout (マダツボミ)
- Weepinbell (ウツドン)
- Victreebel (ウツボット)
- Tentacool (メノクラゲ)
- Tentacruel (ドククラゲ)
- Geodude (イシツブテ)
- Graveler (ゴローン)
- Golem (ゴローニャ)
- Ponyta (ポニータ)
- Rapidash (ギャロップ)
- Slowpoke (ヤドン)
- Slowbro (ヤドラン)
- Magnemite (コイル)
- Magneton (レアコイル)
- Farfetch'd (カモネギ)
- Doduo (ドードー)
- Dodrio (ドードリオ)
- Seel (パウワウ)
- Dewgong (ジュゴン)
- Grimer (ベトベター)
- Muk (ベトベトン)
- Shellder (シェルダー)
- Cloyster (パルシェン)
- Gastly (ゴース)
- Haunter (ゴースト)
- Gengar (ゲンガー)
- Onix (イワーク)
- Drowzee (スリープ)
- Hypno (スリーパー)
- Krabby (クラブ)
- Kingler (キングラー)
- Voltorb (ビリリダマ)
- Electrode (マルマイン)
- Exeggcute (タマタマ)
- Exeggutor (ナッシー)
- Cubone (カラカラ)
- Marowak (ガラガラ)
- Hitmonlee (サワムラー)
- Hitmonchan (エビワラー)
- Lickitung (ベロリンガ)
- Koffing (ドガース)
- Weezing (マタドガス)
- Rhyhorn (サイホーン)
- Rhydon (サイドン)
- Chansey (ラッキー)
- Tangela (モンジャラ)
- Kangaskhan (ガルーラ)
- Horsea (タッツー)
- Seadra (シードラ)
- Goldeen (トサキント)
- Seaking (アズマオウ)
- Staryu (ヒトデマン)
- Starmie (スターミー)
- Mr. Mime (バリヤード)
- Scyther (ストライク)
- Jynx (ルージュラ)
- Electabuzz (エレブー)
- Magmar (ブーバー)
- Pinsir (カイロス)
- Tauros (ケンタロス)
- Magikarp (コイキング)
- Gyarados (ギャラドス)
- Lapras (ラプラス)
- Ditto (メタモン)
- Eevee (イーブイ)
- Vaporeon (シャワーズ)
- Jolteon (サンダース)
- Flareon (ブースター)
- Porygon (ポリゴン)
- Omanyte (オムナイト)
- Omastar (オムスター)
- Kabuto (カブト)
- Kabutops (カブトプス)
- Aerodactyl (プテラ)
- Snorlax (カビゴン)
- Articuno (フリーザー)
- Zapdos (サンダー)
- Moltres (ファイヤー)
- Dratini (ミニリュウ)
- Dragonair (ハクリュー)
- Dragonite (カイリュー)
- Mewtwo (ミュウツー)
- Mew (ミュウ)
- Pokémon Techno (ポケモンテクノ)
Game Boy "Pokémon" Sound Effect Compilation (ゲームボーイ「ポケモン」効果音集)
External links
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This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician. |