Summerly Slope

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Revision as of 09:20, 17 September 2014 by Tiddlywinks (talk | contribs) (Lyrics: wording, corrections)
This article is about the opening song. For CD, see Summerly Slope (CD).
Be an Arrow!
Japanese opening themes
V (Volt)
Natsumeku Sakamichi
Summerly Slope
BW OP 03
Artist ダイスケ
Lyrics ダイスケ、田中秀典
Daisuke, Hidenori Tanaka
Composer ダイスケ、田中秀典
Daisuke, Hidenori Tanaka
Arrangement 鈴木Daichi秀行
Suzuki Daichi Hideyuki
Epic Records Japan single
Title 夏めく坂道
Summerly Slope
Catalog no. ESCL-4074

Summerly Slope (Japanese: 夏めく坂道 Natsumeku Sakamichi) is the final opening song of Best Wishes series. It debuted in BW123 in Decolora Adventure arc of the second season of the series, replacing Be an Arrow! 2013. It was replaced by V (Volt).

Opening animation

OP Text

Japanese English
The mysterious creatures of this planet
Pocket Monsters...
"Pokémon" for short!
Now, the story of Satoshi and Pokémon,
Their meetings, adventures, and battles
Are about to begin!





TV Size

Japanese English
泣き止んだ 雲のあいだから覗く太陽
日差しのスコール あわてて首を上げる向日葵
水たまり 飛び跳ねた君が振り向いて
笑顔こぼしながらほら 僕の名前 呼んでる

たまらず右腕 つかんで 駆け上がった坂道

抱きしめたい この夏をぎゅっと
そばにいるからね 僕がずっと
陽だまりよりも眩しいんだ 横顔にキラめく滴
蜃気楼の向こうに見える tomorrow
The clouds cease their tears, and the sun peeks through the cracks
At the squall of sunlight, the sunflowers hurriedly raise their heads
Jumping over the puddle, you turned around
And with a smile on your face, you're calling out my name

You eagerly grasped my right arm, and we ran up the hill slope
As the wind at our backs urges us on

I want to embrace this summer tightly
Because I'll be by your side, always
The drops on your cheek glitter brighter than anywhere else
With the two of us, we can overtake it
The tomorrow just visible beyond the mirage
Can you hear the beat of my heart?

Full version

Japanese English
泣き止んだ 雲のあいだから覗く太陽
日差しのスコール あわてて首を上げる向日葵
水たまり 飛び跳ねた君が振り向いて
笑顔こぼしながらほら 僕の名前 呼んでる

たまらず右腕 つかんで 駆け上がった坂道

抱きしめたい この夏をぎゅっと
そばにいるからね 僕がずっと
陽だまりよりも眩しいんだ 横顔にキラめく滴
蜃気楼の向こうに見える tomorrow

午後の風 どこかで風鈴を鳴らして
君の耳元で 切ない音色を奏でて去った
夕焼けに もしも寂しさが溢れたら
夜空のカーテンの下で 星を分け合おうよ

はにかんでみたり ときどき 泣いたり怒ったりして
会うたび 君が増えてゆくよ

焼き付けたい この夏をもっと
素顔映して いつまでも
誰よりも大切な 君を守ると今 約束するよ
僕から目そらさないで 1mmも

最後の花火があがって 立ちこめる煙と歓声

抱きしめたい この夏をぎゅっと
そばにいるからね 僕がずっと
陽だまりよりも眩しいんだ 横顔にキラめく滴
蜃気楼の向こうに見える tomorrow
The clouds cease their tears, and the sun peeks through the cracks
At the squall of sunlight, the sunflowers hurriedly raise their heads
Jumping over the puddle, you turned around
And with a smile on your face, you're calling out my name

You eagerly grasped my right arm, and we ran up the hill slope
As the wind at our backs urges us on

I want to embrace this summer tightly
Because I'll be by your side, always
The drops on your cheek glitter brighter than anywhere else
With the two of us, we can overtake it
The tomorrow just visible beyond the mirage
Can you hear the beat of my heart?

The afternoon breeze rings wind chimes somewhere
Carrying a sorrowful tune to your ears
When the sun sets, if you can't contain your loneliness
Let's gaze at the stars together under the curtain of the night sky

You may try acting shy, sometimes get angry or sad
But each time we met, there's always more of you

I want to engrave more of this summer into my mind
More of you, who can't be captured on film
Not a frame is wasted
Capturing forever our real selves
More precious to me than anyone, I promise you now I will protect you
Don't take your eyes off me, not even by 1 millimeter

After the last firework rose into the sky, amidst the smoke and cheers
We stood where we were, at a loss for words
When this season changes, please don't let us be separated

I want to embrace this summer tightly
Because I'll be by your side, always
The drops on your cheek glitter brighter than anywhere else
With the two of us, we can overtake it
The tomorrow just visible beyond the mirage
Can you hear the beat of my heart?

Opening animation spoilers



  1. BW123 - BW128: The original animation.
  2. BW129 - BW134: The animation is updated to include Professor Oak's Rotom.
  3. BW135 - BW137 Alexa, Gogoat and Helioptile replace Professor Juniper and Accelgor; they are also included in the final shot.
  4. BW138 - BW142: The animation is updated to include Alexa's Noivern.
BW 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
Variant 1 2 3 4
Sound effects at the beginning

External links

OS: Aim to Be a Pokémon MasterThe RivalsOK!Aim to Be a Pokémon Master (Whiteberry version)Ready Go!
AG: Advance AdventureChallenger!!Pokémon Symphonic MedleyBattle FrontierSpurt!
DP: Together / Together2008High Touch! / High Touch! 2009The Greatest - Everyday! / The Greatest - Everyday! (Band Version)
BW: Best Wishes!Be an Arrow! / Be an Arrow! 2013Summerly Slope
XY: V (Volt) / Mega V (Mega Volt)Mad-Paced GetterXY&Z
SM: Alola!!Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary-Future ConnectionYour Adventure
JN: One, Two, ThreeAim to Be a Pokémon Master -with my friends-
HZ: Heart-Pounding DiaryHaloWill
Other: A New OathWe are the Pichu Brothers!Koko
Be an Arrow!
Japanese opening themes
V (Volt)
This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.