Anthony (EP029)

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Revision as of 02:39, 14 June 2016 by Kogoro (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 2457518 by Simonus (talk) Hitmonchan is missing its Japanese VA, which is what the template is about.)

Anthony (Japanese: アノキ Anoki) is a character of the day of the Pokémon anime who appeared in The Punchy Pokémon.

In the episode, Anthony was training his Hitmonchan to compete in the P1 Grand Prix. He was so determined to train and win, that he was neglecting his family. His daughter, Rebecca, convinced Ash and Brock to compete in the P1 Grand Prix to defeat him.

Ash entered using his Primeape. Anthony noticed early on that the ape Pokémon was very strong. Anthony ended up losing in the semi-finals to Team Rocket and the Hitmonlee they had stolen from Giant, another competitor. Eventually, Ash defeated Hitmonlee in the finals and won the P1 Grand Prix. Anthony offered to train Primeape for Ash, and Ash agreed. Neither Anthony nor Primeape have been seen since that episode.


This article is missing information on this character's Japanese voice actor.
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This is a listing of Anthony's known Pokémon:

Anthony's Hitmonchan
Debut The Punchy Pokémon
Voice actors
English Michael Haigney

Anthony's Hitmonchan was first seen training. When Ash and his friends saw him, they thought he was a wild Pokémon, prompting Ash to want to catch him. He taught Pikachu a boxing move called the Rocket Punch, though it didn't have much of an effect and he lost when Anthony gave Hitmonchan instructions. In the P1 Grand Prix, Hitmonchan defeated a Machamp before being defeated by Giant's Hitmonlee under Jessie's ownership when his foot got stuck in glue Meowth put on the stage.

Hitmonchan's known moves are Agility and Comet Punch.


Ash's Primeape
Main article: Ash's Primeape

This Primeape belongs to Ash Ketchum. When it won the P1 Grand Prix, it was left with Anthony to become a true P1 Champion.

Voice actors

Language [hide]Voice actor
Japanese 立木文彦 Fumihiko Tachiki
English Adam Blaustein
Finnish Arto Nieminen
Norwegian Erik Skøld
Polish Grzegorz Pawlak
Brazilian Portuguese Emerson Caperbat
European Spanish Miguel Ayones


  • The backstory of him neglecting his family so he could train could be seen as a parallel to Chuck in Generation II. They also are both Fighting-type specialists and have loved ones that want them home.
  • Anthony shares the same voice actors with Lt. Surge in English, Finnish, Polish and Japanese.

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.